Volume Xxv. No, 2.7 / Red Bank, N. J,, Wednesday
RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME XXV. NO, 2.7 / RED BANK, N. J,, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1902, PAGES 1 TO 8. SANTA CLAUS'S VISIT. OBITUARY. THE TROLLEY ROAD WORK. THREE WILLS. WEDDED AT SHREWSBURY. II ittttta ottermon, Tiro KMtatftt at Hey/tort and Itnr at ENTERtAXNMENTB IN THE RED Willetta Otteraon, aged eleven years, A FEW MEN AND TEAMS NOW Oevan tirore liiHlrtbtitrtl, MISS GRACE HOLMLS MARRIES BANK CHUBCBEI, daughter of William Otterson of Broad EMPLOYED, HiiHiin (Murk of Keyport iiiocU' bcr will REV. JAMES P. 8TOFPLBT, street, lied Bank, died very suddenly on June 10th, 1900. Hiic left #'45 each to Speaking and Hinging By the Hun. Friday, Her death was due to pneu- Will he M*ut to Work n« Hoonher HOiiH, Charles 11., John 1),, Ezra and The Wedding Took Iiare at Kaon day-school Scholars and IHtttrl- monia. Wednesday afternoon shu was as the Uround Hoftrnn Laborer* ThoinuH Chirk, John 1». Chirk 1H alno to YvHterday at the IWotne of the bution of aiftm-M*rements For down town, but she went to bed that tJet Fourteen tents an Hour and gel a bedroom HUII. Mrs. Clark ordered Hride The touple Will Live at Older Folkm, Too, night with a bad cold. Christinas morn- Teatnu Thirty Cent*, that her bedelothrs and clot lung lie di- Jrwy i'ity Itther Writdltigtt. The Christmas exerciseH of the First iiig ehe was worse. She got up and The trolley company that is building vided among her daughUTH, Mary A pretly wedding was solemnized at Method let Sunday-school were held on looked fit her Christ mas presents and a Hue from Key port to Red Hank, with Anna ColeM, wife of TIIOIUHH ColeH Shrewsbury at noon yesterday, when Misa Christmas night.
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