Improving Sense Disambiguation with Translations

Yixing Luan, Bradley Hauer, Lili Mou, Grzegorz Kondrak Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, Department of Computing Science University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada {yixing1,bmhauer,lmou,gkondrak}

Abstract It has been conjectured that multilingual infor- mation can help monolingual dis- ambiguation (WSD). However, existing WSD systems rarely consider multilingual informa- tion, and no effective method has been pro- posed for improving WSD by generating trans- lations. In this paper, we present a novel approach that improves the performance of a base WSD system using machine transla- tion. Since our approach is indepen- dent, we perform WSD experiments on several . The results demonstrate that our methods can consistently improve the perfor- mance of WSD systems, and obtain state-of- the-art results in both English and multilingual WSD. To facilitate the use of lexical transla- tion information, we also propose BABALIGN, Figure 1: An overview of our approach to leverage an precise bitext alignment algorithm which translations to improve a base WSD system. is guided by multilingual lexical correspon- dences from BabelNet. resources. In particular, BabelNet synsets contain 1 Introduction translations in multiple languages for each indi- Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is one of the vidual word sense. Methods have been proposed core tasks in natural language processing. Given to use multilingual information in BabelNet for a predefined sense inventory, a WSD system aims WSD (Navigli and Ponzetto, 2012b; Apidianaki to identify the correct sense of a content word in and Gong, 2015), but they do not directly exploit context. Although WSD is a monolingual task, it the mapping between senses and translations in has been conjectured that multilingual information multiple languages. could help (Resnik and Yarowsky, 1999; Carpuat, While there have been many attempts to apply 2009). Attempts have been made to leverage par- WSD to (MT) (Liu et al., 2018; allel corpora for sense tagging (Diab and Resnik, Pu et al., 2018), our goal instead is to harness 2002), but no effective method for improving WSD advances in MT to improve WSD. Rather than with translations has been proposed to date. develop a new WSD system, we propose a gen- Much of the history of WSD has been deter- eral method that can make existing and future sys- mined by the availability of manually created lexi- tems more accurate by leveraging translations. We cal resources in English, including SemCor (Miller evaluate our methods with several supervised and et al., 1994) and WordNet (Miller, 1995). The knowledge-based WSD systems. situation changed with the introduction of Babel- Our approach is based on the assumption of abso- Net (Navigli and Ponzetto, 2012a), a massive mul- lute synonymy between the senses of mutual trans- tilingual , created by automati- lations in context (Hauer and Kondrak, 2020). The cally integrating WordNet, Wikipedia, and other principal method SOFTCONSTRAINT refines sense

4055 Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 4055–4065, November 16–20, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics predictions of a given base WSD system using prior works perform WSI based on bitexts to create sense-translation mappings from BabelNet. The bilingual sense inventory on word samples, where approach is able to take advantage of translations translations are treated as sense tags (Specia et al., in multiple languages, whether produced manually 2007; Apidianaki, 2009). CLWSD is a task to pre- or by MT models. It is also able to leverage sense dict a set of translations for a given ambiguous frequency information, which can be obtained in word in context. Attempts have been made to inte- either a supervised or unsupervised manner. An- grate translations as bag-of- feature vectors other method that we test is t emb which integrates to enhance CLWSD (Lefever et al., 2011). Since translations as contextual word embeddings into the goals of WSI and CLWSD differ from standard a WSD system to bias its sense predictions. To WSD with predefined senses, our approach is not obtain word-level translations from the translated directly comparable. contexts, we introduce BABALIGN, a precise align- Navigli and Ponzetto(2012b) incorporate trans- ment algorithm guided by BabelNet synsets. In lations in BabelNet synsets as a feature in a graph- Figure1, we show the entire architecture of our based WSD system. However, rather than apply model based on aforementioned components. translations of the focus word token as constraints, Our experimental results demonstrate that trans- they simply consider all possible translations of the lations can significantly improve existing WSD focus word type to enhance its sense distinctions. systems. We perform several experiments on En- Apidianaki and Gong(2015) directly apply glish and multilingual WSD with both manual and sense-translation mappings in BabelNet as a hard machine translations. In the English WSD exper- constraint on sense predictions using translations iments with manual translations and word-level from sense-annotated bitexts. Unlike our work, alignments, we determine the potential of our meth- their approach is based on the BabelNet First Sense ods in an ideal situation. In the experiments with (BFS) baseline, rather than on an actual WSD sys- machine translations, we validate that the methods tem. Their results on English WSD fail to show are effective and robust by showing improvements improvement over the baseline, which may be due over existing WSD systems. Finally, in the mul- to the use of only a single target language, as well tilingual WSD experiments, we demonstrate the as word alignment errors. language independence of our methods. The main contributions of this work are the fol- 3 Methods lowing. (1) We propose the first effective method to improve WSD with automatically generated trans- We first formulate our WSD task. The input is a lations. (2) Our language-independent knowledge- sentence, in which one word, e, is designated as based method achieves state-of-the-art results in the focus word. The set of possible senses of the both English all-words and multilingual WSD. focus word S(e) comes from the sense inventory. (3) We introduce a bitext alignment algorithm that We assume that a base WSD system assigns a prob- leverages information from BabelNet. ability or score to each sense, with the output being the sense with the maximum score. The objective 2 Related Work is to determine which sense s ∈ S(e) is the sense of e in this sentence. The integration of multilingual information to im- We propose two methods, HARDCONSTRAINT prove English WSD has been considered in prior and SOFTCONSTRAINT, which can be used to aug- work. Through analyzing a multilingual , ment any base WSD system that meets the above Resnik and Yarowsky(1999) observe that highly specifications. Both methods leverage translations distinct senses can translate differently. Diab and in order to constrain sense predictions made by Resnik(2002) propose a WSD system based on a base WSD system. In addition, we introduce translation information extracted from a bitext, but a method of leveraging contextual word embed- it fails to outperform systems that rely on monolin- dings to enhance the integration of translations in gual information only. combination with those constraints. Finally, since Word sense induction (WSI) and cross-lingual our methods crucially depend upon identifying the WSD (CLWSD) are related tasks. WSI aims for translation of the focus word in the translated sen- automatically inducing word senses from corpora tence, we also introduce a new knowledge-based by clustering similar instances of words. Several word alignment algorithm.

4056 Figure 2: The application of HARDCONSTRAINT (red) and SOFTCONSTRAINT (blue) when disambiguating the word children in the given context (actual example from Senseval2 data where the correct sense is s2).

3.1 HARDCONSTRAINT Our principal method, SOFTCONSTRAINT, is Our first method extends the idea of Apidianaki more robust in handling noisy MT translations and and Gong(2015) to constrain S(e) based on sense- BabelNet gaps. It integrates information from three translation mappings in BabelNet. However, in- sources: the base WSD system, translations, and stead of relying on a single translation, we incorpo- sense frequencies (Figure2). From each of these rate multiple languages by taking the intersection sources, we derive a probability distribution over of the individual sets of senses; that is, we rule out S(e). We employ the product of experts (PoE) ap- senses if their corresponding BabelNet synsets do proach (Hinton, 2002) to combine the probabilities not contain translations from all target languages. as follows: α β γ This baseline method is simple but inflexible: the p˜(s) = pwsd(s) · ptrans(s) · pfreq(s) correct sense can be accidentally ruled out if the provided translation of the focus word is not found The resulting score p˜ is an unnormalized measure in the corresponding BabelNet synset. of probability with tunable weights α, β, and γ. We tune those weights through grid-search. The Our implementation of HARDCONSTRAINT con- siders the intersection of the sets of synsets that sense that maximizes this measure is taken as the contain translations from each language. Ideally, prediction. Below, we provide the details on each the intersection contains exactly one sense, which of the three distributions. we take as the final prediction. (Such a case is illus- Probability pwsd is obtained by simply normal- trated in Figure2.) Otherwise, if the intersection izing the numerical scores from the base WSD contains multiple senses, we choose the one with system. the highest score from the base WSD system. If Probability ptrans is calculated on the basis of the the intersection happens to be empty, we back-off set of translations for each focus word e in Babel- to the prediction of the base WSD system. Net. Given a source focus word e and a word f in another language, we obtain its sense coverage 3.2 SOFTCONSTRAINT c(e, f) representing the number of possible senses of e that are mapped to f, i.e., the number of Ba- HARDCONSTRAINT is effective at ruling out sense belNet synsets containing both e and f. Based candidates, but is also sensitive to MT errors and on the sense coverage, the word pair e and f is BabelNet deficiencies. BabelNet contains transla- assigned a weight w(e, f) that reflects its discrimi- tions for only 79% of the nominal senses in Word- nation power: Net, and its multilingual lexicalizations have an av- erage precision of only 72% (Navigli and Ponzetto,  1 if c(e, f) 6= 0 w(e, f) = c(e,f) 2012a). 0 otherwise 4057 Now, we consider f to be a translation tL(e) for e method as t emb. Note that this method can be com- in a target language L ∈ L, where L stands for the bined with either the HARDCONSTRAINT or SOFT- set of target languages. The score of a candidate CONSTRAINT methods. Unlike the constraint- sense s ∈ S(e) is then the sum of weights of the based methods, which use translations of the focus translations that are found in the corresponding word to post-process the output of a WSD system, BabelNet synset BN(s): t emb provides the translation information in the form of an embedding directly as input to the WSD X score(s) = w(e, tL(e)) · 1BN(s)(tL(e)) system. Thus, translation information is used as an L∈L additional feature to improve sense predictions of the base WSD system. 1 where BN(s)(tL(e)) is an indicator function that As before, our approach is to translate the con- BN becomes 1 if tL(e) ∈ (s) and 0 otherwise. As text of the focus word, and use word alignment with pwsd, we normalize the scores into a proper to identify the translation of the focus word. We probability distribution ptrans over the set of senses. compute a contextual embedding of this translation, To avoid zero values, we perform smoothing by just as we did for the focus word itself, and then adding a small positive value (a tunable parameter). concatenate the two embeddings. This produces Probability pfreq represents the sense frequency a new embedding that can be provided to a base information for a given lemma and part-of-speech WSD system in place of the focus (POS). This information is also used by most WSD alone. However, since not all WSD systems use systems. For English, we obtain sense frequencies contextual embeddings, this method is less general, from WordNet, which derives such information and we only apply it to some of our models and from SemCor, a sense-annotated corpus. To han- evaluation experiments. dle senses with zero frequency in SemCor, we also apply additive smoothing. To obtain pfreq for lan- 3.4 Translation Alignment guages other than English, which lack large, high- quality sense annotated corpora, we use CluBERT The effectiveness of our approach for improving (Pasini et al., 2020), the state-of-the-art system for WSD depends on the correct identification of the unsupervised sense distribution learning, which ap- word-level translations in each language. Even plies a clustering algorithm to contextual embed- when the sentential context of the focus word is cor- dings from BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). Like our rectly rendered in another language, both HARD- methods, CluBERT is language independent, has CONSTRAINT and SOFTCONSTRAINT rely on the no additional training data requirements, and has proper alignment between the source focus word been successfully integrated into WSD systems to and its translation, which may be composed of mul- improve their performance. tiple word tokens. Although attention weights in some NMT systems may be used to derive word Figure2 illustrates how SOFTCONSTRAINT combines the three probability distributions to cor- alignment, such an approach is not necessarily rect an incorrect sense prediction produced by a more accurate than off-the-shelf alignment tools (Li base system. et al., 2019). Therefore, our approach is to instead identify the word-level translations by performing 3.3 Contextual Word Embeddings a bitext-based alignment between the source focus words and their translations. Recent work has demonstrated the utility of contex- tual word embeddings for NLP tasks (Peters et al., During development, we found that the accuracy 2018; Devlin et al., 2019). Accordingly, WSD sys- of alignment tools such as FASTALIGN (Dyer et al., 2013) is limited by the size of the aligned bitext, as tems such as SENSEMBERT (Scarlini et al., 2020) take a contextual embedding of the focus word as well as the lack of access to the translation informa- input, in order to leverage its dense encoding of tion which is present in BabelNet. To mitigate these issues, we introduce a knowledge-based word align- relevant local information, which may be used to 1 determine the correct sense. ment algorithm BABALIGN that leverages trans- lation information in BabelNet by post-processing In this section, we propose a method of adding the output of an off-the-shelf word aligner. BA- translation information to the input of a WSD sys- tem by modifying the contextual embedding of the 1Implementation is available at: https://github. focus word to reflect its translation. We refer to this com/YixingLuan/BabAlign

4058 BALIGN is shown to be more effective than existing Algorithm 1 BABALIGN word aligners in downstream tasks such as cross- Input: lingual lexical entailment (Hauer et al., 2020). We list of all source tokens, σs = (ws1, . . . , wsl) first append our translated WSD data to a large lem- list of all target tokens, σt = (wt1, . . . , wtm) matized bitext. We further augment the bitext with BabelNet translations, bn(ws) = {l1, . . . , ln} the BabelNet translations for all WSD focus words.

We then run the base aligner in both translation 1: A ← BaseAligner(σs, σt) directions, and take the intersection of the two sets 2: for each aligned word pair (ws, wt) ∈ A do of alignment links. In its final stage, BABALIGN 3: if wt ∈ bn(ws) then leverages the BabelNet translation pairs again, to 4: c ← search(ws, wt) post-process the generated alignment. 5: Modify A such that ws aligns to c. Algorithm1 summarizes BABALIGN. The al- 6: else gorithm takes as input a source-language sentence 7: l ← bnlex search(ws) and a target-language sentence, as well as the set 8: if l 6= None then of translations for each content word in the source 9: Modify A such that ws aligns to l. sentence. As BABALIGN is an alignment post- 10: return A processing algorithm, its input is the alignment of the two sentences from a base aligner. If a source word ws is aligned to a word wt 2 which is one of its translations, the alignment is con- the evaluation datasets, we use SemCor 3.0 and sidered correct. Since a possible translation may its translations, Multi SemCor (MSC) (Bentivogli be composed of multiple words (e.g., French trans- and Pianta, 2005) and Japanese SemCor (JSC) lation salle d’audience for courtroom), we attempt (Bond et al., 2012), to evaluate English-Italian to expand a partial alignment by considering the and English-Japanese alignment respectively. Both adjacent word tokens. This is achieved by invoking MSC and JSC contain manually annotated gold compound search, which takes the aligned token alignment for a subset of the sense-annotated con- pair (ws, wt) and returns the longest sequence of tent words in SemCor. We extract all English, Ital- target tokens c such that bn(ws) contains c, c con- ian, and Japanese sentence triples where an English tains wt, and c does not contain any target tokens token has gold alignments in both the Italian and (except wt) that are aligned by the base aligner. If Japanese sides. We get 639 sentence triples with no such compound is found, compound search sim- 2602 aligned tokens. We only evaluate the align- ply returns wt, so no change in the alignment will ment performance for those 2602 sense-annotated be made. tokens, and do not consider the alignment for other tokens, because our purpose here is to obtain proper On the other hand, if the source word ws is aligned to a target word which is not among its translations for test words in the WSD setting. translations, we invoke bnlex search, which returns For SemCor, we continue to use the included tok- the longest sequence of target tokens l such that enization, lemma, and POS information. For MSC and JSC, we do not use the tokenization, lemma, bn(ws) contains l, and l does not contain any to- kens that are already aligned. Intuitively, this is and POS information provided in the data to em- an attempt to “repair” an incorrect alignment by ulate the setting where we generate translations searching for an unaligned target word which is for monolingual WSD datasets. Instead, for MSC, JSC, and the additional bitexts, we employ morpho- known to be a translation of ws. If such an l can be found (i.e. l 6= None), the alignment is modified logical taggers to perform pre-processing: TreeTag- ger (Schmid, 1994) for Italian and MeCab (Kudo, so that ws is aligned to l. 2005) for Japanese. The additional bitexts that we 4 Word Alignment Evaluation append to the data are from OpenSubtitles2018 (Li- son and Tiedemann, 2016): English-Italian (37.8M To show the effectiveness of BABALIGN, which sentences) and English-Japanese (2.2M sentences). combines an existing word aligner with translations We evaluate alignment performance in terms of from BabelNet, we evaluate the alignment perfor- 2 We use SemCor 3.0 in the mance using parallel datasets with gold alignment. (NLTK) to keep the compatible file format with MSC and We employ FASTALIGN as the base aligner. As JSC.

4059 Method Data En-It En-Ja multilingual WSD, knowledge-based approaches test data only 80.4 36.0 FASTALIGN +OpenSub 93.3 75.6 are typically employed. +OpenSub +pairs 93.6 81.9 Many effective WSD systems have been pro- BABALIGN +OpenSub +pairs 94.0 91.6 posed; we include here only the systems that we use in our experiments. IMS (Zhong and Ng, 2010) Table 1: Alignment F-score on English-Italian and is a canonical supervised WSD system, which uses English-Japanese bitexts. support vector machines with various lexical fea- tures. LMMS (Loureiro and Jorge, 2019) lever- whether the lemma of the aligned translation cor- ages contextual word embeddings and surpasses responds to the lemma of the manually aligned the long-standing 70% F-score ceiling for super- translation in MSC or JSC. vised WSD. It learns supervised sense embeddings Table1 compares the alignment approaches. As by applying BERT to SemCor, with additional se- expected, the concatenation of a large bitext to mantic knowledge from WordNet. Among the the test data (+OpenSub) dramatically reduces the knowledge-based systems, Babelfy (Moro et al., number of errors. The addition of translation pairs 2014) applies random walks with restarts to Ba- from BabelNet (+pairs) yields further gains. BA- belNet to perform WSD and entity linking. Even BALIGN itself improves the quality of the align- though Babelfy is based on BabelNet, it does not ment on English-Japanese by nearly 10 points. The make direct use of the translation information in improvement on English-Italian is smaller, as the BabelNet. Similarly, UKB (Agirre et al., 2014, alignment between similar languages is easier, and 2018), which is based on personalized PageRank the additional bitext is much larger. Japanese is on WordNet, achieves state-of-the-art performance particularly challenging, not only because it is typo- on English all-words WSD. Finally, utilizing con- logically different, but also due to the frequency of textual embeddings, SENSEMBERT (Scarlini et al., multi-character compounds. The back-off strategy 2020) learns knowledge-based multilingual sense used by BABALIGN effectively leverages possible embeddings obtained by combining representations translations in BabelNet to recover tokenized com- learned using BERT with knowledge obtained from pounds and missing alignment links. This mitigates BabelNet. This yields state-of-the-art results on En- the effect of alignment errors on our WSD results, glish nouns WSD and multilingual WSD. We test which we describe in the next section. these systems both without modification, and with the addition of our knowledge-based methods, to 5 WSD Evaluation measure how much improvement can be obtained by leveraging translations. In this section, we first describe the WSD systems that we use in our experiments. We then show how 5.2 Oracle WSD Experiments our methods can improve existing WSD systems in the oracle setting for English all-words WSD. Our first set of experiments aims at estimating the Finally, we report the results of the experiments upper limits of our approach in an oracle setting on multilingual WSD and English all-words WSD of annotated and aligned bitexts with high-quality with automatic translations. human translations.

5.1 WSD Systems Experimental Setup Our sense-annotated bitexts There are two main approaches to WSD: super- are MSC and JSC (Section4), which contain man- vised and knowledge-based. Supervised systems ual translations of texts from SemCor. As in Sec- are trained on sense-annotated corpora and gener- tion4, we use 639 sentences with 2602 sense- ally outperform knowledge-based systems. On the annotated instances from MSC and JSC. We ran- other hand, knowledge-based systems usually ap- domly sample 10% of the instances as the devel- ply graph-based algorithms to a semantic network opment set. We tune all parameters on the de- and thus do not require any sense-annotated cor- velopment set, and use the same hyperparameters pora. Since it is expensive to obtain manually sense- throughout the experiment. annotated corpora and such corpora exist mainly in We employ two knowledge-based WSD systems: English, it is often impractical to apply supervised Babelfy and UKB. Both systems have variants that systems to multilingual settings. Therefore, for take advantage of sense frequency information in

4060 System Translation base hard soft English, Spanish, Italian, French, and German from IT 60.3 58.6 Babelfy JA50.7 65.8 65.8 SemEval-2013 task 12 (Navigli et al., 2013) and IT+JA 66.7 68.6 SemEval-2015 task 13 (Moro and Navigli, 2015).3 IT 64.1 64.2 The datasets contain manual reference translations, UKB JA58.0 72.0 72.1 IT+JA 72.2 73.3 but are not word-aligned. We perform experiments IT 73.2 73.6 in two settings, with either machine or human trans- Babelfy + WN1st JA72.6 73.1 73.6 lations. To obtain automatic translations, we trans- IT+JA 73.4 73.6 IT 73.6 75.4 late the test sets into English using Google Trans- 4 UKB + dict weight JA71.2 78.5 80.0 late because the pre-trained NMT models for test IT+JA 77.8 80.1 languages are not always available. For manual translations, we use the provided parallel datasets Table 2: WSD F-score on the SemCor test set with Ital- in all languages. For each individual language, we ian and Japanese translations. use BABALIGN to obtain translations of the focus word in other languages. We randomly sample 10% WordNet. Babelfy backs off to the WordNet first of test instances in each dataset to obtain develop- sense (WN1st) using a fixed confidence threshold, ment sets for parameter tuning. which we set to 0.8 following Moro et al.(2014). We use two multilingual base WSD systems: UKB uses complete sense frequency distributions, IMS and SENSEMBERT. We train IMS on which are referred to as the dictionary weight OneSeC (Scarlini et al., 2019), an automatically (dict weight). We use the same parameter settings sense-annotated set of corpora in multiple lan- 5 as Agirre et al.(2018). For fair comparison, when guages. For SENSEMBERT embeddings, when applying SOFTCONSTRAINT to a system variant we integrate the translation embedding (t emb), we without sense frequency information, we set γ to 0 concatenate the focus word embedding and its cor- responding t emb, as described in Section 3.3. To to turn off the pfreq component. compute these contextual word embeddings for En- Results The results in Table2 demonstrate the glish translations, we use the 768-dimensional mul- efficacy of leveraging translations for WSD. The tilingual BERT cased pre-trained model (mBERT). systems without sense frequency information are Since both OneSeC and SENSEMBERT are lim- boosted by 15-18%, while the systems with full ited to nouns, we follow Scarlini et al.(2019, 2020) features get up to 9% absolute improvement. in performing the evaluation on nominal instances Also, SOFTCONSTRAINT consistently outperforms only. HARDCONSTRAINT. The modest improvement of Since languages other than English lack large 1% on Babelfy is due to the base system falling sense-annotated corpora, we employ two evalua- back on the WN1st sense in about 80% of test in- tion settings. In the default setting, sense frequency stances, precluding the use of translations. information is not used, with the parameter γ set Also, we observe that our approach is effective to 0 in SOFTCONSTRAINT. In the other setting, in combining translations from multiple languages. we approximate sense distributions with CluBERT For instance, the F-score of 73.3% for plain UKB (Pasini et al., 2020). with SOFTCONSTRAINT (shown in Table2) drops to 72.1% with only Japanese translations, to 64.2% Results In Tables3 and4, we report the with only Italian translations, and to 58.0% with no WSD results on SemEval-2013 and SemEval-2015 translations. These results also indicate that trans- datasets.6 Surprisingly, the results with English- lations from a more distant language, i.e., Japanese, only Google Translate (GT) translations are only work better at discriminating senses. slightly lower on average than with manual trans- lations from multiple languages. HARDCON- 5.3 Multilingual WSD Experiments 3French and German are in SemEval-2013 only. Since our methods are language-independent, we 4 test them on standard multilingual WSD datasets. 5Iacobacci et al.(2016) propose an extended version of IMS that incorporates static English word embeddings; how- ever, we are not aware of any IMS version with contextual Experimental Setup We perform our multilingual word embeddings. WSD evaluation on benchmark parallel datasets in 6Some combinations are omitted for clarity.

4061 SE-13 SE-15 translations. According to our preliminary analysis, Method DE ES FR IT ES IT base system 72.7 67.8 69.6 68.1 63.0 64.1 machine translations may sometimes work better soft (γ = 0) 73.7 71.4 73.3 74.9 65.0 70.8 because they tend to be more literal, and easier to GT soft (CluBERT) 72.4 76.8 73.9 75.5 68.2 75.7 align with the source focus words. This suggests hard 72.0 71.2 74.3 73.4 65.5 70.0 soft (γ = 0) 73.5 75.0 74.6 76.2 65.5 71.1 that our methods can effectively leverage transla- soft (CluBERT) 73.8 77.0 74.5 74.9 69.1 76.5 Manual tions from different kinds of sources.

Table 3: WSD F-score of IMS (OneSeC) with trans- 5.4 English WSD Experiments with NMT lations on the nominal instances of the SemEval-2013 In the final set of experiments, we evaluate our and SemEval-2015 datasets, with Google Translate methods on standard monolingual benchmark (English) and manual (all languages) translations. datasets using NMT translations from multiple languages. SE-13 SE-15 Method DE ES FR IT ES IT base system 76.7 74.7 77.6 70.7 64.4 68.7 Experimental Setup We evaluate on five English soft (γ = 0) 77.7 80.8 79.4 76.8 65.0 74.1 all-words datasets: Senseval2, Senseval3, SemEval- soft (CluBERT) 78.1 80.4 80.7 78.9 65.7 78.7 GT soft (CluBERT+t emb) 78.2 80.8 80.9 79.4 65.9 78.7 2007, SemEval-2013, and SemEval-2015 from the hard 77.1 80.1 79.3 76.6 63.5 72.8 unified framework made available by Raganato soft (γ = 0) 76.8 81.9 80.8 78.3 64.6 73.6 et al.(2017). Since these datasets are not accom- soft (CluBERT) 76.8 79.2 81.5 79.8 66.4 78.7

Manual soft (CluBERT+t emb) 79.6 81.4 81.5 78.9 66.6 78.7 panied by translations, we automatically obtain the translations from NMT models. We tune parame- Table 4: WSD F-score of SENSEMBERT with trans- ters on Senseval2, and apply the same parameter lations on the nominal instances of the SemEval-2013 settings in all datasets. and SemEval-2015 datasets, with Google Translate We test our methods with four base WSD (English) and manual (all languages) translations. systems: Babelfy and UKB (knowledge-based), and IMS and LMMS (supervised), trained on SemCor 3.0 provided in Raganato et al.(2017). STRAINT performs well in this set of experiments, Our replication experiments match the reported as nouns are very well covered by BabelNet.7 results for these systems (±0.2% on average). For SOFTCONSTRAINT achieves an average improve- translations, we employ pre-trained transformer ment of several F1 points on both systems, even models from the fairseq toolkit: English-French without sense frequency information. The best re- and English-German models from Ott et al.(2018), sults are obtained using sense frequency estimates and an English-Russian model from Ng et al. from CluBERT, especially when they can be com- (2019). We choose French, German, and Russian bined with mBERT-based contextual translation as target languages due to the availability of embeddings (t emb), neither of which requires man- pre-trained models. Note that unlike multilingual ually sense-annotated corpora. We interpret these WSD experiments (Section 5.3), we do not use results as the new state of the art in multilingual Google Translate in the following experiments. WSD based on the consistent improvement over We compare plain Babelfy and UKB to SOFTCON- SENSEMBERT. STRAINT without p . For other systems, we To evaluate the potential of using translations freq derive p from sense frequency information from from a replicable NMT model, we obtain English freq WordNet 3.0.8 translations for test words in the SemEval-2013 German dataset with a pre-trained transformer Results Table5 shows the results on the standard model (Ng et al., 2019) available in the fairseq English all-words WSD datasets. While HARD- toolkit (Ott et al., 2019). In this setting, we use CONSTRAINT is not sufficiently robust to improve only English translations for both constraints and complex WSD systems with automatically gener- t emb. The results on both WSD systems with the ated translations, SOFTCONSTRAINT shows statis- pre-trained model are almost the same as with GT, tically significant improvements over the original and slightly better than with English-only manual performance for all base systems.

7Over 99% of the words in BabelNet are nouns (Navigli 8Due to the complexity of transforming mBERT repre- and Ponzetto, 2012a). On average, 92% of the SemEval trans- sentations into different dimensionalities and vector spaces, lations are in the BabelNet synsets of the correct senses. translation embeddings are not used in these experiments.

4062 System Method SE-2 SE-3 SE-07 SE-13 SE-15 ALL WN1st sense baseline - 66.8 66.2 55.2 63.0 67.8 65.2 base system 50.2 46.4 38.9 55.6 54.3 50.3 Babelfy hard 53.0* 49.2* 41.7* 55.6 55.9* 52.3* soft (γ = 0) 57.7* 54.3* 47.0* 60.1* 61.8* 57.3* base system 64.2 54.8 40.0 64.5 64.5 60.4 UKB hard 65.3* 57.4* 44.0* 62.6 66.2* 61.5* soft (γ = 0) 67.6* 58.8* 48.6* 64.5 71.1* 64.0* base system 66.6 65.5 53.0 63.0 68.5 64.9 Babelfy + WN1st hard 66.7 65.5 53.4 62.7 68.5 64.9 Knowledge-based soft 67.4* 65.9 54.3* 63.4 68.3 65.4* base system 68.8 66.1 53.0 68.8 70.3 67.3 UKB + dict weight hard 68.5 65.5 53.6 64.5 69.7 66.1 soft 71.3* 66.8 54.1 69.0 74.2* 68.9* base system 71.3 69.1 61.5 65.1 68.3 68.3 IMS hard 71.0 68.2 60.7 62.0 67.6 67.1 soft 72.3 68.7 59.8 65.8 71.7* 69.0* base system 76.3 75.4 67.9 75.0 76.9 75.3 LMMS hard 75.9 74.1 66.2 70.9 75.7 73.6 Supervised soft 77.2 77.1* 69.2 76.1 77.2 76.4*

Table 5: English all-words WSD F-score on standard evaluation datasets with translations from 3 languages (French, German, and Russian). The results show statistically significant improvement over the base system are marked with * (McNemar’s Test, p < 0.05). method trans SE-2 SE-3 SE-07 SE-13 SE-15 ALL NMT models. While translations are shown to help base - 68.8 66.1 53.0 68.8 70.3 67.3 FR 70.0 67.9 54.5 67.6 70.6 68.0 even strong supervised WSD systems, the improve- DE 70.2 66.4 55.4 67.5 71.3 67.8 ments are particularly impressive on knowledge- soft RU 69.6 66.6 53.4 68.7 71.7 67.9 based systems. The SOFTCONSTRAINT result on FR+DE+RU 71.3 66.8 54.1 69.0 74.2 68.9 UKB with dict weight sets a new state of the art for knowledge-based systems. Table 6: WSD F-score of UKB + dict weight with translations from a single language only. 6 Conclusion

For example, UKB with dict weight correctly We proposed a novel approach that improves WSD predicts the sense of “earth” in “the world’s most by leveraging translations from multiple languages, influential countries.” However, English world and which incorporates a knowledge-based bitext align- its three translations, monde, Welt, and mir, are ment. We tested our methods with several base only found in the BabelNet synset glossed as “pop- WSD systems. We demonstrated experimentally ulace”, while the Russian translation mir happens that SOFTCONSTRAINT can consistently improve to be missing from the BabelNet synset glossed as WSD performance even when no manual transla- “earth”, perhaps because there is no Russian link tions are available, leading to state-of-the-art re- to the English Wikipedia page for World. Hence, sults on multilingual and English all-words WSD. while HARDCONSTRAINT miscorrects the UKB We make the source code available at https:// prediction to the sense of “populace”, SOFTCON- STRAINT keeps it unchanged by leveraging sense frequencies and the base system scores. Acknowledgments In Table6, we show additional results on UKB with dict weight when using only a single language We thank Tommaso Pasini for the assistance with to derive translations. All three languages show the multilingual WSD datasets. This research has similar improvements, and we can obtain better been supported by the Natural Sciences and En- improvements by combining multiple languages. gineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), In summary, these results again demonstrate that the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii), our method can effectively integrate information Amii Fellow Program, CIFAR AI Chair Program, from the WSD system itself, translations, and sense and AltaML. frequency even with noisy translations generated by

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