Servlets and a little bit of Web Services

Russell Beale Overview

 In general  Provide remote access to applications

 Servlets  What are servlets  How can we use them

 Web Services  What are web services… Objectives

 Learn about using servlets as one way of providing web based interfaces to databases and other applications.

 Learn how to create and deploy servlets using the NetBeans IDE and Tomcat server

 Learn about Web Services and their advantages in relation to providing web based interfaces to databases and other applications

 See how to create and deploy Web Services using Java, , and Apache Axis

 Be aware of other tools for developing, deploying, and consuming web services Providing remote access



Web/HTTP DCOM Access over the Web

Web Web Application Application

Web Server


Web Browser Client

Application Web Pages Interface Servlets and Web Services

 Servlets

 providing generic access to an application, using a web interface

 we need to build both client and server

 Web Services

 providing generic access with a defined API

 allows custom interface at the client

 we can just build the server Using servlets

 A user (1) requests some information by filling out a form containing a link to a servlet and clicking the Submit button (2).  The server (3) locates the requested servlet (4).  That Web page is then  The servlet then gathers the information needed to satisfy displayed on the user's the user's request and browser (6). constructs a Web page (5)  (bit like CGI scripts, bit containing the information. like applets) (from Sun) Servlets

 Servlets are server-side resources

 Servlets are Java objects that act as compact web servers

 Can support all protocols, but are not as flexible/powerful as full servers

 Need to run inside a web server that supports servlets

 Take in requests re-directed from the web-server, write HTML back to the client Advantages of servlets

 Based on Java: convenient & powerful, can talk directly to the server

 Efficient – lightweight Java processes, servlet code loads only once

 Free/very cheap Typical uses

 Processing and/or storing data submitted by an HTML form.  Providing dynamic content from, for example, a database query  Managing state information on top of HTTP (which is stateless)

 e.g. an online shopping cart which manages baskets for many concurrent customers and maps every request to the right customer. Servlets

 Servlets are part of J2EE

 All servlets implement interface javax.servlet.Servlet

 We will be using javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet HTTP protocol

 8 request methods:

 GET – retrieve content

 POST – send data, retrieve content

 HEAD – retrieve headers only

 PUT – upload content

 DELETE – remove content

 TRACE – echos the request, showing servers etc

 OPTIONS – returns list of supported methods

 CONNECT – used with SSL proxy tunnels Lifecycle

 init()

 set up the servlet

 service()

 respond to requests, after init()

 destroy()

 shutdown the servlet Using HttpServlet

 By extending HttpServlet, we only have to over-ride the methods we need to

 E.g., doGet(), doPost() HelloWorld servlet

 Using NetBeans, we can easily create servlets under Tomcat

 Tomcat is a Java server that supports servlets

 Tomcat is bundled with NetBeans IDE

 HelloWorld servlet POST and GET

 GET and POST allow information to be sent back to the webserver from a browser (or other HTTP client for that matter)  Imagine that you have a form on a HTML page and clicking the "submit" button sends the data in the form back to the server, as "name=value" pairs. HTML forms


 Choosing GET as the "method" will append all of the data to the URL and it will show up in the URL bar of your browser.

 The amount of information you can send back using a GET is restricted as URLs can only be 1024 characters. POST…

 A POST will send the information through a socket back to the webserver and it won't show up in the URL bar.  It is stored on the request object  You can send much more information to the server this way  not restricted to textual data - you can send files and even binary data such as serialized Java objects Handling GET requests

 GET requests call the doGet() method on your servlet

 Put code in that method to handle GET, or call another method to do it

 GET can pass in data through URL encoding Handling POST requests

 POST requests call the doPost() method

 Put code in this method, or call another one

 Post data is stored on the request object

 PostExample.htm Storing Data

 We often want to store some data about the user and their requests

 We can do this in 2 ways:

 Client-side - cookies

 Server-side – session data, database etc What are cookies?

 HTTP protocol is stateless

 Browser contacts server ata URL, requests a page, provides its capabilities

 Server sends info to client

 Connection closed

 So to mark one visitor to track visit to site, need to store a piece of information on the client side

 This is the cookie

 HTTP header that contains text string Two sorts

 Session

 Temporary, erased when you close browser

 Often used by e-commerce sites for shopping carts  Persistent

 Written to hard drive

 Remain until erased or expire

 Used to store user preferences Sessions

 Live on the server

 Actually built on top of cookies or URL rewritin, but you don’t have to bother with this

 HttpSession object

 Stores all the information for a session

 Saves you having to access the cookies yourself Servlets and JSP

 Putting large amounts of HTML into servlets is a bit cumbersome

 JSP pages let you use Java code directly in a HTML document

 The Java code is then executed as a servlet at runtime