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x< l r. u 1 l * # TH E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 0F TIIE COLONY A N9 PROTECTORATE 0F KEN YA Published under the AuthoHty ol His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of

(è ( .----. .ï .( è)l è) èl . . Vol. XXXVI-- NO. 60 , Decem ber 18, 1934 Prlce 50 Cenls Rejisiered as a Newspaper at ihe 6. P. 0 Puhlisàed exery Tuesday y ... . . rjm u.y .s uu y.. -.


PAGE ' 41 ovt . N' ' otiee N o. 812 Arrivals, D epartures, Appoîutnteuts, ete . 1.4$78

.13. roel al-nation N. o. 116 The Diseases o'f Aninlals Orclirtane,e . . . 1679 4'1(?vt. Notice No. 813 . Agrieultural Aclvances Saheme Xotiee . . . 1679 814 The Native Authority Ord inanee Appointlzients . . . 1 679 815 Twenty-fifth Arluiversary o'f I'iis Alaj esty the Kitlg's Aeeession to tl'te !2l3rO1Re ... .-. ... -. .- ...... 1 680 816 Tzle Crop Prodttetion and Ltve Stock Ordin anee, 1926 N otic,e 1680 817-.-T11e A'lsning Ordinanee, 1933 N' otiee ...... 1 680

:1 ) , , A) 818-21 T'he Companies Orclinancf?, I$) 3B--Dissollltion of Conapanies 1680 General Notictes N' ' os. 1687-170/5 . . . 1.681


GOVSRNMENT Nonqcs N0. 812


Leave 25th Oct., 1934 7th Deca, 1934 do do do do do do

APPOINTM ENTS. H>:Nzt's- Mi-olzpx. (Nzazvtzx FzRxkxcl,s DANIXT.Z H zsratm to be Dist.ric't Coaulnis- -lr.sc. (,tG1tIc .) ., Depttty Director (Plant sioner, N andi District, Rift Valles, Provinee, with lndustrxl ttoased duty ns Acting Direetor of Agricul- effetzt f rom 24t11 Ntlvem ller, 1984 . tul'e and revel'ted to his substztllfive appoi.lltlnezzt of l'leptl ty Direetor ( Plan.t l.rtdustry) , witl't etlkct f t'qlll J'fll-lx I-lExu'r F'IZa-NN to be District Olcer, K ilifi Distl.iet, a .L0tl1 Deeemhel-, 1934 . Coast Provitwe, witlk ettect f rom 1St1) Deeeulbez', 193.,1 . Jflux HENII'V FIuvxx reverted to llis substaniive pos't of RxcuAuo Jbnpkr Cruvpl I'Towxs to be District Colulnis- Distl'ict Ofllcer witll efect from 12th December 1984. sioner, Atoyale Distriet, N orthern Frontier Distriet, , : with efitect frt?m 24:11 November, 1934. AIAGISTETI I-A Tu 55' ''ARRAN TS . (Rzclt-.tu'fl Joux CL-îrok Howvs to 'be a M agistrate of the. DoxArao S'roults Fflx to be District Coptmissioner, Soutll First Class with pgwer to hold a Subordinate Court Nz-eri Disbrict), Cent.ral Province, with effeet from 6t11 c,f tlle 'Fil'st Class in thê N' orthern Frontier Distriet , December, 1934. $5-1111st holclillg his present appointment of Distriet. T'towruzkxn 'W ILIZIAAI C'LTNNINGHLAM BATKF.M-BEXLL io 13e ColnmissioneA- , Aloxale, Northe'rn Frontier Distriet- District Officer, South D istriet, Central Pro- 1) flwzuax1) W It,'fzz-&'.u C4JNNXNGHAM BAXEM-BXAT,'C to l)e a vince? with effect f rom 6th Decem ber, 1934. A.-fagistl'ate of the Second Class with power to hold a

'W lruyazztv Sarolu 'g M ARCRAN'T to 'be Distrld Comnzissioner, Subordinate f'ourt of t.he Seeond Olass in tlle South n Nyel'i Distl'ispt, w1211st lloldïng hfs present appointment -.laehakos District, Central Proviuee, witlt eflbct f1.()m as Distziet Oflleer, South N yeri Distriet Central 3rd December, 1934, 14 rovince . , I'IAM'R'V BAMMON SIIAMPE to be Distriet Comntissioner, qT()I.tN I-llEs-ltv Flu rxw to be a Allagistrate of tlle Seconqt Laikipia District, Rift Valley Proq-ince, with efect Class witlt power to hold a Subordinate Court of the from 5th Deeember, 1934. Seeond' Class i'n the K ilift Distriet,, p-h11st holding hi& Eowaltn Joslrzaz.z O'FAICMSI,L resumed the duties of Deputx presellt appointlllellt. as Distriet Iofllcez', K ilifi llistrictx Itegistla'ar Suprel'ne Court of K enxa azzd Distritzt, llegis- Coast A.province. trar, M ombasa, witll effec: from lptlt Deeemqaer, 19.'31 . ll-xult-.t- B-xl-tmf'l.x SIn!-&l41a:; to be a A'fagistrate of tlle First KBNYA AND VGANDA RMLWAYS AND ZARBOUMS. Class, witll power to hold a S. ubordinate Court of the . Jons Glt.AV NlSBE'r, Acting Assîstant Cllief Engilleer. b'il'st Class i1k the Itift Valley Provinee, Mrhilst hold- reverted to his substantive rank of Distriet Engineey'. ing ltis present appointment as Distriet Cotnmissionel' Tuaikil, i1) Distrie'c T-tit't Valley P rovinee , f rom tlae 30th Oetober, 1934 . , . J'AMES R.()B'sIE Fwxqcuwltsox', Act.inyr Distl'ieil Etlaizleez'. PRELTAIINAR Y OR AL SW AH ILI EXAM INATION. reverted to his stlbstantive ranlt of Stauior Assïstant PAss. Engirleer, witlt effect fronl 21st N ovelllber, 1934. 11 . V . Bol'ain - làistrik't Co'muzissioner? s Ofllee? - PROM OTION . ' AItMCIGXL 't)x Vzxs W AI)z), ().B.E., M.A. toxoNl, tf) 'Le Colonial Seeretary, with efibtut fronl àhe 8th Decelulne?', 1.934. REVERSIONS. H wuolatl B>la'r:it-&M AVATEE s , r:.A., reverted to his substan- tive appoin txuent of D ireetor of A gr leul ture , witl t JUXON BAXTON , effect f ronz the 10tl1 DeeenAbeEr, 1934. for G lozlïcl Seeretn . D ecem ber 18, 1934. TH E OFFICTA L G AZE TTE 1679

C oloùy and Protectörate of Frenya

PROCLAMATION NO. l l 6 ( 1 t.) ,.' t- ).: t l k , ent i 11 t 1) e ad Iza inistrati on 016. f 11 e A grl' f- t 11 - f l 1 t'ltl -ï. tl vrtllt-tzs Seltert-lta Nvi tl l eflect fl-tlnà tllt. :27t1 1 THE DISEASES OF ANTM ALS ORDINANCE us ugtlsf , 1. (#3.1 . A11 sllla'.ks (llte Iantt oM-ing 't ri tl 1 t ' A grit! l l1t tll-lt I ztdvsnct)s (Boapd are I'rol'ft t1i ptt' dlt.tk' lchwpter 157 oj @/lt7 Reri8ed fJffftl??,, s'ection 4) Pf t y able to the a gents . ' AND THE TNTERPRETATION AND GENERAL :h'J'2) il-obl , CLAUSES OIRDINANCE 221.-1 (1 N-() vernber , 192- 4 . (Cllapte'r 1 oj f/zc Reviued J-itffffolt., ueoljo't't 1 3) GtwltltxMlxT Nowcl Nt). 231 tllr 1919. A. z)x V. MFz: 1 .)1,: , Actit'tg Colo-/zicl Sccvetat'jl. PttôcruAMu lox. TN ZXERCTSE of the powers thereunto enabling m e, I hereby deelare the following Proclam ation: GOVERNMENT N OTICE NO. 814 nnd pcrrfion o.î Proclamation to be revoked ; Tlle Proclàm atiorl No. 21, dated the lgth clay of TH E NATIVE AUTH ORITY ORDINANCE M areh, 1933 , cleelaring L .1.t . No. 2488/17, (5 frs . ((7/scp é c?' 1 29 of f b,e R c'tl i8e d .Ji2J lt ion. c/,y q'm,envde (J by Barry, (r/0 1. H. H. Meiklejohn, Esq., P:O. Thom- f ho .J? c ?Jï.:taJ ' Edit iott oj ï' lt.e fwtwcy (Operationj son 's 1:.ralls Laikipia Districtt ; L.R. N' o. :5122 , 1. 1f. O?-(/?'nt't?'lcc , 1956, frcctït)?z 20) ' ' H : , . M eiklepolm, Esq. , P.O. Thom son s Y'alls, Tuai- lcipia ; 'District ; that portion of the Charing Cross- AND Thomson's Flalls road whieh passes througlt Farms TIIE INTERPR ETATION AND GENERAL L.1t. 5122 and L.14,. 2488/1: road reserve, Laikipia Districi, to be infeeted areas (East Coagt Fever). CLAUSES OIRDINANCE Tlaat Proclnm afion No. 61, d.ated the 2nd day of ( () Jk.(rpf (? 1- 1 oj 'é Jzt? ft c 't, i8 c d St-/if ion, .tk c (; f ftl?'?- 13) August, 1S33, deeluring an area of the Forest GovxltxAlExtr NorptcE No. 406 oF 1926. Ttesemre L.I't. No. 4424, boundad SPB follows : - Com mepeing at a beaeon situated on the north- IN EXEIRCTSE of tlle powers tllereunto enabling east bourzdary of Iu.ll. 2922, tllence in a nortll- rne, 1 hereby apposnt flAe persons nqam ecl in tllcl ûhasterlv dir'ecttion to a p'oint where a stream inter- Sc.lttqtlule ftnrlexed llereto to be members of tlle Loeal seets yhe Bouth-west bounclary of L.R. 2487, N' ative Oouneil nam ed therein. thence irt a soutll-eastqt-ly direction following tlle sou': ll-oftst boundary o'f TU.1't. 248t and. L.R . 5122, ( loverlln-lelït Notic'e N%. 627 taf 1t5t.h Oet()l)ep, 1.93 1 , to tlle m osf souflzerly bêaec)n of L.1)o . 5122, tllenee i s 1) ereby eaneell (.)cl . in a northteasterly direction following the soutlle'rn boundary of TP.II. 5122 as 1ar as its junetion Mriflz the western' boundary of L.IR. 6353, thenee south- wards following the western quarantine boundary of L.R. 4424, published under Governm enf Notiee TT. It. M ONTGOM ERY, N o. 58 of 9th August , 1932, ag far as a point one zzlcf flzty Cl-tiej Ngfit, ( Con'tmin gi't:)lzta?-. mile labove T-tyder's track and from this point in a strftight line north-westwards to the poiut of com - sclu brtkE. melaeem ent ; X' AXDI SOCAL XATIVE OOUNCIL . Assistant Conservator of Forests, Rumuruts , Tuailtipia 1f ipserem arap Chepkiyen. Disfrkpt, to be an infected area (.East Coast Fevcr). Tllat portion of Proclamation No. 84, dated the I1i blam ai arap Tego. 3otlz day of August, 1.934, declaring (Fztzu'.n L .R. N o. 1( ipsaug larap lf iboit.

934 (Ngo'ina Ev stafe), R. G. Butterfleld, Esq. , P.O . lf itlllwtjn .nrap Tulil. Sotik', South Lumbws Digtriet, to be an infeeted area (Ri. ndèrpest). ' Si nlba ftrap Ollemworor. Gi'teèn under my laand n,t Nasrobi flais lotll day of Af alaisa ttr. ap Chemuigut .

lfelll-q' p alntp Itip' titi'. Deeember, 1934. l ' 34. . . . . TT. TT. BRASSEY-EDW ARDS, 1111121tl'1 Clleruiyot ttrap Olleplkwany. Gregory Kibonlet arap Kendagor. ' (/itief. 'Pt,f e'rlnàvy t)./.4 cc?-. Kipsambo arap Kebom et. GOVERNMENT NOTICE N O. 813 Kibrop az*ap Kiptilil. ' ; . ' C.llemorl arap Chem ei. JUGRIOULTURAL ADVANOES SCH EM E. Kipkem ei arap Salo. IT is hereby notifiecl for general inlorm afion fhnt Kipkoilz arftp Itim elil. under the provisilm s of section 2 of tlle Tuand and K itoi arap Rop . Agricultural Bank (Amtmtlmeni) Orclinanee, 1933 , Kipcllul'rlb tt arap. Kiboit . ag :tm ended by tlae . Tuand. and. Agiculfural B,nlalç (Amendment) Ordinauee, 1S34, the Tuand tmd Ap'î- Sirm tz arap M esses. clllt'lral .Bank' laave been nppoini.ecl ngent: for tlne Sillta arap Beles. 1680 TH E O FW CIA L G AZE TT E D ecem bez. J.8, 1934.

G OVERNMEXT N o-rlcE N o. 815 G OVSRNM ENT N OTICE N 0. 818 TW ENTY-FIFTI-I AN NIV ER SARY OF H TS TH E COM PAN IE S OR D IN AN CE , 1933. A IA JE STY TH E K IN G 'S A CCE SSION TO P UIISU A N T to seetion 284, sub-seetion 3 ol the TH E TH R ON E . above Ordinance, it is hereby notifled that at the 'W ITH refetence to Governm ent N otice N o. 79() expîration of three m onths from date hereof , the (Lbf the .1st D eeeznber, .T-1is E xeelleney the G ovemlor nptm e of tlle underm entioned Com pany will, unless llas betan pleased to appoint the H on. A bdul Avtthid e?tuse be sl. aow n to tlle eontrary, be struck off thta as a m eznber of the Central Com m ittee apjointed ltegister of Com panies and the Com pany will be fol' the purpose of advising on and co-ordlnating dîssolved : ttrrangem ents in eonnection with the eelebration of A' folite Com pany, L im ited. tlle A ntliversary throughout tlae Colony. N ttirobi, N a i r o b i , ' T llis 12th day of l-lecem ber, 1934. .1111 is 12t1t day of D ecem ber, 1934. B . STONE , A . Ds V . W AD E , Acting .l:lévfyàrtzz' 0/ (/ontpanie8. -4cffTùg Coloytflrl SeoretaTy.

G OVERNMENT N OTICE N O. 819 GOVERNMENT N onqcs N o. 816 TH E C1tOP PR O D U CTION AN D L TV E Sr.I?O CK TH E COM P AN IE S OR D IN AN CE , 1933. OIID IN A N CE , 1926, P U R SU A NT to section 284, sub-seetion 3 of the THE MTATTIJE l.l!zxax tMAltxl'rlx(>l Rtals , 1933. qbove Ordinanee, it is hereby notified that at the ' expiration of three m onths from date hereof , the .IN E N I'.(1lC1)SE of the pow ers eonf erred on m e nam e ot tlze undemnentioned ,com pany w ill, unless ttntler Rule 11 of the Nvattle Bark (M arkefing ! eause be show n to the eontrary, be struck of the ltules, 1933, T l'lerttby prohibit the purclzase or sale Register of Com panies, and the Com fany will be of clry wattle bark in the between dissolved : 1 11e 20t1l of O etober, 1934, and. the 2nd. Jantlary, 1935. '7he K enya Bl'ush and Polîsh Co. , Ltd, (lovernm cnt Notice No. 659 of 1934 is hereby N airobi, eaneelled. Tlais 12t11 day of D ecem ber, 1934. N airobi, B . STONE , 17t,h D eeem ber, 1934. zzlcfïlzg Regizinar oj tlaz/tptmïfg8. H . B . W ATE R S, Direc't o'r oj zzllrFczf/fzl'rc . G OVERNMSNT N oTlcE N o. 820 G OVERNMENT N oerlcE N o 817 TH E COM PAN IE S OR D IN A N CE , 1933. PU IRSUANT to gecfion 284, sub-section 3 of the TH E M IN IN G OItD IN AN CE , 1933. above Orclinttnpe, it is hereby notiftetl that at the IN' E X E R CISE of the pow ers conferre: upon him expi3latiou of tttree m onths from date hereof , tlle by seetion 7 (j) of tl4e M ining Ordinanee, 1933, His uttm es of tlle underm entionecl Com pauieé W ill, uttless qtause be ' sltow n to tlle eontrary E xcelleney tlle G overnor has been pleased to cleclare , be struck off the ltegist'er of Com panies and the Com panies w ill be tl3e area deseribetl in the , Seheclule hereto to be exeluded from tlàiz operation of the Baid O rdinanee, cl lssolved . w ith effeet from the 12th day of D eeem ber, 1984, 1 ? K enttt n . L' irnited. . plovided that suell exelusion .e1lall not affeet any 2. The llereules Alining Com pany, prospeetinv or luiueral rîghts grantecl or existitlg in' , Tuilnitctl. respeet of the sttid area or any portion thereof . N ftirobi , Tllis 13th day of D eeenîber, 1934k 1)y Com m ancl of H is E xeelleney ' the Gtw ernor. B . ST NE , N' a i r o b i , . Tllis 12th day of D eeem bçr, 1934. 4cting f'ltqgfyfrtzr of (lqwzpcrlt'cj. H . G . PIL LIN G , jol. Acting Colonial Stlc'rtlftlrp. G OVERNMENT Noerlcs N o. 821 SOH E D U L E . T ILIE CO M P AN IE S OR D IN A N CE , 1933. Com m eneing fti a point on thc Yala-B ham ba PU R SU A N T to section 284, sub-section 5 of thi' rcad laalf a n-zile rlorth-east of the eross road: at nbove Ordinaneer, it is hereby notified thttt thft ltham ba ; llnderm entioned (lom pany has this day been struek tllenee nortll-w esterly for approxim ately balf off the ltegister of Corripaniès aild fhe Oom pali) m ile to a post ; is dissolved : thence south-w esterly for approxim ately one m ile Serviee Stof,es; Lim itedk. t() a post ; . thenee soufh-easterly for apprqxip ately 9ne m ile N' a irobi , . f'a a poBt ; T1a is 11 t1& clrly of D ecem ber, 1934. thenc,e north-easterly for approxim atel'y llalf' a B . STON E , m ile t.o tlle point of com m encem ent. dcfïng Regiuinar OJ (Jompanieg. Decemb:r 18, 1934. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1681

GowrRxusx,r xoaacs .x o. 718 G sxsu s No,rrcs xo. 1688

SW AH ILI EXAM INATIONS. NO TICB. H IGH ER Standartl Exam inations in Swahili will Uxo>m 'rHE M EDICAL Pzucw'moxyms Axp Dsxrms'rs be held at Nairobi on M onday, the 4th M arch, ORDINANCE, 1910. Lcltaptev 119, Renined Edifionj. 1985. 'I'H E undernotecl has been registered in aceord- Lower Standard Examinations will be hetd on the anee with lhe terms ol the M edical Praetitioners sftmc, date at Nairobi and such other plaees as the and Dentists Ordinance (Chapter 119 of the Revised t'hairnzan of the Languages Board m ay decide. Edition). The nam es of eandidates for either of the above Coetzee, Abraham John Peter, L.M.s.s.A. examinations must be forwarded through Hkads oî tLoxooxl, 1931, M.R.c.s. (ExG.), ' 1933, Depftrtm ents, and f,o reaeh the Seeretary, Langu- L.R.c.P. (Iuoxoox), 1933. ages Board, P.O. B0x 621, Na.irobi, on or beloze the tkth J'anuary, 1935. A. à. PATERSON, Ileginta'r. Eiltries should state the eandiclate's full name,' the post held and the language examinations already passed. G ENERAL NOTICE NO. 1689 N' a irob i , LOOU ST REPORT, IJTH DECEM BER, 1934. Qrtd Novernber, 1934. KSNYA. L. A. W EAW NG, lmprovem ent in the locust situation of the Colony Secreiavy, Language8 Board. reported on tlle 30th November, has been main- tained sinee that date ancl reports that loeusts have not been observecl siuee then have been received

from sixteen stations of the Kqnya and. Rail- GENERAL No-mcE No. 1687 way and the Alkehakos, Central Kavirondo, Baringo NOTICE. and. Wlalindi Districts. Orle sm all swarm wlzicll lltzs been stafitm az'y in a Gluzlxtt, AA-xs'l)>mx AIAIJ FoltEs'r RESERVE. sugar plautttion on the eoast is now reported to TENDERS az'e invited 1or the grazing rights for llave rettehed m aturity and. is ready to lay. lt is a period of two years from 1-1-3J, for the following possible tllat otllers wlaieh llave reaehed this stage of areas in tlle Avestern M au Forest Reservg : developm ent m ay reappear from uninhabited parts dtlring the next Etew weeks. -4;'.c(f z1. Approxim ately 1,000 acres of grasslands and grass glades lying to the west and south-west As stated below two swarm s in the nortll-east of tAf Farm L .R. No. 570/ 1, adjoining ilais tarm on the Tanganjzika have moved towards Kenya but invasion east and bounded by tlle edge of higll forest on the from tllls direetion is zlot feared at present. remaining sides. TaxGAxylxA. zlrt?tz B. Approxizzzately 1,650 aeres of grasslands Lttying by a small swarm was reported at Korogwc antl grass glades lying to the west and. south-west of on tlle llth instant, villen two moclerately large Farms 1L.1l . Nos. 1748 and 3683, bounded by tlle swarm s were stated to be flying in a hortllerly Kipsonugu River on the east and. by the eclge of direetion ettst of . Other diffuse higll forest on the rem aining sides. swarlns have reappeared in tlle Avestern Usambkrà' s. 2. Tenders sllould be renderetl sept. trately for eattll A . G . B AILEY, ttreti . Tlle basis of tender to be an annual lieenee /07- Divec't t)o' of z4g?''?7c'dzlf 'ua-c . fee pttyable in advanee belore the issue of the licence and thereafter im the 1st J'anuary, the following GENERAL N OTICE N O. 1690 y e a 1 *.. 3 . The sueeessful tenderer for each area will be POST OFFICE NOTICE . isstletl with a lioence the term s of which m ay be ascert.ained from the Assistant Conservator of XRRIVAL OF AIR M AIL IN ENGLAND. Forbsts, Londiani, tït, whose oë ce the plans ol the ' arekts m ay be seen and all inform ation obtained. IT is notified for general inform ation that ihe 4 . T1)e sueeessful teuderers will be required to Air M ail despatched from Nairobi on the under- denlareate roughly the boundaries of their respective m entioned date arrived in Englantl as statecl : - alfelils . Date of drspatch Dyte of arrival Lq. Al11 regulations ilnposetl by the Veterinary De- from Nalrobl m England partm ent with regard to thè m ovement of eattle m ust be strictly observed. 7th Decembea', 1934 13th December, 1934 6. Tenders should be forwarded to the Assistant Conservator of Forests, P.O. Londiani, and will be received bv him up to and ineludj ng 3 j. s t; su e. mja (,y., 19154. G General Post Oëee, Nairobi # ' N airob i , 14th December, 1934. 1.7t1l Dqeernber, 1934. . A. W . DRUBY, J. () . IRAM M ELL , /or Ponimanker Gczlcrtzl, jo?' Con8eè.raioî' oj Fo?'c8tt;. Kenya, Uganda and Ttzngcnpi/tft 168: TH E OFPICIAL GAZETTE Decem ber J%, 1934.

GENERAL N OTICE N 0. 1691 G ENERAL N oerzcs N 0. 1694 H O X OItAR Y P E R M IT ISSU E It. H ONORARY PEIRAH T ISSUEIR. IN E X E ItCISE of tlle pow ers eonferrecl qpon m e by ltulcs N os. 20 and 68 of the D iseases of A nim als IN EXEItCISE of tlle powers conferred upon m e O rdinanf?e llules, 1931, 1 hereby qleelare tlle under- . by Rule No. 26 (2:) of the Diseases of Anim als Ordi- lnentionetl gentlem an to be an H onorary Perm ït nanee R ules, 193 1, èI hereby deelare that the uuder- nlentionecl H onorary Tssuer of P erm its is authorizecl fssuer for tlle purposes of tlze said Ttules. to issue pem-nits for l'novem ent by rail for slttugllter :13 C. B rowu, E sq. , stock only. P . O . G ilgil. ltrzltlyttl'rl A REA. Nttîrob i , Tllis 13' tl1 day of D eeem ber, 19B4. G . C .' A ggett, E sq. , - 1-1. H . B IRA SSE Y -E D W A R D S, P .O . R um uruti. Deputy .&5?'4cft??' (Animal Indu8try) N airobi, (r?z(! Cltiej Ftlf6zîntu'?y Ojjicer. Tllis 13tl1day of D eeem ber, 1934. ' . . . . - ...... H . 11. B R A SSE Y -E D W A R D S, G ENERAL N OTICE N O. 1692 Doputy .Dï?'6cf()?' (-zl?zfwzfz; I'rtd'ustryj 11OX OItAltY 131!IIA'IIT '1S SUEIAb. tznrtf Chiej Fc/ity'?'i?lcz?'a!/ O/#cc?'. IN- E X E I4CISE of tlle powers eonferred upon n1e by ltules Nos. 20 and 63' of tlle D iseases of A nil-nals Ordinazlee R ules, 193 1, 1 hereby deelare tlae under- G ENSRAL N o7qcs N o. 1663 lnentiolzed gezztlelzlan to be an H bzzorary P erzzait lssuer f or tlae purposes of the saitl Itules. K E NY A A N D U G AN D A R A IL W A Y S AN D H AR B OU R S. G. Slrith, Esq. , l'tongai Alzlling Cozzlpany, ltEoucTlox Ix F llts'T AxD SEcoxo Class R IrI'UXN l'tongai, Tl.&ItES. . . 'llice N OT.ICE is hereby givezz ihat w ith esect from L . 1-l . J'ones, E sq-, t 11e 1st J,anuary, 193t5, for a period oi one year, ltougai l'Iilling. Colnpatty , returtt first aud ueeond elass tiekets will be issued' (l-tesigned) . betw eezl any two points on the services controlled N airobi, by tlle H ïgh Com lnissioner on paym ent of one andk Tl) is 13 t1t day of' D eeeznber, 1984. oue,-halt' single fares ancl w ill be available by any 11'. 1-1. B èRAS SE Y-E D W A ItJII S , trtpiu or steam er. l.lt?tlll.ty Dl?zctf ov td?lfz??z.tzl Inlleu8t ?'./y) A VAILABILITY. altd tifJlffi/ 'Ve'teritiaî'y 0j. #cck'. Tlle availability ot tlle retur.n portions of these tickets will be six calelltlar m onths, including days

G ENERAL N oTlcE N o. 1693 ()1. îssue, of return azld Sundays. , 1 1t) N O1( All Y P E I4.AI1T' IS S UE II . lu tlte event ol tllis period of avaîlability beiug t?xceeded, passeugers will be called upon to pay IN E X E R CISE of the pow ers tzonferretl upou trte the differenee betw een the i'are already paiil and t'y llule No. 26 (2) c'f the Diseases of Anim als Ordi- tlle sum of tsl-o single i'ares. nallt!e R ules, 1931, 1 hereby declare that the under- B rtxax o>a Jotm xav. m erltiolled l'fonorary 17 ssue r of Perm its is authorized tl? issue perutits 1'01- ltlt.ll'ialllent. by rail for sl.a.llgl) t er Passengers lloldiny return tickets issued under t llis revised èfalle basls mqy break their journey, on stgek only. both outwarcl and hom ew ard travel, at any lnter- ltox Ggî.t z'tltllzî.. m ediate station or port on the direet line of routez G. Sm itll, E sq-, betw eel'l tlie tw o points for w hieh fhe ticket is valid, R ongai Alillillg Collzpanjr, for as lollg as is eonvenient to them selves, provided R ongai. tlyat the total period ol availability is not exebeded. . ., 5 airobi, . Tllits 13tl1 day of Deeember, 1984. CIIILDRSN. Children w llo have attained the age of 3 years, 11. 1f. BRASSE Y-ED W AR D S, ttnd are under the age of 12 years, w ill be charged Devuty. Dï?a6cft)k- tz4znïzlzztzl Induutk'y. ) ltalf the revisecl return fare, w hile those under 3 and OJIIJ F6f eçinal'y O//àcck'. years of age (travellsng in the eare of other adult paBsesgers) will be conveyecl free. G ENERAL N onqcs N o. 1528 L TJGGAGX.

N OTICE . Tlle usual < Sltree' ' luggage allow anee of 150 1b. for IN view of the close o:f the F inaneial Y eaz. on tlle 1st elass passengers and. 90 lb. for 2nd. elass pas-

31st D eeem ber, 1934, it is requestell that a11 m er- sengers, on both the outw ard and. hom ew ard ' chants and others having any claim against tlle journeys, will also apply to holdezs ol return tickets Govcrnm ent. of the Colony and Protectorate of issued under this revised fare basis. K enya will render them to the departm ent eon- This revised basis t)f eharging for return 1st and eerned before 1he 22nd. D ecem ber, 1934, and w ill th'ld class tiekets is an experim ent and, if it proves present a11 paym cnt vouchers to the nearest D istrict unsuceesslul in attracting the neeessary am otm t of

Treasurjr for paym ent before thé 31st D ecem ber, additional travel antieipated, m ay be withdrawn . 1934. ' N aitobi,

Tlae. Tzeasury, .: D eeelnber, 1934. , N airobi, G . R . SAfoNT DTFzdOcRakD4r,cr. G. D. RHODES, 7th Novem ber, t984. Genetal it/cscvyy'. llecember 1:, 1:34. l'112 OPPICIAL UAZETTE ! 1682

GENERAL No'rzcs N o. 1601 sessions m emoranda ol appeal should be fled rli-itla tlle Registrar, Suprem e Court of Kenya, Nairobi, IIIS M AJESTY'S COURT OF APPEAL FOR o1' Nyith the District Itegistrar, M ombasa, so far as EASTERN AFRICA. Registry is coneerned not later tha'n the 7'11E next Sessions of His M ajesty's Oourt of 2211c1 day of December, 1934. Appeal for Eastern Afriea have been fixed to be N airobi, holclen at Nairobi to eomm enee on M onclay the 14th 20th Novem ber, 1934. dav of January, 1935 at 10 a.m . or as soon tlaere- affer ,as cases ean be heartl. M URRAY M . JACK, : .1a-0 ensure appeals from His Majesty's Supreme Reginiœa'r, Court of Kenya being set down for hearing at these .J-.J..)f . Coztz'rf OJ z'lppcl,! Jo'r E.A. CAU SE LIST FOR HEARING ON THE 14TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1935, AT NAIROBI Civil or 4. jjant uespondent Original No. Jkppeal No. ' c rjmjuaf . PPe of case .g.P PCZ) som ; 17() of 1934 Cziminal Mbusiro s/o Nyandito Rex Cr. Case H.M. High Court of Tanga- No. 163/34 nyika at M usoma 171 of 1934 Gulamhussein Khan- Rex Cr. Appeal H.M . High Court pf Tanga- mohamed No. 57/34 nyika at Dar es Salaam 172 of 1934 Ralph Chumachiende Rex Cr. Case H.M . High Court of Nyasaland No. 14/34 at Blantyre 1:/3 of 1934 Kashala Rex Cr. Case ditto No. 15/34 174 of 1934 Bansilal Ahuja Rex Cr. Case H.M. High Court of Tanga- No. 82/34 nyika at Dar es Salaam 1:75 of 1934 Mwinyimbegu s/o M wi- Rex Cr. Case ditto nyimviale No. 22.5/34 1'J'6 of 1934 Atanla s/o Inyago Rex Cr. Case H.M. High Court ()f Vgyllda No. 85/34 at Soroti ' 1'i77 of 1934 Samwiri Ayegel s/o Ngu- Rex do ditto roit ' 1 78 of 1934 Akwi d/o Omonoko Rex Cr. Case ditto No. 83/34 17 of 1934 Civil Nauhria Ram & Son Dewa Singh and Civil Case H.k. Supreme Court of Kenya another No. 31/34 at Nairobi 18 of 1934 Mistry Nathu Khan Churanji Lal & Co. Civil Case ditto No. 301/33 24 of 1934 ,, Abdulla bin Omar bin T he Administrator Civil Case H .H. the Sultan's Court for M aotha General as ad- No. 9/33 at Zanzibar m inistrator of the estate of the late Shahasi bin M a- hamud el Bajuni . deceased 25 of 19.34 Abdulla bin Amour bin M owji Valabdas Civil Case H.BkM . High Court for Zanzi- Abdulrehman el Maskeri No.1 16/33 bar'ât Zanzibar 26 of 1934 B. D. Shahi The Krislzna Stores Civil Appeal H .M . Suprem e Court of Kenya No. 1 1/34 at Nairobi 27 of 1934 ' Crown through the Hon. H abib Abdulla Civil Case H.M . Supreme Court of Kenya Attorney General of No. 14/34 at Mombasa Kenya

. =

GENERAL Nonqcs N o. 1356 SESSIONS of His M ajesty's Supreme Court of Kenya will be held on the dates and at the places hereinafter set out :- SUPRSME COURT SEssloxs XT ) 12-2-35. SUPREME COURT SEssloxs AT ELDORET, 19-2-35. SIJPREME COURT SEsszoxs AT , 26-2-35. SUPREME COURT SESSIONS AT N YERI, 12-3-35. M URRAY M . JACK, . Reggytyagj . Supreme Court of AQfzyl. 1484 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE Decem ber J.8, 1984.

GFNERA!- NoTlcE N o. 1695


NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with the M ining Regulations, 1934, regulation 34, that the followlng claim s have been forfeited :- N airobi, This 12th day of D ecem ber, 1934. E. B. H O SK ING , C' ' sioner of J'zWez. M i ' D ate from which the ning cu ss of m L - - -- .,4. au-...1..-.- --+ location or part N ame of Registered ocations cocations <'G'= u Y'* n ','*'=''-L'-'''L''= 'œ * x . . thereof shall be deem ed H older os. to be forfeited

K akam ega Alluvial Failure to carry out 15th Decem ber, 1934 M essrs. M ayers and 236/1-10, rrkning or prospecting M oflit 237/1-10, operatlgn m accord- 238/1-10, ance wlth the M ining 239/1-10, Regulations, 1 934, 240/1-10, Reg. 24 (1) 241/1-10.

G ENZRAL Nop cz N0. 1696


N OTICE is hereby given in accordance with the M ining Regulations, 1934, regu- lation 34, that the following Exclusive Prospecting Licence has been abandoned.

N airobi, This 1 1th day of Decem ber, 1934. E. B. H O SK IN G,

Com m issioner d./' M ines Exclusive D ate from which the N Prospecting Cause of Abandonm ent Licence shall be deem ed anze oHf Registered Licepce to be abandoned older

2) V oluntary abandonm ent 16th October, 1934 Societe M iniere de l'A frique Centrale



oz. oz. /z. oz. oz. ' oz. oz.

N ovem ber 5O9 353 67 14 254 10 1207

' ' -.. . . -..- ...... -

N qlrobiz. . This 14th day' oî Decem ber, 1934. E. B. H OSK IN G, Commisszoner // M ines. D ecem ber 18, 1934. TH E OFFICIAL G AZETTE 1685


lv-tebtor's ?' a ?n tl. Sh. eikll Nassor 'hin Aloha4ned . I T is herebx notifed for qeneral inf ormation that a -.I d(I rF.s.<. lk uzej Afoznbasa . . lettel's patent partitrulars of whlch appear in th4 Sçhedule lv'tescl.iptiolt. Butelaer. ' ltelvto wtls registered lts Nt). 227 of 1934, ln tlte K pnya I'k egister t$f 11. ateltts on tlle 8th day of Divenzber, 1934 : . ( 'ourt . Snprezne floul't, Alom lasa. 7i-n ?)à b 6r oj z?/.f.z/' t f!?.. 7 of 1934. SCH EDULE. '' ./ v'btit e oj oixler. 28th Noventbery 1934. .A .tf ttbe'l' oj ('tpp/ïcttfïon,. 2:7. . . . ' bate oj k'?t?fff.b/p?? .--ngth Octolaer, 1934.. .Dt? f e t'?/ applicaf Eon.. 8th Decelnber, 1934.' . Alom basa, ' 1 fth Decem ber, 1934. A a.??t c t?/ t? plél.'il'altzt . Harry Ainley Neale. . J . 1.1 - FLYNN Iêefliste ?'é'f/ afl(.lî.es.?: e'16/ 37, Chandos ' Tlonse, Pahner beputy O//rS/J,J kecei'ver, Stl'eet, M'restnllnster, Londoh, S.S'V. 1., Enaland. t Cotl-sf l'vovlttce, 3 lom llfp'.s/.t. l'llvt't Jt.:l//f/ ,.8 oj #/'f! ttt 1 n. f h e l7p.lf eçl .'&'@.:?? gdomi; -NS o. 413,488, sealed on the 4th day of October, 1934, and dated the 27th day of June, 1933. GENZIkAL NoTlcE No. 1699 ,A- (1f tl.ve oj 'izùtlevl'f ion.. lmprovements in and relatipg to the preparation of tablets of cofee or m lx- I'.!ç TH E DISTRICT DELEGATE'S COURT AT tures eontaining cofee. . K ISUM V . /)f)tt.?/'?# 6?t t.s, e f c .., ./11 e(l .1 ?1. reflzsfry . PRO' BATE AND ADM INISTRATION . 1.. One certified copy of tlle specihcation' of the

CArsx No. 11 oz' 1934. United K ingdoln Patent. . N flT'lcx oya -.s PmXIC.&'.rIoN vozl lditozu'l'x ozë '.rJ:Ix M'Ilœyu i' xsttruMo CAETANO FEuxzkxoxs, IZATE oz' Klsvst't;, e' . Certificate of the Comptroller Gsneral of the ' U. nited K ingdotu Patent Oflice gtvir!g .full pal'- o>:c b:z&s 1.:0 . ticulat's of tlze grant' of ihho Patent. TAK E N orf ICE thn t alll) lieatlion having been made il, this Coll-rt. 1.)y Anna Allaria de Afello Fernandes, of l1. xtutitorization of Agent. ' . ff-islqllllt'!, f ()1- llrtlllate (jf the M-ill of -lnselzno Caetarltl Ferrlltlldes, late of vK' istzlnu., M-lto died at Ifisurnu on the P5th day f)f Septembfll'. 1934, this Court xill proceed to nzak e a decree il't the sltllle unless cause 'be sllown to tbe N' 1I. irobi , eontrary and appeart) nï.e in this respeet enteretl on o:' . '13. h i s 11th da ), of llete Iztber) 1934 . bef ore the l.2th (11,y t.f January, 1935. K isvllznu, B. STONE, 10th Deceny bel', 19191. . ztcf 'ilt (? lteqhtrav oj f'Wf e.4f 8. .A : PH ILLIPS, al. ct à?1 q Oz-sfzricf Rleleqttf c, A-?lanzaz z'h-p'piqn.ce, .R'7?.$it?n. 1t. Arbf e .--J1.'i1e $$'i 11 abo $-e nalned is now fleposited and tdllell to inspetltion at tlle Cotlrt. GENERAL NOTICE N(). 1703 T HE .ll 11(1. ISTRAT (ON t3F PATENTS ORDINANCE, GRNXRAL NozrlcE No. 1700 1933. IT is llereby notiEetl for general inform ation that a I'I.tOIIATE A N 1) ADAIINIST It it r.PION . letters patent pttrtietzlars of which appear in t,he Schedule Prslxlc Tur s'rx l4' s C-kvs I.1 Nt). 1t)1 ,oka 1934. l1e reto was registered as No. 228 of ' 1934, în the Kenya Register of Patents on the 11t11 day of December, .1 x 'rH'R AII.&.'r'.r>:'It oy BAszkx'.r Sl.xçi:î.t St'xolqlt, l')ilt)>:.xsxn . T() a 11 wlulm it znay eonccrn . 1 92,1 : T AKE NOTIICE tllat al1 persons 1) av ing anx elaims SCH EDULE. làglitinst the estltte of the allove-nam ed Basazlt Singh p.pl i caf 'i.f.l tt .--228 . Sunder, who died at Nairoèai on tlle 20t,h day of Oetolaer, LY u tn. b c t. oj t'. 19,3d, are required to prove su(.11 clairns 'beffzre me tlle lhztc f?/ applicf1 ?'lF' (.ula?.8 oj prtzp t 'F?z. t h e trzgf ed Jf i ?? qdont. No. 414,652, sealed on the 1st day of Novem ber, 1934, and dated the 3rd day of . February, 1933. GIKNEXAL NGTICE NO. 1701 .5' 'ttr tl.t'e p/ é'tè,%,etè.tio'n . Tmprovements in and relating to apparatus for drying m aterials. PROBATE AND ADAfIN ISTIIATION . D()l.tt m,6n,f s, ef c., #lc(! 'in. z'cgiqsfz'p. . PvBtac '.l.'ltvs'rleyl' s CAvsb: N o. 106 0:- 1934. I.x 't' nie I5Iè.'&'.r'rM:It o'y' TztI'l REvlilllltxl.l 'H l(1t1II'm'r Tnowlzts 1. One certilied copy oî the speciflcation, including l'Iuutttls, I3>ltllr.ks!.lI) . drawings, of the United K ingdom Patent. '1-., all wllpln it may eoncern. j?. Certifleate of tlle Com ptroller General of the '11+.$. K E NOTTCIE that 1:11 l4ersons having anx elaims United K ingdom Patent Ollice giving f ull par- ltpytinst the estate of the above-nalned Herbert Thomas tieszlltrs of the grant of the Patent. I'1 ltl'ri:, who dietl at 3 'fonlllasa on tlle 14th day of Sep- .3. Atztltorization of Agent. tentber, 19,34 j al'e reqùired to prove sueh claims llefore ''lk? t,be nndersigned on or before the 18th day of Fybrn- alt'l' . 1fl35, af ter whittlt date tlle ttlaim s so proved w111 J.ye lktld anfl the estltte distributed aceordirlg to law. Naitobi, Tlzis 12th day of Deeemljer, 1934. N a irobi j 1:$th Deeemller, 1934. B. STONE, B. STON E, zlcfing Pzthl.ic Tzrltdf 6e. Acting Xcglfra'r of Ffzfenfd. 1-* 6 '1'H z orrlcl-xTu G'.AZETTE p ecem ber 2.8, 19:4.,

GEXEaAL Non cE NO. 1704 Thursday the :4th J'anuary, 1935, at 10 o'clock iû' t'hé ' f orenoon for the purpose of having an aecolznt laid llef ore the M eefihg showing the manner in which the s%' indlrta up has beeyk eonducted, and the pro.perty of the BANXRrPTCI- CAcsx N t). 5 ol? 193 4. tltzlllpany disposed ()f and of llearing any explanationg . . 1te H . 11 . HAJI .4 Ilawr ax p Stlxs, plilnsiorts . tlll't Illlt v btz given 1)y the Liqu' idator and allo' 'of '154) ,/:111 . 'w.lïfllll it nlay eoncern . - det.txl'lll i ltlnyr 1)).- Ex trltordihary Resolation the znannera'in TAR'E NOTTIIE tlzat tlle first divideztd in respet't hv 11 i k-l) tlte btlolts. ktt-eïlt'tlïts and tloctllnents of the Conàpany of tlte a i'flve estllte will ))e deelarefl by tzlte trustees on a 1: (1 (lt' 'tlle Liqltittldtoz. tlteretlf sllall l)e dïsposed of . tlw 1()tlt tlay of January, 1935, ltt the trustegs' ofll.ee . situate i)n M ary Louise Road at Kassam Kllillljl's ofllce, Dated tgllis 15't11 day of December, 1984. Afomlpasa. . ,

.A.1 1 reditol's wllo llave not proved tlleir elaizn's to tllis esta(,te must do so. . on or before tlle 9t1z day' of A . HORN BY, ' .'f ltlvuary, 1.935 ; f ailing receipt of sueh. proofs bqfore tlte ' .làiqal,itlat 0:'. 9tl1 , day . f)f J'anuary, 19115, trheir clainzs w-il l 1)e ext'lll (1t'.d f I'onl.' the fl i'st dividend. '

.1 l'ated t11 is ?1.5t11 day of Deetalnllep.-, 1 9,)?t . R . M . DOSH I, Advocat e jor t lte T'rvyf ees.. Gsxsuata Noaqcyr No. 1683 ? . . NOTICE. GENERAL NOTICE NO. 1705. MTILL any persons or llrms having any .qlai.ps against llaron Tdr()r von Blixen-Finecke jend such elalms to the N OTICE. . ll.rldel-sijzned with any supportlrig documents on or llllltiyuToN .&xD A'lollnlsoN, LTD. llefol'e J'anuary 15th, 1935 , after whieh dâte no furthe: ' ' ' 5N' LIQIJIDATION. . ' elainas will be considered. '' ' ' . NOTICE is 'herebx aiven thatl pursuant,' to section Q17 of tlze Companies Ordinanee, 1921, a General Aleet- i na of the memllers of tlle allove Company will 1)e lleld J. F. MANLEY, ' at m .!- offices, Roth-al Exchanae Buildlngs, N ai1'tllli, o1z .P. 0. .Bom 64, igqlrobi

t '

R ates of Subscription to O fficixl G azette. 8h,. :te. For one year :5 (0 'A six m ontbs ...... 1 3 fX) '# thrve months (excluding postage) 6 50 #' three month? (including postage) 7 50 Single copy (excludipg postage) .. . . () gjl

Single copy ,(î nctluding postage) ' ...... (Subscriptiorls must be prepaid.)

NOTTCE S AND ADVE RTTSE M E NTS ; ' #11 Notices (m d Adneçfisem ents by Pzïtltlï;: Adveïiinevs vttz?/ b: ieytdeted o, ... nent divect by Post to tlte GOVERNM ENT PSJNTS.R, Nairobi, /tv év ertion 'J ' at the J$lfhoniset rcf6.v oj payment. Tà,: omce JltltzT.v are Jroz?z 9 c.A4. to 4 pr-., . : . closing at 1 o'clock. on tscàzlfrdcy.ç.

: .. , z4!l Notices and zldzpt,z.tfdtlvlélwlt.ç m ust be pzeptgd. To tytztpe delay Nojfcez ::5: , . . and JldmdrfitgtlAndTlfd 8ent dihcfj ()yj pogi y/jgsu Ljo (jccoyjzpsyjug by yzyyjyjuyjts. .. . ' ; .'? . : . . ' Matter j0T publieatioyt :/ZIIZIIJ reaclt tJl6 GOYERNM ENT PRINTER not later tJIJ?Z 1 p.m. o?z ihe s'tzfilzdug oj tJI: me é k bejove pnbliration f.ç deniçeà. ,. l ' -' '

' c ' . AUTH ORISED SPALE OF CH ARGES sh. cu, For insertién in Uëeial Gazette (columni ... 8j (x) (half column) ... lt (X) (qnsrter eolumn or Jejlgl 8 (x) D acem ber 18, 1934. TH E OF FICIAL G AZE TTE 1687 N o w ON :/ 46 REPORT 0F THE KENYA LAND COM M ISSION ! 7-.-5 E . . ------..-- PRICE PRICE poswEp

RE1i? ORT . . . . . 1 1 /- 12/ l 5

EV ID E N CE :- VoL. I.- Evidence relating to the Kikuyu Province . . 40/- 41/75

V oL. ll.- Evidence relating to the M asai, U kam ba, N orthern Frontier, Turkana, Rift Valley and Nzoia Province . . 40/- 41/45

V OL. Ill.- Evidence relating to the N yanza and Coast Provinces ; the European H ighlands ; the w orking of the Lands Trust O rdinance; econom ics and evidence of general application, including the evidence taken in London except that part of it which relates to the Kikuyu Province . . 40/- 42/05

PS F S 1. At the Pubëc M ap Om ce, Survey and Relstratlon Departm en', N airobi Mwps ) Price per l Price sjaeet I postec

Sh. cts. Sh. cts. Nairobi M unicipality, 1 : 10,000 (or 6.33 inches to 1 m ile) in 4 sheets 2 00 2 20 N airobi M unicipality, as above, joined as on z m ap . . 10 00 Nairobi M unicipality, 1 :2,500 (or 25.34 inches to 1 mile) in 60 sheets. This map shows a11 buildings, fences, plot boundaries and other topography . . 2 00 2 20 N airobi M unicipality, K ey Plan to the above, 1 : 2,500 series . . 2 00 2 20

li ...... - . The above m aps are supplied on linen at double the above rates. Joined maps cannot be sent through the post. 1688 TH E OTY ICIAL GAZETTE D ecem ber â8, 1934.


BLLTE B O O K , 1933 PRICE 10/-


K E N Y A L A W R E P O R T S, 1933 V O LU M E X V FULL CLOTH . . 27/50


R E V ISE D C U ST O M S T A R IFF L IST ( INCORPORATING ALL AMENDMENTS') PRICE 2/- PRICE Pos-rso 2/10 Copies m ay be obtained from the Custom H ouse, M om basa, or the Governm ent Printer, N airobi