Press Release 30 April 2015 For immediate release

Wild Landscape Promoted on VisitScotland Outlander Map Faces Wind Farm Threat

Outlander TV series author condemns “insane” plan to damage tourism by industrialising Moor with vast wind farm

VisitScotland has been challenged to oppose a huge wind farm which threatens an area of outstanding beauty it is promoting on a tourism map for fans of the hit TV series Outlander. The national tourism agency recommends that tourists should go to Rannoch Moor, one of the key locations for the show, which is threatened by a proposal to industrialise the area with 24 wind turbines, each 125m tall, together with 12.8km of wide access tracks, buildings and infrastructure. The VisitScotland Outlander film locations map says: “Take a trip to the area and discover an idyllically-located land that is dotted with innumerable lochs, streams, rivers and rocky outcrops, and surrounded by breathtaking Munros – mountains that rise over 3,000 ft. Wander through this wilderness and be at one with nature.” Diana Gabaldon, author of the historical drama, has now intervened by condemning the plans for the Talladh a Bheithe wind farm, near , claiming it would be “insane” to damage tourism in this way. Commenting on the scheme she said: “One of the most gratifying things about the TV show is that we were able to film it in , and that the staggering natural beauty of Scotland is as much a character as are any of the actors. “I've heard from hundreds of fans that seeing the show has convinced them that they must go to Scotland, and from hundreds more who have already come to experience it for themselves. Frankly, given the undoubted economic value of tourism to Scotland, it seems insane to sacrifice one of its most scenic landscapes for the sake of an electrical pittance.” The US-based author’s opposition to the wind farm proposal comes not just from her love of the landscape, but also from the expertise she gathered working as a professional ecologist. Nearly 1,000 formal objections have been made to the wind farm proposals, which are due to be considered by Council in the near future. The map also comes in the wake of a news release from the Scottish Government stating that Outlander has brought an upsurge in visitor numbers to sites across Scotland. David Gibson, Mountaineering Council of Scotland Chief Officer, said: “The visitor appeal of Rannoch Moor will be ruined if this industrial-scale wind farm goes ahead, VisitScotland must speak out. It is bizarre that VisitScotland and the Scottish Government keep calling for tourists to enjoy our wild and unspoilt lands while policies are pursued that could turn them into industrial sites. “We are calling on the Scottish Government to completely rule out large scale wind farms in the wild and natural areas which are essential to Scottish tourism. That means new planning controls which clearly prohibit such developments in all wild land areas, not just national parks and national scenic areas. “It is brilliant that Outlander is having such a valuable effect on tourism and shows that we should be using our wild lands and mountain spaces to develop sustainable tourism, not as a source of vast profits for multi-national power companies and big land owners.” Politicians from several parties have previously backed a motion in the Scottish Parliament (S4M-10744) to oppose the Talladh a Bheithe proposals being made by Netherlands-based developer, Eventus BV. Among the organisations opposing the wind farm scheme are the John Muir Trust, which has described it as “a knife in the heart of Scotland’s natural beauty” and Scottish Natural Heritage, which has criticised its likely effects on rare birds and mammals – estimating that the turbines will kill one golden eagle every 19 months. The development would affect views from more than 30 Munros and Corbetts, including Schiehallion, the Ben Alder massif, mountains above , the Drumochter Hills and Buachaille Etive Mor. The turbines would also be visible from the iconic line and the A82 – the main tourist route through the West Highlands. The proposal is wholly within SNH’s Wild Land Area 14 and is the first Section 36 application for a development in a Wild Land Area since the adoption by the Scottish Government on 23 June 2014 of new planning policy guidelines in National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3) and Scottish Planning Policy (SPP2). Section 4.4 of NPF3 states: “We also want to continue our strong protection for our wildest landscapes – wild land is a nationally important asset.” Approval would fatally undermine this recent commitment by the Scottish Government to protect Scotland’s wildest land. It would destroy the special landscape qualities of over 8% of Scotland’s Wild Land Area 14, a loss of 9,520ha. The new planning guidance would be rendered meaningless, sending a green light to developers that it is ‘open season’ in Scotland’s remaining wild land areas.


Further information Contact David Gibson, MCofS Chief Officer on 01739-493942 / 07845-919150 or [email protected] or Neil Reid, MCofS Communications Officer on 01738-493942 or 07788-871803  The MCofS acts to represent support and promote Scottish mountaineering.  The MCofS is the only recognised representative organisation for hill walkers, climbers and ski-tourers who live in Scotland or who enjoy Scotland’s mountains.  The MCofS is a membership organisation with over 12,000 members representing hill walkers, climbers and mountaineers.  The MCofS also acts for 75,000 members of the BMC or British Mountaineering Council on matters related to Landscape and Access in Scotland.  MCofS landscape work is supported financially by the Scottish Mountaineering Trust and the BMC.  The MCofS is a not for profit company limited by guarantee and incorporated in Scotland. Company number SC322717.  The VisitScotland map is at  The Scottish Government press release about Outlander tourism is at