Boundary Values of the Thurston Pullback Map Russell Lodge Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana
[email protected] July 3, 2012 Abstract The Thurston characterization and rigidity theorem gives a beauti- ful description of when a postcritically finite topological branched cover mapping the 2-sphere to itself is Thurston equivalent to a rational func- tion. Thurston equivalence remains mysterious, but great strides were taken when Bartholdi and Nekrashevych used iterated monodromy groups to solve the \Twisted Rabbit Problem" which sought to identify the Thurston class of the rabbit polynomial composed with an arbi- trary Dehn twist. Selinger showed that the Thurston pullback map on Teichm¨ullerspace can be extended to the Weil-Petersson boundary. We compute these boundary values for the pullback map associated to 3z2 f(z) = 2z3+1 and demonstrate how the dynamical properties of this map on the boundary can be used as an invariant to solve the twisting problem for f. Contents 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Thurston's Theorem . 4 1.2 Boundary Values of the Pullback Map . 5 1.3 The Twisting Problem . 6 1.4 Outline . 7 2 Thurston Maps with n Postcritical Points 8 2.1 Notation, Definitions, and Examples . 8 2.2 Two definitions of Teichm¨ullerspace; Virtual Endomorphisms 12 2.3 Schreier Graphs and the Reidemeister-Schreier Algorithm . 22 2.4 Iterated Monodromy Groups and Wreath Recursions . 23 1 3 General facts in the case jPf j = 4 29 3z2 4 Analysis of a specific example: f(z) = 2z3+1 37 4.1 The Dynamical Plane of f .................... 37 4.2 The Correspondence on Moduli Space .