Maltese Community Council of Victoria, Inc. 477 Royal Parade | Parkville Victoria 3052 | Australia Phone: (03) 9387 8922 Fax: (03) 9387 8309 Email:
[email protected] Website: MCCV News Editor: Dr Edwin Borg-Manché No. 118 March-April 2013 Community pressure yields two more one-hour Maltese radio programs on SBS After three-and-a-half months of persistent canvassing and negotiations led by Maltese community leaders in Melbourne and Sydney as well as Malta's High Commissioner in Canberra and the Consul- General in Melbourne, SBS announced yesterday that two one-hour Maltese radio programs will be broadcast commencing on 29 April 2013 in addition to the two which were originally included under the new schedule, giving a total of 4 one-hour programs per week. Last November SBS had published the new radio schedule in which the Maltese programs fared the worst among all existing Saturday at 2.00 pm – SBS 2/FM languages with a savage cut of 7 programs, analogue (also on digital radio/TV) down from 9 hours to 2 hours per week. Maltese radio programs are also available The latest SBS decision represents a over the internet as follows: doubling of Maltese programs from the Internet Live and On-Demand – http:// original revised schedule and a respectable result for the Maltese community. SBS also iPhone and Android app – SBS Your In this Edition agreed to move the broadcast of one of the Language app programs back to Saturday afternoon, Podcasts of program segments – http:// • President’s Column: The SBS Saga: 2 arguably the most popular timeslot among What did we get for our trouble? Maltese listeners.