William and Muriel Moreland Dormont Municipal Center
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SPRING 2020 VOLUME 31 ISSUE 1 www.boro.dormont.pa.us Welcome to the William and Muriel Moreland Dormont Municipal Center years and served on the Dormont watch for the unveiling ceremony “The idea of service Library Board of Directors; and for the new signage. leads to community.” WHEREAS, Mr. Moreland was a Ma- - Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe rine veteran of World War II; and With more than 100 years of ser- WHEREAS, Muriel Moreland has vice to Dormont between them, served as president of the Dormont INSIDE William and Muriel Moreland are Historical Society for more than 20 THIS ISSUE being recognized for their incred- years; and ible contributions to the commu- Census Information ...........................2 nity by Borough Council and May- WHEREAS, Mrs. Moreland taught Note from the Mayor ........................3 language arts for 39 years in Dor- or Walsh. 1444 Hillsdale Avenue Senator Wayne Fontana ...................4 is now known as the William and mont schools before retiring in State Representative Dan Miller ......4 Muriel Moreland Dormont Munic- 1992; and ipal Center. Official Actions ..................................5 WHEREAS, William and Muriel Beechview Healthy Active Proclamation #2, 2020 Moreland sponsored local youth Living Center .....................................6 baseball, football, and soccer in the DABA ..................................................6 A PROCLAMATION OF THE BOR- community, LifeSpan .............................................7 OUGH OF DORMONT, COUNTY OF Dormont Street Fair ..........................7 ALLEGHENY COMMONWEALTH OF WHEREAS, William and Muriel Domonster Dash ................................7 PENNSYLVANIA, HONORING WIL- Moreland served their community LIAM AND MURIEL MORELAND with ardent passion and admirable Dormont Historical Society ...............8 FOR THEIR SERVICE TO THE BOR- humility. Dormont Public Library .....................8 OUGH OF DORMONT AND HEREBY Stormwater Authority News .............9 RENAMING 1444 HILLSDALE AVE- NOW THEREFORE be it proclaimed Trash and Recycling NUE THE “WILLIAM AND MURIEL this 21st day of February 2020 that Information ................................10-12 MORELAND DORMONT MUNICI- Mayor Walsh and Borough Council Street Sweeping Schedule ..............13 PAL CENTER.” for the Borough of Dormont recog- Road Resurfacing Projects .........14-15 nize William and Muriel Moreland’s Sanitary Sewer Rehab Projects .......16 WHEREAS, William Moreland lifelong dedication to serving their Rotary Club ......................................17 served the Borough of Dormont as community and hereby rename a Councilmember for eight years 1444 Hillsdale Avenue the “William Dormont Pool Information .............19 and as Mayor for 24 years; and and Muriel Moreland Dormont Dormont Day Information ..............20 Municipal Center.” Events ..........................................21-22 WHEREAS, Mr. Moreland served Recreation ...................................22-23 Please join us in celebrating Wil- the Borough of Dormont as a vol- Garbage/Recycling News .................24 unteer firefighter for more than 40 liam and Muriel Moreland and 1 Census 2020 The 2020 Census is coming to town and it’s really important that every Dor- monster is counted starting on April 1, 2020!! By law, the U.S. government is required to count the number of people living in the United States every 10 years. Getting an accurate count is critical because census numbers im- pact our community on a daily basis. Did you know that census figures define political districts, fuel research, -in form planning, and determine how federal funding is allocated throughout the country and our county? According to the Department of Commerce, BOROUGH COUNCIL $675 billion are distributed every year by the federal government based on census data, and in 2015 $26 billion dollars came into Pennsylvania. Jeff Fabus President What matters to you? Schools? Transportation? Education? Funding streams for important programs and services in all these areas are impact- Jen Mazzocco ed by the outcome of the census. If people sit out the 2020 census, we will Vice President have an incomplete count and could risk losing out on key funding and Kate Abel representation for our community. Joanna Bouldin Drew Lehman Never taken part in a census before? No worries. The process is designed John Moore to be fast, easy, and safe. On average, it takes no more than 10 minutes to Daniele Ventresca answer the questions on the census. Beginning March 2020, households will receive a postcard in the mail, with the option to fill out the census Jason Walsh questionnaire either online, by phone, or request a paper copy. Mayor The Census Bureau will NOT ask you or any members of your household Ben Estell to provide your Social Security Number or your citizenship status and, for Manager the first time, people will be able to identify as a “same-sex husband/wife/ spouse” or as a “same-sex unmarried partner.” Borough of Dormont For more information about the census check out the Borough of Dormont 1444 Hillsdale Avenue Suite 10 website or BeCounted2020.org. Need help? The Borough will have addi- Dormont, PA 15216 tional resources and support coming soon! 412.561.8900 Councilmember Joanna Bouldin www.boro.dormont.pa.us Follow us on Facebook Chair, Planning, Sustainability & Inclusion Committee Borough Office Hours: Monday 8:30 am to 8:00 pm Tuesday thru Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:30 am to noon Police Department Offices 412.561.8900 ext 300 Police Department NON-EMERGENCY 412.473.3056 Fire Department NON-EMERGENCY 412.563.8826 Emergency 9-1-1 2 February 3, 2020 Keystone Oaks Board of School Directors 1000 Kelton Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15216 RE: Busing of Dormont Students Honorable Directors: Please consider this letter as a follow up to the conversation that Mayor Walsh and Chief Bisignani had with Dr. Stropkaj last year regarding the potential busing of students in Dormont. We were grateful to hear that we share many of the same concerns regarding the safety of all students in the district. As you may be aware, over the past few years, the borough has had multiple discussions regarding the safety of West Liberty Avenue. This past year, we have specifically focused on the safety of our crosswalks. After discussion and consultation with Gateway Engineers, Council authorized the removal of the crosswalk at Mississippi and West Liberty because there was no way to increase its safety. Similarly, we are actively pursuing alternatives to improve safety at the remaining crosswalks throughout the borough and will continue that discussion for the safety of all of our residents. No matter the amount of work and improvements at our crosswalks, we as a Council believe - and strongly recommend -that all Dormont students should be bused to the Elementary School, Middle School, and High School for their safety. As you know, Dormont is unique in that not all of our students utilize bus transportation, contrary to the majority of students in Castle Shannon and Green Tree. This is the best alternative for the safety of all district students. We recognize that additional busing will also mean an increased cost which will present a financial burden to the district. Please know that we wholeheartedly believe this is a priority for our residents, and so the borough Council will stand in solidarity with the school board in making this a reality, and publicly promote this solution when the school board is ready to move forward. We urge your quick consideration and resolution of this issue. Should we be able to assist in this process in any way, please let us know. Sincerely yours, Jeff Fabus Jen Mazzocco Kate Abel Joanna Bouldin Council President Council Vice President Councilmember Councilmember Drew Lehman John Moore Daniele Ventresca Jason Walsh Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Mayor 3 LETTER FROM SENATOR WAYNE FONTANA Changes to Voting in Pennsylvania Act 77 of 2019, which was signed into having to qualify for an absentee law by the governor in October 2019, ballot. Additionally, any voter can re- makes significant changes to voting in quest to be placed on a permanent Pennsylvania, beginning with the up- mail-in voter list. coming April 28 Primary Election. I have long advocated for early voting The most significant changes involve in Pennsylvania and while these chang- early voting. In past elections, the only es are not exactly what I had proposed, Senator Wayne D. Fontana type of early voting in Pennsylvania was they will ultimately make it easier for 42nd Senatorial District through an absentee ballot that could citizens to participate in our democracy. 932 Brookline Blvd. only be granted to voters who provided Please visit www.senatorfontana.com Pittsburgh PA 15226-2106 a reason why they could not get to their to learn more about these changes and 412-344-2551 polling place on Election Day. to sign up to receive my weekly News 412-344-3400 fax While absentee ballots will continue, & Views, electronic newsletter. I also en- [email protected] Act 77 will now allow voters to re- courage everyone to visit www.votespa. www.senatorfontana.com quest mail-in ballots using the same com to learn more about the changes to Twitter - @WayneDFontana deadlines used to apply for absentee voting in that I have outlined above and ballots. To allow more people to par- to apply for absentee or mail-in voting ticipate in some type of early voting, applications if you so choose. voters can now vote by mail without STATE REPRESENTATIVE DAN MILLER As a former Steelworker, I believe that western PA and our middle class was built largely due to a strong union movement and a balanced partnership between unions, employers, and the government. Unfortunately, many in the middle class have struggled to stay there- or get there at all- over the last cou- ple of decades. It is not lost on me that as union membership has decreased, inequality has increased drastically. We must do better, and I believe that in- creasing employee rights and magnifying employee voices will help. That’s why I recently stood with a bipartisan collection of representatives and the PA AFL-CIO as we launched a legislative package of pro-worker and pro- union bills.