Newsletter ISSUE 3 Winter 2009 Newyddion Cumuned Bracla RHIFYN 3 Gaeaf 2009

Community members clean up CONTENTS Page 2 footpath Brackla Winter Fun Day

Over the last six months local residents have highlighted their concerns Page 3 over the litter, fly-tipping, appearance and lighting of the footpath that runs Christmas lantern parade from Clos-y-Waun to town centre. This route is used on a daily Newlight basis by local residents and the wider community. BRA Christmas Tea

Page 4 To address this concern, local residents of all ages have been working PCSO news together with the Communities First Team, Keep Tidy, Safer Bridgend, and other Partnership agencies to tackle Page 5 Switching to digital some of their concerns which Green flag award resulted in a community clearance Page 6 day which took place on the 29th 5 top tips for keeping warm & well November. Winter fuel Payments

Page 7 With a lot of hard work the Funding information residents, PCSO’s and Councillor, John Spanswick were able to cut Page 8 Smoking Cessation Service back, tidy up and collect several black bags worth of rubbish. The Page 9 probation team gave a much Housing & Council Tax Benefits appreciated helping hand by information removing a lot of the overgrown brambles and foliage that made the Free money management course footpath look unpleasant and which blocked lighting. Page 10 & 11 Training opportunities Brian Jones from Keep Wales Tidy said “ I am very pleased to see that so many people have turn up today to help out . We have collected a great Page 12 & 13 Brackla Meadows consultation deal of rubbish and cleared back a lot of the overgrowth, everyone has findings worked very hard”. Page 14 Thanks to everybody's hard work the footpath is already looking better, we Youth Page hope that now it is clean and tidy this will discourage people from dropping Page 15 further litter and fly –tipping. We aim to continue with the development of Community information the footpath by planting of flowers and shrubs in early spring to enhance Arson RAP workshops it’s appearance to make it a nicer route through which to travel. Page 16 Linc Cymru Homeswapper If you would like to get involved in the footpath project, please contact the scheme Communities First Team on 01656 815120 Pet ownership

Page 17 Wales & West Area Improvement plan

Page 18 & 19 council Local Development Plan

Turn to page 2 Page 20 Useful contact numbers

Page 2


Brackla Meadows residents celebrated Christmas with festive music and Christmas lanterns when they held their first Winter Fun Day on the 13th December.

Well over 100 community members braved the cold weather and muddy conditions to enjoy the Christmas festivities. The event was held in a large marquee on the green between Teilos Drive and Close y Waun, organised by Communities First and supported by South Wales Police, Wales & West Housing Association, Linc Cymru Housing Association and Brackla Residents Association.

Various stalls came along to aid with the festivities, these included cake stalls selling delicious home made cakes and pie’s, various craft stall selling jewellery and Christmas goods and a face painter where the children could get there faces painted for free! A magician was on hand to amaze the crowd with magic tricks. Festive music was also provided from a trio of saxophonists who really set the Christmas mood. The event also featured a Santa’s grotto where the children could visit Santa and his Elf and tell them what they wanted for Christmas. A free hog roast was also provided to all community members who took part in a community consultation and this went down brilliantly, particularly in the cold weather!

The focal point of the event was when Mayoress of Bridgend, Councillor Westwood, opened the event and led the lantern parade alongside Santa and his elf. Children and parents joined the parade with their hand made lanterns and sung carols as they walked around the estate. Local residents came out of their houses and cheered to support the parade. Councillor Westwood said “ It was a wonderful event for the whole community and I was delighted to see everyone enjoying themselves at this very special time of year. I know the community is very grateful to everyone who offered their support.”

The event was a huge success and really brought the community together over the festive period. The Communities First Team would like to thank everyone for their support leading up to and on the day of the event and for all the efforts made to combat the mud!!

Page 3

Christmas Lantern Workshops

Prior to the Brackla Winter Fun day, Christmas Lantern making workshops took place in the Communities First Portacabin in Brackla Primary school. The lantern workshop ran over 2 days and 23 children and parents came along to make their own individual Christmas Lanterns that were then used on the fun day. The lanterns were made from coloured paper, crepe paper and double sided sticky tape!! All the children and parents had great fun making their lanterns and they all looked fantastic— well done! We would like to thank Guy O’Donnal for delivering the workshops and Steve Brookman BCBC Youth Worker for his help. New Light

The evening of the 17th of December saw Bridgend Town Centre come alive as communities gathered from across the borough to celebrate the festive season. The celebrations took the form of a light spectacular as the Graham Paul building in Dunraven Place became the canvas for large scale digital projection of footage captured reflecting the people and character of the area. The festivities started on an interesting and vibrant note with a lantern procession consisting of young people and their families headed up by the Mari Lwyd (horse head). The parade culminated in an unusual modern interpretation of this Welsh tradition with young rappers, Dhol drummers, a Scottish Bag piper and an Irish dancer performing a piece inspired by the Mari Lwyd. The rest of the programme included a rich mixture of drama by Bridgend Youth Theatre, live performances by the likes of the Bridgend Male Choir and more innovative large scale architectural projections.

The project was coordinated by Bridgend County Borough Council’s Arts & Culture Service with funding from the Arts Council of Wales, Bridgend Town Council, Bridgend Festival Committee as well as being supported by Academi, Bridgend College, Bridgend Community Town Council, Bridgend Festivals Committee, Bridgend Youth Theatre (BCBC), Canllaw Online, Creation Development Trust, Every Link Counts, Valley & Vale Community Arts, Venture Out, BCBC Youth Service & Widelode (

Andre Van Wyk (Arts Development Officer) stated that: ‘We hope to make the event an annual occurrence and welcome input and ideas from the community on how to grow the event’. For more information on Newlight please visit:

Brackla Residents Association Christmas Tea

On Saturday the 20th December, Brackla Residents Association held a Christmas Tea for the Residents of Arosfa. Brackla Residents Association have held a Christmas tea for the past four years and it is our privilege to do so, we always enjoy ourselves and so do the residents.

This year again, we had some of the local children singing Christmas carols and they were a credit to young people, we would also like to thank Jade for her first class solo performance ( look out X Factor!) Also thanks to John Spanswick our local Community Councillor who has always come along to have a chat with the residents, which I know they appreciate. (Gordon Taylor—Chairman Brackla Residents Association) Page 4

PCSO CHRISTMAS COFFEE Police Horses visit MORNING Primary School

Hello and Happy New Year from On the 2nd Feb Brackla Primary School your Brackla PCSO’s. We have was visited by 2 very different type of started the new year with a new visitors, two police horses! The team. PCSO Richard Matthews is still covering the area but is now nursery years of the school had been working with PCSO Kerry Davies reading about Cinderella and the who has previously covered Brackla horses in the fairy tail, from this they for 2 years during her almost 4 years then started learning how real life service along with PCSO Jason horses are used, such as police horses. Wride who has moved over from All the children really enjoyed looking and has been a PCSO for and the horses and especially enjoyed a year. the small display the horses did for them. Brackla Primary School would We finished the New Year off on a high working with like to thank the PCSO’s and South Communities First at the Christmas Fun Day. All involved Wales Police for the visit. had a brilliant time and it was a great success!

As an alternative to the December PACT we held a Christmas coffee morning at Brackla School. Brackla Residents, Councillors, Neighbourhood Watch, and Residents association were all invited, we had a brilliant turnout and it was lovely to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in such a relaxed setting. We enjoyed some tea, nice cakes and lots of cheese! Thank you to everyone who attended.

For 2009 we will continue to run our weekly surgeries and provide reassurance and high visibility to all our community. We have a number of projects on the go at the moment that hopefully will come to fruition in the coming months. If you have any problems or would like to talk to us about anything do not hesitate to contact us.


PACT meetings are an opportunity for the Community to have their say on what matters the most to them in their area. At the meeting, you and your Neighbourhood Officer will decide on up to three priorities on issues you want to have tackled.

By working in partnership, you and your Neighbourhood Police aim to resolve the three priorities within in a set time. However, PACT meetings can only work if you participate in them to make local issues heard.

Your local PACT meeting - Brackla From The Meadows to the new side of Brackla, through to . This area covers four of the local primary schools, the shopping precinct and the community park.

Meet: Brackla Primary School Time: 6.30pm Date: Contact PCSO Matthews on 07805-301486 or visit Page 5


The digital switch over for Wales starts in August 2009 and finishes in 2010, this means that once the switch over happens your normanl annalog TV signal will be switched off and if you have not got digital TV you will no longer have your current TV service. There are several ways to switch to digital such as purchasing a digital box to be used with your ordinary TV. To find out more about this contact : 08456 50 50 50 or visit


The switchcover help scheme has been set up to help eligilbe older and disabled peoepl switch over to digital.

You are eligible if :

• Are aged 75 or over, or • Have lived in a care home for six months or more ,or • Receive ( or could received) certain disability benefits,or • Are registered blind or partially sighted

For a payment of £40 those eligible will be offered

• Easy to use Freeview equipement to convert one television set • Installation of the equipment • An areil check and upgrade if necessary, for peoepl who own their own aerials • A demonstration of how it works • Someone to call for help while you are getiing used to it.

This service is free if you get pension credit, income support or income-based jobseeker’s allowance.

Those eligible will receive information on the switchcover help scheme betweeen Feb 09-April 09, if youy think you are eligible and do not receive a letter by July 2009 you can call Free on 0800 40 85 903 (English) or 0800 40 85 904 (Welsh).


Brackla Primary School ( infant and junior) received the prestigious Green Flag Award, which symbolises excellence in the field of environmental activity in June/July 2008 After many weeks of waiting for planning permission, the green flag is now flying with pride in the front of the school. Mrs Howe ( Eco Coordinator) and year 5 children proudly raised the flag on Monday 9th Feb.

Well done to all staff and children involved with this remarkable achievement! Page 6

Top 5 Tips for Keeping Warm and Well

1. Heat your home well Keep your rooms heated to a temperature between 18°C and 21°C (64°F - 70°F). Switch your heating to come on just before you get up and switch off after you've gone to bed. If it's very cold, set your heating to come on earlier and turn off later rather than turning the thermostat up. If you feel cold at night, use a hot water bottle or electric blanket - but never use both together.

2. Dress well for warmth Several thin layers of clothing will keep you warmer than one thick layer. Clothes made from wool, cotton or fleecy synthetic fabric are best. If you can, stay indoors when it's very cold, but if you have to go out, wrap up warmly and remember to wear a hat as you can lose a lot of heat through your head

3. Get financial support There are grants, benefits and sources of advice available to make your home more energy efficient, improve your heating or help with bills. It's worth claiming all of the benefits you are entitled to.

4. Eat well Food is a vital source of energy, which helps to keep your body warm. Try to make sure you have hot meals and drinks regularly throughout the day.

5. Get a flu jab You can get a free flu jab from your GP if you are over 65 or if you have a long-term health condition.

Winter Fuel Payment

This is a tax-free benefit to help to pay for heating during winter. You are eligible if: • you are aged 60 or over • you normally live in the UK

How much could I get? This year you could get a Winter Fuel Payment of up to £250 for households with someone aged 60-79, or up to £400 for someone aged 80 or over. The exact amount you'll get depends on your circumstances during the qualifying week of 15-27 September 2008 such as your age, whether you live alone and whether you're getting Pension Credit or income-based Jobseekers Allowance.

You will get the payment automatically if: • You get a State Pension or other social security benefit (not including Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit or Child Benefit); • You got a payment last winter and your circumstances haven't changed.

Payments are made over a number of weeks from November onwards. You should get your payment by Christmas - if you haven't, you should make a claim. All claims must be received on or before 30 March 2009.

To find out more about Winter Fuel Payments, call 08459 151515 (textphone 0845 6015613) 8:30am -

4:30pm Mon - Fri or visit

Page 7


Brackla Community Council have funded various community group in Brackla to help with activities and the cost of equipment , the following groups received funding: ☺ Brackla Senior Citizens’ Club - £100 to help with transport costs ☺1st Brackla Rainbows - £200 to help provide “ Welcome Packs” for the girls ☺The Bridge Mentoring Plus Scheme - £200 to assist with overhead costs ☺Brackla Football Club - £100 to help with the purchase of equipment ☺Dance crazy - £100 to assist with the purchase of costumes and the cost associated with entering competitions

To apply for Community Council funding residents/organisations have to apply in writing. The funding cannot be for individuals and the application must state what the funding is to be used for and how many residents in Brackla it would benefit. Applications are considered in June & December

Communities First Trust Fund

The Communities First Trust Fund is a scheme funded by the Welsh Assembly Government aimed at small community led organisations in Communities First Areas. The purpose of the scheme is to support any type of activity that involves local people, through small community organisations, that benefit their community. The activities must provide some measure of economic, environmental, social or cultural benefit for people living in a Communities First area. As a new Communities First Area we have an allocation of £5000 per year.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Communities First Trust Fund please contact the Communities First Team on 01656 815122 or contact the Communities First Trust Fund Helpline on 0800 5878898

Thank You

The Communities First Team would like to thank all those people who have given up their time to deliver the Brackla Community newsletter

We still have some street's that require a community rep to help with delivery these are:

Heol y Rhos Heol y Coed Rise Dan y Coed Rise Caradog Close Meadow Walk Waunscil Avenue Georgian Way Chorley Wood Close

If you think you may be able to help with delivery with these streets please contact the Communities First Team on 01656 815120 or [email protected] Page 8

Kicking the habit! Do you want to quit smoking?

If you are a smoker who wants to quit, but think you might need help to kick the habit, the All Wales Smoking Cessation Service might be just what you are looking for. The aims of the All Wales Smoking Cessation Service is to provide an evidence based, local comprehensive smoking cessation service across Wales, which is widely assessable to people who are motivated to stop smoking. We have introduced a national free phone number – 0800 085 2219 in order for all those wishing to make a quit attempt to contact their local service. This support is provided on a group or one to one basis for 6 weeks and is based on the withdrawal orientated treatment model. Those clients who set a quit date are followed up at four weeks, validated by carbon monoxide readings with a national random sample at twelve months. The benefit of the sessions are that they provide mutual moral support from other people giving up smoking and advice and support from a Smoking Cessation Specialist. The course helps to keep people motivated and determined to succeed. Research has proven that group support in conjunction with smoking cessation treatments can double the chances of successfully stopping smoking.

Cost – What a 20 a day smoker spends on cigarettes: what they can save when they quit (based on £4.75 per pack):

1 day – 4.75 1 week - £33.25 1 month - £142.50 1 year - £1,733.75 5 years - £8,668.75 10 years - £17,337.50


Oaktree Surgery (Brackla) (Christine Yeman – Tutor) Thursday 12.30pm - 4.00pm (1-1 Sessions)

Riversdale Surgery (Christine Yeman – Tutor) Monday 1.00pm - 6.00pm (1-1 Sessions)

Quarella Road Clinic (Christine Yeman – Tutor) Thursday 5.00pm - 8.00pm (Group Sessions)

Tyn Y Coed Surgery (Sarn) (Christine Yeman – Tutor) Tuesday 1.00pm - 5.30pm


Page 9

Bridgend Housing & Council Tax Benefits THE TAKE UP TEAM

The Take Up Team is part of Bridgend County Borough Council’s (BCBC) Benefits Service. It has been setup to increase awareness and make it easier for people on low incomes to get the help available towards their rent and Council Tax.

The Take Up Team offers a personal, professional and confidential service. It provides advice over the phone, home visits to assist with completing the Benefits application form, and a Fast Track service that will ensure your claim is normally processed within 24 hours of a home visit.

The Take Up Team can be contacted on 01656 643362 or by email:[email protected]. Talk to Chris or Nicola to find out more about this new dynamic service and how it could benefit you, your family or your friends.

Visit Us Come and talk to Chris and Nicola on Thursdays between 10.30 and 12.30pm at the NCH building, Clos y Waun, Brackla Meadows. We look forward to answering your questions.

Get free from worrying about money!

Brackla Baptist Church is running FREE CAP Money Management Courses during 2009

The course is open to everyone, whatever your finances and aims to provide straightforward guidance and practical tips on how to manage your money.

The course consists of three DVD sessions and is taken by Money coaches who have been trained by CAP to run the course and be on hand to help with the preparation of budgets. Those who attend the course are given a workbook to help them through the course and take control of their finances.

“ this course has made me think seriously about the amount of money I append and where it goes. I now feel better able to deal with my finances” ( CAP money course delegate)


The next course being run is on the 2nd, 9th and 16th March 7-9pm at Brackla Primary School, Communities First portacabin. If you would like more information or to book yourself on to the next course please call 07772 772237 leaving your name and contact number and one of the Money Coaches, Bev, Linda or Louise will be pleased to call you back. Page 10

The Communities First team are working with may different organisations to provide you with a variety of different training/learning opportunities. Below are the different opportunities that are available to you at the moment. If you have any ideas of the type of training/ courses you would like to get involved in please contact the Communities First team on 01656 815120.


Is your child 7-11 years old?

Would you like to help them with their reading and numbers at home in a fun and imaginative way?

If so, Communities First is organising a course which lasts just 4 sessions, here at the school, to show how you can help your child make learning fun and easy. (Honest!!)

If you’re interested, just call Allison or Ruth on: 01656-815120

Page 11

Have you ever wanted to make your own jewellery or have a go at drawing? Yes, then come along to one of our FREE taster sessions


Y WELLER JE pm TH CH 1-3 4 MAR At RY SCHOOL A PRIMA BRACKL If you would like to attend please call Communities

First on 01656 815122

Page 12

Brackla Meadows Community Consultation

Over the past few months the Communities First Team along with Wales & West Housing Association and Linc Cymru Housing Association carried out a community questionnaire in Brackla Meadows. The purpose of the questionnaire was to gain information from you about the different aspects of your community and to gain your opinions on your community. The finding from this can then be used to support key issues and form part of the wider community audit that is taking place.

338 Housing Association properties in the Meadows were consulted. Of these, 100 households responded which was an overall response rate of 29.6% out of all properties.

Out of these 100, 18 households did not want to take part in the consultation but the remaining 82 households who completed forms provided a response rate of 24.3% of all properties which is actually a very good percentage.

Consultation Findings

Q1. Do you know there is a credit union in Brackla Meadows Yes – 49 No – 33

Q2. Do you know what a credit union is? Yes – 46 No – 36

Q3. Would you be interested in joining a credit union? Yes – 32 No- 47 Maybe- 3

Q4. Do you know what produce the Fruits of Love Co-operative provide? Yes- 55 No – 27

Q5. Would you be interested in purchasing produce? Yes- 58 No- 23 Maybe – 1

Q6. If you answered YES to Q4 please state when you would prefer to collect your produce

Monday AM & PM – 18 Tuesday AM – 15 Tuesday PM – 16 Wednesday AM – 11 Wednesday PM – 15 Thursday AM – 10 Thursday PM – 17 Friday AM -14 Friday PM – 19

Q7. Do you think there is need for a community facility on Brackla Meadows? Yes- 70 No- 11 No response – 1

Q8. If YES were do you think it would be best located?

Central Brackla Meadows 27 No idea/don't know 14 Madoc Close 12 Teilos Drive 8 Clos y Waun/Wern 5 Glendower, field opposite school 3 By Welsh School 2 In Welsh School 2 Heol y Coed Rise area 2 Skate park 1 Heol Brynglas 1 Triangle 1 use empty house 1 near family centre 1 NCH Centre 1 Page 13

Q9. Who do you think it should be aimed at? Children – 60 Youth – 58 Families – 50 Older people -46

Q10. Which of the following facilities should it have? Kitchen/ Toilet Facilities – 57 Meeting/ Activities room – 56 Offices – 46 Other ideas were given the top three were – IT suite, Hall, Games room

Q11. Name the top 3 activities you would like to see in the facility

35 different activities were suggested, these have been grouped together into basic headings

Social Activities – 68 Youth Activities – 57 Children’s Activities - 32

Q12. Do you know about the Brackla Meadows Parents Group and that they meet every Tuesday at the NCH? Yes – 37 No- 35

Q13. Would you be interested in going along to their meetings? Yes – 29 No – 48 Maybe – 5

Q14. Do you know what Brackla Residents Association does? Yes – 51 No – 31

Q15. Have you ever taken part in any of the activities they have put on? Yes- 31 No – 51

Q16. Would you be interested in taking part in any of their activities? Yes – 52 No- 28 No response – 2

Q17. Are you aware that Communities First are working in your area? Yes – 32 No – 48 No response – 2

Q18. Would you be interested in finding out more about Communities First? Yes – 60 No – 21 Maybe – 1

Q20.Would you be interested in helping/ supporting any of the mentioned activities/groups Yes – 53 No -27 No response – 2

Q21. If YES to Q20 please indicate the group/s

Community Facility 33 Communities First 28 Food Co-op 26 Parents Group 23 BRA 23 Credit Union 17 Other 3

Q22. Would you be interested in accessing legal advice/information? Yes – 48 No – 32 Maybe – 2

Q23. Would you go into Bridgend town to access legal advice/ information? Yes – 43 No- 30 - Yes but would prefer closer - 9

to all who took part in the consultation Page 14



JOKE’S CORNER WE NEED YOU What did the traffic light say to the car? We want all your jokes, pictures, Don't look, I'm changing. puzzles and stories to go on the Youth Page of your newsletter. Please send What dog smells of onions? them to the Communities First at A hot dog

Brackla Primary School, Brackla Way, CF31 2EZ What has webbed feet and fangs? Count Quackula. Page 15



Brackla Cub YOUTH INFO BE A BUS Scouts & Scouts RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNER! Is in Brackla Meadows Brackla Cub Scouts meet every other Thursday every Wednesday evening at If you are a dog owner, be 5:45pm - 6:15pm and Brackla Primary School a responsible one and every Friday at 6.30pm-8pm, places are make sure you pick up 5:30pm. available for 7 - 10yrs. your dog mess.

Get free information Brackla Scouts meet every You can get free dog and leaflet's on Wednesday evening at Brackla bags from Brackla Health Primary School 8pm-9.30pm, Community Council Jobs places are also available located on the side of Oak Youth projects tree doctors surgery And much more If you wish to find out more information contact Maggie or Detached Youth Pete on 01656 646855 or Workers and the email Communities First [email protected] Team are out on foot in the Meadows on:

Wednesdays at 5:00pm

Page 16

Linc Cymru joins forces with Homeswapper for a new and improved Exchange Scheme

Linc Cymru understands that our tenants as well as tenants of Local Authorities and other Housing Associations deserve the best opportunity possible to exchange homes. So Linc Cymru has found a brilliant solution and it’s called Homeswapper. All Linc-Cymru tenants can access the scheme free of charge. All you have to do is go to

What is Homeswapper and how can it help me? Homeswapper is an online Exchange Scheme which allows you to - • Advertise your own home using detailed information and photographs • Search through other homes to swap from anywhere in the UK • Search for a specific location (e.g. Brackla, Bridgend), size, features in a property and information about the local area • Make contact with other swappers • Receive automatic ‘match’ updates via email or text message

Can all Linc Cymru tenants use Homeswapper? You must have been a tenant for at least 12 months and hold an Assured Tenancy.

What if I don’t have access to the internet? Don’t worry, all you have to do is call us on our Freephone number 0800 072 0966 and we will set up and monitor an account for you.

What happens when I find a swap and want to exchange? You will need to let us know and the people you hope to swap with must let their landlord know. A Housing Officer will then visit you at your home and consider your request. Exchanges will be allowed if your present tenancy has been carried out satisfactorily (for example, there are no rent arrears) and if both homes are suitable for the families who wish to exchange into them.

Pet Ownership

At WWHA we recognise the benefits that responsible pet ownership can bring and this is reflected in our policy on Pet Ownership.

In most cases we will give permission for you to own a pet, however certain types of pet are not permitted. These are:

• Farm animals

• Animals which should be licensed under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976.

• Dogs of a type specified in the Dangerous Dogs Act ,Pit Bull Terrier, Dogo Argentino, Fila Braziliero and Japanese Tosa.

Permission will not be granted for a dog or cat where the household already has either 2 dogs or 2 cats, or a dog and a cat.

Controls must be in place to prevent irresponsible pet ownership which can cause suffering to animals and a nuisance to neighbours.

Permission may not be granted where there is an ongoing problem with pet ownership in the household or if there has been a problem in the past.

We do not expect you to ask our permission to keep a goldfish, however you do need to ask permission to keep most types of pet including cats, dogs, caged animals such as hamsters, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits, birds (both those kept inside and outside your home), reptiles, insects and aquariums. If you are in any doubt, please ask.

You will need to complete a 'Pet Agreement Form'. In this form you will give us details of the pet and agree:

• To be responsible for the pet

• To make sure it doesn't cause a nuisance to neighbours. Please Contact WWHA if you require more information on 0800 052 252 Page 17

Wales & West Housing Association Brackla Meadows Area Improvement Plan The Consultation Process for the Brackla Meadows Area Improvement Plan is now complete. The views from the returned questionnaires have been analysed and we hope that we now have an Area Improvement Plan which reflects the views of the Brackla Meadows residents. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete and return the questionnaire and for the many suggestions that were provided. We wanted to identify and prioritise the main areas requiring improvement or change on Brackla Mead- ows and then to create an action plan which shows how we can do this. All residents will receive a copy of the Action Plan and be able to see what the priorities are and what can be done to resolve them. We hope that the Area Improvement Plan will encourage residents to participate by giving their views and working with officers to improve local services and their environment. We want to show residents that their views have been heard and more importantly, acted upon. Wales and West Housing Association Officers and residents will now need to work together to resolve your priorities. Some issues identified by residents may not be possible due to reasons such as budgets, etc, but the area improvement plan consultation will enable the reasons to be presented to residents. The Action Plan sets out the action to be taken, by whom and when it is to be completed by. Below are the issues which are your highest priority and some of the suggestions on how this can be achieved.

Your Priorities Your Solutions You would like your kitchens re- The kitchens are very old. placed to modern space and lay- Lack of storage space is a problem. out standards. Scheme is 15 years old so due to be replaced You are not happy with the Gardening Area for children and local people. amount of facilities for children Youth Clubs and young people in the area. After Schools Club Somewhere for 8-12 years olds to play, learn new skills Skate Park Play areas Playing Fields/Football club

You would like your windows New doors and windows would improve security. and doors replaced with double Would save energy and cut fuel bills by stopping draughts glazing Youth nuisance is a problem CCTV Cameras WWHA to take action against youths Facilities for youths Engage with young people No Ball Game Signs Police Curfew Cars Speeding In the Area Speed Cameras Speed Bumps Signs to stop Speeding Page 18

Bridgend County Borough Council Local Development Plan

What is the local Development Plan (LDP)?

• The LDP is a statutory document that sets out the council’s planning polices on how land will be used in the borough up until 2021. • The LDP will be used when making decisions over planning applications • It will look at how land is allocated for different types of development such as housing, retail, education and open space.

Four Key Themes

The LDP is based around four key themes, there are • To produce high quality sustainable places • To protect and enhance the environment • To spread prosperity and opportunity through regeneration • To create safe, healthy and inclusive communities

Delivery of the LDP

The successful delivery of the LDP relies on three elements, there are: • The development of four key regeneration area ( , & Upper LLynfi Valley, The Valley Gateway and Bridgend) • The development of four employment site ( Ty Draw, Island Garm, Broadcastle and Pencoed Technology Park) • The delivery of other targeted regeneration projects ( in Ogmore & , // and Pencoed)

Where can I see the plans in Full?

• Go to the planning pages on the council website • At your local library • At the council’s Customer Service Centre in the Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend

How to get involved

It is important that we have YOUR input into the LDP as it could potentially have a direct effect on the lives of every resident in the borough so your option is very important. You can tell us by: • Emailing your comments to [email protected] • Faxing your comments to 01656 643190 • Writing to: Group manager- Development, Bridgend County Borough Council, Civic Offices, Angles Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB • Come along to a exhibition or drop in session held in your community Please note all responses must be received by 5:00pm on 31st March 2009

Page 19

LDP Exhibition dates

Date Location Time Saturday 14th Feb Tesco, Maesteg 9am-5pm Friday 20th Feb Bridgend Bus Station 9am-6pm

Saturday 21 Feb Rhiw Shopping Centre, 9am-5.30pm Bridgend Friday 27th Feb Porthcawl Tourist Information 9am-4.30pm Centre Monday 2nd March Pontycymmer OAP centre, 9am-6pm oxford Street Tuesday 3rd March Noddfa Chapel, Caerau 9am-5pm

Community Drop-in Sessions

Date location Time Monday 16th Feb pool 11am-7pm Tuesday 17th Feb Pencoed Welfare Hall 11am-4.30pm

Wednesday 18th Feb Pyle life Centre 11am-6pm

Monday 23rd Feb Workingmen’s Hall 11am-6pm Tuesday 24th Feb BAVO - Commercial Street, 11am-4.30pm Maesteg Thursday 26th Feb Ogmore Life Centre 11am-6pm Saturday 28th Feb Porrthcawl Tourist Information 11am-4pm centre Friday 6 March Civic Offices, Customer 11am - 7pm Service Centre


The Local Development Plan will also be displayed in your areas around your community

Date Location Time

Friday 6th March NCH family centre, Clos y Waun 9am-12pm

Monday 16th - Tuesday Brackla Community Centre All day 31st March

Don’t forget, these plans could affect your community, so pop along and find out more!!

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Communities First Co-ordinator Births & Deaths Police Community Allison Pesticcio 01656 642392/642393 Support Officers 01656 815120 Richard Matthews: Marriages 07805301486 Communities First Development 01656 2391 or 01656 642395 Worker Linc–cymru Ruth Hounsell Age Concern Cymru 02920 473767 01656 815122 02920371566 NCH Family Centre Communities First Admin Assistant Crime Stoppers 01656 766067 Adele Jones 0800 555 111 01656 815121 Valleys2 Coast National Rail Enquires 01656 762487 Brackla Residents Association 0845 484950 Gordon Taylor (chair) Just@sk 01656 649030 Genesis 01656 651585 0800 1804320 Wales & West Drinkline 0800 0522526 Job centre Plus 0800 9178282 0845 6013614 Benefit Enquiry Line Drugscope 0800 88 22 00 Oaktree doctors surgery 0870 7743682 08444771795 BAVO Safer Bridgend 01656 872614 NHS Direct 01656 679935 0845 4647 Bridgend Youth Service Macmillan cancer 01656 724057 Co-op Pharmacy relief 01656 669802 0808 8082020 Bridgend County Borough Council 01656 643643 Bridgend Citizens Advice Bridgend care & Bureau repair Technical Waste 01656 762800 01656 648417 01656 643443 MEETINGS Brackla Residents Association Meets last Tuesday of every month at NCH building 6-7:30pm Contact Gordon Taylor (chair) 01656 649030

Wales and West Housing Association drop in surgery Every Thursday 10:30-12:30pm No appointment necessary Linc Cymru Housing Association drop in Surgery Every Thursday 10:30-11:30am No appointment necessary Police Surgery Every Thursday 10:30-12:30pm

PACT Brackla Junior School 6:30-7:30pm Dates on or 01656 679935