IN THIS ROYAL KINGDOM (everyone) In this Royal Kingdom, everything is fine. Everyone is happy, most of the time. Everyone is friendly, as you can see. Children here are well-behaved – usually.

So welcome to our Kingdom, this castle we call home. We hope that you enjoy your stay before you travel on. We’re proudly independent, of that there is no doubt. And should you need assistance, we’ll gladly help you out.

In this Royal Kingdom, everyone’s polite. Arguments are quickly solved without a fight. Our King and Queen are most enlightened – in every way. Yes, in this Royal Kingdom, every day’s a perfect day. In this Royal Kingdom, every day’s a per – fect day.

Narrator 1: Once, long ago, in a far-off land, there lived a King and Queen in a beautiful palace that was filled with fabulous treasures.

Narrator 2: Their kingdom was at peace.

Narrator 1: Their country was prosperous and their people adored them.

Narrator 2: They had everything they could wish for. But they were very unhappy, because they had no children.

Narrator 1: Every day, as they sat on their thrones, the King would look at the Queen and say:

King: Ah….if only we had a child.

Narrator 2: And the Queen would look back and they would sigh.

King&Queen: (sigh) Ah…..

Narrator 1: They were quite miserable. (King and Queen look at each other with sad faces and then look at the audience. Queen comes forward.)

Narrator 2: One day, when the Queen was out for a stroll in her beautiful garden, she heard an unusual voice.

Frog: (squatting behind a shrub) Cheer up! Ribbitt. Cheer up, Your Majesty, for your dearest wish will be granted.


Queen: (looking around) What? Where are you?

Frog: (hops from behind the shrub) I’m down here and I have good news. Ribbit.

Queen: (looks down, steps back) Ooo…you’re a …. frog! I didn’t know frogs could talk.

Frog: It’s a gift. I also sing. Perhaps you’ve heard me with the boys down at the pond in the evening. We’re really quite good.

THE FROG IN THE POND BY: Chad, William, Donald, Matthew, Tyler

I’m a friggity frog, I higgity hop. I got my own band and my own beat box.

I’m a frog, not a toad, I’m never on the road. I stay right here in my ‘pond sweet home.’

Frogettes: This frog needs to break the spell He don’t need a wishing well A Princess who is fond May save the Frog in the Pond

You see, I’ve been cursed, it couldn’t be worse Doomed by a witch now I ‘sing this verse.’

I’m a prince in disguise, you see I got frog eyes. I have to eat flies, but ‘I like pies.’ (Frogettes)

I’m waiting for a princess so I can rest. Then I can be a big success.

I’m a friggity frog, I higgity hop. Get a princess, please, so this can stop! (Frogettes)

Queen: Oh . . . well, you were saying . . .

Frog: Oh yes . . . I believe that you wish to have a child of your own.

Queen: Why yes Mr. Frog. How did you know? 3

Frog: It’s a gift. Anyway, in the spring, after the snows have melted and the cherry trees are covered with pink blossoms, you shall have a baby of your own.

Queen: Of my own? How Wonderful! But how do you….?

Frog: It’s a gift. Ribbit.

IT’S A GIFT (Frog and Queen) Frog: It’s a gift. It’s a gift – that – I possess. A gift. and I mo – de – stly confess It’s a skill. It’s a talent. And I have a certain for this gift – that – I – now – share. (ribbit!)

Frog: (hops and bumps Queen) Oh! Pardon me!

Queen: That’s quite alright.

Frog: I’d like to say that sometimes it’s nice to be this way. Telling things to others that will brighten up their day. But I also wish that I could be an ordinary frog. Catching flies, crunching wings, and sitting on a log.

Queen: Oh, come now, don’t be so down on yourself. That’s a wonderful gift you have.

Frog: (big sigh) I suppose so, but it’s so tiring talking to people. The other frogs think I’m weird and people think I’ll give them warts.

Queen: Do you? (Frog starts to answer) Oh, never mind. Besides, you’ve got to look at all the joy you bring to others. You have made this one of the happiest days of my life! Queen: It’s a gift. It’s a gift – that’s – mine today. A gift. And I’d like – to – say that it’s a treasure that I’ll cherish and give the utmost care. This gift – that – I – now – share.

I’d like to say “Thank you,” for the message that you bring. It’s made my day and I can’t wait to tell the King. This is everything we’ve hoped for, what we’ve dreamed about. My head is light and in a spin, I want to leap and shout!

Frog: It’s - a - gift. Frog: It’s a gift. Queen: It’s a gift. Queen: a gift that I will care for.


Frog: A gift. Frog: and I mod – est – ly declare Queen: Yes, a gift. a gift so special.

Frog: not a burden though it takes the utmost care. Queen: It’s a treasure though it takes the utmost care.

Both: This gift – that – I – now share. (repeat last section) Frog: Ribbit.

Narrator 2: As autumn arrived with a chill in the air, and the leaves turned to reds and yellows, the trees were transformed into a forest of gold.

Narrator 1: And…..

Narrator 2: (overly dramatic) And as winter arrived with the first snowfall, the forest turned into a fairyland of white.

Narrator 1: Would you get on with it?

Narrator 2: And, when the cherry trees turned pink with blossoms, a baby girl was born to the King and Queen.

Queen: (holding the baby) She is so beautiful. I’ll name her Briar-Rose.

Narrator 1: It was an odd name but . . . this IS a fairytale.

King: To celebrate the birth of our daughter, we will have a holiday. Everyone can take the day off and we will have a feast and invite all of our friends.

Queen: Don’t forget to invite the seven Graces that live in our Kingdom. They can be her Grace Godmothers.

Narrator 2: This was a BIG mistake because there were actually EIGHT Graces in the Kingdom. (Court Herald appears between Narrators.)

Narrator 1: But about that later.

Court Herald: (tapping royal staff on the floor) Hear ye, hear ye! His majesty, our King, has declared this a royal holiday in celebration of the new Princess, Briar-Rose! Let there be music! Let there be merriment! Let us celebrate! (move to position for announcing the arrival of the guests)


Court Herald: Presenting the Duke and Duchess of Windleshire. Court Herald: Presenting the Duke and Duchess of Hollymead. Court Herald: Presenting Sir Alfred and the Lady Katherine. Court Herald: Presenting the Seven Lovely Graces of our Kingdom.

Grace 1: We’re so excited! Grace 2: We got here as fast as we could. Grace 3: Where’s the baby? Grace 4: Isn’t it a wonderful occasion? Grace 5: (to the King and Queen) You must be very proud! Grace 6: So you’re adding a new member to the royal family! Grace 1: (claps her hands) Girls. GIRLS! Please…we have gifts to present to our new Princess! (with a flourish, holds up a wand and waves it toward the baby)

(Throughout the song, after the presentation of each gift, Grace 7 tries to be next.)

Grace 1: The gift I bring to the Princess, a gift I gladly bestow, It is the gift of Beauty that in her face will glow. Grace 2: My gift is something special, as everyone can tell. It is the gift of Wit and Charm, may she use it well. All Graces: Gifts – we – bring, carefully chosen for the Princess. Come celebrate and dance and sing! Fa la la la la la.

Grace 3: The gift I bring to the Princess is perfect, as you’ll see. It is the gift of Grace and Elegance, fit for royalty. Grace 4: And I’d like to add another, the gift of Song. May she sing just like a nightingale with notes both clear and strong. All Graces: Gifts – we – bring, carefully chosen for the Princess. Come celebrate and dance and sing! Fa la la la la la.

Grace 5: I’d like to add another, it is the gift of Dance. May she be as light as a feather, with the proper poise and stance. Grace 6: And with due consideration, I beg you please don’t laugh. To face the future self-assured, she will be good at Math. All Graces: Gifts – we – bring, carefully chosen for the Princess. Come celebrate and dance and sing! Fa la la la la la la.

(Grace 7 gets into the spirit of things by directing the 2 groups of fairies on either side.)

All Graces: Let us celebrate and dance and sing! Grace 1, 3, 5: Fa la la (Grace 2, 4, 6 echo) Grace 1, 3, 5: Fa la la (Grace 2, 4, 6 echo) All Graces: These are the gifts we bring.


(Grace 7 is about to step forward to give her gift when the Old Grace interrupts.)

Old Grace: Is there a party going on? Did I hear music? Did I hear happy voices? Did I hear laughter? (approaches the King) Why was I not invited?

King: Well . . . we . . thought you were out of the country.

Old Grace: Out of the country?

King: Yes. Out of town, so to speak.

Old Grace: Out of town?

Queen: What he means is that we haven’t heard about you for so long that we forgot….

Old Grace: You forgot…. about ME? (King and Queen look at each other, then at Old Grace and nod.)

Queen: We’re terribly sorry.

King: Please, won’t you join us?

Old Grace: Well, we all make mistakes, and I DO have a gift I would like to present to the little Princess.(Everyone relieved that Old Grace has accepted the .)

Queen: Thank you for being so gracious.

Old Grace: MY GIFT is thus: The King’s daughter shall, in her fifteenth year, prick her finger on a spindle and fall down dead! (Old Grace cackles, and runs off. The entire court erupts with questions and concerns about the curse.)

Grace 7: (trying to get everyone’s attention) Excuse me. If I could have your attention!! (everyone talking and ignores her) I have something to say. If you could just quiet down. (in a loud, deep voice) HELLO…I’M TALKING HERE! (There is immediate silence as everyone freezes.) I have not yet announced MY gift to the Princess.


I have a gift for the Princess. It isn’t what I had planned. It isn’t charm or beauty. It’s nothing in my hand. It isn’t grace or elegance. It’s nothing you can see. It’s something very special from me.


Life can change, in many surprising ways. Face the change, throughout the coming days. You can make a difference; you and only you. Life can change, in a single moment or two.

The gift that I am giving, I hope will lighten the spell. I can’t undo what was given, but maybe this will help. With patient understanding things should turn out fine. So I proudly give this present of mine.

Life can change, in many surprising ways. Face the change, throughout the coming days. You can make a difference; you and only you. Life can change. Yes, life can change in a single mo - ment or two.

Little Girl: But . . . what IS your gift?

Lady: Yes, what are you giving the Princess?

Grace 7: Oh, dear, I guess I didn’t mention what my gift is.

King: Well . . what exactly did you have in mind?

Grace 7: Unfortunately, I can’t undo what my sister has done, but I can mix things up a bit. The Princess will NOT die when she pricks her finger, but she, and everyone in the castle, will fall into a deep sleep that will last for a hundred years. When that time has passed, a prince shall come to waken her.

Little Girl: But that’s such a long time.

Lady: What’s a long time?

Little Girl: One hundred years. I’ll be really old by then. (looks at lady) Of course, you’ll be even older!

Man: She’s right. We can’t let this happen.

Lady: What shall we do?

King: Well, I suppose that we could . . . that is . . . perhaps . . .

Little Girl: Ask the Sages?

King: Precisely! Ask the Sages for their wise advice.


Man: Brilliant, Your Majesty!

King: (claps his hands) Call for the . . .

Court Herald: (interrupting the King) Presenting the six wise Sages!

(As music begins, Sages enter single file, following the leader as he winds his way through the members of the court.)

WHAT CAN WE DO? (Six Sages) What can we do? What can we do? How can we save the day? What clever ploy can we create to keep the curse at bay?

What can we do? What can we do? We must devise a plan. This is a puzzle we must solve if we’re to save the land.

All Sages: (huddle) Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble. Sage 1: (pops up, pointing up) I’ve got it! - Well, maybe not. All Sages: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble. Sage 2: (pops up) Perhaps. - It was just a thought.

Sages 1, 3, 5: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble. Sages 2, 4, 6: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble. Sage 3: (pops up) Say what? All Sages: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble. Sage 4: (pops up) That idea is not so hot!

Sages 1, 3, 5: What can we do? Sages 2, 4, 6: What can we do? All Sages: How can we save the day? What clever ploy can we create to keep the curse at bay?

All Sages: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble. Sage 5: (pops up) An idea! - Perhaps a thought. All Sages: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble. Sage 6: (pops up) I don’t think so. Sage 1: (pops up) Maybe yes, maybe not!

All Sages: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mum Sage 2: (pops up) Here’s an answer to our plight. All Sages: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mum Sage 3: (pops up) I say, I believe he’s got it right!

Sages 1, 3, 5: Here’s what we’ll do. Sages 2, 4, 6: Here’s what we’ll do. All Sages: Here’s how we’ll save the day. Gather all the spinning wheels and take them far away. 9

Sages 1, 3, 5: Out of the kingdom! All Sages: Get them out of sight! Sages 2, 4, 6: Burn them by torchlight,

All Sages: Make - them di - sap - pear!

Narrator 2: Being a prompt and industrious ruler, the King gave orders that every spinning wheel and spindle in the entire Kingdom should be destroyed.

Narrator 1: And as the years passed, the gifts of the Graces blossomed in the young Princess.

Narrator 2: She grew more lovely, witty, and graceful each year.

Narrator 1: And everyone commented on her beautiful singing and lovely dancing.

Grace 6: (looking over shoulder of Narrator 1) And she also developed good math skills.

Princess: (crossing stage with a tablet and quill pen) 8 plus 9 is 17, minus 3 is 14, times 16 is 224, divided by 8 is 28.

Narrator 2: Life in the Kingdom had never been better.

Narrator 1: There had been some concern when all the spinning wheels were destroyed, but the people were compensated for their losses and trained in new jobs.

Loyal Subject 1: (enter to meet Subject 2 at center) Hello. What a lovely day it is.

Loyal Subject 2: Yes, it is. That’s a fine shirt you’re wearing.

Loyal Subject 1: Thank you. It’s a designer import. Is that scarf new?

Loyal Subject 2: Yes. It’s a Tucci. A new shipment just came in. Very comfortable.

(Loyal Subjects 3 & 4 enter from one side, 5 & 6 from the other)

Loyal Subject 3: I need to do some shopping for an outfit for the celebration.

Loyal Subject 4: Oh, you mean the birthday party for the Princess?

Loyal Subject 3: Yes. It’s going to be elaborate.

Loyal Subject 4: Well, it’s not every day that you turn fifteen.

Loyal Subject 5: And the King and the Queen are so proud of her. 10

Loyal Subject 6: I think we all are.

Loyal Subject 5: She is SO beautiful.

Loyal Subject 6: And what a wit! She is so clever.

Loyal Subject 1: She is certainly turning into a graceful young lady.

Loyal Subject 2: I hearing her sing.

Loyal Subject 3: And she is so elegant when she dances.

(Loyal Subjects pause and sigh.)

Grace 6: (loud stage whisper) The math….don’t forget the math!

Loyal Subject 4: Oh yes, and she is exceptional in her math skills.

Loyal Subject 5: Go figure.

Loyal Subject 6: Well, gotta go get ready.

Loyal Subject 1: See you at the birthday party.

All other Loyal Subjects: (ad lib) Bye. So long. See you later. etc.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Everyone) Happy Birthday! - Happy Birthday! - Happy, Happy Birthday to you. - On this day we come together – and we honor “you know who.” Happy Birthday! - Happy Birthday! - May your wishes all come true.

This is your very best time of the year, so stand up and shout; give a cheer! Kick back, relax, this is your special day. You’ve made it this far, what more can we say than Happy Birthday! - Happy Birthday! - May your wishes all come true!

Put on this hat. Come, blow out the candles. Make a wish or two. Have some cake. Come, sit for your portrait and please, try not to move. Have a Happy Birthday! - Happy Birthday! - May your wishes all come true.

(Partygoers have fun and forget about the Princess. The Princess is bored and leaves) Happy Birthday! - Happy Birthday! - Happy, Happy Birthday to you. - On this day we come together and we honor “you know who.” Happy Birthday! - Happy Birthday! - May your wishes all come true. 11

(Partygoers turn to where the Princes was and are surprised that she is gone.)

(Old Grace is working at a spinning wheel as the Princess approaches.)

Princess: Hello. That’s an interesting thing. What is it?

Old Grace: It’s a spinning wheel.

Princess: What are you doing?

Old Grace: I’m spinning wool into thread.

Princess: (pointing to the spindle) What’s this?

Old Grace: It’s a spindle. Come closer so that you can see it better, but be careful….

Princess: (reaching out to touch the spindle) It looks sharp. Ouch! (draws back her hand as she is suddenly pricked by the spindle)

Old Grace: I told you to be careful. (snicker)

Princess: (yawns) Goodness, I feel a bit drowsy.

A SHORT NAP (Princess) I’m feeling tired, droopy and sleepy, I need to sit down and rest for a while. Mustn’t fall a sleep, gotta get going. People are waiting downstairs in the hall.

It would be so nice to stretch out and sleep, to lie down and close my eyes -for 5 minutes. Just to relax with my feet up, - eyes shut. (snores) (sits up, eyes wide open) But this is my birthday and I must get up!

I’m feeling tired; lethargic and lazy. I’ve got to lie down before I fall. This is absurd! Oh, this is crazy! Why should I even be sleepy at all?

But it would be so nice to nap for awhile; to lie down and close my eyes for 5 minutes. Just to relax with my feet up, eyes shut. (snores) (wakes up) But this is my birthday so give me ten minutes. (yawns)

This is my birthday so I want fifteen minutes. (start to lie down, but sit back up) Make that twenty. (lies down) Just a short nap, (lifts her head) one quick snooze. Let me - - dream. (falls peacefully asleep)


Narrator 1: And so sleep fell. (everyone snore) Shh!!! And so sleep fell upon the enchanted castle.

Narrator 2: Everyone and everything fell asleep. The horses in the stable fell asleep. The dogs in the courtyard fell asleep. The mouse fell asleep and the cat that was chasing it fell asleep. The pigeons on the roof and the fly on and the fire in the hearth and….

Narrator 1: (clears throat and points at the book) Ahem!

Narrator 2: (meekly)… Everyone fell asleep.

Narrator 1: And a dense fog hid the enchanted castle.

Narrator 2: (getting carried away with description) And around the castle grew a hedge of thorns and ivy and brambles and weeds and monsters and…

Narrator 1: (clears throat and points at the book) Ahem!

Narrator 2: (meekly) … No monsters…just brambles and weeds. INSERT EXTRA DIALOGUE: NARRATOR 1: The hours passed.


One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock, rock, Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, rock, Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock, rock, We're gonna rock around the clock tonight.

Put your glad rags on and join me, hon, We'll have some fun when the clock strikes one, We're gonna rock around the clock tonight, We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight. We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

When the clock strikes two, three and four, If the band slows down we'll yell for more, We're gonna rock around the clock tonight, We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight. We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

When the chimes ring five, six and seven, We'll be right in seventh heaven. We're gonna rock around the clock tonight, We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight. 13

We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

When it's eight, nine, ten, eleven too, I'll be goin' strong and so will you. We're gonna rock around the clock tonight, We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight. We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

When the clock strikes twelve, we'll cool off then, Start a rockin' round the clock again. We're gonna rock around the clock tonight, We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight. We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

Narrator 1: The years passed and the seasons changed.


Narrator 1: Life outside the castle continued on it’s normal course.

Narrator 2: (big eyes) But, within the mist-covered hedge, no life stirred.

Narrator 1: Outside the castle, people who were young grew old and their children passed on the legend to THEIR children….

Narrator 2: …the legend of a castle with a beautiful Princess that had disappeared in the foggy woods.

Narrator 1: And then one day, a hundred years later, a Prince…

Prince: (steps out from behind curtain and strikes a pose) HANDSOME! (hides)

Narrator 1: …a HANDSOME Prince came riding through the forest….

Narrator 2: …and the mist parted and the brambles gave way and…(Narrator 1 is scowling at Narrator 2 for interrupting) …the weeds weren’t that bad…and…

Narrator 1: And the Prince saw a tall, white castle standing silently in the afternoon sun.

Narrator 2: As he entered the castle, he was surprised to find everyone and everything asleep.

(Prince enters, looks at sleeping people, nudges a few to wake them)

Narrator 1: And no matter what he tried, he couldn’t wake them.


Prince: (softly at first, then growing louder) Hello? Wake up. Rise and shine. Time to get up. (clapping hands) Hey! WAKE UP!!!

Narrator 2: No one stirred . . . so the Prince began to explore.

Narrator 1: And as he wandered through the castle, he came to the room where the Princess was sleeping.

Narrator 2: When he saw her, he was stunned by her beauty, and knelt down…(Prince goes to Princess, kneels beside her bed and takes her hand) …and… (Frog pops up between Narrators)

Frog: Wait a minute. Isn’t this where he kisses me?

Narrator 1: What are you doing here?

Frog: I’m a frog. Ribbitt. I’m supposed to get kissed.

Narrator 2: No, you’re not! There’s nothing about a frog getting kissed in this story.

Frog: (pushes Narrators aside and reads aloud from the book) …he was stunned by her beauty, and he knelt down and … (sheepishly) Oh…pardon me…wrong story. (Frog hops off. Narrators look at each other.)

Narrator 1: As I was saying, he knelt down and when he took her hand, she awoke.

Princess: (As she wakes up, she stretches, sits up and knocks the Prince over.) Wow! That was a GREAT nap! (sees the Prince sprawled out on the floor) Who are you? (standing) What are you doing here?

Prince: (stunned) I . . . I’m a Prince.

Princess: Well, for Pete’s sake, get up. A Prince shouldn’t be crawling around on the floor. What time is it? I’m starving! I hope I didn’t sleep through lunch.

Prince: Actually, it’s more like supper time.

Princess: Supper time? I really took a snooze!

Prince: Well, according to the old legend, you’ve been asleep for a hundred years.

Princess: WOW! A hundred year snooze!!


Prince: Listen. It sounds like the rest of the castle is waking up, too.

WAKE UP! (Everyone) Wake up! Wake up! We fell asleep so now I say Wake up! Wake up! We slept the day away.

Solo 1: I must say I feel refreshed from toes up to my ears. Solo 2: I’m wide awake and feel as though I’ve slept a hundred years.

All: Wake up! Wake up! We overslept; it’s time to dine. Wake up! Wake up! Solo 3: I could eat a pig or cow. Solo 4: I feel rested. I feel great. Solo 5: But how could we have slept so late? Solo 6: That was a mighty fine nap we had, All: A reeeeeeeeeeeeeeal snoozer! (yawn and stretch)

Wake up! Wake up! We fell asleep so now I say Wake up! Wake up! We slept - the day - a - way! Wake up!!

Princess: Hello, everyone.

All: Hello, your Highness.

Princess: Did you have a good nap?

All: (stretching and yawning) Yes.

Princess: Are you well rested?

All: Yes.

Princess: Are you hungry?

All: YES!

Princess: Well, you should be. You’ve been asleep for a HUNDRED YEARS!

All: What?

Princess: It’s true. (to the Prince) Tell them.

Prince: It’s true.

All: (talking all at once) What do you mean? How can it be? Boy, did I ever dream! I don’t feel that old. etc. 16

Princess: (listens for a while, can’t take th hubbub, waves her hands to immediately silence the crowd) Do you remember the spell that was put on my be the Old Grace?

Loyal Subject 7: You mean that thing about the spinning wheel?

Loyal Subject 8: And your finger. Did you prick your finger? (Princess nods)

Loyal Subject 9: When?

Princess: A hundred years ago.

All: (realizing what happened) Oh…..

Loyal Subject 10: (nodding to the Prince) Who’s he?

Princess: He’s the one who rescued me and broke the spell.

Loyal Subject 11: What’s his name?

(King and Queen move next to the Princess)

Prince: (steps forward) My real name is Reginald, but I go by the name of “Charming” (to the audience) “Prince Charming.”

Loyal Subject 12: You certainly are!

Prince: (kneels in front of Princess) And I would like to ask for the hand of this lovely lady in marriage.

Princess: Oh! …. I ….

Queen: (interrupting, stepping forward) Not until she’s at least eighteen!

Princess: But, Mom, I’m already a hundred and fifteen!

Queen: So what’s another three years? One hundred and eighteen!

Prince: I can wait.

Princess: Okay.

Narrator 2: And so life picked up pretty much as it had left off a hundred years earlier.

Narrator 1: The King and the Queen were happy. (King/Queen smile and sigh) 17

Narrator 2: The people of the Kingdom were happy. (All smile and sigh)

Narrator 1: The beautiful Princess and the handsome Prince were VERY HAPPY! (Prince/Princess smile and sigh)

Both Narrators: AND …. they lived happily ever after.

Narrator 2: And as for the Frog…

Frog: (pops up next to the Narrators) Ribbit???

Narrator 1: Well, that’s another story.

(Old Grace enters, arms outstretched, tries to kiss the Frog. Frog quickly hops away.)

MIX (Everyone) In this Royal Kingdom everything is fine. Everyone is happy, most of the time. Everyone is friendly, as you can see. Children here are well behaved – usually. (All on risers take a bow)

Frog: It’s a gift. It’s a gift – that – I possess. A gift. Queen: and I’d like – to – say that it’s a treasure that I’ll cherish All: and give the utmost care. This gift – that – we – now – share. (Frog and Queen bow)

Seven Graces: Gifts – we – bring, carefully chosen for the Princess. Come celebrate and dance and sing! fa la la la la la. (All Seven Graces bow) All: Gifts – we – bring, carefully chosen for the Princess. Come celebrate and dance and sing! fa la la la la la la. (Old Grace bows) Grace 7: Life can change in many surprising ways. Face the change throughout the coming days. All: You can make a difference; you and only you. Life can change in a single moment or two. (Grace 7 bows)

Sages: What can we do? What can we do? How can we save the day? What clever ploy can we create to keep the curse at bay? All: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble. Sages: Say What? All: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mum. Sages: That idea is not so hot! 18

Here’s what we’ll do. Here’s what we’ll do. Here’s how we’ll save the day. All: Let’s just quit this song right now and get it out of the way! (Sages bow)

All: Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy, Happy Birthday to you. On this day we come together and we honor “you know who” (King and Court Herald bow)

Princess: I’m feeling tired. All: Wake up! Wake up! Princess: Droopy and sleepy. All: Wake up! Wake up! Princess: I need to sit down and rest for a while. All: It would be so nice to stretch out and sleep (Princess bows) All: to lie down and close our eyes - for five minutes. But the show isn’t over and we cannot sleep. So on to the next song and wake up, wake up! We fell asleep so now we say wake up, wake up! We slept the day away. (Soloists 1-6) I must say I feel refreshed from toes up to my ears. I’m wide awake and feel as though I’ve slept a hundred years. (Soloists 1-6 bow) All: Wake up! Wake up! We fell asleep so now we say Way up! Wake up! We slept the day away. (Prince and Narrators bow)

All: Our King and Queen are most enlightened – in every way. Yes in this Royal Kingdom every day’s a perfect day. In this Royal Kingdom every day’s – a per – fect – day!