öÌ·¬´» п¹» •¸±©·²¹ º«´´ ß«¬¸±® ¿²¼ ß¼¼®»•• Ü»¬¿·´• Salience network-midbrain dysconnectivity and blunted reward signals in schizophrenia Victoria B. Gradina*, Gordon Waiterb, Akira O'Connorc, Liana Romaniukd, Catriona Sticklee, Keith Matthewsa, Jeremy Halld, J. Douglas Steelea a Medical Research Institute, University of Dundee, UK b Biomedical Imaging Centre, University of Aberdeen, UK c Department of Psychology, University of St Andrews, UK d Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh, UK; e Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen, UK Abstract words: 196 < 200 *Corresponding author: Dr. Victoria Gradin Division of Neuroscience (Mailbox 5) Medical Research Institute Dundee University Ninewells Hospital & Medical School Dundee DD1 9SY Email:
[email protected];
[email protected] Tel: *44-1382-496-233 Fax *44-1382-633-865 öλª·•»¼ Ó¿²«•½®·°¬ Abstract Theories of schizophrenia propose that abnormal functioning of the neural reward system is linked to negative and psychotic symptoms, by disruption of reward processing and promotion of context-independent false associations. Recently it has been argued that an insula-anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) salience network system enables switching of brain states from the default mode to a task-related activity mode. Abnormal interaction between the insula-ACC system and reward processing regions may help explain abnormal reinforcer processing and symptoms. Here we use fMRI to assess the neural correlates of reward processing in schizophrenia. Furthermore we investigated functional connectivity between the dopaminergic midbrain, a key region for the processing of reinforcers, and other brain regions. In response to rewards, controls activated task related regions (striatum, amygdala/hippocampus and midbrain) and the insula-ACC salience network. Patients similarly activated the insula-ACC salience network system but failed to activate task related regions.