2010 Baseball Media Guide2-1.Indd

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2010 Baseball Media Guide2-1.Indd CCOACHESOACHES & SSTAFFTAFF TTHEHE CCOACHINGOACHING SSTAFFTAFF John Cohen Head coach (Mississippi State University, 1990) JJohnohn Cohen,Cohen, regardedregarded byby manymany asas oneone ofof col-col- UUndernder Cohen’sCohen’s direction,direction, KentuckyKentucky llegeege bbaseball’saseball’s toptop offensiveoffensive tacticians,tacticians, isis inin hishis ppostedosted a school-bestschool-best 44-win44-win season,season, thethe ssecondecond yearyear asas headhead baseballbaseball coachcoach atat Mississip-Mississip- sschool’school’s fi rrstst SSoutheasternoutheastern ConferenceConference bbase-ase- ppii SStatetate University.University. HeHe waswas introducedintroduced asas MSU’sMSU’s bballall cchampionshiphampionship andand broughtbrought thethe fi rrstst NNCAACAA 116th6th headhead baseballbaseball coachcoach JuneJune 7,7, 2008,2008, exactlyexactly 1818 rregionalegional baseballbaseball tournamenttournament toto a LexingtonLexington yyearsears toto thethe dayday afterafter leavingleaving Omaha,Omaha, Neb.,Neb., andand ccampusampus nnotedoted moremore forfor itsits hoopshoops prominence.prominence. tthehe 11990990 NCAANCAA CollegeCollege WorldWorld SeriesSeries followingfollowing hishis TThathat tteam,eam, ffeaturingeaturing tthehe llikesikes ofof All-AmericanAll-American fi nnalal gamegame aass a MississippiMississippi StateState player.player. sstandouttandout aandnd SSECEC PPlayerlayer ooff thethe yyearear RRyanyan CCohen’sohen’s rreturneturn ttoo Starkville,Starkville, Miss.,Miss., andand DudyDudy SStriebytrieby aandnd AAll-SECll-SEC pperformerserformers JJohnohn SShelbyhelby NNobleoble FFieldield iinn 22009009 completedcompleted a success-success-fi llledled aandnd SSeanean CCoughlin,oughlin, vvirtuallyirtually rewroterewrote thethe Ken-Ken- aandnd ffast-pacedast-paced circlecircle thatthat beganbegan whenwhen thethe Tusca-Tusca- ttuckyucky recordrecord book.book. lloosa,oosa, AAla.,la., nativenative fi rrstst joinedjoined thethe BaseballBaseball BulldogBulldog CCohen’sohen’s ccoachingoaching effortsefforts diddid notnot gogo un-un- ffamilyamily aass a pplayerlayer iinn 11987.987. nnoticed.oticed. HHee waswas aaccordedccorded nnationalational coachcoach ofof HHee rreturnedeturned ttoo MMississippiississippi SStatetate seasonedseasoned tthehe yyearear hhonorsonors bbyy bbothoth tthehe CollegeCollege BBase-ase- wwithith 1177 yyearsears ofof ccollegiateollegiate coachingcoaching experience,experience, bballall FoundationFoundation andand CollegeBaseballInsider.CollegeBaseballInsider. nnineine yearsyears aass a collegiatecollegiate headhead coach,coach, thethe previ-previ- ccomom aand,nd, forfor tthehe tthirdhird ttimeime inin hishis career,career, waswas oousus fi vvee aass hheadead coachcoach atat SoutheasternSoutheastern Confer-Confer- ttabbedabbed bbyy hhisis peerspeers forfor cconferenceonference ccoachoach ofof eencence EEasternastern DivisionDivision rivalrival Kentucky.Kentucky. tthehe yearyear aaccolades.ccolades. TThehe BBulldogulldog sskipper,kipper, anan AAll-Southeasternll-Southeastern TThehe nnewew BBulldogulldog ccoachoach hhasas mmaintainedaintained CConferenceonference outoutfi eelderlder duringduring hishis playingplaying careercareer a ttorridorrid ppaceace ssinceince hhisis arrivalarrival atat MississippiMississippi aatt MississippiMississippi State,State, sportssports a 346-226-1346-226-1 coachingcoaching SState.tate. mmarkark (.605)(.605) eenteringntering hishis 11th11th seasonseason asas a colle-colle- HHee assembledassembled a well-respectedwell-respected andand ggiateiate headhead coachcoach inin 2010.2010. hhighly-skilledighly-skilled staff,staff, featuringfeaturing coachescoaches well-well- IInn hhisis ppreviousrevious coachingcoaching assignmentsassignments atat Mis-Mis- vversedersed iinn MississippiMississippi State’sState’s colorfulcolorful baseballbaseball ssouriouri ((1992-97),1992-97), NorthwesternNorthwestern (La.)(La.) StateState (1998-(1998- hhistory,istory, thethe MagnoliaMagnolia State’sState’s highhigh schoolschool andand 22001),001), FFloridalorida ((2002-03)2002-03) aandnd KentuckyKentucky (2004-08),(2004-08), jjuniorunior collegecollege pprograms,rograms, andand thethe highly-com-highly-com- CCohenohen hhasas bbeeneen associatedassociated withwith teamsteams thatthat piledpiled ppetitiveetitive SoutheasternSoutheastern Conference.Conference. uupp 555555 winswins andand earnedearned fi vvee NCAANCAA postseasonpostseason AAllll tthehe wwhilehile CCohenohen hashas continuedcontinued toto aadvancements.dvancements. mmoveove tthehe MMSUSU bbaseballaseball programprogram forward.forward. aatt SStatetate tthathat ssemester.emester. MississippiMississippi StateState addedadded HHisis prowessprowess asas oneone ofof thethe nation’snation’s toptop youngyoung IInn tthehe all-importantall-important recruitingrecruiting realm,realm, Cohen’sCohen’s ttoo iitsts SSECEC lleadead iinn aall-timell-time academicacademic all-confer-all-confer- hhittingitting instructorsinstructors hashas mountedmounted withwith eacheach stepstep fi rrstst fullfull rrecruitingecruiting cclass,lass, 2020 signeessignees strong,strong, waswas eencence aawardswards wwhenhen a league-bestleague-best 1919 DiamondDiamond aalonglong thethe wayway inin hishis coachingcoaching career.career. ButBut ItIt tooktook tthehe SEC’sSEC’s largestlargest forfor 2008-09.2008-09. MoreMore importantly,importantly, DDogsogs wwereere nnamedamed ttoo tthehe SSECEC AAcademiccademic HHonoronor oonn nnationalational proportionsproportions inin 20062006 when,when, inin hishis thirdthird iitt wwasas rankedranked byby BaseballBaseball AmericaAmerica asas thethe nation’snation’s RRolloll fforor 22009.009. InIn addition,addition, fi vvee MMSUSU ffreshmenreshmen sseasoneason atat Kentucky,Kentucky, hehe guidedguided thethe WildcatsWildcats toto eeighth-best,ighth-best, thethe hhighestighest nationalnational forfor anan MSUMSU base-base- wwereere aaccordedccorded SSECEC FFreshmanreshman AcademicAcademic HonorHonor a rremarkableemarkable worst-to-worst-to-fi rrstst fi nishnish inin thethe ruggedrugged bballall recruitingrecruiting classclass sincesince 2000.2000. RRolloll sstatus.tatus. SSoutheasternoutheastern CConference.onference. OOnn tthehe ffacilitiesacilities front,front, MississippiMississippi State’sState’s al-al- CContinuingontinuing a trademarktrademark thatthat hashas growngrown rready-impressiveeady-impressive baseballbaseball dduringuring hishis coachingcoaching career,career, CohenCohen isis a highlyhighly pplantlant addedadded anan auxiliaryauxiliary ssought-afterought-after featuredfeatured speakerspeaker andand clinician.clinician. HeHe ooutdoorutdoor ppracticeractice ininfi eeldld aad-d- hhasas ccriss-crossedriss-crossed thethe nationnation sharingsharing hishis exper-exper- jjacentacent toto thethe spaciousspacious ttiseise atat baseballbaseball clinicsclinics inin 3030 states,states, mostmost recentlyrecently PPalmeiroalmeiro Center.Center. AndAnd overover aatt tthehe annualannual 20102010 AmericanAmerican BaseballBaseball CoachesCoaches tthehe summersummer thethe playingplaying AAssociationssociation ConventionConvention heldheld thisthis JanuaryJanuary inin Dal-Dal- ssurfaceurface atat DudyDudy NobleNoble FieldField llas,as, Tex.Tex. rreceivedeceived a dramaticdramatic andand AAndnd ssinceince arrivingarriving atat MississippiMississippi State,State, Co-Co- bbadly-neededadly-needed $700,000$700,000 hhenen hhasas mmaintainedaintained a fullfull scheduleschedule ofof speakingspeaking mmakeoverakeover tthathat iincludedncluded all-all- eengagementsngagements atat aalumnilumni gatherings,gatherings, civiccivic organi-organi- nnewew ddrainagerainage andand irrigationirrigation zzationation meetingsmeetings andand atat baseballbaseball banquetsbanquets onon a ssystemsystems andand a completecomplete re-re- vvarietyariety ofof levelslevels throughoutthroughout thethe MagnoliaMagnolia StateState ssodding.odding. aandnd bbeyond.eyond. HHisis ccommitmentommitment toto HHee rratesates aass oonene ofof 2222 activeactive collegecollege hheadead eexcellencexcellence inin thethe class-class- ccoachesoaches ttoo havehave playedplayed inin thethe NCAANCAA CollegeCollege rroomoom rresultedesulted inin a 3.313.31 WWorldorld SSeries.eries. CCohenohen iiss aalsolso oonene ooff threethree SECSEC tteameam ggraderade pointpoint averageaverage hheadead bbaseballaseball coachescoaches coachingcoaching atat hishis almaalma ma-ma- dduringuring thethe 20082008 fallfall semes-semes- tterer aandnd tthehe fi fthfth MississippiMississippi StateState gradgrad toto serveserve inin tter,er, MSUMSU BBaseball’saseball’s bestbest tthathat capacitycapacity atat MSU.MSU. ssemesteremester GPAGPA iinn sschoolchool CCohen,ohen, 43,43, isis marriedmarried toto thethe formerformer NNelleelle hhistoryistory andand thethe second-second- BBashinskyashinsky, aalsolso fromfrom Tuscaloosa,Tuscaloosa, Ala.,Ala., andand hhighestighest ofof tthehe ssemesteremester ttheyhey hhaveave twotwo ddaughtersaughters - JJordanordan BBakeraker aandnd aamongmong mmen’sen’s sportssports teamteam AAveryvery LLawsonawson. 1100 TTHEHE CCOACHINGOACHING SSTAFFTAFF CCOHENOHEN CCOACHINGOACHING YYEAREAR-BBYY-YYEAREAR YYearear SSchoolchool PPositionosition RRecordecord TTeameam hhonorsonors 11992992 MissouriMissouri grad.grad. asst.asst. 34-2234-22 11993993 MissouriMissouri grad.grad. asst.asst. 30-1930-19 11994994 MissouriMissouri grad.grad. asst.asst. 32-2632-26 11995995 MissouriMissouri asst.asst. coachcoach 19-3419-34 11996996 MissouriMissouri asst.asst. coachcoach 39-1939-19 NCAANCAA RegionalRegional 11997997
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