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1924 The olC lege News, 1924-10-08, Vol. 11, No. 02 Students of Bryn Mawr College

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• · • s' ol!• • _ge The -C' New • . VOLU.U XI. No.2. BRYN MAWR. PA, . • OCTOBER 8. 1924' Prite-10 Cents

CAMP IS AGAIN MUSIC DEPARTMENT TO LAIIOR,-JF RE� A GREAT SUCCESS . MAYREMAIN, SAYS PERCY . � .- OFFER FOUR �CERTS . • - Parpooe of Cou.,. \ Iulitati�I E..,!Uh CoachH Brio, Prominent Tory M. P .• explains String Quartet. Pianists. and Vo- • Br...,ht oat by sp.�,.. 'in Game present strength of labor , calists among artists though in minority , :;:'::� :,:� (ProUt a. . . rtlch:, "WOtIte'li In Sport" b), AI. .... m to appear With spc;echu, dancing an41 co..In �he N� YorkTribune 28.1 : KrJ>lflllbn LABOR IS AJj() A COALITION mentl the Christian1928 Associatioh w I I BACH PROGRAM FOR THE FIRST the Class of in the Gymnasium 011 Nothing quite like the Hock;y Camp,

Saturday night. which elided yesterday�cr in the hill, of Penn- ' the \'arit'd character afC "vLabor may Itay in for leveral yean . After a light warm-upin on the floor th, has ta�ftt place before in Four Concerti of a o - e 0fft:rCd by tht Departm�lIt of Music for pr: yjdcd.-it-undert&ku -couplet-fonned lill-.4Q..lUUub .Jacult)' llt,H, -. r 1 � the• cominB'·)�ar. - ures," and und�rgraduat� gue.ts of honor, who �����:�Cons����tance. ?���� was the ,ummary of the inter· latcr addressed them with words of wis- U r} n Mawr Collc,e, held thc what 20.The fint , 10 be given October view given by Lord EUltace Percy, she calls her "hockey conf�rt'llCel"leu at Mount will be a Bach program by th� Eng· dom and wclcom�, ·'20$, brother oC Ihe Duke 01 Northumberland, POCOIIO with a gatbering of than a pianist, Harold Samuel. who il og Margaret Stewardsol:. Pre,ident of lish rte ­ and one oC the molt pr;minent of.,..Jhe •• hundred girls. The Cact that three times u M. the Christian Association, "tre.ted thet ni d in Europt' as one of the (oremost youoger Tory P.I, to the representa- ... that lIul11bu auend¢ this year's camp i�rpreters1921 of Bach. On ,ix successh'c v,,-Iue oC the Association . a help th'e of the "College New in London overwhelmingly that field hock�y as a days ill he ga\'e six recitals in Lon­ ," wards the co-ordination of facts in the lut July. has pined a tremendous foothold in the don tntircly de"ott'd to Bach'. clavier individual and in college. The spiritual "It il very difficult to predict for the United States, as a pme essentially for his venture influence link. the separate activities;,:�:'�:��' ;: mIr music. So successful was imme!!iate luture," Lord Eustace coo· , ell and that interestF is becominl' a that he has' gh'en this �ries annually in a constructive whole which il Warn , ' tinued, "but very easy for lht!' flext ten mcntan'1 y keener. rom th e d stan POUlt' f London and has• .dso rell�ated it through- by the comprehensive and tolerant I �'" IJ ..... II Y yearl. Labor is quite as much of a .'om-', .port ...cnuous an d, h' hi OUI E".la"d, o f the Christian Auociatioll itM:lf. ,h" -i\1 t. P IS coalition at the government 'which pre- mont one f _ h at ocono 0 Mr. Samuel', aplleannc;e in college, President Park .brouaht out in con· ceded it, alld this pre\'entl its having a the most inter�ting and ctrtlinly the most which has- been mad\! p,ossible by the nec;tioll with the Christian Alsociation iu p� WIdefinite policy.I It i. m�de up ol many novel of the ,·ear'. events. generosity of Mra. S. Coolidge, the ' contribution to the locial re!tuionships•• in 'de l'y d ffcrent I e emenU: partly of Li�- of Ihe Berkshire Chamber Mnsic These relatio",hip "d Ihe ad· The game, "as agame lor girls, was brought founder cra 'an college. I d T'_ oncs w I10 hroke away because Festh'.1 and an ardC'nt worker to pro­ justmentl of the individual to hcr sur· toIII IDOlAmeri ca irolll·E.ngland by :\Iiu AlIlllebce of they iell that the old partin were dead, mote appreciation music in this COUIl- roundings a.rc as important•• a result· of and it is spreading like wildfire lx Ialhl �artlyII of .aual radicals. Thus we try, will his only one'-in the-"icnininity . col1t'8' ".,'· g .s book I ,",'"g, ."d throughout,the country. The camp, with its la\e. 'de by Side in the CabinC't itself, of Philadelphia. give the f! EngliJh coaches, 300is the mecca lor all en- Ph I p Snowden, who is r uliy a doctri- college graduate a advantage o\'er in the understanding of the llmsillllS. These pushgirls, their minds secth- The program for �Ir �amllel's rttital nair� liberal and a. ardent a Free.trader others method and importance of group work. ing with lunges,and Ipa �s and Hick .hots, il1. as follow.: all CObden, and Sidney Webl1, whose pre- their amll leg. 101 stifel and l1\Ore 2. ChrOlllatic Fantuit! aM Fugue. occupation wilh government by sfSlem College institutions, al\d� among closely acquainted withbttn "ch.:rorle) hones" from'lhe 'Wdl-l'cmp�n:'d Clavi· i. ,," sscutially Tory. For the Tories ha"e the Athletic Association, hid Mill ECn" than thC'y ha\'e er before, ha\'e dis- chord": I. al\\'a: s stood syltem. though both plebee, atc ri'nly what they are made by $f to schoolS andthe 'colleges in the North Prelude ant! Fugue in A� Bli:. the old parties have made admirable edu- members of the college collectively and the South and Mid-Wcst, where Prelude and Fugue in C Sharp individually, each '1. ntional reforms wilhin the last thirty The fact that ' will endeavor to give forth all they hne 8 nor. Bk. 1. yeaN.1902 it was the :rory l£.ducation Act of zation is complete and rUllning smoothly just learned apd where they will be.listt'llCd flat, Bk.2. which was the great act for organi- should 1I0t affect ne.... students. 10 with a raJl:t attention. Girls who have :.t. F. Bk. C E zatioli. MacDonald seems to be "e only year brings a new opportul1i'1 to de- themsehcs coached hockey art reduced at Short Preludes in major and person in the governmerit who combines velop the organizations according to Mount Pocono to the Ie\'el of those who major. these two tendencie.. Then, moreover, what each separate judgmut choos�s to have ne\'C'r wielded a stick and, stung by Inv(,lItion inF. A major. we have the rul Left, which has come contribute to them. the Jash of an English tOl)ltue. the)' run as Bouree in G minor. to learn that there cannot be government 1'he presidents of the . the)' have ne\'er rUII in their li\'e. and won· )f:nl1l:t in major. by program. Association, the Undt!rgradua'tc why they ever thought they knew any� of. Fantasia in8 C minor. ,'"• "One Ih',', cannot say whetherN they will stay liol1, the Graduate Club. the about the game . Part ita in flu ma,·or. .. Ih-"'... .years. 'eilier I party '" A SlociationColI'9t andNrtJ.'s. thc Managing Editor oPPo Prelude. sltlon artlcularly desir" a general the follo .....ed The idea of the hockey camp ofl"lr.atloJ . ¥ with Allemande. election; as long as the government un- explanator)' speeches. with :\Ii" Applebt:e after the 1021.visit of the poetically, CouranlC. dertakcs no large measurel, Ihey"are COIl- ouslyA r or seriously expressed. EnSli" h lC'am,"IIP to thisI counlr)'ha ill Arner. Sarahande.1 2. tent to let the small defeau, inevitable to tean teams y d h"not mj to 0 ff er terwards dancing was re.umed, in- . :\iinllets and a minbrity go\·ernment. pass unchal. te�rupted by the circulation of large slabs ilgamsI lhe'mva d en d h an t e nccu.." f or some lenged. Lahor CONTINl:ED P'Cl ... Guigut'. will not go to the country of icc crum. ON The Lenox Quartet, which will app�ar linIe .. defeated on lOme important bill; 8, the second concert on Dccembtr is it would be silly of them, and succeed JUNIOR MONTH PICIlJRED SCHOOL WORlERS known as one of the foremott Itrin& only in annoying the pcopk,I 1\'ho are BY BRYN MAWR OW,GA1'E1 DESCRIBE AMUSING SIDE quartets in Amcrica. Their program will bored with elections. But mYM:lfr am include modern compositions for string very cagcr for a general election: shan .... qua�tt't and the Tschaikowsky piano trio try to block them in e"ery way in order AJ U....t U ...... S .rl with Horace Alwyne at the pianoforte. to "forceI them to !appeal to the country. Sbdeats Boris Saslawsky, who will give a joint -'\nd think that from a General election -/T ,

'. • • 2 • • • TH E CO LLEGE NEWS , . .. The BOOK REVIEWS . College, News 1 ;""n;"""reeording the rcadjnp, make an Bli"d Rotttry. Other aspectsjUlt .1 of Social Service were ' Don Byrne, taken up thoroughly .s the above U'OUIU$ed 1,, 101<1.) choiee for her year'l work. work one.. and almost enry line of was 1'lIhlltlled w�kl1 d lrlil. BE NOT AFRAID Company: of lilT!!. Alaw, (.'vllqe '0 In the' of the South Se".�":;'.,��;� ,�'O::U::':�h, upon: Housing and Hulth. Com- 10tel'Nt l tbl! ('Ot. 1"r l �e'd 1I1a.q1 •• •. .. ,The .«ming preoccupation of this Irish poct of independent le Work, Medical Social Service, DlLI� 1311 fU, '!Ie Edttor., of the New. with the labor qucl� the Spanish1..0111 miltrcil of Child Juvenile Delinquency, the • &OITOlla I', CllMIIIK"I, '23 i. no threat for the (ulur,e: Jt has �:::":� ;�T!h:'� , nwards them with Mental Industry. \Vork with II. GIUoI.lOIf• 1 DO • '2ft : : � �TOM.U�I, happened as a result of an attempt to pp . There is. morc to the Mental g;cnc and "'''IIIT''IfT twlTO" for the columns of the college that. U.ual imagery. Psychiatry, i T cheT, Im- K ICIMOlfb., '27 Y. LxAIT, and naivete mark the treatment migration and Case Work. A. regard. I. Lol., '2. something not written by the book. Alisa The editor.. hope that this )'ear The characters are aet the last, be.ide. Tou ey'. admir- aUIllIIlIl JS\j"kll lightly sentimentalized, FrOnt time able lectures on the teeh ique, purpose If,,,uD.a-W,,JUI,,arr 1 "n"",,'News will be full of Ipeoially con- lIorOI"' ':to lIarlOD Nille, 23 articles, by everyone who has an time one nnds an aWkward charm in and value of Case Work, we spent three bf poeticaly imaginallve day. every week in the distriet trying to A ....TA llfT. I,.""dl>.,to expound or ani. experience to Ie. �I... tl., '28 N. 1I0WMAH '27 If the New. to become' a and historical fact. brought in help solve the. problems of our parlicular lJ. <;11".'0""., ' 27 IILlau.,.u .1 ".G' ' organ of college opinion, it will con- for perjod color, family or families. All my doubts on the 1. Lee, '27 aince Tu.olIf This book followl pl�as.nll)' Ihe value of Cale Work were dilpelled .•when RU'-I"h)l'nll� laiu many such articles, but they I, m� It 1 �lIh..erlpllolI', 12 n path of meril. saw that besides adjusting the indi- GO. MAIII�:n�r\�I,e come frOIl1 beyond the: editorial board the Ne:ws can only ask for help, LORD PERCY DISCUSSES vidual to his environment, Case Workeu LABOR if you seeCIS)" a bial in any 'one disection, GI�,!I�Mlt'lTI are carrying 011 a great work of resurch, wly to maR. the-papu educational progreu and health improve- repruentative, and that way is"'for CONTU;'UlJ).nOM PAC'; 1 lIlent, and are laying-the foundations for • correct legislative rdorms . RUSKIN COLLEGE readers. I I �Q tsh had sptce mention all the IN THE NEW BOOK ROOM have to refrain Itom prailing the wonder- "Labor grut people who spoke to us--Milil educstion" is a I�hrase frequttltly Th� Sorial TreNd: ful plan by which twelve juhiors, each �eard - Margaret R'ch, �Slociate director of the I� at Bryn Mawr. whe:re we are bruught Edward Allsworth from a different eastern eollege, live to with American A550dation for Organizing close 1M('�tact the et. Ron, Ph.D, tL.D. gdher for Lmonth and thus get m'ore ideals and obj - UI mtimate: activilir:a lives of Family Soc.ial Work, Mr. Alexander � s�m�er JChool. Ruskin College, "Science and invention !lave borne awayso-. contact with the of Coldenweiser, author of "Early Civilna­ IS,somewhat SIm lar organization campuses andl a broader outlook i in England. from the routes foHowed by any other JUSt Ol� thert'fore, tion;" Miss Gordon. Hamilton (a gradu: of sl>ttial interest25 for purposes states the authoris in his&Ct introduction, than three years i l college could best ate of Bryn Mawr), instructor of the of•• eOnt it llarison. Founded years ago we can do to watchers to give IHtm. But as for the. "Junior h manyNew York School of Social Work, and (CiS a .te.ady record of proaress and I the horizon. The sociologist i, just a Month" program. I must do more than sue- more:, but the lisl would be too behind J it and lOme of the men who are in a crow's nut who knows no more ment'on the lectures by great authorities long. will justthat add that, owing to the Ilrowinent in the. pr('sent tabor Government this sea than hi. fdlows, But from his social problems, the field trips which, rortunate fact "junior Month" is a in England rt!('ivw their carl)' he will catch .ight of eomillg dan- following upon pertinent lectures, were SUlllmer training is the�. IMlssibility for a member of every Junior Like our own schoot. this ,. , Thi. book an attempt of an therefore all the more valuable,liS and the older college Clan at Bryn Mawr. land my predeces­h,e l aiml to fit siudents for service .t the masthead to judge10 the prob- cage work, which for all of was an i � sorsIIIlly will not be the only' onu to eler­ tht �bor movement aTid the �une of Ihe ship-and counsel how new a'" enlightening'10 expe:rience, E�?I�mlC courses in gTatdul to the dOnor, who makes ,Iheory and history. soc n 'he shin may a"oid trouble." The lectures seemed cover every- ial a d "junior Month" possible �d to the pohtl(lll lustor!. litera lure, public speak Mr. Ro�s poiliU out the danger of rutu� thing from individual case work to i,uter­ ing Charity Organizations Society of New and III00h�r .ubJttts are arranged with 'lver-populuion. due 10to t�ntific pro- national aspects or Social ServicerFor . this York that make it such a success, �d view. tongation of life and birth rate p,,,,.n,,,,Mr. Calvin Derr:ck, tile director Ih�ge JUNIOR BY RYN ht DI.SCRlBJ,D B ! ('�II�e itself, an unpretentious. solidly the lower clusu He studiesa"d amongRwro th� New Jefl(,y State Prison and ·the Follt D;,,'tlioN l DILltGA b 1t b Ulld ,standing MONTHMAWJt l' �1 mlr shoulder to shoulder DtiliN�,subeiru: Tht' Ch aNgiND DO"lnlk PolilioN 0/ former reorganIzer of the New Jersey ,.,Ith one o�. Ille olde.t of Oxford colleges, WornI'll ProhibitioN ar 1M SONologistSus State Home for Boys. roused UI to h nOM PACt 1 .as no offiCial connection with the II. importance. of prison99.9 reform by the univer-has TIt� Leflol Dismissal "'nqt'. War ruNTINlJW �Italty. Althoul{h the coUqe. i� small, it D,trilll'"'. and. nouncement that per cent. of the he is following the lines we • own racul!,)' and dirttlors. which pro- His ideas are dear. directly who go to prison ,eventuallyUI re- person, and� the tt'reatest freedom for· turn to !!o,iety. He gave agon:zing had begun to lay down last fall in the development Tltt' Am,., ruda" R withoutllj"It"" difficulty, wh le at he of the old cut-and-dried minIStry of education. Beause of favor- 10 i I same time. permitting .tudents Mary Austin. descriptions . A be eniov Ihe bolefits acauin, from life lIethod of disciplining bad boys. in l.I'hich able conditions he has appeared, to ph)5iological and plychological study than we and doing a Illll\'er.ily town, toA large proportion callous mil tary training, rioorous sur- sllcnding less monel'. of the rtf rhythm explaining the development of 'stlld U$ .. more. In the second place, MacDonald's en', are able go (or only on. ,'ea', 'cillance and the gro.sest misund land·t l.boriltinal verse: fonn and the rise of new from mis- hlit second-year students continue: alon. the nit and illnOr3I1Cea elid more to incret 'ortign poliey has, apart minor pa�licll- "merican verst forms, followed by "Amer- takes, been wise. He is better than Cur- sameb 1•me., IIQuall). speei.liToing in a . than to diminish hoy's duire to do indian Songs re-expressed from the origi- .ton lind understands Europe immeas- lregu ar 1ranrh The class wnrk A� W( is carried on in nals, The poet has found in.piration. in ac- urably better than Lloyd George. Then, ar 1 ectnre cnurses. but an ":,,cxampl(',U of Ihis old school. jl'rQUps of there are also tual Jndian songs and in the lifrand almo,- sma Ameriran a bOYI' Labor fecls that it ;s working together, 11er sludents which n� made to a certain ..reforma- • Byrollof "udthe Cr,.,rrNorth Continent. There has never been sucb a ..spirit of co- f urt he. , er diJc:ussion.L of the subjects tory where a veritable Simon Legree, ,. in hand Harold Spend4!r. . _.. h operation and fraternity in a government. R Ilmg tpe plramount imoortanC'C of labor withit a bunch o( clanging ys illltead of .. From 10the foreword: "The purpose of this But, on the other hand, it has succeeaed o;uuCSllon,Ruskin College aims wh'p, "eld Ihe powe.r to puniah and to to send forth book is collect together the passagCl both . le:tten hy It. moderationK in aJienating the lower men andIIII[' women having a rompetent under- mould the lives of five' hundred boys ". . of prose and verse, potm!! and in c I s, w h' h put II In. althoug it has stan form ·"".'·1 tiC a.sse I 1 h 1('nll. d of t<'onomic and political . . ul\der twenty-one years of age:, With • ..h!ch l.ord R"ron gl\'e and " . ,,'on over tIe nlldd'I e c asse:s, whie 1I As in America.!ly the need for adult ioy and pride he: Showc� his atrocious .t fdt to that l)USioo for Grm:e which he oppose d I , .... Iueallon is the labor class and Ru.- 'wo-hy-four11, ccUs; wit out shame he .. sealroa with his death.r I think that the effects of lhe l..ondon ki� CoUq;�1M furnishe. an opportunity / ll' 1V,1sh Ca /y/r. I.c/I�rs to IIcr Fa",- narched through olle after another of . "'y, 1830·1883. I, " 1a. !l Confcrence, whether it sncceed or fail, 1r.lI1l1lg1 desired knowltdgr,. i. industrial training10 c sse " which the will he harmful but I speak as an anli- THE UNDECIDED UNDER- IJttm: hoy. were forced alttnd with no re- Reparalionisl. who cannot be brought to GRADUATE Carl"le him.elf wrote of "A. I '(ard to the:ir particular abilities. In some: elie e in the: Dawel Report. talent. eputolary and other, these letters, rooms grown boys;-practically men- !) \' It r NEWS IN BRIEF ve, eq al and surpa wh tever of best is a .e(k of decisions. Shall hand pt�I to n u A were slanding w'th their back. ow exist in that kind" A in Ihe printed eard and .thereby incrimi- Rirlfnt'dIm ,II,. the class a� punishment for I Lio"-H�ar,,.d, Illeeting of the Undergraduateto Asso­ nale myself, or shall Kate Norrate:.laughed .t the wrong time or for having retain il and my 10 ciation was held last Monday discuss 'nrtividualilv for IOmething f failed to carry out some petty whim of more worth- "An attenlpt I"el('h the li10e a t�legram from the Va.ssar Political Assq­ their leacher. In nne room boys were while? tn an attempt to answer thili story of a prince .ho reigned42, leu than ciation. inviting Bryn Mawr to send dele­ uery the feverish undergraduate )'Urs and lived lelll than yet whose being taullht an almost patheticallY in­ Q visits fltcs to a conference to18. be held at Vassar all the c1as pe es. appropriate long abollt May loveWII and 8c!I that she, possibly can. personal character. culiar circumstanc the week-end of October The a.sociation Hoping to l in c: .•• . "' apoil1e8s: and the. teAcher who in­ fil that extu hour or two and adventurous care r have, given him voted that those who were interested in troducing this of sprin,.' into the:r with a stimuli.ting discqllrse, she listen. whetherI deservedly or not con,pic- "spi"t tahl( be asked to sign a slipto posted in Tay­ to all ('omntent. lives was a hard-faced, stupid-looking .:rte.alk library chat and place in medieval history, and made delegates are be chosen from woman with a significant ruler in her . .caudal, and eavesdrops on a hero of romance in every country nunlbtr. 10Se.niol' Stt-J's. or make. herself obnoxious England hand-and was. mor('over. .blo�utely rri�nds rlf, DI'ttI"f, to C.Palestine" D Black to wao� • ;nranahl" of keeping a tune. HUCh Chapel. allmlilht�Dmcnl her with ('ollslant s('ekintt H. Wel ls. Jliroll�, Lt;e r. afte1'WCMdd ... Bul a vi.!it to the Childrtn's Village in he if 'Edpr Maakrr Next Sunday Dr. Hugh Black, from -1-it mall dfltctive Cror(ltl SrtmJI, Art Dohh. Fe.rry gave an iIlU!llration of the fruk upa.ion Derrick'a l the� Union, Theological Seminary, will Watart Puh, an (M!I�ru('t:"e part �; ;,�� in _ ... ,' of .�.profHtOra MK'CaHS. .and .h� of Mr. Chapel. He ��, I'i'� and .� eoaJd_.. There the sv"('nl gave the Bacca- �htm 1M willi huilt up I ______...... • inrtivithaliution and I sermon at Bryn Mawr last year... -� Valft": ...... t'arrifllpri�s of . • I- MIl eon.... LIBERAL CLUB TO HOLD The of 10 ,...ttod..CHlI hv sc''''''ifk and in'eUi- F.('h (Roe wall:•• eon.idert:d MEETING ehiatrist. a �".aierin.. of a" prHnul cltorka 1-\...... " ...... , .... aod New poltdes of thethe Liberal Club ...... ill the be ,...dlaculled at first meetinc _it. R. of ... Octoberin Taylo�Hall 13, Theoffittrs )landay .ie -lltl uaioaseftA 10 "we .,..... atteDdas many freshmen TheaDd worIr: and as are iatft'eStedorpniu­. .. lie ...... ims vf the . • ,



MISS SFiERIDAN " Breech.. · • M. nnYN MAWR, PA• . 7 STATION AVJ:., ARDMORE , FRANCISB. HALL [)rugs � Chemicals. Exclusive Made-to.O.rder G'own. TJ\ILOR

.. .AT MOOf;I(ATf: f'ltlC&'I �of(I L.\S(.'ASTKK ,\"E., IIKYN MAWIl. 1',\, Stationeries, etc.

Whr not spend your vacalion in the 1II000t P:;()�VV�E::R�S�&t�R�E��()�L�[)�S:�"���"���':��f�.f�'�"�o.�r�'.:"�'�"'�'D�M'�'�'�S"!IODERN DRUG STORE DAINTY ICED �������;;��� Odd Jewelry ' . intere&ling cit)' in America? 837 Lancasler Ave. Bryn Mawr Direct Oriental Importation. SANDWICHES .DRINKS • � " In a few hOUri.' tillle. ),OU could be in Ule TRf;A�UR� CAn; Imported Perfumes heart of the Nation's Capital. enjoying tht HUnl B'ABETTE CANDY SODA GIFTS placu of beauty alld historic c.harm. =: :205 South Fifteenth Street .College The Grace Dodge Hotel with its !I�ndid WIWAM L. HAYDEN facilities for informatioll and light·ktlng offers accommodations quite ldea.1. Tea House SH()P .� Housekeeping Hardware TOGGERY· , Open Daily Paint.. Lockemithing from 1 to 7 831 'LANCAS1'ER AVENUE

C T ___ 838 LAN AS ER AYE • • �(Oppotite Post Oftia) Br,a--1lawr EVENING PARTIES BY' I GRAaJ)(J8HOm - WMHINGltlIf.D.C. PHILIP HARRISON SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT GO�I, Hatl, Coati, Sl:tI LAS(',\8TltK ",'EStlE Sweaters, BloUlel, Hbaiery • WalkOver 'ShoeShop ' SOlfl Age"t.. for '\I"nt fer JEANNETI'S VANITY FAIR SILK UNDERWEAR Gotham Gold Stripe Silk Slocki.... • Bryn Mawr and Wayne , Oftr.�iUf,\KISO A.SD ALTEltATIOS& WarUlII La,,, Da Dei,,� Bficke in der Flower Shop Ferne Streilell, t;..' )1. 8. wu. Ph.... . BI"p MAwr :me ��(b,' !Venn Da. Gt:lllcllu Diflf/t Sortah! Gut Flowers and Plants Fresh �Heine. PIUt,ADEI.PHIA Fllnc), Groceries Fruit and Veretable. No need to go to Philadelp i a Daily h a tor TtlF. GIFT SUGGF.STION nOOK cozy Ladles' Dining Room. WILUAM T. McINlYRE'S Corsage and Floral Basket. &hllled OIJOU reqUl!IIl �:n LAS�IJTE" '&\')I;X1111: IUuaU1Ucs...aJJd,.....prica...... R()MA CAFE JUn:s ll&. wr Jewel., W.t�hl:ll. Chx:klI, 8lh�. Cllhm pi ha, anticipated y.our need for the f ture! OII!·Y!o,;hlolle,1 Itooqlleb • 8�"u,. .iI-l' U lIn'ry Cl ...... ,&__ a", u :ca- .nd Noo"IIt!rn:th"e l'TodlW'tkIIU .1Id ol'dera oflhhi I!oItablblimenl

P,TIQUBTTH 01' WIH>DINC STA.TIONERY '·hn ..... "r),n )1.wr310 "�e Our St� Your �, A. Book .....1\«1 Upotl �obt wbkll douibtll PANDORA'S BOX 807 uncut. Ave. In d�1I the � � of Weddln. Main Line I>rug Store Iilalloaet'7.nd.... vhlltl CIoiWI . 81 EAST LANCASTER PIKE AItOlIOICE. PA. ARD�P� Gift Unen., Woo", H ...d Crafta THE aHATIERBOX PrucriptioJU Care/ll11Jl CompouKdCld br I1'=�::::::::::::::::::� Tea and Lomcbeoa .I'l'S'IOft SEEDS, f!r'OaT r..8!ESTIAL8 A DELIGHTFUL TEA ROOAl Regi.tered P.\aNMcilta Aftemooo J·h_. "rd...... UU RegulQ,. Dinners or COTfAGE TEA ROOM Birthday PartieB by aplXlintment "LOWERS SERVICE SATISFACTION Mon�omery Ave., Bryn Mawr Card. and Gifts -OPES 1I�IlOlf TWEI.\'El TO EIGHT . Everythin& dainty and deliciouo lor a l 825 LANCASTER AVENUE GREEN, Inc. • l occasions BAXTER &t , TH E GI FT SHOP FLORISTS Bryn Mawr MowaeeShop 129 S. SWeentb St., PIU\a., PL Bryn Mawr, Pa. SU,UI['OOINO "�I.L I'JlOSE, St'KUelS :n.a )IARCItL W"\'1!'10 " , Oppothl J'o.t omce The Hearthstone MASIC(;IUSO "'''CIA', MASSAGE T.I. 132 Bryn Mun LUNCHEON TEA • DINNER PARTIES J: J. ConneDy Eat"te XOTJCE-1.'lie abo,'•. formerl" It th' 1i'lo,.4 E. S. �cCawley &t Co. Opell.... 8 711 8ulldln,. hDI mo1"ed to IIrae' quart.n wbet. The'Mun Line Florists "'"t' hupe to be �tler able 10 lerl'e our patroa .. North Merion Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1226 I..anc:uter Avenue • Books ROMIDoat, Pa. Do you want tlte latest book l'hone. =: Br7a 1l.,,1' 1 Are you interested in books worth - Bouquets Tel.. 8r7a M.wl' 8%1 I Bl"7a la-wI" 142 while? ESTIMATES 1''l"ltNlgUED A Dainly Lillie Flavor al We have it or can get it, WD.UAM G. CUFF &.CO. BRINT()N BR()S. E;lectrical Contractors HAYERFORD AVE. U..,erford. Pa. FANCY .ad STAPLE GROCERJES .. WilliNG. 1I.�I·AlnJNQ INI;T,r.I.ATIQN. Orders Called tor and Delivered 8S5 UacuIer Avo. iIryD Mawr, P.. 1- E. CALDWELlr & CO. Lanc.uter and Meri... A.,H.· Bryn Mawr, Pa. Cheltnut and Juniper Streett: T�lepbone 83 . GEORGE F. KEMPEN Philadelphia ' • '\1In.en". Yua_KcoJ'at 8oc-11'lt7 "01. 0 ...... \I..c'IIU.... H.. teI'7-I'lI lllppln.e Lta.",,_ Weal" Caterer IId ...n·" and' � GOLDSMITHS SIL�ERSMITHS '""artM ".IIdIl:f'l"t.llld. 27 W. LANCASTER. AVE. JEWELERS ARDMORE. PA. SYDNEY POOL, JR. College Inaignia • Maison de Lis Cl aai Rings


• 1'1Ie .... Bl"y...... I. B.I:G. _ mE BRYN MAWR TRUST CO. ""- � rw-..eb' O'... e. a4 OulMln ud.0,.. CAPITAL. f258,tIIG WIWAM CIlOFF,P. D. . ... II. l.udatft A.,.. ar,. IIawr "'...... PRESCRIPTIONIST .... _ ...... , Ct..... , God 0...., ./ ... _ .... DoH a Gfteral Whibnan Chocolale. GI.... C,.....,..,_N_ . .. .. Allow, ...... _ De,..I lOS I .,...... A.,e. -- --

• , '

...... •


DR. RIlFUS JONES SPEAIS it SlJMDAY OIAPEL CALENDAR 1606' AND 1107 CHESTNUT ST. p. • Sunda" October • . ·IN 1.1.-0r. Hugh Black l'will speak at thapel 10 Sunday, October Monday. October seem, I God?" Concert will be givtn by Mr.11 Samuels. • " What i. the ••proper te.etron to '"Bach program . Regent "Iru.leu,'rhi, Waf the qutltion asked by .. Tuesday, October 14 , - ) Dr. Rufus lone prc.ident of the Board Ha·�pton JnSlilule Concert. of in chapel last Sunday night. Friday. October 19 Some people, he continued, ha�e ted 7.S0 P.Lantern Night. Brown or Black' " live. of lbnelinell .nd privatiol Wedneiday. October Suede PUmp they have hid vi.ion.; oihers h. e M.-Dr. Meikeljohn will speak tln- come ml'lUliolfariei in· savaat i

but not everyone can do the splendid Wednesday, November . ... o _ will speak un- ld.. M. Clafll·O Philadelpbl'a· thing.. for nl0.t of life il walking. not l.{,-Dr. Meikeliohn W· � aoaring. �lIege is not, as is 10 often der Ihe auspKts of lhe Christian AI50- __���� ______said. a 'preparation (or IiU; �t is �sa clalion in Ta),ior Hall. . of life. 1�������,�1N�o:. :.�: �t:'�.:. � � ��. � �� � � � �� � � One of our greatest mis'takes • � � � � � ��� � �=- attempt to separate life r'rom religion, " which we consider an exaltation for the 1Il01lle.nt. The eve.ryda)' world� is quitt! divorced from religion. bllt until we join these two 10halvu IIIof life we shall never

get IJerreclion.� We need vision. darity, judgmentGod is help 80 throughH with the ordinary. The recovery of a acnle of e.ssential today: educated it. pie were al interested in values as they are in facu. we should soon attain Truth �nd buuty are real, and to these mu.t return our education. The universe, ,\ -with its human lire. is spiritual. and Chrill il the .upreme reyelatio�of the divine in ordinary existence. Cod will come to us , if we try to betlrr our relation. with olher people. ANNOUNCED tD:Z"·I!)j!lhas NEW CHOIR LIST 10- Choir for '25 ; sixteen),{. V. CaTe)"ne,w mem­ '2&; ben of whom'25; ten are freshmen.'25; First '25: pranos-H.F- '15:Henshal¥. D. '27: Z. F.'27 Thayer,; R. '27Falter.; D. Sollers.'28; Mallett.'28; Housel.'28. M. Pias. J. Sullivan, N. Mitchell. '25; H. Yandall.'2.5; W.Y. Phillips.'25 ; � '25; ,.-,.. M.Second Sopranos-1tl'15; C. Constant,•• '2:5� H. Smith. '27; Dunn. '21; Wilson,M. 'Ie; Shumway. '88. Gehring A. Mathew,AltOl-M. J. Hendrick, '2:5; E. Jardella, '23;S. Annstron" "26; V. '25: Fint '2:i:E. Pierce, '27;"D. SI. John, �: P.J. Schoonover,'28; It Carpen&er.'28. E. Carpenter, Parker. '2.3; F. Rrown, Beacons of "the sky ':!l: K. M'l:Elvaine,'27: 1.. Murra,..'28; A. colt,&cond �; R.Altos-S. Carey. nnl8s, Adam,. Mq'cr. Tal­ � �-� :aetwe Cleveland a�d Rock Tuve,ON graduate.STUDENTS· BUILD­ INa AT SIlITH POSTED Springs, Wyo., along the night CIRCULAR ": ""'! " tall IS route of the air mail service, Undergraduates are by tbl' .,beacons have been placed every dentl' Building Comm'�I":C: tv read the Smith College circular on lhe bulletin twenty--,ve miles. boardit in Taylor and to notice the im­ portance of Smith's Students' Buildin... HIt the centre of the IOcial life of the Revolving on great steel towers, CQllele. The main hall. w'ith its �tage. i, the ICene of Dramatict· Association General Electric searchlights, to­ pla,...... The pres. rOOm is on the candle-power, rilht of the porch. The various 'club , taliI)jf l,992,�,OOO . - room. in the buildin .. proyiae for the air­ plaCet for the departmental club. and blaze a path of �ht f'OCa on the Roor. The rooms studtat sodc:tie.. The Smith plane pilot. ANOCiatioa for Christianthe: Work has Alpha firat the ")loathl,.," Studeat Couacil, What the�hthOUlMlisto the acean theanell Phi KappabaiJdin.. Ps� aad the Clee If,...... " to .... , Oab. Ilrc .11f(W Iocaled lip';'" on the tecoad naVigator, these beacons sre to the of The broa8 slone ... __ ...... eIec:tI�· .... --fJlrI 7 7 •• ,'I'. .... famoas '''rp liD,,: " � conquerors of the air, a . -...... ___ "Nil, 8. TIll IIAIII .... VAInSHOP ...... ,. .... ",'l.1 _ .... • • • • • • THt COLLEGE �EWS 5 ( • ita i to Ileep .l1JIODa 8CBOOL GIV&S Stay by an inv t on in Prcaj.. More are applying for membership all the ing aher the .alarm has been rung, except dent P r l • VAllJ&D IXPIRmNCIS a k' bed4ut that i. rumor. time. W:th a few more yeara.of English offic:tfl. (A" arlick d,. tI,. ",ore SMONS side of '\.. coaching and such steady growth of XIII. Fines of 25 cents shall be im­ .�IN;"",er School on.-or Ialrr.) team e t will popularity the'next a"Ameriun to posed by the Captain upon all stud n . m dcaertion of t go to Engl;1l1d should give a very difler- who ' not the windo\lo',of the rooms was the Iha du,l he elec­ STRlkuous I.XlST. do c1aat: HOCUY CAMP IS � • �nt account of itself. • which are. do not ft..pond tricity ; the' Hghra .imply refused to go ENC!. in they who who are rop on: Consequently everyone gathered in quickly to , not p ­ • the 11m and warble8 rather unwillingly erly prepared, or who cause any noise or CONTIHUlD nOM r.\C� I FIRE RULES me•• c: ger disorder. A fine of 15.00 shall be im­ while a n was dispatched for A. Rules Drill kind of action was obviolls if the �itcd for •• ringing the ex­ le,'cral dozen candle., upon the .;rival of po.ed upon anyone alarm Statel wanted tb enter un l) ttition w h r. The not in­ which the lights 'contrarily went on. inli6 it purpose of the hall fire drill cept in case of fire, or especially such an experienced riva�nglish coaches shall be to get all students safely out of it for a drill. lt 'rained all the ,iext day, but thanks 10 structed to ring � were sent over by the English Hockey As. the building an orderly ma'1ne.r. The united undergraduate effort. mOlt of the in XIV. There shan be a series of com­ I sod t o and the 1!t22 5aW ihc actual fighting of t 'be rooms had betn made fairly habitable, a i n fall IIf first he I1re Ahall done p�titive drills between the Halls. the Hall f nc of tht Ilocke� con ere es. by the trained Fire .ighting Brigade. best drills receiving a md the more fortunate people were even . judged to have the 'comllosed of colltge men. the Head Fire l accorded the luxury of a drooping cur­ Tlttre: has bce:n a noticea�le improvement . trophy. IHtrchued with the: fin�s of al the the ana tain or two. Those lUcky enough to in American stick worjc: and team play Captain. six Hall Captain.!!. six Halls. Hall ieutenant from each hall), nave bed •. must certainly have been wilhin the last thrre yean, thanks to our L s (one B. Rultt for Fire:. all under the I� dership of the Superin' gratdul 'had thcy> ICcn poor Chuck stag­ English teachers, but there is still a lot of . � I. The alarm must be rung immediate­ tendellt 01 Bmlmment h:u betn heard V. An Aide shall he in �harge: of each To explain Ihi. meeting. viw with Sue in folk dancing. As for lately to the dfKt that field hockty is slow; c"l,ad. who. as soon u the alarm i. rung. sellt from ha dh·ide the hall into .qtlads Chuck-well. the pool would not ve that if it were more of .a. game men would �hall dose open windo""s in the room!! of III. To scatter with the appro va1 "of the Head Cap�ain and been the pool without Chuck to ha \!e taken it up long ago. Not bein� abl� tht' stlldenU of her souad. alld see that bucke'tl of disinfectant in it daily aud to nt an Aide for each. 10 rttoncile this anertion' with all we had all �tudents have left thC'�e room!!. appoi an TV. To hold meetings of he:r Lieuten­ call up all ihe known authorities in h�ard of the pme from collcgiate frientf�. Vr. 'F.ach student when thf' alarm is ants. 'A ides and ' Sub-Aides. instructing endeavor to find oul the proper number or to account for it.!! uncommon growth in mnJr !lhall shut the windows nf the room the 10 allow in awimming each week. them in their Jluties, and dit(ulsinR rttent years, we decid� Ihat il was high in which che is at ihe time and provide: drills with t hem. Tbe average da\' was a busy one. In time tof";CQui re a litt� knowledge at fint hefSe-lf with a "' et towel and hnvv doth· V. To fine all studentl whom she or Ihe momin& there were errands to be hand. On a dripping Monday afternoon we, inll. (�� .. a huvy t'oat reachinlf helow the her officers Iff breaking the rules. done in the villaRe. work" 10 be done in therdore. arrived at Mount Pocono wilh knee. oil a woolen sweater and heavv .ki r,! Have VI. To tell .ick students ilt advance the Science room. you ever full regalia-lacking only shinguardll. per­ Shoe. are. alwavs to be worn.) Students that a drill will take place and U"cnse 5crubbt.? "lIl alligator with a tub brush haps the. moIt euential feature-outside:. of a who ue not officer! sball then �alk thent fronl attending.-' alld I VQr'" SO;tp? Have ' you ev�t stirk-and an .open mind. !llIic:kly and ,,·jthout any noi�e 10 the plar-e vn. To nolify her Lie:urenants .. ad .. ..coaxed hahy caterpillars on to an apple For the space of the next three .or four of aue:rnhlv. Each snuad shall form i""* vance of a drill 50 that assistance will luf diet? Goldfilh d'ed under the ten- day•. in the ('()rTlpa!fy of several chosen ath­ '!IeDarate 1V'0Up at the place or as­ , not be summoned. , dcrut treatmeRt. but ,new Itocks were letes fronl Bf)'n Mawr. hockey absorbed us semhly. and each Dera!')n as she .rrive. VII I. lJ"0 keep a roll book at each resolutely brought in. The laboratory wholly during the darlilll�wilh a little �hall place her�etr in the proper place in door of the building. was filled with eager young scicntiS11l time out for meals-and was Ilainf\llly prel­ her !!(IUad. IX. To g:o over' the whole hall at Ulounfing butte�fties and .pickJing creatures en•. in our dreams. In Ihe lI10rninfJ session VIt. The nrat Lit'Utenant to arrive at the beginning of the college yur with tht­ (II all description •. we learned stick work 011 the tennis courts; th(" assemhly Dlace. i. e. Lieutenant I. , In the after,oons .tudenu f\.o undered learned to stop a charging opponent with a Ihall R'et the roll book and take command I..'ONTIN"Ul(n ON PAGf. 6 hepefully in the Ilool; in the evenings sweeping Idtnand side stroke and to rake VH1. The: other Lieutenanta on arriv· there was more awimminB, there was the ball neatly frOUl under her nose by a ing shail report to Lieutenant 1. Lieqten­ balketl>all, volley ball. tennis and folk dever twist of the wri.!!t, or else to "dribble" ant IT ,hall b� sent bv Ueutenant I tn dancing. Sometimes' there wal baseball, at top speed in and out about a column of the phone, Lieulenant III to the Captai" You will like the hut the one facultY-lltuJlcnt game quite empty peach basketJ to a running fire of ;t the fire to take menages. Liet�enant finished tht! poqr umpire. comment Irom little: Min Roberts. of Eng­ tV and Lieutenant V to their place. in Ceuting kind of Week-end. came with their , land. their own squads. Lieutenant It when pageants. dancea-with the gym to be Then came practice under Miss Partridge. .he has finished phoning shall take her Shoe and the decorated. posters to be made whole.a1e. We laughed bitterly to ourselves as we place in own squad. One Sunday a small and select group, charRed puffing down and up the field. re­ IX. The Captain shall send messengers Geuting kind compo.ed ptincipally of ulldergraduates membering that so�ne had aaid that 10 ,lImmon a.s�i$tance and Ihall notify sang "Pallas" in the cIoilters. Another hoc.k!!)! was a .Iow game. Lieutenant I Ihroug� Lieutenant III of of serVIce time Bngp le'd "Come, Cheer for Our Miss Partridge's attention 'was now «n. the names of those person ••h e has -sent College" in chapel. � lered upon the long. gawky girl from Bryn as messengers. Lieutenant I �hall mark The undergraduates felt glDriously Mawr, who played right back for the Red,. in the roll book t)te names of these .tu­ from r les Ihe fr� u . Chuck, with mysteriou' "What's tJ;te mane; there ? Can't )'ou dents and' the names of Lieutenanta (jeotti"U" Shoes on DiBp14y air, pullt- dnerte:d. an • Studenll thoughl longingly of �'e,'; we haml);.,knew what to make aence she cannol' a�ount for. their �tl at hOlTle: and finally.. oll Augu.t of " F..ach Aide �hi11 have a Fir!!t Sub­ it. Xl. Breakfut br e her pla� tenth Summer School ok up. Chuc" Hockev. appears to be Ihe coming Aide under her. who shall take .at ug�r to be off to Baltimore where ItImf' . From two loca' uaociation. in when absent. A Second Sub-ANte Ihall Luncheon. pe n. the: Hockey im Sub· she i, now l ndi winter chasing 192:1. the United State"! Field take: charge if the Aide and F DipDenl ca� (betwten dua hours), hut wa. pu­ Krumhh!,r. or Philadcolphia. has now a Aide arc both ahKnt. Tn a fire the Aide '·�:I,IWIIOSt'l. AICDIIIOII.K ltw. .uadl"d to help hrin, order nut of chao. memherahip ur tcvt'n local a S()(iations! may ('an Ipo .. her ,Sub-AWles to help her . in Pf'm F.allt. Denbigh and Merion. "{ew Vorlc'. ('1,1ic:aao. iloAt(m. Baltimore. do drauJht Ilnd wami .... ""� A.... 41: SI.1, lid. om. ItUdcPI Rumor h .. it Ihal .he wu pcnuaded 10 Philadelphia. � Worcester and Oneawieh. XII. �o •...,. cater the build· • JlAv;:DQD _AnON, P. II. II. •

• .. 6 TH E COL LEGE NEWq •

•• IN PHILADELP.HIA • .... • , Ad�lphi-"The liang, lIigh" (Last • Goo!ot W.. k). CONTINUED t'IOW 'ACE Ii Lyrtc-� Pout-u" (J.;Ht Week ). Warden and her offi�fI in order to be Shubtrt-"Sittinr Priuy," familiar with an partl of the hap. � Chestnut Street Opera House-"Moonlight." . . . ' , ...... , ...... Walnut-"Tht Third Year" o 1« that the alarm is test�d Garrick-'i'ht Second MrL ' TanquullY," dock evcry day. with Ethel Barrymore. To in.pect the apparatus anJ Broad.-'i'he Nervous Wreck':' lee t t it ia kept in ..ood condition. Box Forrest-" Musioo Revue," • . . . To allow luoline, ether, or I no Movinc Pictures any other txplolive to be used in the Stanley-"Beau Brummel," with John Bar- hln.. To allow lafety mItchel-to be rymore, • Uled only in the tea p·antrie. and no / Stanton-hFett of Clay. " papers burned in firepiact:•. • Globe-"Sttrtts," with Norma "almadge. TO' .ee that a list of telephone XV. Palace-Thomas Meighan in "The Alaskan." • • numbers hanl' by the phone. Aldine-Sabatini', "The Sea Hawk." • c XVI. To attend drills of the Fitt Fox-"America." Fiabting Brigade. COM I�C ,...... • Fata Motpna. The Oul.ider, Ani!t. and Extra Curricula D. Dudes of l:ieutcnantl. • Moods, little Jease J.m�. Tarnish, 1.o1li­ I. 4'0 a•• il�he Hall Captain and lake Activities pop. j their place. when ,blent. Loon I. 'When you wan to look your I II. See Article. VlI, VII, IX, X. t wwn ..... cia" • ....r_ Rula Drillt; .. very best-outdoors or in­ under for fOr duties of in Ioftty MUSIC D£PAltTMENT a Compactl tenanll whtn the Captain i. prelt:nt: touch of Cd1gate'J Face �."'iI.b or .itlt­ Onllt.S CONCERTS OIII�. 1Ir. FOUlt Powder is a true friend. 1u • ,\Vhtn the Captain is absent, 1.-PtWw. lJO tenant shall tak� ahe plac� of the soft as the skin it beauti6es. '-1«1. lUll) 1 • CONTl lWtD PRO)1 r ,cv. I lain, Li�utenant 11 shall perform th� • tiea of Lieut�nant I, and ' Li�utenant 11] ropean centres. The otht� artiSls will of Lieutenant II. be announced later. ,"V. To report the namn of all stu- ·Tkkets will be $5.00 for the seQes and COLGATE'S' , de1its violating the rules to the Hall Cap- '1.50 for a lingl� concert. and 'ma) be fA CE POWDERS lain: ' obtaint"d from the Puhlicity Office in V. To attend m«tiqg, held by the I�T�'�Y:IO:'�H:'I�I'�'7'======j==�:::::::::::::::::::::::S:::::::::::::;:;:::::,��, Captain. Vr. To act as Lieutenant in fires in Taylor. Oahon, Gymnasium, etc.

E. Dutie. of A1da. I. See Article. \'. X. XI. X1I u",j",1 Rute. for Drill.. II. To appoint First and Second Sub­ .\ides Ind instruct them in their duliu. 111. To fl'pOrt to the Hall Captains the name. of any studellts \' iolating the

rulcL • IV. To find out ca� nisht who 01 hcr .quad arc ahsent for the night. V. To attcnd meetin,s hcld hy the Hall Captain. VI. To arrange the members of 'her .quad in a definite order. and tee that each per.on is in her especial place at drills, so that Ihe can tell at a glanc� who arc ahsent. . TAYLOR HALL DRILLS :lrd floor-S tudents in Lecture Room H 10 down the' fire c·s cape. Studen" in Lecture Room K down the Ita in. J� ftoor-S tudents in Lecture Roonl (English· Room) 110 across cha�1 aud down the aide stlira. Students in Ltc=.tur� Room K

down back Itair ... lit 800�AII atudents 10 out thc "'"'''' I door. PALTON HALL DRILLS \a�1 floor-All Studenu in Phyaics go om the nCArest door. • Snd Hoor-AII Students in Biology go down stairs. Srd 800r-l. All StudcnlJ.. in Chcmical Laboratory 10 down fire escape at Md of buildin •. t. All Studenta in Chemistry Llcture Room 10 down fire cscape It back of buildin,. floor-All Students in Ceolon go down .tain unless they are blocked-i;1 whic:h cue 10 down fire uape.

Ha..tenl Plauacy

Pnwcaiption DrutSto ...

, •

• D.iaty l.uDc:heou

wml'IIAN'I T&AIl00. �."""Ol". ""' ''''' ."...... 00Iete... 1M•..,...... ------­ ...... " ..... � ... O...... a.. ., .,.. __ N. 8:W__ _ , . .. .,...... _ '.-.a-UlU Prill "" ••DRt �T_-.__ .. 7 ....., .,...... , ..".. w. It:"