Crucial Points of Truth in John 14
by Ron Kangas ohn 14 may be the most misunderstood, misconstrued, Paul is referring explicitly to the condition of those who are Jmisrepresented, and misapplied chapter in the New perishing; however, in reality and practicality, the thoughts Testament. It is common, virtually universal, for preachers, of believers may be blinded as they are reading, studying, commentators, expositors, and theologians to make egre- and searching the Scriptures, especially those portions of gious blunders in their reading of this chapter, falling into the Word that reveal the economy of God for the fulfill- errors such as supposing that the Father’s house is heaven ment of the eternal purpose of God. Along with the factor or neglecting truths such as the divine and mystical realm, of thoughts blinded by the enemy, we may have the factor the divine-human incorporation, the mutual abode, and the of a closed mind, a natural mind that, in and of itself, can- first Comforter becoming through death and resurrection not be open without prejudice to God’s thoughts “another Comforter.” Thus, to a very great extent, this por- expressed in His Word. Evidence of this is found in Luke tion of the Word is closed, and millions of believers are 24:44 and 45: ignorant of its central concepts and profound revelations. He said to them, These are My words which I spoke to There are at least four primary factors that have given rise you while I was still with you, that all the things written to this deplorable situation. The first is exposed through in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and Psalms con- Paul’s word in 2 Corinthians 3:14 and 15: cerning Me must be fulfilled.
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