Wolfville Policing Report April 2021

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Kings District

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Kings District Employees:

Inspector Dan Morrow, Kings District Commander.

Forty general duty constables police Kings District as first responders. These officers are supervised by 8 corporals, 2 sergeants and 1 staff sergeant.

Kings East School Safety Resource Officer is Constable Jennifer Britton. Kings West School Safety Resource Officer is Constable Jeff Wilson.

Kings District General Investigation Section members are Corporal Glenn O’Halloran, Constable Shawn Cornelisse, and Constable Jody Whiteway.

Kings District Street Crime Enforcement Unit members are Constable Jason Sehl of Police Service, as well as Constable Josée Lagace and Constable Ken Slade of Kings District RCMP.

Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault investigator is Constable Melissa Lee. This is a temporarily funded position.

Kings District Community Policing and Victims Services Officer is Constable Kelli Gaudet.

Kings District has 10 Detachment Service Assistants who perform administrative functions at the 3 Kings District offices.

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School Safety Resource Officer(s):

School Safety Resource Officers work as a resource to our local schools. Members provide presentations to every grade level from P-12 on current topics such as human trafficking, fentanyl, cybercrime, bullying, drug awareness and appropriate use of Social Media. Schools often request other presentations which are customized to meet their needs. SSRO’s update the National SafePlan every year for each Kings County School. SSRO's do the initial investigation in cases that stem from schools. SSRO's also provide support for school events that occur after traditional school hours.

Cst. Wilson's service area is from Annapolis County line to Central Kings Rural High School, which encompasses 11 schools.

Cst. Britton’s service area is from Coldbrook District School to L.E. Shaw Elementary, and encompasses 12 schools.

Distracted driving presentations, Human Trafficking presentations as well as “lockdown drills” have been ongoing at several schools throughout the reporting period.

Both district SSROs worked closely with the schools within the entire district. Both Cst. Wilson and Cst. Britton remain heavily involved in the delivery of the mandated objectives while assisting other investigations that require their skills and experience with youth.

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On April 1st, Cst. Dunn conducted traffic enforcement at the Port Williams and Landmark East School zones.

Cst. Britton attended Horton High and interacted with students and staff. She also provided a healthy relationships and dangers of sharing intimate images presentation to students.

On April 6th, Cst. Britton attended Horton High and interacted with students and staff.

On April 7th, Cst. Britton gave 3 Sexual consent and Human Trafficking presentations to three grade 9 classes at Horton High.

Cst. Johnston conducted traffic enforcement at the Port Williams and Booker school zones.

On April 8th, Cst. Britton attended NKEC and spoke with the Grade 12 Law class about dangers surrounding binge drinking. Presentations and discussions about Impaired driving, Summary Offence Tickets and University Behaviour were also given. Cst. Britton also handed out MADD souvenirs.

On April 13th, Cst. Britton attended Horton High and interacted with students and staff. Cst. Britton gave presentations on Human Trafficking and Sexual Consent to two separate grades.

On April 16th, Cst. Johnston and Cst. Currie conducted traffic enforcement at the Coldbrook Elementary School zone.

On April 19th, Cst. Johnston, Cst. Gauvin, Cst. Bremner, and Cst. Dominie conducted traffic enforcement at the Port Williams, Booker, Middle School, Central Kings and L.E. Shaw School zones.

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On April 20th, Cpl. Prime, Cst. Johnston, Cst. Bremner, Cst. Collier and Cst. Dominie conducted traffic enforcement at the Coldbrook, Port Williams, Booker, Evangeline Middle School, Central Kings and L.E. Shaw School zones.

Cst. Britton attended Wolfville Elementary and interacted with students and staff. Cst. Britton gave 2 presentations on Drug Awareness to grade 6 students. Cst. BRITTON also attended Coldbrook School and gave a cyber-safety presentation to grade 7 class. Presentation included risks of sharing intimate photos, cyber-bullying and online luring.

On April 22nd, Cpl. Sutherland conducted traffic enforcement at the Port Williams School zone.

Cst. Britton attended Wolfville Elementary and spoke with the pre-primary class about what police do and how they can help. She handed out stickers and tattoos to the class.

Cst. Charlton conducted a foot patrol at the Wolfville Elementary School.

On April 26th, Cst. Heycock and Cst. Johnston conducted traffic enforcement at the Aldershot, Port Williams and Booker School zones.

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RCMP Warn Public of New Sextortion Tactic

The RCMP is warning the public about a new sextortion tactic being used to target youth.

Police began investigating after receiving reports about the new scam that involves a suspect placing an image of a young person's face over a video or photo so it appears that the youth is nude or engaging in sexual acts. The suspect threatens to send the images to the victim's family and friends if they don't send money or gift cards.

These scams may also involve a suspect doing the following in combination with the new tactic:

 Contact a victim's family via social media to show they can follow through on the threats made;  Create a fake social media account using the victim's name to share video or photo with others;  Use photo filters from social media applications to make themselves appear younger.

The recent incidents reported were targeted at youth, however, adults may also be targeted. Below are a few tips to help keep you and your children safe online:

 Never answer video calls from people you don't know;  If you mistakenly connect with someone you don't know over livestream, immediately hang-up;  Always answer video calls with the camera turned off until you know who the person calling is.

If you or your child has been targeted, please do the following:

 Report it to your local police. There is help.  Immediately stop all communication with the suspect.  Ensure that you and/or your child do not comply with the threat.

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 Keep any correspondence between you or your child and the suspect.  Remember that you are not alone.

Police would also like to remind the public that they are able to report child exploitation online and seek support at www.cybertip.ca. The Cybertip website also allows the public to subscribe to alerts, which include notifications of new trends and safety tips for communicating with others online.

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RCMP Reminding Motorists to Keep in Control by Slowing Down

The Nova Scotia RCMP is reminding motorists to keep in control by slowing down to ensure you and your passengers arrive safely at your destination.

In 2020, the Nova Scotia RCMP responded to 26 fatal and serious injury collisions that involved some form of aggressive driving (including speeding, stunting, unsafe passing and more). This is a reminder that not having full control of your vehicle can change lives in a split second.

"Speed and aggressive driving continues to be an issue in the province and police continue to conduct enforcement to protect road users and emergency responders on our roads and highways," says Cpl. Mike Carter with Traffic Services. "There are many reasons that drivers choose to speed but none are worth the life-changing consequences."

Speed and aggressive driving reduces the amount of time drivers have to react to unexpected hazards. It also puts drivers, passengers, other road users and emergency responders at increased risk of being in a serious or fatal motor vehicle collision. Police also want to remind motorists that when approaching an emergency vehicle with flashing lights, they are required to move to the left and slow down to 60 km/h if it is safe to do so.

In Nova Scotia, the fines for speeding are:

 $237.50 for exceeding the speed limit by one-15 km/h and two points on your license.  $295 for exceeding the speed limit by 16-30 km/h, three points on your license and an immediate seven-day roadside license suspension.  $410 for exceeding the speed limit by 31 km/h or more, four points on your license and an immediate seven-day roadside license suspension.  $352.50 to $2,442.50 for failing to slow down for an emergency vehicle.

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Since 2019, the number of motorists charged with stunting has been on the rise in Nova Scotia. Anyone driving a motor vehicle 50 Km/hr or more, over a speed limit, may be charged with stunting.

Stunting is defined as any person who operates a motor vehicle on a highway in a race or contest, while performing a stunt on a bet or wager. Anyone driving a motor vehicle 50 Km/hr or more, over a speed limit, may be charged with stunting. The fine for stunting is $2,422.50 for a first offence, six points on your license and an immediate seven day license suspension.

If you see dangerous driving, report it to police when it is safe to do so. It is helpful to include the location of the vehicle, a description of the driver and vehicle (including license plate number, color, make and model) as well as the vehicle's direction of travel.

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Traffic Enforcement

On April 3rd, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on the 101 Highway through Wolfville. A motorist was fined for speeding.

On April 3rd, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Main Street in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for speeding.

On April 4th, members conducted a check stop on Highway 1 in Wolfville. Approximately 20 vehicles were checked.

On April 4th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Main Street in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for failing to drive or operate in careful and prudent manner.

On April 4th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Gaspereau Avenue in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for speeding.

On April 5th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Main Street in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for speeding.

On April 10th, members conducted a check stop on Highland Avenue in Wolfville.

On April 11th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Main Street in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for failing to stop at a stop sign.

On April 12th, members conducted a check stop on Main Street in Wolfville. Approximately 30 vehicles were checked.

On April 12th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Hillside Avenue in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for driving while revoked, using a cell phone while driving and displaying a plate for another vehicle.

On April 12th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Ridge Road in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for operating an unregistered vehicle.

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On April 13th a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Gaspereau Avenue in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for failing to stop at a stop sign.

On April 19th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement in a School Zone on Main Street in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for speeding in a school zone.

On April 20th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Main Street in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for not wearing a seatbelt.

On April 22nd, members conducted a check stop on Highland Avenue in Wolfville. Approximately 50 vehicles were checked.

On April 24th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Fairfield Street in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for failing to stop at a stop sign.

On April 28th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Main Street in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for not having insurance and for operating an unregistered vehicle.

On April 28th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Prospect Street in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for failing to stop at a stop sign.

On April 12th, a member was conducting traffic enforcement on Main Street in Wolfville. A motorist was fined for speeding.

Annual Performance Plan

The Kings District Annual Performance Plan runs from April 1st of 2021 to March 31st of 2022. Objectives of Kings District Annual Performance Plan are:

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 Safe Roads and Safe Highways in Nova Scotia - To date (for the month of April), Kings District members have charged 8 people with impaired driving, issued 2 Roadside suspensions for alcohol consumption, issued 140 traffic enforcement charges and conducted 19 check stops.

 Reduction of Cybercrime in Nova Scotia - The Kings District School Safety Resource Officers continue to be in the schools on a daily basis. The SSRO’s have provided presentations of Human trafficking, Sexual Consent, etc. Of those presentations, online dangers are spoke of.

 Reduce Crime Against People Members continue to conduct physical checks on offenders/accused who are on court ordered curfews or house arrest with the goal to prevent recidivism. Seventy checks were conducted in the month of April. Also, person crimes and specifically those of Domestic Nature are handled with the utmost important ensuring the safety of the victim. To oversee this, we have investigational avenues and specifically trained members which can deem a situation as “high risk”. This will engage a higher monitoring system and support services to the victim.

Calls for Service

In the month of April, Kings District responded to 1,212 service calls. There were a total of 131 service calls in the Town of Wolfville during this reporting period. See the attached chart for breakdown of the service calls.

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Type of Crime & April April April Occurrence Type Wolfville Wolfville Kings Yes 2020 2021 2021 Crimes Against Persons Offences Related to Death 0 0 0 Sexual Offences 0 0 6 Assault 1 2 30 Kidnapping/Hostage/Abduction 0 0 1 Robbery 0 0 0 Extortion / Intimidation 0 0 0 Criminal Harassment 1 1 5 Indecent | Harassing Comm. 1 2 11 Uttering Threats 0 0 10 Property Crime Arson 0 0 5 Break and Enter 1 0 6 Unlawfully in a Dwelling House 0 0 0 Theft Over 0 0 1 Theft of Motor Vehicle 0 0 0 Theft of Other MV / Motorcycle 1 0 0 Take MV w/o Consent 0 0 0 Theft Under 0 0 14 Shoplifting 0 0 14 Theft (mail, bicycle, et al) 0 0 1 Theft from Motor Vehicle 0 1 4 Possession of Stolen Goods 0 0 1 Fraud 5 4 28 Identity Theft 0 0 0 Mischief 4 6 38 Drug Enforcement Possession 0 0 0 Trafficking 0 0 1 Import/Export 0 0 0 Production 0 0 0 Other 0 1 6

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April April April Type of Crime & Occurrence Type Wolfville Wolfville Kings Traffic Dangerous Op of MV 0 0 4 Impaired by Alcohol 0 2 23 Impaired by Drug 0 0 0 Failure/Refusal 0 0 0 Driving while Disqualified 0 1 5 Fail to Stop or Remain 0 0 10 Seatbelt Violation 6 1 7 Intersection Violation 1 4 11 Speeding Violation 2 8 179 Insurance Violation 1 1 9 Road Side Suspension (Alcohol) 0 0 2 Road Side Suspension (Drug) 0 0 0 Collision - Fatal 0 0 0 Collision - Non - Fatal Injury 0 0 7 Collision - Reportable 1 0 21 Collision - Non Reportable 1 0 14 Off-Road Vehicle Collision 0 0 3 Municipal By-laws 0 4 4 Other Traffic Offence/Violation 4 8 118 Other Traffic Related Duties 0 1 17 Checkstop 0 5 19 Other 911 Call 3 3 18 Breach of Court Order 0 0 7 Liquor Act 0 5 8 Mental Health Act 2 5 34 Missing Person 0 0 33 Municipal Bylaw - Other 1 10 17 Other 50 24 264 Suspicious P|V|P 1 4 45 Trespass At Night 0 0 0 HPA (COVID-19) - Offences only 1 4 17 HPA (COVID-19) - Other activities 0 5 16 QUA (COVID-19) - Offences Only 0 0 0 QUA (COVID-19) - Other Activities 0 4 30 Total Founded & SUI Occurrences 88 116 1,124 Total Occurrences* 97 131 1,202

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Nuisance / Liquor Act / Health Protection Act

In the month of April—and specific to the Town of Wolfville—three tickets were issued under the Liquor Control Act, one Bylaw ticket for Hosting a Nuisance Party, and two Impaired Operation of a Conveyance while impaired charges were laid.

In addition, four Health Protection Act fines were issued to four separate people at a residence in Wolfville. Each fine carried a penalty of $1000.

Proactive Police Patrols / Community Involvement

April 1st – Cst. Léveillé and Cst. Heycock conducted foot patrols in the town of Wolfville. Cst. Hickey conducted evening patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

April 2nd – Cst. Dunn conducted foot patrols in the Town of Wolfville. Csts. Dunn conducted day time patrols of First Nation and Glooscap First Nation. Csts. Anthony and Blanchard conducted evening patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation. Cst. Blanchard conducted evening patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

April 3rd – Cst. Léveillé conducted foot patrols in the Town of Wolfville. A check stop was also conducted in the Town. Cst. Morin conducted daytime patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

April 4th – Cst Dominie conducted patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

April 9th – Cst. Léveillé and Cst. Dunn conducted foot patrols in the Town of Wolfville. Cst. Collier conducted patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation and Glooscap First Nation.

April 10th – Cst. Britton conducted foot patrols in the town of Wolfville. A check stop was also conducted in the Town. Cst. Dunn conducted daytime patrols of Annapolis First Nation and Glooscap First Nation. Cst. Blanchard

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and Cst. Hickey conducted evening patrols. evening patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation and Glooscap First Nation.

April 11th – Cst. Léveillé conducted foot patrols in the Town of Wolfville. A check stop was also conducted in the Town. Csts. Morin and Dunn conducted daytime patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation and Glooscap First Nation.

April 12th – Cst. Dunn conducted patrols of Annapolis First Nation and Glooscap First Nation.

April 13th – Csts. Hickey and Bremner conducted patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation.

April 14th – Cst. Dunn conducted daytime patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation.

April 15th – Cst. Charlton conducted foot patrols in the Town of Wolfville. Cst. Hickey conducted day time patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation and Glooscap First Nation. Cpl. Sutherland and Cst. Charlton conducted evening patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

April 16th – Csts. Blanchard and Herbert conducted foot patrols in the Town of Wolfville. Cst. Johnston conducted a check stop in the Annapolis Valley First Nation after a routine patrol. Cst. Hickey conducted patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

April 17th – Cst. Léveillé conducted foot patrols in the Town of Wolfville. Cst. Dunn conducted daytime patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation and Glooscap First Nation. Csts. Blanchard and Herbert conducted evening patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation and Glooscap First Nation.

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April 18th – Cst. Dunn conducted daytime patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation and Glooscap First Nation. Cst. Blanchard conducted evening patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation.

April 19th –Cst. Bremner conducted daytime patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation. Cst. Johnston conducted daytime patrols of Glooscap First nation and also completed a check stop while there.

April 20th – Csts. Blanchard and Dunn conducted patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation and Csts. Dunn and Johnston conducted patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

April 21st – Cst. Bremner conducted patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

April 22nd – S/Sgt Jodrey and Sgt. Kelly conducted foot patrols in the town of Wolfville and Cst. Charlton completed a walk through of the Wolfville Elementary school grounds during dismissal. A check stop was also completed in the Town of Wolfville.

April 23rd – Csts. Macdonald, Charlton, Collier and Reid conducted patrols of Glooscap First Nation both during the day and evening.

April 24th – Cst. Herbert conducted foot patrols in the town of Wolfville. Cst. Herbert conducted patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

April 25th – Cst. Léveillé conducted foot patrols in the town of Wolfville. A check stop was also held in the town. Cst. Currie conducted patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation.

April 26th – Cst Léveillé conducted foot patrols in the town of Wolfville. Csts. Hickey and Blanchard conducted patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation and Csts. Reid and Herbert conducted patrols in Glooscap First Nation.

April 27th – Csts. Morin and Macdonald conducted patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

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April 28th – S/Sgt Jodrey and Sgt. Kelly conducted foot patrols in the town of Wolfville. Cst. Dominie conducted patrols of Annapolis Valley First Nation and Glooscap First Nation.

April 29th – Cst. Dominie conducted patrols of Glooscap First Nation.

Celebration of Veteran’s 104th Birthday

County of Kings representatives reached out to the Kings RCMP and requested assistance in celebrating the birthday of WW2 veteran, Hormidas Fremette. Members of Team 1 East gladly participated in the event and provided a member in Red Serge and also a marked police uni to lead the parade to Mr. Fremette’s house in .

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National Campaign to “Name the Foal”

In April, a campaign was started Nationally to Have children participate in the naming of the RCMP’s newest foals which could one day be members of the RCMP’s iconic and historical “Musical Ride”. Schools in Kings County got on board and students brought home directions and qualifications on how to participate. Below is the National Media story on the event.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) needs your help naming foals that may be part of the Musical Ride someday. This year, we're looking for names that start with the letter “T”.

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The RCMP has been breeding its own horses since 1939 and is internationally recognized for producing some of the finest horses in Canada.

This year, up to 12 winners will be selected from across Canada, including one classroom entry. The winning names will be given to as many as 12 foals that are expected to be born this spring at the RCMP breeding farm in Pakenham, Ontario.

The children whose names are selected will each receive a prize pack that will include a photo of the foal they named, a certificate signed by the RCMP Commissioner and an engraved horseshoe made by an RCMP farrier. The winning classroom entry will receive a framed photo of the foal they named and a certificate signed by the RCMP Commissioner.

To qualify, a participant must:

 be 14 years of age or younger  submit a name that begins with the letter "T"  submit only one entry  live in Canada  submit an entry by no later than April 30, 2021 at 11:59 pm EST

If you are submitting on behalf of a class, you must be at least 18 years old or older and teach children 14 years of age or younger.

The winning foal names will be chosen by a committee of employees at the RCMP Musical Ride and Heritage Branch and announced in May — along with the contest winners — on the RCMP website.

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Significant Investigations- Kings

2021441815 - at 6:45pm on April 3rd Kings District RCMP responded to a single off road highway vehicle collision on Butler rd., near Murphy Lake. New Minas RCMP and EHS attended the collision. New Minas RCMP members attended and located the driver being treated by EHS. The ATV had crashed into a wooded area nearby.

A 24-year-old New Minas man was transported to local hospital with non life threating injuries.

Alcohol is suspected and the investigation is ongoing.

2021443591 - Kings District RCMP have charged an impaired driver after a report of a vehicle blocking Acadia St while on Gaspereau Ave. Wolfville RCMP members attended and located the vehicle and driver at approximately 1:15 am on April 4th, 2021.

The driver displayed signs of impairment and was arrested for impaired driving. The driver was transported by police to the New Minas RCMP office where they provided samples of breath. The driver blew over the legal limit. The legal limit in Nova Scotia is 80 mg%.

A 63-year-old New Minas man has been charged with Impaired Operation of a Conveyance and Operating a Conveyance with a Blood Alcohol Concentration Over 80 mg%.

The male has been released from police custody and will appear in Kentville Provincial Court June 8th, 2021.

2021446153 - At about 5:15 pm on April 4th Kings District RCMP responded to a call to a North Kentville residence where a youth had been reported being out of control and extremely violent. The youth was

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arrested, without incident, in front of the residence. The investigation lead to the youth being charged with two counts of uttering threats, assault with a weapon, possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose and mischief. A victim was alleged to have been threatened with a knife. All of the parties involved were known to each other. There were no injuries.

2021492161 - On April 13th, 2021 at 2:40 p.m., Kings District RCMP received a report of a disturbance at a grocery store on Main St. in Wolfville. Police attended and learned that a person took a sign from the street and smashed the front door of the store. The person then went into the entrance of the store, took a cart and rammed the cart into the second door which enters the store.

No injuries were reported and only one of the doors was damaged.

2021518503 - At approximately 4:00 a.m. on April 18, Kings District RCMP attended a residence on Ward Ave. in North Alton after receiving a call about a disturbance. Police determined that a vehicle had been used to push two other parked vehicles in a driveway. One of the parked vehicles was pushed into a house and the other pushed a considerable distance in the driveway. Police located the driver nearby, who displayed signs of impairment. The driver was arrested and transported to the New Minas Detachment, where she refused to provide a breath sample.

A 33-year-old Coldbrook woman has been charged with Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Refusal to Comply with Demand and Impaired Operation of a Conveyance. She was released from custody and will appear in Kentville Provincial Court on June 30, 2021.

20211500239, 2021502465, 20211503998, 20211507608 - Kings District RCMP is investigating a series of fires that occurred over a span of 48 hours in North Kingston.

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Between April 14 and 16, 2021, Kingston RCMP and the Kingston Volunteer Fire Department responded to a series of fires in the North Kingston area. Police and fire officials are considering these fires suspicious, as initial investigation indicates that the fires were deliberately set.

The fires were set in the area between Dahlgren Crescent and Brooklyn Street. No injuries were reported.

Anyone with information related to these incidents is asked to contact the Kings District RCMP in Kingston at 902-765-3317. Should you wish to remain anonymous, call Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers toll free at 1-800-222- TIPS (8477), submit a secure web tip at www.crimestoppers.ns.ca, or use the P3 Tips App.

2021360772 - A recent traffic stop by the Valley Integrated Street Crime Enforcement Unit on Prospect Rd. in Highbury led to drug charges.

On April 13, 2021, at approximately 12:05 a.m., the Valley Integrated Street Crime Enforcement Unit conducted a traffic stop on a car on Prospect Rd. in Highbury in relation to an ongoing a drug investigation. A man and woman were located in the vehicle and arrested without incident. A search of the vehicle revealed a considerable amount of cocaine and cash. Police also seized cellphones, crack cocaine, a scale and other materials used in the production of cocaine.

Kyle Hill, 30, of South Alton, and Patricia Findley, 57, of Kentville, have both been charged with Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking Cocaine and Production of Cocaine. Both have been released from custody and will appear in Kentville Provincial Court on June 8, 2021.

The investigation is ongoing.

The Valley Integrated Street Crime Unit is an integrated unit comprised of members of the Kings District RCMP and the Kentville Police Service.

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20211554344, 20211554345, 20211554350, 20211554377, 20211553171, 20211553681, 20211554688, 20211553692 - Kings District RCMP have charged several people during a busy weekend of partying in Wolfville.

Between 9:30 p.m. on April 24th and 1:30 a.m. on April 25, RCMP members in Wolfville charged three people for illegal possession of liquor while walking in the area of Bay St., Gaspereau Ave. and Highland Ave. Two men and one woman, in their late teens and early twenties, were charged under Section 78(2) of the Liquor Control Act, which carries a fine of $467.50. Also on the evening of April 24th, police attended a party on Summer St. and charged a 21-year-old woman under Section 4.1 of the Town of Wolfville Nuisance Party Bylaw for sponsoring a nuisance party. This offence carries a fine of $582.50.

On April 25th at approximately 1 a.m., police observed a large gathering of approximately 30 people at a residence on Highland Ave. Police dispersed the gathering and were met with belligerent behavior by the occupants of the home. Police charged three men and one woman under Section 71(1)(b) of the Health Protection Act. Each were fined $1,000.

In a state of emergency, police are authorized to enforce orders under the Health Protection Act. If Nova Scotians, businesses and organizations do not follow gathering limits, social distancing guidelines and self-isolation requirements, they will now face fines of $2,000 for individuals and $7,500 for businesses and organizations. Multiple fines can be given each day an individual, business or organization fails to comply. Police can also enforce offences under the Emergency Management Act.

RCMP is reminding everyone to follow all Public Health orders, Provincial legislation and Town bylaws. We all need to do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The RCMP thanks Nova Scotians for their continued support and to the vast majority who are adhering to the directives outlined by the provincial government. For more information, visit: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/.

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2021562739 - Kings District RCMP is investigating a single vehicle collision that occurred in North Kingston on April 26th.

At approximately 8 p.m., police were notified of a single motor vehicle collision on Hwy. 221. Police, fire and EHS attended the scene and determined that a car had left the roadway, struck a power pole and landed on its roof.

Four people ranging in age from 23 to 31 years old, were in the vehicle at the time of the collision. Three occupants sustained minor injuries. The fourth, a 23-year-old man, sustained serious but non-life threating injuries. All occupants were transported by ambulance to the Valley Regional Hospital. The seriously injured man was airlifted to a hospital in Halifax via Lifeflight.

An RCMP Collision Analyst and Reconstructionist attended the scene. Alcohol and speed are believed to be contributing factors.

2021543106 - Kings District RCMP have charged an impaired driver after a Wolfville RCMP member observed a suspicious vehicle on Front St. in Wolfville. The RCMP member conducted a traffic stop on Gaspereau Ave., April 23rd at 12:30 AM.

The driver displayed signs of impairment and provided a sample of breath on an ASD (Approved Screening Device) which they failed. The driver was arrested for impaired driving and transported to New Minas RCMP office where they provided samples of breath. The driver blew over the legal limit. The legal limit in Nova Scotia is 80 mg%.

A 25-year-old man has been charged with Impaired Operation of a Conveyance and Operating a Conveyance with a Blood Alcohol Concentration Over 80 mg%.

The male has been released from police custody and will appear in Kentville Provincial Court in June 2021.

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Wolfville/Acadia Year-End

Forecasting a busy weekend (April 23rd-25th), additional resources were secured and assigned to the policing needs of Wolfville. Alcohol fueled events were prevalent as students were celebrating another end to the school year. Members were able to enforce statues of the Health Protection Act, Liquor Control Act and The Wolfville Bylaws (Nuisance). Several fines were issued to young adults in the area. Due to the increased police presence, nothing of major significance had developed throughout the weekend.

Light it up Blue - Autism Awareness/Support

On April 2nd, 2021 it was Autism Awareness Day. In honour of those who are living with Autism and to show support, the Wolfville Detachment participated in the “Light it up Blue” campaign.

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Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this report or any other community matters, please feel free to contact the undersigned.

Cpl. Joe Fraser Acting Operations NCO Kings East District RCMP Telephone: 902-679-5555 [email protected]

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