Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2020 Sep; 164(3):217-225.

Multiple sclerosis and COVID-19 Jan Maresa, Hans-Peter Hartungb

This paper reviews currently available data on the novel coronavirus and clinical features of COVID-19, followed by a detailed section on possible modifications of immunomodulatory therapy in multiple sclerosis patients with COVID-19, based on what we know so far. There are discussed: (i) The COVID-19 disease (Epidemiological background SARS-CoV-1 coronavirus; Autoimmune response to COVID-19; Asymptomatic course; SARS-CoV-2 test; COVID-19 symptoms), (ii) Treatment of COVID-19 (Experimental plasma treatment; Antiviral therapy; Antimalarial treatment scheme; Biological treatment; Corticosteroid treatment; Symptomatic treatment; Vaccine preparation) and (iii) Multiple sclerosis and SARS- CoV-2 infection (Epidemiological recommendation).

Key words: coronavirus, COVID-19, multiple sclerosis, immunomodulatory therapy

Received: July 9, 2020; Revised: July 15, 2020; Accepted: July 15, 2020; Available online: July 17, 2020 © 2020 The Authors; aDepartment of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University Olomouc and University Hospital Olomouc, Czech Republic bKlinik fuer Neurologie, Heinrich-Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf, Germany Corresponding author: Jan Mares, e-mail: e-mail: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION Etiological agent: SARS-CoV-1 coronavirus The newly discovered SARS-CoV-1 virus is a form of the In December 2019, an infectious disease caused by the RNA coronavirus that is able to penetrate the human newly discovered form of coronavirus known as SARS- body. An article with the complete RNA sequence of the CoV-2 (originally referred to as 2019-nCoV) began to novel coronavirus was published in the journal Nature spread worldwide from the Chinese city of Wuhan. The on 3 February 2020 (ref.2). Sequence analysis showed World Health Organization (WHO) named the disease that it belongs to the same species as SARS-CoV coro- caused by the new virus in humans “COVID-19” (from navirus, i.e. the virus causing SARS disease3. The novel the English “coronavirus disease”). virus differs from SARS-CoV in a sequence of certain viral COVID-19 gradually spread to all inhabited continents proteins which suppress antiviral immunity and activate around the beginning of 2020 and on 11 March 2020, the inflammasomes4. The novel coronavirus is 96% identical WHO confirmed this as a global pandemic. The disease to the sample collected by scientists from bats in south- has so far appeared in 188 countries around the world, in- west China5. According to Sherren et al.6 SARS-CoV-2 cluding Europe. According to the WHO, 3,175,207 cases is 80% identical to human coronavirus (similar to CoV were confirmed as of 1 May 2020 worldwide, including SAR). The structural proteins are encoded by four genes. 224,172 deaths1. According to the phylogenetic tree, SARS-CoV-2 is closest In the following chapters, we describe the etiology and to the group of SARS-coronaviruses. However, some stud- symptoms of the disease and analyze in more detail the ies have shown significant variations between SARS-CoV therapeutic approaches in patients with multiple sclerosis and SARS-CoV-2, such as the absence of 8a protein and during the COVID-19 pandemic. fluctuations in the number of amino acids in 8b and 3c protein in SARS-CoV-2 (ref.7). The following Fig. 1 shows a detailed comparison: THE COVID-19 DISEASE Based on the currently available data and according to some authors, SARS-CoV-2 is of natural origin8; it does COVID-19 is a disease caused by an RNA virus. The not show whole genome affinity for other SARS corona- disease is highly contagious; according to the WHO, its virus strains, which would be typical for a virus which infectivity index (R0) ranges between 1.4–2.5 (this value would be created in a laboratory, but it carries changes is similar to SARS, another disease caused by a similar in the genes coding the receptor which binds the domain form of coronavirus) and, based on available informa- responsible for attaching the virus to the target cell’s re- tion, human-to-human transmission routes include respi- ceptor and for the cleavage site, which must be recognized ratory droplets produced by sneezing, coughing, close and cleaved by host enzymes, thereby activating the viral body contact, and contact transfer through various types protein to enter the cells. of surfaces. Based on currently available data, the WHO Genetic analysis shows that there are dozens of muta- believes that the incubation period is between 1–14 days1, tions of the novel coronavirus currently circulating in the typically 3–10 days. population9. From December 2019 to April 2020, a total

217 Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2020 Sep; 164(3):217-225.

Fig. 1. SARS-CoV2 virus genome chart compared to SARS and MERS coronaviruses6 of 4,590 SARS-CoV-2 genomes from different regions of The fact that the coronavirus could have escaped from the world were sequenced, and some European types have a laboratory despite all the security measures was admit- 11–14 mutations10. The high frequency of mutations is ted by Shi Cheng-li, the virologist who herself described caused by their single-stranded RNA nucleic acid as well dozens SARS-like viruses and coronaviruses studied in as viral RNA polymerase, which also introduces frequent bats at the Wuhan Institute for the last fifteen years17. errors in replication. In 2014, the United States halted funding for gain- of-function research which could potentially transform Epidemiological background viruses and make them more dangerous to humans. It is believed that the COVID-19 outbreak originated Nevertheless, a team from the University of North in the Chinese city of Wuhan. One of the possible reasons Carolina at Chapel Hill completed a test in 2015 where could be transmission at the local wet market, where ani- they created a chimera of a bat coronavirus (SHC014) mals and seafood are traded, and raw meat came into con- with a SARS virus that was able to infect human lung tact with live animals. Bats or pangolins are considered to cells in vitro15. be one of the possible intermediate hosts11. Vendors and traders in the local market were among the first patients. Autoimmune response to COVID-19 Some researchers had previously warned that markets T-lymphocytes play an important part in the antivi- selling animals captured in the wild, namely bats, could ral immune response. In a study of typical markers in- become a potential source of infection for humans12. dicating T-lymphocyte depletion (PD-1 and TIM-3), it Some authors also point out a possible connection with was found that most elderly patients and ICU patients the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the city of Wuhan13. with COVID-19 had dramatically reduced T-CD4+ and This research institute, established by the Chinese T-CD8+ titers as well as total T-lymphocytes (300/μL, Academy of Sciences as early as 1956, expanded its scope 400/μL, 800/μL), exhibiting a negative correlation with of activities by opening a highest-security biosafety labo- their survival. A decreased T-lymphocyte count also cor- ratory (BSL-4) in 2015 in cooperation with French engi- responded with increased serum concentrations of some neers from Lyon and the Galveston National Laboratory , especially TNF-a, IL-6 and IL-10 (ref.18). at the University of Texas; the laboratory performs tests on Elevated IL-6 levels were observed in patients primates which are banned in Western countries. In 2005, with COVID-19 who developed respiratory failure and a group of scientists including researchers from Wuhan required pulmonary ventilation19. Institute of Virology, published the results of research on SARS-CoV can be classified as a neurotropic virus the origin of the SARS-CoV coronavirus conducted on that can cause serious CNS disease, especially in chil- more than 300 bat coronavirus sequences14. dren and the elderly. The virus enters the brain by direct In 2015, the journal Nature Medicine published con- penetration from blood vessels, through CSF or by axonal clusions of a team of American scientists and two Chinese transport from peripheral nerves20: for example, through scientists from the Wuhan Institute which confirmed the the transmission of infection from the eyes or nose. possibility of transferring SHC014-CoV coronavirus from Suppression of brainstem reflexes induced by hypoxia is infected bats to human tumor cells grown in the labora- manifested by the fact that patients with COVID-19 who tory setting for research purposes (HeLa cell line). The have demonstrably low blood oxygen levels do not show a research team developed a hybrid virus combining bat compensatory increased respiratory rate21. Some patients coronavirus with SARS-CoV virus, which was able to in- present with other neurological symptoms, such as confu- fect and proliferate in human cells15. sion, headache, or anosmia and ageusia. Since more than According to some authors, another potential site a third of infected individuals present with signs of central of infection may also have been the Wuhan Center for or peripheral nervous system or muscle involvement, early Disease Prevention, which operates at a lower safety level differential diagnosis of neurological disease may help (BSL-2) and is situated just several hundred metres from identify potential SARS-CoV-2 carriers22. the market16.

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Asymptomatic course described especially in younger individuals. A more severe Data gradually collected around the world show that course of the disease occurs in the elderly or in patients especially in pediatric patients, COVID-19 infection is suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, generally mild or asymptomatic, and children may be- and other serious conditions. come carriers of the disease in families. A one example, Milder symptoms most often include cough, shortness a study of 565 Japanese citizens who were evacuated from of breath, fatigue and fever. More severe cases can lead Wuhan and undertook PCR testing for the presence of to pneumonia, acute myocarditis, renal failure, and sub- SARS-CoV-2 revealed 30% of asymptomatic individuals sequent death30. Other less common symptoms recorded in the group, even after thirty days of quarantine23. Some so far included muscle and joint pain and anosmia or reports from the Chinese National Health Commission ageusia31. indicate that up to four-fifths of the confirmed cases are Diffuse intravascular coagulation, observed in up to asymptomatic24. Thus, testing is the only way to confirm 30% of cases, is a serious complication in patients with the disease with certainty. pneumonia regardless of prophylactic thrombolytic treat- There have also been reports of a possible latent ment29. This leads to acute pulmonary embolism, throm- course of the disease, which is rather typical of retrovi- bosis in the lower limbs, or strokes and heart attacks. ruses or some DNA viruses. According to a report from In addition to the above, a rash has been described South Korea, virus reactivation was proven in 111 recov- recently, appearing especially in young children or ad- ered patients. However, it is not yet possible to prove olescents as the first symptom of the disease. Another whether this represents a reinfection of SARS-CoV-2 or sign may be ‘covid fingers,’ presenting in the form of red viral latency. At the same time, patients did not develop bumps on the toes, painful to the touch and sometimes a relapse of COVID-19 (ref.25). itchy; these may be the only symptom of COVID-19 (ref.32). SARS-CoV-2 test Considering that the course of the disease may run similar to a severe case of influenza or occur without any TREATMENT OF COVID-19 symptoms, especially in younger individuals, it is difficult to diagnose the disease or to distinguish it from other No specific treatment or vaccine for COVID-19 exists types of viral infections. Therefore, PCR diagnostics re- as of the time of writing. Research is underway into drugs mains the only reliable method of confirming the infec- used to treat malaria and autoimmune diseases or antiviral tion, where RNA identical to the RNA of SARS-CoV-2 treatment for other viruses or antibodies from people who coronavirus is detected in nasopharyngeal and oropha- have recovered from COVID-19. Through global clinical ryngeal specimen. trials—SOLIDARITY, DISCOVERY, and RECOVERY— Serological testing may assist in screening if PCR re- the WHO is currently supporting experimental treatment sults return negative and there is a strong epidemiological with remdesivir, combinations lopinavir/ritonavir (in com- link to COVID-19 infection26. Blood samples can be tested bination with beta ), chloroquine, hydroxychlo- for elevated IgM and IgG antibodies titers, as well as pos- roquine and an anti-interleukin-6 sibly IgA. This does not provide direct evidence of the known as Actemra. In all cases, it is only experimental presence of the virus and this test has only a supporting treatment, as no substance has of yet been officially reg- role because the antibody response comes several days istered for the treatment of COVID-19. At present, ac- after the onset of symptoms27. cording to the Czech State Institute for Drug Control Paired sera (in the acute and convalescent phases) (SÚKL), over 540 clinical studies with various drugs are can also confirm the diagnosis. However, new and more in progress33. effective testing methods are still being developed. Extensive virtual scanning for potential drugs with known biological effects (ZINC drug database, containing 2,924 drugs and 1,066 herbal drugs) is also underway, and COVID-19 SYMPTOMS their chemical structure is compared with the structure of potential target proteins involved in virus replication In terms of the clinical course, COVID-19 is much through computer simulation34. more severe than influenza; its R0 infectivity rate is around 2.5 (compared to 1.5 for influenza). Hospitalization rate Experimental plasma treatment is usually 1% for seasonal flu and 5–20% for COVID-19. One possibility is the administration of convalescent Case fatality rate is about 0.1 percent for influenza, and plasma; convalescent plasma is plasma of recovered pa- can be up to ten times greater (about 1%) in COVID-19 tients which has been used for more than 100 years to (ref.28). treat various diseases from measles to polio to SARS The body of research published so far indicates that (ref.35). Donor antibodies help patients fight disease or the disease is mild in 81% of cases and does not require reduce its severity. For COVID-19, plasma therapy has hospitalization but 14% of patients may develop pneumo- been approved since March, although it is still considered nia and 5% of those infected have a critical course with experimental because no randomized, controlled studies organ failure29. Patients with a mild course of COVID-19 have been performed, and physicians also do not know may be completely asymptomatic; this course has been when it is the best time to administer plasma in the course

219 Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2020 Sep; 164(3):217-225. of disease progression. Convalescent plasma was admin- cluding lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Azithromycin is istered to 245 patients with COVID-19 in China and the a commonly prescribed antibiotic for the treatment of, for condition of ninety-one of them improved33. example, bacterial pneumonia. There are plans to use convalescent plasma to make Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have been drugs from hyperimmune immunoglobulins isolated from shown to destroy the COVID-19 virus in the laboratory plasma, and a drug based on hyperimmune immunoglobu- setting. It seems that these substances work through two lin is currently being developed36. Leading global pharma- mechanisms. First, they make it difficult for the virus to ceutical and technology companies involved in plasma attach to the cell, preventing the virus from entering and processing have joined an alliance that coordinates coop- multiplying, or they kill the virus before it begins to multi- eration in the global fight against COVID-19. ply in the cell. The first results from China demonstrated the ability of chloroquine to reduce the severity of pneu- Antiviral therapy monia and shorten the duration of the symptoms of the Targeted antiviral therapy for COVID-19 does not ex- disease. However, chloroquine has a worse safety profile ist yet. However, drugs developed to treat other viral dis- than hydroxychloroquine and its use is associated with eases are being tested. Much attention is now being paid more adverse side effects. to remdesivir37, an anti-viral drug which was originally Azithromycin is never used for viral infections. developed to treat serious viral diseases such as Ebola, However, this antibiotic has an anti-inflammatory effect. mainly because it had successfully targeted the coronavi- It has been suggested that azithromycin may help sup- ruses causing SARS and MERS. Its mechanism of action press the hyperactive immune response to a COVID-19 is based on inhibiting the coronavirus’s ability to replicate. infection. Two large randomized clinical trials involving 700 patients However, recent studies have linked the use of hydroxy- are currently underway in China, and they are likely to chloroquine and azithromycin to the risk of developing provide the answer as to whether remdesivir is definitely malignant cardiac arrhythmias because these drugs are effective for COVID-19 in May38. SÚKL emphasizes that, especially dangerous when used in a combination. at the time writing, the efficacy of remdesivir in the treat- Based on these reports, the FDA now formally cau- ment of COVID-19 cannot be considered as proven, as its tions against the use of chloroquine or hydroxychloro- efficacy has not been confirmed in a clinical study and quine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a the clinical studies are still in progress33. clinical trial. Antiviral drugs effective in the treatment of influenza or HIV are also being tested experimentally for the treat- Biological treatment ment of COVID-19. Favipiravir (Avigan) was approved Experimental treatment with , a drug used for experimental treatment in China; favipiravir is a drug in rheumatoid arthritis treatment, has been described to registered in Japan for the treatment of influenza; lopi- show an improvement in clinical symptoms without elic- navir (an HIV protease inhibitor) in combination with iting side effects39. (Kevzara), a monoclonal ritonavir, umifenovir (used for prophylaxis of influenza antibody, which is also used as an interleukin-6 inhibitor in Russia and China) and oseltamivir (a neuraminidase in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, could have similar inhibitor) are also being tested in experimental studies. effects. Another monoclonal antibody is bevacizumab, In the United States, baloxavir, which is registered as an currently registered in the EU for the treatment of vari- antiviral drug for influenza treatment, is currently being ous types of cancer; its use should lead to a reduction in evaluated clinically in combination with favipiravir and lung edema and mitigating acute lung damage induced by lopinavir/ritonavir. COVID-19 (ref.33). Situximab is a chimeric monoclonal Some of the registered antiviral drugs tested in the antibody that binds to interleukin IL-6 and neutralizes EU are: atazanavir, indicated for the treatment of HIV; its biological activity. It is registered in the EU for lymph darunavir, another anti-HIV drug combined with antiret- node diseases, and its safety and efficacy in patients with roviral medicines; or cobicistat, which is also indicated for acute respiratory failure and systemic release syn- HIV treatment in combination with antiretroviral medi- drome are being investigated in a clinical study44. The use cines. The efficacy of ribavirin, a drug which is used to of , a humanized monoclonal antibody which treat chronic hepatitis C and administered in the Czech binds to the human complement protein C5 and inhibits Republic in combination with, for example, interferon or terminal complement activation, is being investigated in in combination with lopinavir/ritonavir, is being investi- France40. It is approved in the EU for the treatment of gated as well. autoimmune diseases, such as neuromyelitis optica. In Sweden, a study used emapalumab, a monoclonal anti- Antimalarial treatment scheme body41 which binds gamma interferon (INF-γ) and thus Reports from China and France suggested that pa- reduces its biological activity. It is approved in the USA tients with severe COVID-19 symptoms improved more for the treatment of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. rapidly when they received chloroquine or hydroxychlo- An experimental monoclonal antibody known as IFX-1, roquine. Some physicians used a combination of hydroxy- which aims to inhibit complement activation, is being test- chloroquine and azithromycin with some positive effects35. ed in patients with severe pneumonia in the Netherlands42. Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are primarily used is another experimental monoclonal antibody to treat malaria and several inflammatory diseases, in- which specifically binds to the C-C chemokine receptor

220 Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2020 Sep; 164(3):217-225. type 5 (CCR5) on the surface of leukocytes. According to ies50. Following the onset of the disease, antibodies are the results of clinical evaluation so far, it has significantly likely to remain in the body for two to three years, which reduced the activity of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6 is a value similar to that of SARS, however, in some in- and TNF-alpha) in patients and the treatment helped to dividuals, the antibodies may not survive that long. The reduce the cytokine storm43. presence of antibodies also does not completely guarantee Other candidates include , an immuno- that recovered patients cannot be reinfected. This is partly modulatory substance that stimulates leukocyte growth because the virus mutates rapidly and individuals can be- and is registered in the USA. Angiotensin-converting come infected with a different strain of the virus than enzyme 2 (ACE2) is capable of binding to coronavirus, the one they have developed antibodies against. SARS- which is supposed to reduce the virus’s binding to ACE2 CoV-2 reinfections have been documented in China, receptors on the surface of a cell and slow down or stop South Korea, Japan, and Thailand51. This complicates the the spread of the virus in the body. An international preparation of a vaccine and at the same time complicates clinical trial has also been launched to study anakinra, a the possibility of acquiring herd immunity by gradually human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and a major pro- exposing the population to the viral infection. whose levels are elevated during At least a dozen vaccines are currently going through cytokine release syndrome44. clinical trials, and over eighty are in preclinical testing. The EU first vaccine is the BNT162 clinical trial of Corticosteroid treatment BioNTech in Germany52. Saiba reported that it has devel- The WHO does not currently recommend the routine oped a vaccine based on an artificially created viral part in use of corticosteroids in patients infected with SARS- collaboration with the University of Bern in Switzerland. CoV-2. The WHO does not currently recommend corti- In addition to attenuated or inactivated virus, SARS- costeroids for other viral diseases either, such as dengue CoV-2 recombinant spike protein or viral vectors carrying fever, as they may cause lymphocytopenia or promote an this protein also appear to be a suitable target for antibody enhanced pro-inflammatory response which eventually development53. exacerbates the pathogen45. The use of corticosteroids is currently being monitored in clinical trials. Four clinical trials are currently underway with dexamethasone, and MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND SARS-COV-2 hydrocortisone is being studied in one clinical trial46. CORONAVIRUS INFECTION

Symptomatic treatment Based on what we know so far, individuals with au- Standard drugs, such as medicines used to treat in- toimmune diseases do not pose a higher risk of getting fluenza or reduce the manifestations of an infection the SARS-CoV-2 infection. Intensive data collection is in general, are also used to suppress the symptoms of currently underway for patients with multiple sclerosis COVID-19. The WHO initially recommended the use of (MS) who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, but these acetaminophen to reduce fever and pain, and later added samples are not statistically significant yet. Thus, we can ibuprofen, although in some countries (e.g. France) it was only build on our experience with smaller groups of pa- not recommended because its use was associated with a tients and mechanisms of action of individual immuno- more severe course of the disease, including pneumonia35. modulatory therapies (DMD). A synthetic peptide known as solnatide is used for Most people develop COVID-19 with only mild symp- reducing lung edema or in patients with the acute respira- toms. The goal of therapy is to alleviate the symptoms tory distress syndrome47. letting the body fight the infection. Anticoagulants, such as fondaparinux48 are used to Unlike the general population, the course of COVID-19 prevent the risk of venous thromboembolism in hospital- in MS patients is modified by a number of factors; the ized patients with severe COVID-19. chronic disease is often associated with a number of other The use of high doses of intravenous vitamin C, which health complications and the chronic immunomodulatory could be beneficial in the treatment of COVID-19, is wide- treatment associated with immunosuppressive effects at ly discussed; however, the results of studies currently un- various levels of the and the cytokine derway in Canada, Italy and China are not yet available. network. In milder COVID-19 cases, the exacerbation of The FDA has also confirmed that SARS-CoV-2 is ef- MS may be only temporary but the risk of relapse or pro- fectively blocked by an antiparasitic ivermectin, whose gression of the disease is not negligible. The long-term and antiviral effects have been demonstrated previously49. An systematic modification of the immune response by DMD in vitro culture of infected Vero/hSLAM cells to which drugs, immunosuppressants, or corticosteroids is another ivermectin was added showed that the virus titer in the significant factor. The result can be completely different, supernatant decreased by up to 99.98% within 48 h. and often complicated courses of the COVID-19 infection. This is the reason why many developed countries in- Vaccine preparation clude MS patients in the risk groups and emphasize the No vaccine against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is avail- need to pay increased attention to hygiene and social dis- able yet. In addition, data published so far by Chinese tancing, including necessary modifications of work activi- researchers show that almost a third of recovered patients ties, such as teleworking, etc. who had milder symptoms developed almost no antibod-

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Epidemiological recommendations • Most drugs that modify the course of the disease In April 2020, the Neuroimmunology Section of the (biological treatment) work on the principle of sup- Czech Neurological Society issued Recommendations for pressing or modulating the immune system. Therefore, Patients with Multiple Sclerosis During the COVID-19 some MS drugs may increase the probability of com- Epidemic54. The recommendations were formulated on plications from COVID-19. Discontinuation/termina- the basis of currently available knowledge and awareness tion/non-initiation of this treatment must always be of the disease, and have been continuously updated over considered on an individual basis with regard to the time. mechanism of action of the particular drug vs. risk of Modification of the regime of regular visits in MS MS activity. Other important factors are the patient’s clinics: age and comorbidities. − The procedure is always individual, but in general, the following recommendations apply: In line with currently available information regarding − Wherever possible, replace the planned visits of stable the risk of ongoing viral infection, we recommend: patients with a telephone visit and ask for a healthy • Patients should not discontinue treatment themselves individual chosen by the patient to pick up the medica- to avoid the ‘rebound phenomenon,’ i.e. the return of tion (biological therapy). Other common drugs can be original/higher MS activity. supplied in the form of an electronic prescription. The • The following medications usually do not lead to sig- staff of the clinics are prepared for such telephone and nificant suppression of immune responses and can be e-mail communication. prescribed according to the usual protocols: − In the case of a risky work environment or the need − Glatiramer acetate (Copaxone) to travel by public transport, we recommend that es- − Beta (Avonex, Avopen, Betaferon, pecially patients treated with drugs with a greater sup- Extavia, Plegridy, Rebif 22 and Rebif 44) pression of immune reactions take sick leave. − Teriflunomide (Aubagio) − Dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera) These recommendations can be complemented by the − Treatment of an attack with a round of Solumedrol statement of the MS Society55 which issued a set recom- • The drugs listed below may be associated with a mildly mendations for patients with MS on 6 March 2020, in elevated risk. If the patient is already receiving ther- which it also recommends social distancing of at least apy, we believe that its abrupt discontinuation may 1 m. MS Ireland also published detailed recommenda- bring a greater risk of harm to the patient due to the tions for MS patients56. In case of COVID-19 symptoms possibility of return of MS activity, and we therefore (especially cough, high fever, shortness of breath, or dif- recommend not to discontinue the treatment. All epi- ficulty breathing), it is necessary to contact the hospital demiological measures must be implemented meticu- and consult the MS team. Patients taking immunosuppres- lously; the patient can travel to get the infusion by car sants should avoid unnecessary travel, crowded places, and always consult their current status with their MS and if possible work from home, and maintain adequate clinic. hygiene, especially washing their hands frequently and − Fingolimod (Gilenya) thoroughly. − (Tysabri) In terms of surface decay, the virus has a different − (Ocrevus) half-life for different materials, but different sources report − Rituximab (Mabthera, Truxima) durations in the order of hours up to days. According to • In case of the following drugs, their regular applica- recent studies, ozone destroys SARS-CoV-2 more effec- tion/initiation of treatment should be subject to care- tively than chlorine and should be used for disinfecting ful consideration. Individual circumstances must al- contaminated areas57. Other authors report that the half- ways be consulted with the attending physician. With life of the virus is significantly shorter when it is exposed high MS activity, it is necessary to take into account to sunlight58. the risk of disease activity and the possibility of irre- versible damage to the patient due to MS. Recommendations for treatment of multiple sclerosis − Cladribin (Mavenclad) The discontinuation of immunomodulatory therapy − Alemtuzumab (Lemtrada) is generally not recommended, although caution should be exercised with some drugs, and consultation with In terms of global recommendations, according to the the attending neurologist is always required. The MS Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland56, most therapies Society55 recommends not to stop DMD due to the threat used to treat MS are based on the principle of suppress- of COVID-19 infection. Symptoms will vary from patient ing the immune system. This may make these patients to patient depending on a number of factors, including more vulnerable to COVID-19. Because it is a new type the clinical symptoms of MS and the individuals overall of virus, no statistically significant data is available in status. MS patients with COVID-19. Nevertheless, it is recom- The Neuroimmunological Section of the Czech mended not to stop the treatment of MS, as this may Neurological Society issued the following recommenda- result in relapses in the coming weeks or months, which tions for the treatment of MS of patients who contracted can be a serious complication not only of MS, but also COVID-19 (ref.54):

222 Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2020 Sep; 164(3):217-225. of COVID-19. Therefore, individual treatment decisions the risk of coronavirus infection disappears. It is safe to must be discussed with the attending neurologist. increase the interval between the first and second alem- For Copaxone, Betaferon, Rebif, Avonex, Plegridy, tuzumab treatment to eighteen months without the risk Tecfidera, and Aubagio, MS Ireland recommends con- of a return of MS activity. The data are less conclusive for tinuing MS treatment as usual. It is presumed that these cladribine. If a third or fourth round of alemtuzumab or drugs do not have a great effect on how the immune cladribine treatment is being considered for new disease system reacts when it is attacked by the novel corona- activity, it is recommended to use another DMD or to virus. Presumably, this is also the case for Tysabri, and delay the beginning of the treatment until the epidemic MS Ireland recommends maintaining the treatment regi- is over. At the same time, cladribine-induced reconstitu- men for this medicine. In the case of Gilenya, the mecha- tion of the immune system allows for future vaccination. nism of action of this medicine and the progression of The risk of coronavirus infection with fingolimod is COVID-19 are discussed but no detailed or statistically likely to be mildly increased. For patients who are already significant information is currently available. Therefore, on the drug, the risk of rebound is likely to outweigh the it is possible to continue the therapy, unless the physician risk of infection. decides to discontinue the therapy. Natalizumab does not reduce serum lymphocytes and According to the Multiple Sclerosis Trust (MS it prevents lymphocytes from binding to VCAM-1 on the Society) (ref.55), Copaxone, Aubagio, Tecfidera, beta in- vascular endothelium, their crossing the blood-brain bar- terferons and Tysabri are probably safer than other DMDs rier, and settling in the CNS; by blocking molecular in- because they are not considered immunosuppressive teractions, it reduces the inflammatory activity present in drugs. In MS patients receiving natalizumab, the recom- the brain and inhibits further migration of immune cells mendation is to continue therapy under careful supervi- into inflamed tissue60. The risk management plan for the sion. For Lemtrada, Mavenclad and Ocrevus, physicians systematic monitoring of the risk of progressive multifocal should consider delaying therapy as this treatment may leukoencephalopathy (PML) follows the same algorithms affect the patient’s immune response. Gilenya may be as- as outside the COVID-19 pandemic; the option of an ex- sociated with an increased risk of a more severe course of tended interval dosage of Tysabri to increase treatment viral or other infection, including COVID-19. At the same safety needs to be considered on an individual basis. time, however, there is a risk of relapse of MS if treatment In patients already receiving ocrelizumab, a delay of is stopped, which may outweigh the risks of COVID-19 further infusions is recommended for the duration of in more severe cases. the risk of coronavirus infection59. From the Swedish ex- According to the current view of leading experts on perience with rituximab, it is clear that the infusion of DMD in the treatment of multiple sclerosis it is safe to ocrelizumab will control MS effectively for more than initiate or continue with beta-1a interferon, beta-1b in- six months. terferon, glatiramer acetate, teriflunomide, and dimethyl Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation fumarate therapies. It is probable that all of these drugs (HSCT) is usually a borderline treatment for multiple increase the risk of viral infections, but the risk is usually sclerosis and has the highest risk, as it disrupts the pa- much smaller than the return of disease activity. While tient’s immune system significantly for a period of time. some argue that the risk of viral infections can be pre- It is recommended that HSCT treatment be postponed or dicted by total lymphocyte counts, the literature does not replaced by a safer treatment. provide a clear answer, and so we do not recommend any Corticosteroids are generally not recommended (from change to current guidelines for monitoring these drugs. the immunological point of view) because they suppress With Lemtrada, Mavenclad, Mabthera/Truxima, and the immune system and reduce the ability to resist in- Ocrevus, continued treatment may make the patient more fection. In case of an increased risk of COVID-19, the vulnerable to COVID-19. Thus, a physician may recom- administration of methylprednisolone is always subject to mend postponing treatment; however, neurologists will individual consideration, including alternative approaches base this decision on individual parameters on a case- to the treatment of an attack, such as intravenous immu- by-case basis. These drugs often have a prolonged thera- noglobulins (IVIG) or exchange plasmapheresis (VPF). peutic effect, so delaying planned infusions or initiating therapy with of these drugs is not a major problem. On the positive side, Mavenclad does not require premedica- CONCLUSION tion with corticosteroids (it does not cause cell lysis with the risk of a cytokine storm), has minimal effect on innate We are currently in a phase where the first global wave and antiviral immunity, and is not associated with a risk of the COVID-19 pandemic is receding. Many of the facts of developing hypogammaglobulinaemia. that doctors are now working with have not been suffi- The risk of viral infections is significantly higher at ciently verified and proven over time, or substantiated in three to six months after alemtuzumab and cladribine59. a sufficiently statistically significant number of patients. It has been recommended that these drugs are not initi- Until we get sufficiently robust data collected from a ated during the coronavirus epidemic; natalizumab and sample of patients with autoimmune diseases, we cannot ocrelizumab are safer options for active disease. For those make clear conclusions, and we should follow the rec- who had already begun the treatment, it has been recom- ommendations of professional organizations while being mended to delay the next round of both treatments until aware that such recommendations may change over time

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