Oligocene–Miocene Basin Evolution in the Northern Altiplano, Bolivia: Implications for Evolution of the Central Andean Backthrust Belt and High Plateau
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Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on July 6, 2010 Oligocene–Miocene basin evolution in the northern Altiplano, Bolivia: Implications for evolution of the central Andean backthrust belt and high plateau Bryan P. Murray1,†, Brian K. Horton2 , Ramiro Matos3, and Matthew T. Heizler4 1Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, Webb Hall, Santa Barbara, California 93106-9630, USA 2Institute for Geophysics and Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA 3Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas y Medio Ambiente, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Casilla Postal 4787, La Paz, Bolivia 4New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Socorro, New Mexico 87801, USA ABSTRACT sedimentation and fold-thrust deformation patterns in the central Andes (e.g., Horton et al., in the frontal (west-southwestern) zone of the 2001; McQuarrie, 2002; DeCelles and Horton, The upper Oligocene to lower Miocene central Andean backthrust belt was concen- 2003; McQuarrie et al., 2005; McQuarrie et al., Peñas and Aranjuez formations are exposed trated during late Oligocene–early Miocene 2008). Other studies have proposed that plateau in north-northwest–trending outcrop belts of time. These age results are consistent with uplift resulted from deeper processes such as the central Andean backthrust belt situated previous studies of east-derived sedimenta- thickening of thermally weakened lower crust within the central Andean plateau along the tion in the Altiplano and indicate regional by ductile horizontal shortening and magmatic boundary between the northern Altiplano uplift of the Eastern Cordillera at this time. addition (e.g., Isacks, 1988; Allmendinger et al., and the Eastern Cordillera of Bolivia. Sedi- Upsection trends in provenance data further 1997) or from rapid removal of a dense lower mentary lithofacies analyses indicate that suggest a progressively greater contribu- lithospheric root (e.g., Garzione et al., 2006; these coarse-grained siliciclastic formations tion from younger Paleozoic strata, possibly Ghosh et al., 2006; Garzione et al., 2008; Hoke were deposited primarily in alluvial fan to due to activation of new thrust faults dur- and Garzione, 2008). braided fl uvial environments. An upsection ing west-southwestward propagation of the The timing of crustal shortening in the change from principally fi ne-grained sand- backthrust belt toward the Altiplano. Such a central Andes remains relatively poorly con- stone to cobble conglomerate is consistent progression of late Oligocene–early Miocene strained. Previous workers have suggested with increased proximity to the sediment shortening along the Altiplano–Eastern Cor- initial deformation and possible early plateau source with time. Paleocurrent analyses re- dillera boundary likely refl ects signifi cant uplift between 30 and 25 Ma on the basis of a veal that fl ow was predominantly directed crustal thickening, potential isostatic uplift, late Oligocene to early Miocene infl ux of syn- toward the west-southwest away from and initial topographic expression of the east- orogenic sediment to the Altiplano and Andean Cordillera Real, the elevated core of the East- ern margin of the central Andean plateau. foreland basin (Isacks, 1988; Sempere et al., ern Cordillera. Provenance data from con- 1990; Gubbels et al., 1993; All mendinger glomerate clast compositions and sandstone INTRODUCTION et al., 1997). In contrast, paleoelevation studies petrofacies suggest derivation from recycled utilizing stable oxygen isotope data from Neo- quartz-rich metasedimentary and sedimen- Located in the central portion of the gene basin fi ll have suggested rapid plateau up- tary rocks from the Paleozoic section in the ~8000-km-long Andean orogenic belt, the Alti- lift in late Miocene time (Garzione et al., 2006; Eastern Cordillera. The paleofl ow orienta- plano is one of the largest continental plateaus Ghosh et al., 2006; Garzione et al., 2008; Hoke tions, sediment provenance, and increased on Earth. The Andes are the topographic ex- and Garzione, 2008). Other studies focusing proximity of the sediment source suggest that pression of Cenozoic contractional stain associ- on thermochronological data (Benjamin et al., deposition of the Peñas and Aranjuez for- ated with subduction along the western margin 1987; McBride et al., 1987; Farrar et al., 1988; mations was related to surface uplift of the of South America (Fig. 1; Isacks, 1988), yet Masek et al., 1994; Barnes et al., 2006; Gillis Eastern Cordillera relative to the Altiplano. the mechanisms for uplifting the central Andes et al., 2006; Ege et al., 2007; Barnes et al., Growth strata observed in the Aranjuez For- and Altiplano are not well understood. The high 2008; McQuarrie et al., 2008) and relict fore- mation further indicate that shortening was elevation of the central Andean plateau is iso- land basin deposits (Kennan et al., 1995; Lamb synchronous with deposition, probably in a statically supported by up to 70-km-thick crust and Hoke, 1997; Horton et al., 2001; DeCelles hinterland basin. New 40Ar/39Ar ages from (e.g., Beck et al., 1996). Some have suggested and Horton, 2003) have proposed initial Andean a lowermost exposed igneous unit and inter- that continuous eastward propagation of a fold- deformation as early as Late Cretaceous to bedded ash-fall tuff beds in the Aranjuez thrust belt, including a west-directed backthrust middle Eocene time. and Peñas formations show that synorogenic belt and east-directed basement-involved mega- Despite their differences, these varied thrust sheets, was the cause of crustal thicken- inter pretations for the mechanisms and tim- †E-mail: [email protected] ing, deformation, and observed topographic ing of shortening and plateau uplift share a GSA Bulletin; September/October 2010; v. 122; no. 9/10; p. 1443–1462; doi: 10.1130/B30129.1; 14 fi gures; 4 tables; Data Repository item 2010105. For permission to copy, contact [email protected] 1443 © 2010 Geological Society of America Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on July 6, 2010 Murray et al. Cordillera or Eastern Cordillera. The stratigra- phy of the Altiplano can be summarized as fol- Beni lows: (1) a 250–900-m-thick lower succession Plain 16° S of Maastrichtian to mid-Paleocene carbonate (El Molino Formation) and east-derived, distal- Fig. 2 fl uvial siltstone and sandstone (Santa Lucia Subandean Formation); (2) a 3000–6500-m-thick middle Western Cordillera Eastern CordillCordillera succession of upper Eocene to Oligocene west- AltiplanoAltiplano derived fl uvial sandstone (Potoco Formation); (3) a 1000–4000-m-thick upper succession of ZZone Chaco one Plain poorly dated, partially Potoco-age–equivalent 20° S e (Oligocene to middle Miocene), east-derived ra fl uvial and alluvial fan conglomerate (Coniri Formation) and numerous upper Oligocene to Quaternary volcaniclastic units (Swanson et al., 1987; Sempere et al., 1990; Kennan et al., 1995; Lamb and Hoke, 1997; Horton et al., 2001; Horton et al., 2002; DeCelles and Hor- 22° S ton, 2003). Previous studies have related the 70° W 65° W 60° W observed stratigraphy to an eastward migration Figure 1. Map showing regional topography of the central Andes. of the Andean foreland basin system, with the Major physiographic divisions are separated by dashed lines (after El Molino and Santa Lucia formations depos- Isacks, 1988; McQuarrie et al., 2005). Darker colors (orange, red, ited in a backbulge depozone, the main body gray, black) defi ne regions of higher topography (>3.5 km). Box of the Potoco Formation recording foredeep shows location of Figure 2. deposition, and the upper Potoco, Coniri, and younger volcaniclastic formations representing intermontane (hinterland) basin deposition in the Altiplano (DeCelles and Giles, 1996; Hor- common basis in the consideration of sediment the Altiplano adjacent to the Eastern Cordillera ton et al., 2001; Horton et al., 2002; DeCelles accu mulation patterns within and adjacent to in order to determine the relationship of these and Horton, 2003). the central Andean plateau. For this reason, the deposits to upper-crustal deformation and topo- In the northeastern Altiplano, the Peñas and spatial and temporal trends in the confi guration graphic development along the margins of the Aranjuez formations form discontinuous out- of individual sedimentary basins, including the central Andean plateau. crops of coarse-grained siliciclastic deposits age, provenance, burial history, and relation- that trend north-northwest, roughly parallel to ships to upper-crustal structures, are important GEOLOGIC SETTING tectonic strike in the adjacent Eastern Cordillera to any models of deformation and uplift in the (Fig. 2). The basal contacts of these formations central Andes. The central Andes in Bolivia can be sub- are in angular unconformity above Devonian The present study of the middle Cenozoic divided into fi ve physiographically distinct strata. The Peñas Formation is up to ~1100 m Peñas and Aranjuez formations, siliciclastic provinces (from west to east): the Western Cor- thick and is best exposed near the town of Peñas deposits exposed in the northeastern Altiplano dillera, the Altiplano, the Eastern Cor dillera, (Fig. 3A) and at Cerro Santa Ana, north of the of Bolivia, helps constrain the history of ini- the Subandean Zone, and the Beni-Chaco Plain La Paz and El Alto metropolitan areas (Fig. 3B). tial hinter land basin development in the central (Fig. 1; Isacks, 1988). The Altiplano is an in- Numerous smaller outcrops of the Peñas For- Andean plateau and relative surface uplift along ternally drained, ~200-km-wide region of low mation with limited exposure are also present the plateau margin. Although previous stud- topographic relief located in the hinterland of in the region northwest of La Paz (Fig. 2). The ies have focused on synorogenic sedimentary the central Andean fold-thrust belt with an aver- Aranjuez Formation is >340 m thick and is ex- deposits exposed in the Altiplano and Eastern age elevation of 3.8 km. Bounding the Altiplano posed south of La Paz near Zona Sur, Pedregal Cordillera (e.g., Sempere et al., 1990; Kennan are the Eastern Cordillera, which represents the (Fig.