Tectonic Evolution of the Andes of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Northern
CORDANI, LJ.G./ MILANI, E.J. I THOMAZ flLHO. A.ICAMPOS. D.A. TECTON IeEVOLUTION OF SOUTH AMERICA. P. 481·559 j RIO DE JANEIRO, 2000 TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF THE ANDES OF ECUADOR, PERU, BOLIVIA E. Jaillard, G. Herail, T. Monfret, E. Dfaz-Martfnez, P. Baby, A, Lavenu, and J.F. Dumont This chapterwasprepared underthe co-ordination chainisvery narrow. Thehighest average altitudeisreached ofE.[aillard. Together withG.Herail andT. Monfret,hewrote between 15°5 and 23°S, where the Altiplano ofBolivia and the Introduction. Enrique Dfaz-Martinez prepared the southernPerureaches anearly 4000 mofaverage elevation, section on the Pre-Andean evolution ofthe Central Andes. andcorresponds tothewidest partofthechain. TheAndean Again Iaillard, onthe Pre-orogenic evolution ofthe North Chain is usually highly asymmetric, witha steep western Central Andes. E.[aillard, P. Baby, G. Herail.A, Lavenu, and slope. and a large and complex eastern side. In Peru,the J.E Dumont wrote the texton theorogenic evolution of the distance between the trench and the hydrographic divide North-Central Andes, And, finally, [aillard dosed the variesfrom 240 to }OO km.whereas. the distancebetween manuscript with theconclusions. thehydrographic divide and the200m contourlineranges between 280 km(5°N) and about1000 kIn (Lima Transect, 8·S - 12°5). In northern Chile and Argentina (23·5),these distances become 300 krn and 500 km, respectively. Tn INTRODUCTION: southern Peru,as littleas 240 km separates the Coropuna THE PRESENT-DAY NORTH-CENTRAL Volcano (6425 m) from the Chile-Peru Trench (- 6865 m). This, together with the western location of the Andes ANDES (jON - 23°5) _ relative to theSouth American Con tinent,explains whythe riversflowing toward the Pacific Ocean do not exceed 300 TheAndean Chain isthemajormorphological feature of kmlong, whereas thoseflowing to theAtlantic Ocean reach theSouth American Continent.
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