Gazette Official

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Gazette Official d h . ' > aM ' & * N aw ;. < J. * A ' f. * 7 ) x< l r. u 1 l * # TH E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 0F TIIE COLONY A N9 PROTECTORATE 0F KEN YA Published under the AuthoHty ol His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (è ( .----. .ï .( è)l è) èl . Vol. XXXVI-- NO. 60 NAIROBI, Decem ber 18, 1934 Prlce 50 Cenls Rejisiered as a Newspaper at ihe 6. P. 0 Puhlisàed exery Tuesday y ... rjm u.y .s uu y.. -. T A B LE O F CO N T EN TS PAGE ' 41 ovt . N' ' otiee N o. 812 Arrivals, D epartures, Appoîutnteuts, ete . 1.4$78 .13. roel al-nation N. o. 116 The Diseases o'f Aninlals Orclirtane,e . 1679 4'1(?vt. Notice No. 813 . Agrieultural Aclvances Saheme Xotiee . 1679 814 The Native Authority Ord inanee Appointlzients . 1 679 815 Twenty-fifth Arluiversary o'f I'iis Alaj esty the Kitlg's Aeeession to tl'te !2l3rO1Re ... .-. ... -. .- ... ... ... ... 1 680 816 Tzle Crop Prodttetion and Ltve Stock Ordin anee, 1926 N otic,e 1680 817-.-T11e A'lsning Ordinanee, 1933 N' otiee . 1 680 :1 ) , , A) 818-21 T'he Companies Orclinancf?, I$) 3B--Dissollltion of Conapanies 1680 General Notictes N' ' os. 1687-170/5 . 1.681 SU PPLEM ENT KENY.: IDROCLAAIATIONS , RULES AND REGULATIONS 1678 TH E O1S IF4CI-A L G AZETTE D ecem ber 18 , 1934. GOVSRNMENT Nonqcs N0. 812 Name Leave 25th Oct., 1934 7th Deca, 1934 do do do do do do APPOINTM ENTS. H>:Nzt's- Mi-olzpx. (Nzazvtzx FzRxkxcl,s DANIXT.Z H zsratm to be Dist.ric't Coaulnis- (,tG1tIc .) ., Depttty Director (Plant sioner, N andi District, Rift Valles, Provinee, with lndustrxl ttoased duty ns Acting Direetor of Agricul- effetzt f rom 24t11 Ntlvem ller, 1984 . tul'e and revel'ted to his substztllfive appoi.lltlnezzt of l'leptl ty Direetor ( Plan.t l.rtdustry) , witl't etlkct f t'qlll J'fll-lx I-lExu'r F'IZa-NN to be District Olcer, K ilifi Distl.iet, a .L0tl1 Deeemhel-, 1934 . Coast Provitwe, witlk ettect f rom 1St1) Deeeulbez', 193.,1 . Jflux HENII'V FIuvxx reverted to llis substaniive pos't of RxcuAuo Jbnpkr Cruvpl I'Towxs to be District Colulnis- Distl'ict Ofllcer witll efect from 12th December 1984. sioner, Atoyale Distriet, N orthern Frontier Distriet, , : with efitect frt?m 24:11 November, 1934. AIAGISTETI I-A Tu 55' ''ARRAN TS . (Rzclt-.tu'fl Joux CL-îrok Howvs to 'be a M agistrate of the. DoxArao S'roults Fflx to be District Coptmissioner, Soutll First Class with pgwer to hold a Subordinate Court Nz-eri Disbrict), Cent.ral Province, with effeet from 6t11 c,f tlle 'Fil'st Class in thê N' orthern Frontier Distriet , December, 1934. $5-1111st holclillg his present appointment of Distriet. T'towruzkxn 'W ILIZIAAI C'LTNNINGHLAM BATKF.M-BEXLL io 13e ColnmissioneA- , Aloxale, Northe'rn Frontier Distriet- District Officer, South Nyeri D istriet, Central Pro- 1) flwzuax1) W It,'fzz-&'.u C4JNNXNGHAM BAXEM-BXAT,'C to l)e a vince? with effect f rom 6th Decem ber, 1934. A.-fagistl'ate of the Second Class with power to hold a 'W lruyazztv Sarolu 'g M ARCRAN'T to 'be Distrld Comnzissioner, Subordinate f'ourt of t.he Seeond Olass in tlle South n Nyel'i Distl'ispt, w1211st lloldïng hfs present appointment -.laehakos District, Central Proviuee, witlt eflbct f1.()m as Distziet Oflleer, South N yeri Distriet Central 3rd December, 1934, 14 rovince . , I'IAM'R'V BAMMON SIIAMPE to be Distriet Comntissioner, qT()I.tN I-llEs-ltv Flu rxw to be a Allagistrate of tlle Seconqt Laikipia District, Rift Valley Proq-ince, with efect Class witlt power to hold a Subordinate Court of the from 5th Deeember, 1934. Seeond' Class i'n the K ilift Distriet,, p-h11st holding hi& Eowaltn Joslrzaz.z O'FAICMSI,L resumed the duties of Deputx presellt appointlllellt. as Distriet Iofllcez', K ilifi llistrictx Itegistla'ar Suprel'ne Court of K enxa azzd Distritzt, llegis- Coast A.province. trar, M ombasa, witll effec: from lptlt Deeemqaer, 19.'31 . ll-xult-.t- B-xl-tmf'l.x SIn!-&l41a:; to be a A'fagistrate of tlle First KBNYA AND VGANDA RMLWAYS AND ZARBOUMS. Class, witll power to hold a S. ubordinate Court of the . Jons Glt.AV NlSBE'r, Acting Assîstant Cllief Engilleer. b'il'st Class i1k the Itift Valley Provinee, Mrhilst hold- reverted to his substantive rank of Distriet Engineey'. ing ltis present appointment as Distriet Cotnmissionel' Tuaikil, i1) Distrie'c T-tit't Valley P rovinee , f rom tlae 30th Oetober, 1934 . , . J'AMES R.()B'sIE Fwxqcuwltsox', Act.inyr Distl'ieil Etlaizleez'. PRELTAIINAR Y OR AL SW AH ILI EXAM INATION. reverted to his stlbstantive ranlt of Stauior Assïstant PAss. Engirleer, witlt effect fronl 21st N ovelllber, 1934. 11 . V . Bol'ain - làistrik't Co'muzissioner? s Ofllee? Eldoret- PROM OTION . ' AItMCIGXL 't)x Vzxs W AI)z), ().B.E., M.A. toxoNl, tf) 'Le Colonial Seeretary, with efibtut fronl àhe 8th Decelulne?', 1.934. REVERSIONS. H wuolatl B>la'r:it-&M AVATEE s , r:.A., reverted to his substan- tive appoin txuent of D ireetor of A gr leul ture , witl t JUXON BAXTON , effect f ronz the 10tl1 DeeenAbeEr, 1934. for G lozlïcl Seeretn . D ecem ber 18, 1934. TH E OFFICTA L G AZE TTE 1679 C oloùy and Protectörate of Frenya PROCLAMATION NO. l l 6 ( 1 t.) ,.' t- ).: t l k , ent i 11 t 1) e ad Iza inistrati on 016. f 11 e A grl' f- t 11 - f l 1 t'ltl -ï. tl vrtllt-tzs Seltert-lta Nvi tl l eflect fl-tlnà tllt. :27t1 1 THE DISEASES OF ANTM ALS ORDINANCE us ugtlsf , 1. (#3.1 . A11 sllla'.ks (llte Iantt oM-ing 't ri tl 1 t ' A grit! l l1t tll-lt I ztdvsnct)s (Boapd are I'rol'ft t1i ptt'' lchwpter 157 oj @/lt7 Reri8ed fJffftl??,, s'ection 4) Pf t y able to the a gents . ' AND THE TNTERPRETATION AND GENERAL :h'J'2) il-obl , CLAUSES OIRDINANCE 221.-1 (1 N-() vernber , 192- 4 . (Cllapte'r 1 oj f/zc Reviued J-itffffolt., ueoljo't't 1 3) GtwltltxMlxT Nowcl Nt). 231 tllr 1919. A. z)x V. MFz: 1 .)1,: , Actit'tg Colo-/zicl Sccvetat'jl. PttôcruAMu lox. TN ZXERCTSE of the powers thereunto enabling m e, I hereby deelare the following Proclam ation: GOVERNMENT N OTICE NO. 814 nnd pcrrfion o.î Proclamation to be revoked ; Tlle Proclàm atiorl No. 21, dated the lgth clay of TH E NATIVE AUTH ORITY ORDINANCE M areh, 1933 , cleelaring L .1.t . No. 2488/17, (5 frs . ((7/scp é c?' 1 29 of f b,e R c'tl i8e d .Ji2J lt ion. c/,y q'm,envde (J by Barry, (r/0 1. H. H. Meiklejohn, Esq., P:O. Thom- f ho .J? c ?Jï.:taJ ' Edit iott oj ï' lt.e fwtwcy (Operationj son 's 1:.ralls Laikipia Districtt ; L.R. N' o. :5122 , 1. 1f. O?-(/?'nt't?'lcc , 1956, frcctït)?z 20) ' ' H : , . M eiklepolm, Esq. , P.O. Thom son s Y'alls, Tuai- lcipia ; 'District ; that portion of the Charing Cross- AND Thomson's Flalls road whieh passes througlt Farms TIIE INTERPR ETATION AND GENERAL L.1t. 5122 and L.14,. 2488/1: road reserve, Laikipia Districi, to be infeeted areas (East Coagt Fever). CLAUSES OIRDINANCE Tlaat Proclnm afion No. 61, d.ated the 2nd day of ( () Jk.(rpf (? 1- 1 oj 'é Jzt? ft c 't, i8 c d St-/if ion, .tk c (; f ftl?'?- 13) August, 1S33, deeluring an area of the Forest GovxltxAlExtr NorptcE No. 406 oF 1926. Ttesemre L.I't. No. 4424, boundad SPB follows : - Com mepeing at a beaeon situated on the north- IN EXEIRCTSE of tlle powers tllereunto enabling east bourzdary of Iu.ll. 2922, tllence in a nortll- rne, 1 hereby apposnt flAe persons nqam ecl in tllcl ûhasterlv dir'ecttion to a p'oint where a stream inter- Sc.lttqtlule ftnrlexed llereto to be members of tlle Loeal seets yhe Bouth-west bounclary of L.R. 2487, N' ative Oouneil nam ed therein. thence irt a soutll-eastqt-ly direction following tlle sou': ll-oftst boundary o'f TU.1't. 248t and. L.R . 5122, ( loverlln-lelït Notic'e N%. 627 taf 1t5t.h Oet()l)ep, 1.93 1 , to tlle m osf souflzerly bêaec)n of L.1)o . 5122, tllenee i s 1) ereby eaneell (.)cl . in a northteasterly direction following the soutlle'rn boundary of TP.II. 5122 as 1ar as its junetion Mriflz the western' boundary of L.IR. 6353, thenee south- wards following the western quarantine boundary of L.R. 4424, published under Governm enf Notiee TT. It. M ONTGOM ERY, N o. 58 of 9th August , 1932, ag far as a point one zzlcf flzty Cl-tiej Ngfit, ( Con'tmin gi't:)lzta?-. mile labove T-tyder's track and from this point in a strftight line north-westwards to the poiut of com - sclu brtkE. melaeem ent ; X' AXDI SOCAL XATIVE OOUNCIL . Assistant Conservator of Forests, Rumuruts , Tuailtipia 1f ipserem arap Chepkiyen. Disfrkpt, to be an infected area (.East Coast Fevcr). Tllat portion of Proclamation No. 84, dated the I1i blam ai arap Tego. 3otlz day of August, 1.934, declaring (Fztzu'.n L .R. N o. 1( ipsaug larap lf iboit. 934 (Ngo'ina Ev stafe), R. G. Butterfleld, Esq. , P.O . lf itlllwtjn .nrap Tulil.
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