Lesson Individual Part II

By Carone Fitness

Individual Sports

Strength Training

Strength training is an individual that is important for everyone. It improves your muscular strength and your muscular endurance.

Don’t worry if you don’t want to “bulk- up” or participate in a weight lifting competition, there are other ways of strength training.

1 Individual Sports


Strength training means using resistance when you exercise. Resistance is any force that works against your muscles. It can come from a variety of sources, including:

• Free Weights • Weight Machines • Resistance Bands • Gravity + Body Weight

Individual Sports

Free Weights

Free weights are weights that are not connected to pulleys or levers.

Examples of free weights are barbells, dumbbells, and hand weights. Free weights allow more movement. This works more muscle groups, but also takes more skill.

You should make sure you have the proper technique when you use free weights.

2 Individual Sports

Weight Machines

Weight machines are machines designed to help strengthen a specific muscle group. It is easier to properly use a weight machine than it is to use free weights. This lowers your risk of injury.

That’s why weight machines are great for individuals beginning a strength training program.

Individual Sports


Resistance bands are elastic bands used to help strengthen muscles. Resistance bands come in a variety of tensions. They are inexpensive, easy to use, and can be used anywhere.

Your own body weight can also provide resistance when working against gravity. Doing push-ups, pull- ups, or sit-ups are all exercises that use body weight as your resistance.

3 Individual Sports

Strength Training Safety

It is important to follow safety precautions while participating in a strength training program. • Warm-up before every strength training session • Start slowly and know your limits • Lift the weight slowly and with smooth motions • Always use a spotter when lifting free weights • Allow adequate rest between strength training sessions

Individual Sports


When you hear music do you ever find yourself tapping your foot, drumming your fingers, or just moving to the music?

If so, you are not alone! Music has a way of making us want to get up and dance.

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Dance can be a formal, competitive sport, used as social entertainment, or even a religious ritual. There are many different styles of dance.

Don’t be afraid to try something new or invent your own style of dance.

Individual Sports

Dance Safety

Dancing can help you improve your cardiovascular and muscular endurance without you even realizing it!

Be sure you warm up properly to avoid injuries. Also, be sure to stay hydrated while you dance.

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Rock Climbing

If you have ever dreamed of conquering a mountain, is the sport for you! Rock climbing is a challenging sport that requires you to climb rock formations to reach the summit.

Rock climbing is a great way to improve your muscular strength and endurance.

Individual Sports

Rock Climbing

One way to try the sport of rock climbing is to go to an indoor rock climbing wall. You can try this exciting sport in a safer environment.

You can also take a rock climbing class or go with an experienced climber so that you can learn proper climbing techniques.

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Rock Climbing Equipment

Rock climbing requires specialized climbing equipment. It includes: • Climbing ropes • Climbing harnesses • Camming devices • Climbing helmets • Carabiners • Belay devices • Climbing shoes

Individual Sports


Jumping into a on a hot day and is a fun way to hang-out with friends and stay cool. Swimming can also be a great recreational or competitive sport.

There are several different events that vary by length and the type of stroke used.

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Swimming builds cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, and even flexibility. Swimming is also a non-weight bearing sport, so there is little to no stress on one’s bones and joints.

This makes swimming especially perfect for older individuals, pregnant women, or injured athletes. The only equipment you need to swim is access to a pool, lake, or the ocean and your swim suit!

Individual Sports


There are several different types of skating to fit your personality and interests. Three main types of skating include:

• Roller skating • Rollerblading/Inline Skating • Ice skating

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Roller skates & Inline Skates

Rollerblades Roller skates and rollerblades differ in the way the wheels are aligned. Roller skates have two sets of two wheels, so the wheels are in a square. Rollerblades have four wheels aligned in a straight line.

There are also specialty skates available for the type of skating or rollerblading you want to do, such as hockey skates, racing skates, and freestyle skates.

Roller skates

Individual Sports

Ice Skating

Ice skating involves skates with a single blade that runs along the bottom. There are several different sports that involve ice skating. Two of them are and .

Speed skating is like a track race on ice. Players skate around the ice and try to finish faster than the others.

Figure skating is dancing on the ice and can include spinning and jumping into the air. Figure skating can be done as an individual or with a partner.

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Skating is another low-impact sport. It can build your cardiovascular endurance. Some forms of skating may also improve your muscular strength and flexibility.

Individual Sports

Skating Safety

Just be sure that you follow these safety guidelines: • Always skate within your ability level • Practice falling so that you know how to fall properly • Wear protective gear, such as a helmet, wrist guards, knee pads and elbow pads • When skating outdoors, obey all traffic laws and safety rules

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Gymnastics is a fun way to improve your muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and coordination. Gymnastics requires the individual to flip, jump, balance, dance, or a combination of all these things at once. Gymnastics can be a dangerous sport and requires special equipment. It is important to participate in gymnastics in a class that has a knowledgeable coach.

Individual Sports

Women’s Gymnastics

The women’s gymnastics events include: • Uneven parallel bars • Balance beam • Floor exercise • Vault

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Men’s Gymnastics

The men’s gymnastics events include: • Floor exercise • Pommel horse • Still rings • Vault • Parallel bars • High bar

Individual Sports

Martial Arts

Martial arts is a system of practices and traditions for training in combat. There are many different types of martial arts that are usually based on the origin of the method. Martial arts training teaches you how to defend yourself.

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Martial Arts

Martial arts can be physically demanding. It increases your cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility.

The equipment needed depends on the method you are learning. Some martial arts are very individualized and focus on conscious, controlled muscle movement and the incorporation of mind and body. There are also martial arts that focus on where individuals can compete against each other.

Individual Sports

Types of Martial Arts

Some of the more popular forms of martial arts in the U.S. include: • Karate • Judo • Taekwondo •

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Try Something New

Most individual sports can be done as a form of entertainment, as a way to improve your physical fitness, or as a competitive outlet.

There are hundreds of individual sports you could try, so go learn a new sport. You may be surprised at what you like!

Presented By Carone Fitness