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Congressional Record September 22, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E869 NATIONAL CENTERS OF EXCEL- us to do our part in stopping the spread of Madam Speaker, I find this dedication to the LENCE IN CONTINUOUS PHARMA- COVID–19. With this in mind, Michelle Harvey fight against COVID–19 nothing short of awe- CEUTICAL MANUFACTURING ACT found herself getting to work behind the family inspiring. During these challenging times, AIS OF 2020 sewing machine. has demonstrated an exceptional commitment Ms. Harvey discovered her newly found to helping their fellow Americans. They now SPEECH OF sewing abilities when her friend, an ICU nurse have hundreds and hundreds of volunteers HON. ANNA G. ESHOO at Tri-City Medical Center in Oceanside, in- across the country, and their leadership is a formed her the hospital would begin taking OF CALIFORNIA true testament to the value of bringing people mask donations. In hopes of providing face together to make a difference. I am sincerely IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES masks for as many essential workers as pos- grateful to the employees of AIS, including Monday, September 21, 2020 sible, Michelle reached out to others who President and CEO Bruce Platzman, and to all Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support would be interested in helping her cause and the volunteers across America who have given of H.R. 4866, the National Centers of Excel- found an overwhelming amount of volunteers. their time and talent to this awe-inspiring and lence in Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufac- From there, the now 1,800 member San Diego selfless cause. turing Act of 2019. I’m proud to have ad- Face Mask Sewing Group took off. On behalf of the United States Congress, vanced this bipartisan bill through my Health Providing members of our community with a the people of Massachusetts’ Second Con- Subcommittee and I’m pleased to support it on face mask is one of the easiest and most ef- gressional District, and all the people impacted the Floor. fective ways to slow the spread. So far, with by this incredible work, it is my great honor The National Centers of Excellence in Con- the unwavering support of her mask-making and privilege to recognize AIS and Sew the tinuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Act was group, Michelle coordinated the donation of Masks for their tireless efforts to support our introduced by Chairman Frank Pallone and around 50,000 masks to hospitals, charities, communities during this unprecedented time. Representative Brett Guthrie. and community members across San Diego f The bill directs FDA to designate National County. In an effort to ensure all followers are PERSONAL EXPLANATION Centers of Excellence in Continuous Pharma- covered, The San Diego Face Mask Sewing ceutical Manufacturing which would work with Group also offers tutorials for people to create the FDA and industry to craft a national frame- their own mask from scratch without ever hav- HON. WILLIAM R. TIMMONS, IV work for continuous manufacturing implemen- ing to leave their homes. OF SOUTH CAROLINA tation. I launched a Constituent of the Month pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The bill authorizes $80 million to be appro- gram to recognize individuals who have gone Tuesday, September 22, 2020 above and beyond to make our region and our priated from 2021 through 2025. Mr. TIMMONS. Madam Speaker, I missed Continuous Manufacturing is an emerging country a stronger place for everyone to live and thrive. Today, I am proud to recognize the votes the week of September 14, 2020, technology that has been shown to greatly re- due to full-time military duties with the South duce both the time and the cost of developing Ms. Harvey as my Constituent of the Month, and I thank her for being a leader and role Carolina Air National Guard. and manufacturing medicines. It also enables Had I been present, I would have voted: significant improvements in the quality of the model in helping our community collectively work together to both protect our frontline YEA on Roll Call No. 183; YEA on Roll Call final product and the reliability of the manufac- No. 184; NAY on Roll Call No. 185; NAY on turing process. workers and helping to stop the spread of COVID–19. Roll Call No. 186; YEA on Roll Call No. 187; Through H.R. 4866, the Centers of Excel- YEA on Roll Call No. 188; NAY on Roll Call f lence in continuous pharmaceutical manufac- No. 189; YEA on Roll Call No. 190; YEA on turing will organize industry efforts to develop RECOGNIZING THE WORK OF AIS Roll Call No. 191; NAY on Roll Call No. 192; continuous manufacturing technologies. AND SEW THE MASKS NAY on Roll Call No. 193; YEA on Roll Call The Centers could help grow the number of No. 194; and NAY on Roll Call No. 195. companies capable of using these tech- f nologies from the current group of approxi- HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN OF MASSACHUSETTS mately ten companies to as many as 100 SUPPORTING FOUR BIPARTISAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES users. BILLS THAT ADDRESS THE MEN- Our nation’s dangerous overreliance on for- Tuesday, September 22, 2020 TAL HEALTH CRISIS eign production of critical drugs and their in- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I rise gredients have led to drug shortages, subpar today to recognize Affordable Interior Systems HON. ANNA G. ESHOO manufacturing and drug quality. This threatens (AIS) of Leominster, Massachusetts, a com- OF CALIFORNIA patient health and safety and poses national pany in my Congressional District which man- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES security risks to our allied forces. ufactures office furniture and which has orga- Tuesday, September 22, 2020 The COVID–19 pandemic has exacerbated nized and joined together with people from this vulnerability and demonstrates the na- across the United States to create an amazing Ms. ESHOO. Madam Speaker, I rise in sup- tional security and public health risks inherent new nonprofit initiative called Sew the Masks. port of four important bipartisan bills that ad- in allowing China or another foreign nation to Like so many other patriotic Americans, dress the mental health crisis in our country gain control of critical drug manufacturing. when the AIS team began to see the terrible during the pandemic and economic recession. This bill is an important first step to bring toll the coronavirus pandemic was inflicting on H.R. 1646, the Helping Emergency Respond- pharmaceutical manufacturing back to the our country, they jumped into action. Affection- ers Overcome Act of 2019, H.R. 4564, the United States, and I urge my colleagues to ally drawing on the inspiration of World War II Suicide Prevention Lifeline Improvement Act of support it. icon Rosie the Riveter, AIS leveraged their ex- 2019, H.R. 4585, the Campaign to Prevent f pertise and retrofitted a chair production line to Suicide Act and H.R. 5619, the Suicide Pre- produce high-quality, reusable masks. vention Act advanced through my Health Sub- RECOGNIZING MICHELLE HARVEY Then, they mobilized their own employees, committee and I’m pleased to support them on AS CONSTITUENT OF THE MONTH as well as individual sewers across the coun- the Floor. try, affectionately known as ‘‘Rosies,’’ to cre- In a recent poll, half of adults report that HON. MIKE LEVIN ate high-quality reusable masks for first re- their mental health has been negatively im- OF CALIFORNIA sponders and other essential employees at pacted due to the coronavirus. Add to this the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES risk of COVID–19. mental impacts on those Americans who are Fifty masks at a time, these volunteers are grieving loved ones lost to the virus. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 sewing the pre-cut masks that AIS provides The economic downturn is also taking a Mr. LEVIN of California. Madam Speaker, it and then shipping them out to corporate spon- mental toll on our fellow Americans. Studies is my honor to recognize Michelle Harvey, sors across the country, which then are dis- found for every 1 percent increase in the un- founder of the San Diego Face Mask Sewing tributed to communities in need. employment rate, the suicide rate increases by Group, a Facebook community page dedi- AIS has also launched a special partnership 1 to 1.6 percent. cated to sewing face masks for donation. Now with the United Way of North Central Massa- Despite the frequency of mental illness, too more than ever, as we continue addressing chusetts to help combine efforts and provide many suffer in silence. Mental health is a ne- this unprecedented health crisis, it is on all of masks for United Way volunteers. glected part of our health care system, with VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:05 Sep 23, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22SE8.007 E22SEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS E870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 22, 2020 less than 40 percent of people with mental ill- SCARLETT’S SUNSHINE ON Congress, Robert Dizard, Jr., who credited her ness receiving any treatment. SUDDEN UNEXPECTED DEATH ACT work as being an example for other projects These bills address this mental health care undertaken by the Library of Congress. Dep- crisis. SPEECH OF uty Librarian Dizard also attributed Suzanne’s H.R. 1646, the bipartisan HERO Act intro- HON. ANNA G. ESHOO work strengthening the administration of the duced by Rep. AMI BERA creates a data sys- OF CALIFORNIA Gershwin Prize as influential to its sustain- ability for many years to come. Not only was tem at the CDC to capture public safety officer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES suicide incidences and study successful inter- Suzanne able to build up the Gershwin Prize Monday, September 21, 2020 ventions, authorize grants for peer support be- within the Library itself, she was able to work havioral health and wellness programs within Ms.
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