50th Anniversary, 1968-2018 2019-2020 Newsletter

2020 Senior Scholarship Recipients

First Place Award – Danielle Kulick

Danielle (Nelle) Kulick is a May 2020 graduate of Tulane University with majors in both Anthropology and and Evolu- tionary Biology and an overall GPA of 3.94. Nelle has earned numerous accolades over her Danielle Kulick of of LA (Tulane University) college career. This May, she won Tulane An- thropology’s Elizabeth Watts Award for Out- standing Achievement in Physical Anthropolo- gy and was inducted into the William Wallace Lambda and the Peery Society – the group of 15 graduating Covid-19 Pandemic seniors who each year are deemed the “best of The Lambda Alpha National Office is the best” of Tulane University’s graduating operating as usual and we are still processing class. Additionally, in 2019 she was a recipient new member applications and regalia orders. of a prestigious Barry Goldwater Scholarship If your department is operating remotely this in Excellence (one of 496 recipients in the semester, please provide a preferred contact US). She has also received several competitive address for all chapter correspondence. research awards from Tulane over the years. We hope everyone is staying safe. Continued on page 10. Lambda Alpha

Lambda Alpha Newsletter 2020 Contents Communications Cover You can contact the Lambda Al- 2020 Senior Scholarship Recipients pha National Office through email, mail, or phone. Page 3 National Executive Council Ms. Melanie Cabak (M.A. in An- Lambda Alpha Chapter Management thropology, South Carolina, 1991) is the Lambda Alpha Administra- Page 4 tive Coordinator. Graduate Research Grant Applicants Contact Lambda Alpha via:

Page 5 Mail: Graduate Research Grant Recipients Lambda Alpha P.O. Box 1455 Page 8 Muncie, IN 47308 Chapter News: of Missouri Attn: Melanie Cabak

Page 14 2020 Senior Scholarship Applicants Email: [email protected] Page 15 New Lambda Alpha Chapters Phone:

Page 16 765-748-8087 Lambda Alpha Active Chapters and New Members Webpage: Page 39 Laanthro.org Merchandise Order Form

Lambda 2 Alpha

National Executive Council

Dr. Peer Moore-Jansen Dr. Faith R. Warner Dr. Mark D. Groover Editor-in-Chief Dr. Marie Elaine Danforth Lambda Alpha Journal Member for the East National Executive Member of the South Department of Department of Secretary Department of Sociology & Anthropology Anthropology Department of Anthropology Wichita State University Bloomsburg University Anthropology University of Southern Wichita, KS 67260-0052 Bloomsburg, PA Ball State University Mississippi email: 17815-1301 Muncie, IN 47306 Hattiesburg, MS [email protected]. email: [email protected] 39406-5074 phone: 765-285-3567 phone: 316-978-3195

` Lambda Alpha Chapter Management

At the Lambda Alpha National Office we often receive questions from faculty sponsors and students about how to run Lambda Alpha chapters. Other than the rules for student membership, we leave chapter manage- ment up to individual faculty sponsors (see laaanthro.org for student membership requirements). Nevertheless, we do have some suggestions for chapters. Many chapters hold induction ceremonies for their nominees. Some chapters nominate student officers at or- ganization chapter meetings and related events. Other activities could include monthly meetings, chapters host- ing guest speakers, student presentations of their research, volunteer activities, anthropology clubs with student recruitment, and student paper competitions. The annual newsletter is the best venue for sharing your chapter’s activities and programs. Useful items to in- clude are student accomplishments, recognition, and on-going efforts of individual Lambda Alpha members connected with your department. Chapters are also encouraged to submit news items about cooperative pro- jects conducted under the aegis of Lambda Alpha such as lectures series, dedications, etc. For example this newsletter features photographs from University of Central Missouri’s Archaeological Field Day.

Lambda 3 Alpha

Graduate Research Grant Applicants

In 2020, scholarships and grants totaling $24,000 were awarded to Lambda Alpha members. 21 qualified graduate students applied for the Graduate Student Research Grants. Six grants were awarded in 2020 totaling $12,000. Each chapter could submit one applicant in each grant category. Thirteen different Lambda Alpha chapters were represented among the grant applica- tions. The honor society would like to congratulate the following students on their achieve- ments and thank them for applying to the annual graduate research grant program. . Archaeology Grant Proposals

Bridget Bey Washington University in St. Louis (Beta of MO) Emily Blackwood University of Maine (Alpha of ME) Ashley Cercone SUNY at Buffalo (Lambda of NY) Annaliese Dempsey Texas A & M University ( of TX) Kirsty Escalante Tulane University (Beta of LA) Cheryl Foster Louisiana State University (Alpha of LA) Gabriela Montero Mejia University of Kentucky ( of KY) Nicholas Patrino University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (Beta of WI) Christian Sheumaker University of Texas, Antonio ( of TX)

Biological Grant Proposals

Ashley Brennaman University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (Beta of WI) Margaret Buehler Tulane University (Beta of LA) Emile Cobb University of North Carolina, Charlotte ( of NC) Paloma Cuello del Pozo Texas A & M University (Omicron of TX) Kohl Dothage University of Alabama (Beta of AL) Gabriella Mayne University of Colorado, Denver (Zeta of CO) Catherine McLean Washington University in St. Louis (Beta of MO) Christopher Nicosia Louisiana State University (Alpha of LA)

Cultural Grant Proposals

Dominic Piacentini Alpha of Maine (Alpha of ME) Sarah Reynolds Tulane University (Beta of LA) Rachel Root University of Central Florida (Gamma of FL) Jacqueline Wagner Washington University in St. Louis (Beta of MO)

Lambda 4 Alpha

Graduate Research Grant Recipients

Ashley Brennaman (Beta of WI) has been researching the burial of institutionalized, indigent, unidentified, and anatomized individuals within the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery (MCPFC). This project will be the first investigation of the human oral microbiome utilizing samples from a historic poor farm ceme- tery. The historic oral microbiome will be characterized through metagenomic sequencing of fossilized microorganisms within the dental calculus of individuals excavated from the MCPFC. A mod- ern comparative dataset will be generated using open source data from current literature and the Expanded Human Oral Microbiome Database. By comparing historical data from an impoverished, im- migrant community and modern healthy individuals, we can charac- terize the oral microbiome through time and across socioeconomic bounds. This temporal comparison will parse out the significance of certain biological and sociocultural factors affecting oral health and nutrition within the MCPFC. The Earth Microbiome Project will aid in grave sediment analysis to create a snapshot of the historic envi- Ashley Brennaman of Beta of WI. ronment and elucidate the impact of ecological factors on observed patterns. A pilot study identified both diet and health related taxa within the MCPFC and established replicable, con- tamination-free protocols. Preliminary results show significant levels of individual biodiversi- ty. However, a larger, more demographically diverse sample will confirm these results and in- vestigate the nuanced details attributing to this pattern. This project represents one small step toward re-establishing identity within the MCPFC, but will at minimum restore some degree of personhood and counteract the obscurity imposed upon those once interred.

Kohl Dothage (Beta of Alabama) dissertation research ex- plores the various ways in which resilience emerges among wom- en and children living in rural Nicaragua. Resilience is colloquial- ly understood as "hardiness" or the ability for some to better navi- gate adversity than their peers. This work is informed by a critical biocultural approach and frames resilience as a biopsychosocial process that emerges through the dialogue between the individual and context over time. To address the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon, the project utilizes a mix of methodologies, includ- ing anthropometrics, biomarkers of stress, and ethnography. In ad- dition to furthering our understanding of human development and adaptation to stress, this project aims to identify specific resources and systems of support that can serve as buffers against adversity in circumstances where addressing the root problems of systemic Kohl Dothage conducting fieldwork in inequality is out of reach. Nicaragua.

Lambda 5 Alpha

Recipients of the Lambda Alpha Graduate Research Grants

Cheryl Foster (Alpha of LA) is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Geography and Anthropology at Louisiana State University, specializing in Maya archaeology. Previously, I received a BA, MA, and Certificate in Maya Studies from the University of Central Florida. Since 2017, I assist in the Digital Imaging and Visualization in Archaeology (DIVA) Lab at LSU. In 2019, I participated in the first of three NSF-funded field seasons with the Underwa- ter Maya Project, examining the functions of an- cient Maya submerged structures in Punta Ycacos Lagoon, Belize. My dissertation research is a part of this NSF research and focuses on the relationship between the ancient Maya and their environment. I concentrate specifically on sea-level rise in relation to the settlement at the submerged site of Ek Way Nal. The principal goals of the proposed project in- clude determining a timeframe for sea-level rise at the site and determining the function of an excavat- Cheryl Foster receiving her grant award. ed structure through archaeological excavation, sed- iment analyses, and AMS dating. My research not only divulges information on how an an- cient complex society lived and functioned in a localized area, it also provides details on the environmental setting of the time and could provide data that could be used to prepare modern societies for coping with sea-level rise on a global scale.

Dominic Piacentini (Alpha of ME) is a PhD stu- dent in the University of Maine’s Anthropology and Environmental Policy program. Dominic’s research investigates the confused and contentious property arrangements in central Appalachia that permit both intense fossil fuel extraction (coal, oil, natural gas) and community access to wild foods and medicine (ramps, ginseng, morels, etc.). With support from the Lambda Alpha Graduate Research Grant, Domi- nic will conduct ethnographic dissertation fieldwork with wild foods gatherers in the Highlands of West Dominic Piacentini conducting fieldwork in Appalachia. Virginia to research the processes that sustain both forms of resource access, focusing on the development, construction, and ultimate cancella- tion of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline’s right-of-way through the Highlands of West Virginia. This project frames property as a teetering discursive reality — stabilized and destabilized by law, human behavior, and more-than-human — and intends to expand anthropological

Lambda 6 Alpha

Recipients of the Lambda Alpha Graduate Research Grants analyses of property by opening an investigation into the more-than-human nature of changing property relations.

Rachael Root (Gamma of Florida) is a Ph.D. candidate in her third year of the new Integrative Anthropological Sci- ences doctoral program at the University of Central Florida. Her mixed-methods dissertation research incorporates geo- spatial analysis and ethnographic methods to examine con- nections between identity and degree completion at a univer- sity geared towards Maya students in Yucatán, México, a tourism-centric region where Maya culture is heavily com- moditized. The project focuses on how students construct identities in college while contending with challenges of ge- ographic accessibility, institutional invisibility of indigenous students, social assumptions about degree choice based on ethnicity, and locally perceived value of a college degree. Rachel Root of Gamma of Florida.

Christian Sheumaker (Gamma of TX) is an archaeologi- cal Ph.D. candidate at The University of Texas at San Anto- nio. Affixed at the crossroads of movement, landscape, and community, Christian’s research explores intra-community diversity as a central problem of landscape production. Spe- cifically, her dissertation uses movement as a spatio-temporal phenomenon to investigate supra-household sources of intra- community variation at the ancient Maya site of Wari Camp, located in northwestern Belize. Movement’s dual dimensions materialize both in the process of traversing space and in cy- cles of repeated activities. Stretching across the Bravo Es- carpment, Wari Camp’s heterogeneous terrain necessitated equally diverse types of movement from its residents. Moreo- ver, ancient Maya communities, like their modern counter- parts, possessed important internal subdivisions in the crea- tion of space. Taken together, her research shows significant contrasts not only in settlement and productive practices but in how people moved within and between these community subdivisions.

Christian Sheumaker conducting fieldwork in Belize.

Lambda 7 Alpha

Chapter News: Theta of Missouri

Our chapter (Theta of Missouri at the University of Central Missouri) hosted our first ever Ar- chaeological Field Day in Fall 2019, which included student-led demonstrations of atlatl throwing, pottery, fire-making, twining cordage, and tours of the university's archaeological site. Approximately 200 children and their families attended. The following pictures are from our event. In spring 2020, applied anthropology students began a long-term project assisting Survival House, the shelter and service center for abused children and adults in Warrensburg. This news was submitted by Amber Clifford faculty sponsor of Theta of Missouri.

The pottery making table.

Flint knapping demonstration by Emily Brown (BS at UCM and MS at U of Tulsa).

Lambda 8 Alpha

Zachary Long (BS at UCM) demonstrating ancient fire mak- ing technique.

Anthropology student talking to Archaeology Field Day visitors.

Lambda 9 Alpha

Continued from page 1. using R. In the summer of 2019, Ms. Kulick as- When Nelle first arrived at Tulane, her sisted Prof. Jack at her primatological field site interests lay in microbial plant symbionts. in the Santa Rosa National Park in Costa Rica With a broad mind, however, she sought out to help with a pilot study for an NSF project additional projects that piqued her interest and that Nelle had helped design the summer be- which allowed her to explore questions and fore. During her time in Costa Rica, Nelle build research experience in a variety of top- readily demonstrated her aptitude (and passion ics. Under the guidance of biology professor for) primatological fieldwork. She quickly Emily Farrer, Nelle quickly advanced from learned to recognize individual monkeys, fol- writing laboratory protocols, to collaborating, lowed them easily through the forest, and ex- to taking the lead on multiple projects, to car- celed in all tasks assigned to her. These are rying out a project of her own, to working on tasks that not everyone can do (or enjoy do- multiple publications. This early in her aca- ing), and, to Prof. Jack’s delight, the experi- demic career, Nelle already has five co- ence solidified her passion for primatology. authored submitted or in prep publications and Nelle has now decided to focus her future doc- has given six poster presentations at both local toral studies in this field. and national conferences. Often, when students get involved in so Nelle has worked on a variety of seem- many projects, particularly projects as diverse ingly disparate research projects. In Ecuador, as these (what do butterflies, microbial plants, she collected animal behavior data from cam- and nonhuman primates all have in common?), era traps in an investigation of seed dispersal. they tend to spread themselves too thinly, and In New Orleans, she tagged and took blood either participate very tangentially in each pro- samples from mockingbirds to compare envi- ject, do a poor job in their work on several of ronmental lead concentrations across the city, the projects, or their schoolwork begins to suf- and she monitored urban milkweed and mon- fer. To the contrary, Nelle has given each of arch butterfly population dynamics in the city, these projects her all, while maintaining a as well. Additionally, Ms. Kulick conducted nearly 4.0 GPA and a very positive attitude. independent research on coral bleaching in When asked how she is able to do it all, she East Africa, and she continues to study social just smiles and points out how exciting all of dominance, mate selection, and olfactory com- these projects are to her. munication in Cebus monkeys in Costa Rica Ms. Kulick also has a very active record under the guidance of anthropology professor of service and leadership. Throughout her time Katharine Jack. Through this wide array of at Tulane, she has played a role in the Tulane work, Ms. Kulick has acquired many research Initiative “Girls in STEM at Tulane” (GiST). skills, mastering experimental design and data This biannual event hosts 120 girls from over collection in both laboratory and field settings, 40 different New Orleans middle schools for a molecular techniques (PCR, electrophoresis), day of positive mentoring and discovery in data organization, analysis and writeup, as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. well as GIS analyses and statistical analyses During the fall 2019 session, Nelle worked

Lambda 10 Alpha with one of Prof. Jack’s doctoral students to her leadership in not one, but both of these dis- run a lab workshop entitled “Monkeys, apes, ciplines. and you,” which provides the girls with an in- The written work Nelle submitted to teractive discovery of what it means to be a Lambda Alpha along with her application, primate. By adding several new components to “Evidence for Ecological and Social Selection the program, the session was a great success in the Evolution of Primate Color Vision,” was and the feedback received was very positive. originally a paper she wrote for anthropology This “stepping up” is typical of Nelle and professor Trenton Holliday’s “Species and highly reflective of her dynamic and innova- Species Concepts in Human Paleontology” tive nature. Her eager participation in this pro- class that she just completed in spring 2020. It gram further highlights her disposition towards involves multiple multivariate statistical anal- teaching and mentorship. Indeed, Nelle has a yses Nelle programmed in R. While writing strong background in student mentorship that the paper, Nelle became so interested in the can be traced back to her position as topic that she took it from a term paper to a “Conservation Instructor” at a children’s ecol- manuscript-level project over the course of the ogy nature camp when she was but a senior in semester. Her meta-analysis of social and eco- high school. More recently she has served as logical factors influencing the variable color- an “Undergraduate Teaching Fellow” in the vision genomics observed across primates adds Tulane “Diversity of Life” Laboratory, assist- new information to this area of research and ing a graduate student teaching assistant in her manuscript is good enough to warrant pub- running an introductory laboratory course lication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. (EBIO-1015) on topics in ecology and evolu- Nelle’s findings in support of the social signal- tionary biology. She has also been an under- ing hypothesis are well-poised to drive future graduate mentor in the Farrer Lab, assisting research on color vision and sexual selection in the training of new undergraduate lab assis- primates. tants on fungal culturing and molecular tech- Nelle also recently submitted a grant ap- niques. She tutored high school students in as- plication to the National Geographic Society sociation with Upward Bound – the list goes ($7800) to undertake an independent study of on and on! Nelle continues to aid younger un- olfactory communication in the Santa Rosa dergraduates in laboratory settings in both an- capuchins in 2021. Her proposed study will thropology and biology, teaching them the add to what little is known about olfactory skills needed for a variety of tasks. Faculty communication in primates. The results of this across Tulane are impressed with her interper- study will also form the foundation of her doc- sonal skills in engaging with her peers. She ac- toral research. complishes this in a mild, approachable man- Nelle will return to Tulane in the fall to ner, one that encourages students to want to pursue an M.A. in Anthropology through the learn, rather than making them feel inferior. university’s “4+1” master’s program. She may This is a skill rarely seen in an undergraduate ultimately decide to stay at Tulane to complete student. This mentorship of her peers in both her Ph.D., or she could move to another insti- biology and anthropology clearly illustrates tution to begin her doctoral work in primatolo-

Lambda 11 Alpha gy. No matter what she chooses to do, she will for language documentation of Edoid lan- be an extraordinary professional anthropolo- guages of Nigeria. gist. For her senior capstone project in An- Second Place—Hannah Sweatman thropology, Sacha’s independent research pro- Hannah Sweatman is a spring 2020 ject focused on the heritage site of Lyles Sta- graduate of St. John’s University ( of tion Consolidated School Museum and the NY). Hannah double majored in Anthropolo- surrounding community of Lyles Station, Indi- gy and Sociology with a minor in African ana, of which she is a fifth-generation de- Studies. Hannah’s studies included a summer scendant. This site, located in Gibson County abroad program in Cameroon. While there in Southwestern Indiana, is the repository for she engaged in an oral history project that ex- roughly 200 years of history and items of cul- amined the original religion developed by tural significance for the African American King Njoya in 1917. She also did a year long farmers who reside there. This project was study abroad experience in Ghana where she submitted for consideration, accepted, and learned Twi language and took on the role of presented at the Central States Anthropologi- Head of the International Volunteerism and cal Society’s Annual Meeting in Memphis, Cultural Immersion Program at the Play and Tennessee and at SIUE’s Anthropology Senior Learn Foundation. Symposium in April 2019. Hannah’s future plans include master’s Sacha plans to pursue graduate studies degree in sustainable development or conflict in anthropology, with a focus on the African resolution and peacebuilding. She also plans diaspora. It is her hope to take the knowledge to pursue a PhD in African Studies. Her long- she learns in graduate school to find a curato- term goal is to work in humanitarian aid and rial position within a museum. In this position international development. she will seek to provide a more comprehen- Third Place (Tie) - Sacha Jackson Sacha Jackson (Alpha of IL) is a recent graduate of Southern Illinois University Ed- wardsville, from which she received a Bache- lor of Arts in Anthropology, French and Psy- chology. During her studies, she was fortunate to pursue several threads of research. She par- ticipated in the instruction of emotional awareness to underserved children through SI- UE’s Head Start program, contributed to the transcription and translation of 19th century French documents as an assistant in SIUE’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Activi- ties (URCA) program and functioned as an archival assistant for SIUE’s IRIS lab in the cataloguing and archiving of field materials Scholarship winner Sacha Jackson (Alpha of IL).

Lambda 12 Alpha sive approach to working with the under- tion and Comparative Genomics, a public edu- served, underrepresented communities in cational lab focused on all aspects of biologi- working towards providing spaces that speak, cal anthropology. India has presented research not only to them but, of them. on the iconography of Casma and Chimú ce- Third Pace (Tie) - India Kotis ramics at the 2018 Society for American Ar- India Kotis ( of OH) graduated chaeology's national meeting and competed from Kenyon College in 2020, earning distinc- with her Kenyon classmates at the SAA's 2019 tion and highest honors in Anthropology, and annual Ethics Bowl, where the team made it to completing a minor in history. During her time the semifinals. at Kenyon, she was a recipient of the Margaret India is currently working as a Research Mead Award in Anthropology, the Robert . and Editing Assistant for the biographer Dan- Baker Memorial Prize in History, the Muriel iel Mark Epstein, whose annotated volume of B. Kahrl Award in American Women's Cul- the journals of Edna St. Vincent Millay, the ture, and the James E. Michael Prize in Play- seminal 20th century playwright and poet, is writing. She served as a staff writer at A Medio forthcoming from Yale University Press. She Camino, Kenyon's Spanish-language newspa- is also independently conducting an archaeo- per, and Lyceum, Kenyon's science literary logical study of contemporary undergraduate journal, where her writing focused on the his- graffiti in liberal arts study spaces, and the his- tory of women in science. In 2018, India was a tory of American journalistic rhetoric around Museum Education and Employment Program suicide. India’s academic goals include a vari- Intern at the American Museum of Natural ety of research projects as well as graduate History, where she devised an original 45- school. Eventually she would like to apply her minute walking tour on human evolution, and background in the social sciences to museum worked in the Sackler Lab for Human Evolu- education or curation, because museums are

India Kotis at Kenyon College (Iota of OH)

Lambda 13 Alpha

2020 Senior Scholarship Applicants

In 2020 the National Office of Lambda Alpha received applications from 16 highly qualified students for the annual $5,000 award given to a senior. This year we also gave awarded a sec- ond place ($3,000) and a third place ($2,000) scholarship award. Two third places were awarded due to a tie. The scholarship applicants have presented papers at conferences, pub- lished papers, conducted fieldwork, and conducted research. Many of these students have also led the anthropology clubs in their departments, been recipients of awards, grants, and honors. Several students have had anthropological employment. Lambda Alpha National Anthropology Honor Society would like to congratulate the following scholars on their achievements as un- dergraduate students and thank them for applying to the annual award competition. We would also like to encourage faculty sponsors to nominate a senior for the 2021 Senior Scholarships. Application guidelines will be emailed to faulty sponsors in late January 2021.

Hannah Banks Western Kentucky University (Alpha of KY) Lisa Becker Georgia State University (Alpha of GA) Amber Clarkson University of Central Missouri (Theta of MO) Philomena Engel University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Alpha of IN) Kathrine Gosnell Eastern Illinois University ( of IL) Benjamin Grissom Clemson University (Beta of SC) Sacha Jackson Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville (Alpha of IL) Hannah Katz Emory University Beta of GA) Morgan Kainu University of North Texas ( of TX) India Kotis Kenyon College (Iota of OH) Danielle Kulick Tulane University (Beta of LA) Karla Milicich University of California, Irvine ( of CA) Michaela Milligan DePaul University (Zeta of IL) Coy Moses University of Tulsa (Alpha of OK) Shayna Murphy SUNY at New Paltz ( of NY) Hannah Sweatman St. John’s University (Sigma of NY)

Lambda 14 Alpha

New Lambda Alpha Chapters Academic Year 2019-2020

Zeta of Colorado Dr. Anna G. Warrener Omicron of Texas Department of Anthropology Dr. Catherina Laporte University of Colorado, Denver Dept. of Anthropology Campus Box 103 MS 4352 PO Box 173364 Texas A&M University Denver, CO 80217-3364 College Station, TX 77843-4352 [email protected] [email protected]

Zeta of Wisconsin Beta of Idaho Dr. Sameena A. Mulla Nikki Gorrell Department of Social and Cultural Sciences Department of Culture, History, and Marquette University College of Wester Idaho PO Box 1881 5500 E. opportunity Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 Nampa, ID 83687 [email protected] [email protected]

Xi of Illinois Dr. Andrea Alveshere Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology Western Illinois University One University Circle Morgan Hall 404 Macomb, IL 61455 [email protected]

Lambda 15 Alpha

Lambda Alpha Active Chapters Academic Year 2019-2020 New Lambda Alpha Life Members

The following pages list all the new members inducted into the Lambda Alpha National An- thropology Honor Society during the 2019-2020 academic year. We had 135 active chapters during this academic year. Only active chapters are listed; for a complete list of all chapters and faculty sponsors please see the chapter directory on the web page (laanthro.org).

ALABAMA Lindsey J. Baird Katharine G. Henson

Beta of Alabama Christopher Berk Jodean C. Hernandez Dr. Katherine L. Chiou Courtney K. Ide Dept. of Anthropology ARKANSAS Sydney K. Martin University of Alabama Delta of Arkansas Amanda M. Nekrassoff 19 ten Hoor Dr. Eric Bowne Andrea M. Ortega Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0210 Dept. of Sociology, Criminol- Lee Y. Rodriguez [email protected] ogy & Anthropology Reuben San Luis Elizabeth Brazelton University of Central Arkan- Manon Spycher sas Lindsay K. Gilliland Conway, AR 72035 Gamma of California Wen-Hung Hsieh [email protected]; Olivia B. Radcliffe Dr. Jennifer Parkinson Cecilia L. Albini Caleb M. Ranum Dept. of Anthropology University of San Diego Sarah E. Smith CALIFORNIA 5998 Alcala Park, Julia G. Sponholtz Beta of California San Diego, CA 92110-2492 Dr. Michael Walker Gamma of Alabama [email protected] Dept. of Anthropology Dr. Christopher D. Berk Gregory M. Viramontes California State University, Dept. of Sociology, Anthro- Sacramento pology, & Social Work Kappa of California 6000 J Street Auburn University Dr. Angela Jenks Sacramento, CA 95819-6106 7030 Haley Center Dept. of Anthropology [email protected] Auburn, AL 36849 University of California, Ir- Julianna R. Ernst [email protected] vine Zachary G. Fowler Irvine, CA 92697-5100 Lambda 16 Alpha [email protected] University of La Verne of California Tanya Michelle Bertone 1950 Third St. Dr. Ann Kakaliouras Elizabeth Linnethe Cook La Verne, CA 91750 Dept. of Anthropology Mayra Guerrero [email protected] Whittier College Maryam Khatibi K’lema Burleson 13406 E. Philadelphia St. Christine Ji-Young Kim Andrew Colwell Whittier, CA 90608 Karla Denisse Milicich Angelica Flores [email protected] Tanya Roy Julie Hiroto Aimee L. Armosilla Nathan A. Meisenbach Danielle M. Pesqueira Nu of California Valerie Pasillas Dr. Janine Gasco Yadira Y. Quintero of California Dept. of Anthropology Audrey A. Strople Dr. Richard Senghas California State University, Dept. of Anthropology & Dominguez Hills Rho of California Linguistics 1000 E Victoria St. Dr. Patrick O’Neill Sonoma State University Carson, CA 90747 Anthropology Program 1801 E. Cotati Ave. [email protected] California State University, Rohnert Park, CA 94928- Efrain S. Arroyo Bakersfield 3609 Heather Chaides 9001 Stockdale Hwy [email protected] Yesenia R. Landa Bakersfield, CA 93311-1022 Emma Bonzo Shelya Flores Quintero [email protected] Jonathan R. Chau Eric D. Zamora Jose Botello Kelley S. Greene Donna Buehler Lindsey Hoffeld of California Jeremy E. David Wyatt Huber Dr. Lee Panich Georgina M. Diaz Nina Jacobs Dept. of Anthropology Alicia Faulkenberry Kristen Johnson Santa Clara University Jennifer V. Heffler Christelle M. Longo Santa Clara, CA 95053-0201 Michaela A. Johnson Madison Tinsley [email protected] Andrew T. Kelly Isabella H. Montgomery Vashti Lopez Palacios COLORADO Rania Jenna Rubaie Margarita Medina Lemus Delta of Colorado Sarah E. A. Reed Dr. Tara Cepon-Robins Omicron of California Sara Jordan Trask Dept. of Anthropology, Dr. Kanya Godde Flor Del Rocio Turcios De University of Colorado, Colo- Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- Leon rado Springs pology Dustin J. Wagner 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Lambda 17 Alpha

Colorado Springs, CO, 80918 Tamara J. Alexander Jennifer Avery [email protected] Emma A. Banulski Brandon Barnett Kyra N. Bryan Tam T. Dang Nikki Busalacchi Jenna M. David Nadia k. Dillon Maxine Campisciano Kathleen C. McKillip Joseph T. George Tiffany Carr Alison M. Phillips Sydney A. Sebastian Alexandria Chalone Isabella C. Recca Savannah Compton Dylan K. Sadler FLORIDA Dezmund Cothran Grace Q. Shepherd Beta of Florida Emma Custis Dr. Michael Harris Betsy Echagarrua Zeta of Colorado Dept. of Anthropology Kelly Finck Dr. Anna G. Warrener Florida Atlantic University Kristina Gross Dept. of Anthropology Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991 Serena Ho University of Colorado [email protected] Kayla Johnson Denver, CO 80217-3364 Alessandra Adorisio Eleanor Knight [email protected] Cassandra A. K. Boyer Chandler Kuiper Christopher S. Beekman Natalia Boyko Katie Levy Jamie M. Hodgkins Joshua O. Giron Zachary Loeb Gabriella B. Mayne Robert Grillo Megan McCauley Caley M. Orr Alexis M. Henderson Geoffrey Mann Courtney J. Pierce Victoria L. LaMarr Alexander Nalewaik Adrienne K. Sasieta Ann M. Penso Marisa Norzagaray Jean Scandlyn Victor L. Rogers-Phillips Austin Olson Tammy Stone Allison M. Sachs Brittany Panzone Anna G. Warrener Stephanie Santiago Sabrina Reichardt Danielle A. Simon Rachel Root CONNECTICUT Chloe Sherwood Beta of Connecticut Gamma of Florida April Swartz Dr. Abigail Adams Michael G. Callaghan Jeremy Swartz Dept. of Anthropology Dept. of Anthropology Kiana Tetreault Central Connecticut State Uni- University of Central Florida versity 4000 Central Florida Blvd Akanne Torres Beltran 1615 Stanley St. Orlando, FL 32816-1361 Simone Tripoli New Britain, CT 06050-4010 [email protected] Amara Williams [email protected] Sofia Acosta Adriana Almonte

Lambda 18 Alpha

Delta of Florida Sonia A. Vargas [email protected] Dr. John Krigbaum Zeta of Florida Olivia G. Altwies Dept. of Anthropology Dr. Allan D. Meyers Emily R. Cunningham University of Florida Dept. of Comparative Cultures Emery B. Gibson Gainesville, FL 32611-7305 Eckerd College Hanaa L. Mamdouh [email protected] 4200 54th Ave., South Faith Yount Alexa M. Adams St. Petersburg, FL 33711 Victoria Alonso [email protected] Kappa of Florida Anja K. Arola Victoria R. Bamford Dr. Geoffrey P. Thomas Christina E. Avello Matija L. Kolega Dept. of Anthropology Brittany L. Bridges Zenya M. Ledermann Florida State University Victoria A. Brundage Amelia B. Price 2035 East Paul Dirac Dr. Lindsey L. Cannon Eleanor G. Seiwert-Kirn Tallahassee, FL 32310 Asha Clarke [email protected] Stanley E. Dunagin Theta of Florida Rudy Aleman Caitlin R. Field Dr. S. Ashley Kistler Bethany L. Balanoff Michael R. Frye Dept. of Anthropology Bianca M. Book Katelyn Gant Rollins College Caleb J. Brady Ava Gomez 1000 Holt Ave. Caitlin Elizabeth Delmas Kelli Goodbread Winter Park, FL 32789 Aubrey D. Farrell Stephanie E. Grecsek [email protected] Maria Rubi Gil Rosario Caroline M. Herrero Gerlishia D. Bracy Graziella M. Gomez Taylor A. Johnson Katherine A. Matthews Michelle C. Gray Amy L. Jones Italia Rico Gaspareantonio F. Greco Emily C. Kracht Skylar E. Rueff Ghita D. Heidt Olivia M. Kracht Olivia Talmage Abigail E. Houkes Joseph R. LaMountain Mary Vickers Madison L. Hubbart Claudette J. Lopez Alice Ma Christopher Ortiz Iota of Florida Mageda E. Nader Molly D. Ronan Dr. Kathryn Arthur Benjamin W. Stewart Grace A. Ryan Dept. of Anthropology Michael J. Thornton Chase Sanders University of South Florida, David A. Wilson St. Petersburg Isabella Schultz Heather R. Young Jennifer L. Shiner 140 7th Ave South St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Lindsey M. Stalter

Lambda 19 Alpha

Lambda of Florida [email protected] Jasmine X. Zhu Dr. Anne E. Pfister Lisa Becker Dr. Jacqueline Meier Lela Lantz Gamma of Georgia Dept. of Sociology, Anthro- Dr. Jennifer Tookes pology, & Social Work Beta of Georgia Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- University of North Florida Dr. Craig Hadley pology 1 UNF Drive Dept. of Anthropology Georgia Southern University Jacksonville, FL 32224 Emory University Statesboro, GA 30460-8051 [email protected] 1557 Dickey [email protected] [email protected] Atlanta, GA 30322 Sawyer N. Davis Gabriel F. Avila [email protected] Elizabeth J. Ferguson Shelby C. Blanton Neha Arora Jalin L. Garvin Jessica L. Chew Leah R. Behm Austin T. Gasiecki Rodney J. Collazo Claire L. Biffl Kassidy B. Gunn Diamond A. Dumas Allyson R. Brennan Joshua A. Herrin Stefani C. Goodine Isabella Z. Cantor Erin L. Scooler Audry L. Harrison Jesse Cheung of Georgia Monique J. Helm Tyra P. Davenport Dr. Alice F, Gooding Lauren N. Holsey Jaqueline B. Doctor Geography & Anthropology Emily F. Jeffries Kaitlin M. Hendershot Dept. Anna E. Kelbaugh Jahnvi P. Jain Kennesaw State University Isabella B. Kitzis Egan Kattenberg 402 Bartow Ave NW Monica E. Murray Hannah R. Katz Kennesaw, GA 30144 Michael J. Righter Eleni I. Kokolakis [email protected] Courtney D. Shelton Robert C. Metcalfe Sarah L. Ahern Teri Wilson Amanda A. Parsley Hannah D. Bauguess Alexa L. Rome Morgan M. Bendzinski GEORGIA Anne F. Ruble Azia T. Bounds Alpha of Georgia Paige W. Santee Juliana R. Damico Dr. Cassandra White Himani Shetti Amy N. Darrah Dept. of Anthropology Isabel D. Slingerland Diann S. Davis Georgia State University Jessica G. Tall Adrianna F. Dunn 33 Gilmer Street Julia G. Tisheh Christopher P. Ford Atlanta, GA 30303 Linda D. Tran Katya L. Godwin Joanne M. Wu

Lambda 20 Alpha

India D. Grant Malissa M. Humanic Evan C. Senat Camey B. Kirkland Nathaniel E. Shelly Shafaa M. Lang IDAHO Megan C. Walsh Rachel M. Langkau Beta of Idaho Miranda H. Mead Nikki Gorrell Beta of Illinois Lauren N. Mitchell Dept. of Culture, History, & Dr. Christa Tooley Politics Sydney N. Munkus Dept. of Sociology & College of Wester Idaho Roberto Nolasco-Cruz Anthropology 5500 E. Opportunity Dr. Olivia J. Norman Wheaton College Nampa, ID 83687 Daisy Reyes 501 College Ave. [email protected] Angelica M. Rivera- Wheaton, IL 60187-5593 Goldberg John “Brett” Calhoun [email protected] Darrell D. Ross Morgan E. Calhoun Christa De Jager Jeremy H. Wolfe Nikki M. Gorrell Tess A. De Pretis John Hardesty Emily Ding HAWAII Ryan Northup Anastasia H. Lyon Alpha of Hawaii Michelle Salmon Dr. Christy Mello Zeta of Illinois Dept. of Anthropology ILLINOIS Dr. Marcia Good University of Hawaii-West Alpha of Illinois Dept. of Anthropology O’ahu Dr. Julie Zimmerman DePaul University 91-1001 Farrington Hwy. Dept. of Anthropology 2343 North Racine Avenue Kapolei, HI 96707 Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Chicago, IL 60614-3017 [email protected] Edwardsville, IL 620256 [email protected] Kristie Ann B. Gose [email protected] Sarah A. Gooding

Naomi M. Harvey-Turner Beta of Hawaii Eryn R. Coppersmith Hannah C. Kinsella Dr. Christian Peterson Nicole C. Cromwell Leila M. Nessar Dept. of Anthropology Carrington O. Gillam Aleah M. Price University of Hawaii-Manoa Hayley J. Goebel Mckenna K. Sheehan 2424 Maile Way Susan M. Kooiman Claudia Wilkie Honolulu, HI 96822-2223 Emily R. Lange Caitlin N. Martin [email protected] Theta of Illinois Victor M. Montfort Nadia R. Arzberger Dr. David M. Boden Elizabeth S. Semande Madison G. Hobbs Dept. of Sociology &

Lambda 21 Alpha

Anthropology Emily Christiansen Kara L. Brace Lake Forest College Nicholas Covarrubias Christopher S. Gill 555 North Sheridan Road Emily Cring of Illinois Lake Forest, IL 60045-2338 Anastasia Ervin Dr. Andrew Orta [email protected] Sarah Esparza Dept of Anthropology Danielle K. Berninzoni Orsolya Ficsor University of Illinois at Urba- Sandra N. Brzakala Katrina Frank na-Champaign Leah C. Farfan Luke Gallagher S. Matthews Ave. Kennelly M. Forgue Brandon Garcia Urbana, IL 61801 Hannah L. Gurholt Colt Graves [email protected] Michael D. Heatley Matthew Hill Priyasha H. Bhatt Hannah E. Hornacek Denavious Hoover Reilly M. Durham Caroline M. Mattox Erin Jessup Nia S. Jones Alicia N. Maynard Kelli Judd Brooke E. Kadel Karina Mora Kelly Kennedy Zhengyu Li Justina K. Nawrot Kaylie Kleutgen Nu of Illinois Diayan V. Rajamohan Elizabeth Kolze Dr. Angela C. Glaros Melissa Ramirez Andrea Luce Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- Cara E. Schwartz Xue Ma pology Gabriela Silva Rachel Sabella Eastern Illinois University Monica C. Sosani Daneisha Sampson 600 Lincoln Ave. Madeline J. Trost Alec Schaer Charleston, ILL 61920 Lincoln Scheiding [email protected] Kappa of Illinois Kimberly Stahl Tyler J. Brossard Dr. Livia Stone Jelena K. Vujicic Danielle N. Dellorto Dept. of Sociology & Connor Wade Hannah Gillaspie Anthropology Katherine M. Gosnell Illinois State University Lambda of Illinois Grace D. Osborn 403 W. College Ave Dr. Matthew Krystal Mariah R. Slaughter Normal, IL 61790-4660 Dept. of Anthropology Shelby L. Wilkinson [email protected] North Central College

Jordan Ballard 30 N. Brainard St. Xi of Illinois Teagan Bohlen Naperville, IL 60540 Dr. Andrea Alveshere Triston Brown [email protected] Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- Kathryn Bruce Anna R. Baltudis pology

Lambda 22 Alpha

Western Illinois University Mary A. Bernard [email protected] One University Circle Allyson Dewey Connor D. McCumber Macomb, IL 61455 Samantha N. Escamilla [email protected] Delaney K. Farwell IOWA Andrea J. Alveshere Sarah G. Konkey Delta of Iowa Patricia K. Anderson Maxwell M. Lander Dr. Colin Betts Stephanie L. Becker Gwenyth H. O’Connell Dept. of Anthropology Alexandra J. Brisbin Dayonni Phillips Luther College Alexis R. Coronell Laurel M. Schreier 700 College Dr. Christina A. Cottle Claire D. Stanecki Decorah, IA 52101-1045 Christina P. Davis Noemi E. Toroczkai [email protected] Savannah R. Duncan Nyakeh K. Tuchscherer Taehjona M. Hodges Joshua L. McIlhenny Maria T. Ventura Linh B. Luong Heather L. McIlvaine- Samantha L. Zepponi Morgan F. Niner Newsad Emerson W. Pagel Niki L. Nation Zeta of Indiana Meghan C. Sickel Mary K. Sherman Dr. Alicia Suarez Zachary R. Ziarnik Senica S. Springer Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- pology KANSAS INDIANA DePauw University FOUNDING CHARTER OF Alpha of Indiana 100 E. Seminary St. LAMBDA ALPHA: Dr. Robert Phillips Greencastle, IN 46135 Alpha of Kansas Dept. of Anthropology [email protected] Dr. Peer Moore-Jansen Ball State University Peng Cheng Dept. of Anthropology Muncie, IN 47306-0435 Emily S. Cremer Wichita State University [email protected] Ky L. Peterson Wichita, KS 67260-0052 Emma O. Cieslik David C. Rosene [email protected]

Camryn T. Berry Beta of Indiana Iota of Indiana Zoe Blair Dr. Eric Haanstad Dr. James VanderVeen Justine Ely Dept. of Anthropology Dept. of Sociology & Megan Fuller University of Notre Dame Anthropology Cambria Haley Notre Dame, IN 46556 Indiana University, South Holly R. Herda [email protected] Bend Aubrey N. Koonce Madeleine P. Andreas 1700 Mishawaka Ave. Kacie Larson Alejandra Bautista-Mata South Bend, IN 46634-7111 Lambda 23 Alpha

Stephanie N. Moore [email protected] Kyle S. Bikowski Benjamin H. Moss Taylor A. Vickers Alaura F. Black Haley R. Rodriguez Jayla D. Campbell Elayne Rye Delta of Kentucky Taylor N. Canfill Carassia Speck Dr. George Crothers Sarah Clawson Cheyenne D. Stillinger Dept. of Anthropology Rachel M. DeLaune Gracie Tolley University of Kentucky Monica A, Fenton Cailyn Trevakiss Lexington, KY 40506-0024 Conner B. Flynt Vicky Vahle [email protected] Madeline R. Fussell Lissette M. Varela Shayna S. Lindquist Kylie S. Hebert Rachel E. Voss Gabriela Montero Mejia Angelle King Claire Weatherall Ashley N. Whitten Hollie A. Lincoln Rachel Wendt Christopher E. Nicosia Eta of Kentucky Hannah Whipple Jacob P. Warner Dr. Amanuel Y. Beyin Rachel K. Yanko Rachel E. Welch Dept. of Anthropology Macey N. Williams University of Louisville KENTUCKY Alpha of Kentucky Louisville, KY 40292 Beta of Louisiana Dr. Kate Hudepohl [email protected] Dr. Trenton Holliday Dept. of Folk Studies & An- Jacob E. Cassady Dept. of Anthropology thropology Emily M. Frazier Tulane University Western Kentucky University Lynda C. Martinez 6823 St. Charles Ave. 1906 College Heights Blvd. Anne F. Moore New Orleans, LA 7011 Bowling Green, KY 42101- Danielle N. Morris [email protected] 1029 Avary K. Carlson [email protected] LOUISIANA Bridgett A. Condon Hannah M. Banks Alpha of Louisiana Trenton W. Holliday Jordan Mansfield Dr. David Chicoine Danielle Kulick Dept. of Geography & An- Beta of Kentucky thropology Sarah M. Reynolds Dr. Marcie Venter Louisiana State University MAINE Dept. of Earth & Environmen- Baton Rouge, LA 70803 tal Sciences Alpha of Maine [email protected] Murray State University Dr. Christine Beitl Cháylee R. Arellano 334 Blackburn Science Dept. of Anthropology Krista E. Bennett Murray, KY 42071 University of Maine Lambda 24 Alpha

Orono, ME 04469-5773 Emily Becker Delaney K. Kennedy [email protected] Sarah L. Braine Jaylene Mata Suman Acharya Caitlin E. Hall Brianna L. Ballard Danielle M. Harris-Burnett Beta of Massachusetts Hunter R. Benttinen McKenna L. Litynski Dr. Lauren Sullivan Emily M. Blackwood Colette A. Nortman Dept. of Anthropology Cheyenne D. Laszlo Esther M. Saucedo University of Massachusetts Boston Sabrina Paetow 100 Morrissey Boulevard Dominic B. Piacentini Epsilon of Maryland Boston, MA 02125-3393 Dr. Carolyn Schwarz MARYLAND Dept. of Sociology & [email protected] Beta of Maryland Anthropology Aurora Burgos Dr. Sarah Chard Goucher College Nicholas Hodges Dept. of Sociology, Anthropol- 1021 Dulaney Valley Rd. Noel B. Pampalone ogy, & Health Administration Baltimore, MD 21204 & Policy Carolyn.Schwarz@ Gamma of Massachusetts University of Maryland, Balti- Dr. Simone Poliandri more County goucher.edu Dept. of Anthropology 1000 Hilltop Circle Jeanette Croen Bridgewater State University Baltimore, MD 21250 Mikaela Jacques 90 Burrill Ave. [email protected] Caroline Patterson Bridgewater, MA 02325 Maryam Elhabashy MASSACHUSETTS [email protected] Jessyka A. Grell Alpha of Massachusetts Darien J. Ortega Elle A. Kreiner Dr. Ann Marie Leshkowich Emily R. Philbin Deaira M. Lloyd Dept. of Sociology & Christina A. McCaul Anthropology MICHIGAN Zara Zeeshan College of the Holy Cross Alpha of Michigan Delta of Maryland One College Street Dr. Beverley Smith Dr. Julia King Worcester, MA 01610 Dept. of Sociology, Anthropol- Dept. of Anthropology [email protected] ogy & Criminal Justice St. Mary’s College of Carley A. Boothe University of Michigan, Flint Maryland Licelot Caraballo 303 E. Kearsley St. 47645 College Drive Erin Durkin Flint, MI 48502-1950 St. Mary’s City, MD 20686 Jodalis Gonzalez [email protected] [email protected] Megan Hawke Maya M. Baxter Lambda 25 Alpha

Stephen J. Bush Anthropology Elijah E. Smith Adrienna S. Martinez Gustavus Adolphus College Lynsey M. Woodyard Amanda K. Seney St. Peter, MN 56082-1498 Beta of Mississippi Brook A. Sibary [email protected] Dr. Marie Elaine Danforth Katie L. Ashpole Beta of Michigan Dept. of Anthropology & Nicole C. Hansen Dr. Mark Schwartz Sociology Derga Y. Selemon Dept. of Anthropology The University of Southern Amelia M. Untiedt Grand Valley State University Mississippi Tessa M. Westlund 1 Campus Drive Hattiesburg, MS 39406

[email protected] Allendale, MI 49401-9403 Beta of Minnesota Anna-Marie Burns [email protected] Dr. Kathleen Blue Noah Parker Cummings Diana E. Bullen Dept. of Anthropology Capriana T. Calvachi Minnesota State University Morgan DeRoche Mankato Jonathon Geiger Kevin Duong Mankato, MN 56001 Rachael Goodman Anna L. Steinberg-Abreu [email protected] Amy Hair Hannah G. Truskowski Mallory C. Glynn Erin Ingram

Epsilon of Michigan MISSISSIPPI Huston Kittrell Dr. Brad Chase Alpha of Mississippi Sean McCraw Dept. of Anthropology & Dr. Shawn Lambert Eli McGraw Sociology Dept. of Anthropology Esmeralda Paniagua Albion College Mississippi State University Monica E. Reno 611 East Porter Street Mississippi State, MS 39762 Philip Smith Shannon Smith Albion, MI 49224 [email protected] [email protected] te.edu Maureen Tierney Megan E.A. Arntz Rachel M. Banks Bianca Schueng Zancanela Sydney E. Triest Sara M. E. Cody Annette R. Varga Cassandra M. S. DeGaglia Delta of Mississippi Allyson N. White Benjamin L. Hatfield Dr. Veronique Belisle Charla B. Laney Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- MINNESOTA Kaelyn M. Olson pology Alpha of Minnesota Keri L. Porter Millsaps College Dr. Annika Ericksen Kayla B. Sartin 1701 N. State St. Dept. of Sociology & Ashley T. Skains Jackson, MS 39210

Lambda 26 Alpha [email protected] Lexi J. Lampkin [email protected] Beth B. Dowdy Ryan T. Langley Stephen A. Arbeau Amena S. Jamila Daun Lee Amber N. Clarkson Catherine E. McLean Mikayla N. Elia MISSOURI Noga Melnick Tyler W. Gette Alpha of Missouri Manuel Panzardi Rachel E. Lindquist Dr. Anne Austin Carol Pazos Megan N. McCully Dept. of Anthropology Summer M. Reyes Rebecca L. Moorhead University of Missouri, St. Sydney A. Reyes Calyb S. Pearson Louis India Shelley Gabriel F. Pottebaum 1 University Blvd Emma Smoley Madeline A. Schafer St. Louis, MO 63121-400 Hailey E. Spaeth Peyton R. Schmidli [email protected] Hope Steele Dean A. Stephens Scott S. Kriebaum Jackson Steffy Morgan M. VanHyfte

Beta of Missouri Zoe Stein Marra J. Yates Dr. Elizabeth A. Quinn Kieran O. Uhlmansiek Iota of Missouri Dept. of Anthropology Zhi Shen Yong Dr. Steve J. Dasovich Washington University in St. Louis Eta of Missouri Dept. of Anthropology & 1 Brookings Dr. Dr. Mary Vermilion Sociology St. Louis, MO 63130 Saint Louis University Lindenwood University [email protected] 3700 Lindell Boulevard 209 S. Kingshighway Kamsi C. Achigbu St. Louis, MO 63108 St. Charles, MO 63301 Roxy Ackerman [email protected] [email protected] Eme E. Akpan Hailey M. Barr Hope C. Barnes Madison E. Bouse Brigid E. Dolan Anna Dean Adrianna J. Calhoun Zoe K. Howell Nikole Mann Thomas A. Chaffee Kara A. Pohlman Scott R. Miller Charles A. Christensen Abigail M. Stone Ibura A. M. DeHaan Theta of Missouri Paige Walsh Keishi Foecke Dr. Amber Clifford-Napoleone NEW HAMPSHIRE Nina E. Geers Dept. of History & Alpha of New Hampshire Frances H. Hancock Anthropology Dr. Robert G. Goodby Margaret M. Hua University of Central Missouri Dept. of Anthropology Collin Z. Jordan Warrensburg, MO 64093

Lambda 27 Alpha

Franklin Pierce University Bianca A. Hooper 44 Pierrepont Avenue 40 University Drive Mandy L. Markowitz Potsdam, NY 13676-2294 Rindge, NH 03461-0060 Elisheva E. Schofield [email protected] [email protected] Bailie A. Stypa Alexandra A. Borden Michaela R. Topham Alexis A. Ventre Chase A. Cameron Hunter R. Ventiere Grace N. Chesbro Gamma of New Jersey Mallorie A. Conroy NEW JERSEY Dr. Maria Kromidas Cheyanne M. Cruz Alpha of New Jersey Dept. of Anthropology Isaiah A. Cullum Ms. Brooke Nappi William Paterson University Danielle N. Fregoe Dept. of History & 300 Pompton Rd., Karson Herne Anthropology Wayne, NJ 07470-2103 Austin W. Older Monmouth University [email protected] Kaitlyn Rivera 400 Cedar Ave. Chris R. Borowic Cassandra J. Spillane West Long Branch, NJ 07764 Kayla D. Bowling Alexandra M. Van Cott [email protected] Dillon H. Keenan Lauren E. Wright Saine Hernandez Burgos Maria Biannet Perez Meghan Quigley Delta of New York Eta of New Jersey Marilyn Scherfen Dr. Douglas V. Armstrong Dr. Jared Beatrice Jamie Warwick Dept. of Anthropology Dept. of Sociology & Syracuse University Beta of New Jersey Anthropology Syracuse, NY 13244-1090 Dr. Maisa Taha The College of New Jersey [email protected] Dept. of Anthropology 2000 Pennington Rd. Robert C. Coville Montclair State University Ewing, NJ 08628 Julia E. Cutler 1 Normal Ave. [email protected] Anna T. Henderson Montclair, NJ 07043 Ciara G. Byrne Vivian L. Kellar [email protected] Martha S. Fuentes Lucio Joseph M. McDermott Naveed I. Ahmed Shreyaa Kassim Hanna R. Seraji Brittany N. Bonelli NEW YORK Beatrice T. Cruz Epsilon of New York Alpha of New York Peter W. De Angelo Dr. Paul Pacheco Dr. Jaimin Weets Emily M. Fields Dept. of Anthropology Dept. of Anthropology Gabriel C. Harris SUNY at Geneseo SUNY – Potsdam Patsy Herrera 1 College Circle

Lambda 28 Alpha

Geneseo, NY 14454 Timothy.P.Daniels@ Mu of New York [email protected] hofstra.edu Doc McAlister Billingsley Mallaigh A. Ashton Cynthia Avecedo Dept. of Anthropology & So- Grace C. Barstow- Gurkamal Dadra ciology Christopher Sarah Dowd Elmira College Leslie M. Carr Giavanna Giardello Elmira, NY 14901 Carrie A. Daignault Sarah Klush [email protected] Ryan D. Hornbeck Alyssa Kohler Heather A. Arena Lillyana B. Keo Richkisha Walcott Elizabeth A. Callahan Liam D. Peterson Zekiel Cammarata David E. Portilla Kappa of New York Lila K. Chamlagai Marisa J. Sanquini Dr. Kathleen Blake Kate A. Cota Jack N. Terwilliger Dept. of Anthropology Reka L. deFalussy SUNY at Oswego Michael G. DiAcri Zeta of New York Oswego, NY 13126 Sarah K. Garner Dr. Karen Brison [email protected] Leda Jaquin Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- Jaimielynn B. Braden Rachel E. Leben pology Max P. Cameron Ceairra Marshall Union College Noah T. Dion Elizabeth McIlwain 807 Union Street Ryan M. Paternoster Jonathan D. Muller Schenectady, NY 12308-2365 Sarah E. Rappleye Jonathan B. Newton [email protected] Tori A. Shaw Anna-Sophie E. Poost Lisa L. Aasa Jasmine Tovar Cheryl Schumacher Anna J. Browne Haley J. Uitulugt Melissa Vadney Rachael R. Parisi Carolyn D. Zeitz Elena Ruiz Rho of New York Isabelle S. Russo Lambda of New York Dr. Benjamin Junge Vaishally Shah Dr. Donald Pollock Dept. of Anthropology Kylie G. Stevens Dept. of Anthropology SUNY at New Paltz SUNY at Buffalo 1 Hawk Drive Eta of New York Buffalo, NY 14261-0026 New Paltz, NY 12561 Dr. Timothy P. Daniels [email protected] [email protected] Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- pology Ashley E. Cercone Gabrielle Cook Hofstra University Abigail Largis Shayna Murphy Hempstead, NY 11549-1090

Lambda 29 Alpha

Kerri Widrick Greensboro, NC 27412 Jessica N. Kopf [email protected] Brice T. Kroll of New York Morgan E. Evans Belinda M. Lopez Dr. Lisa Marie Anselmi Melani J. Harden Tara Robert Dept. of Anthropology Macie D. Little Sarah R. Trexler Buffalo State College Drew G. Wright Kelly A. Williams 1300 Elmwood Ave. Courtney M. Wilson Buffalo, NY 14222-1095 Zeta of North Carolina Lee A. Winter ANSELMILM@ Dr. Gregory Starrett Theta of North Carolina buffalostate.edu Dept. of Anthropology Dr. John Williams James Foxworth University of North Carolina Dept. of Anthropology & Autumn A. Grabowski Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 Harrison A. Moll [email protected] Sociology Emilie Cobb Western Carolina University NORTH CAROLINA Sarah D. Dameron 1 University Drive Beta of North Carolina Elizabeth M. Hoffman Cullowhee, NC 28723 Dr. Robert L. Bunger Peta Katz [email protected] Dept. of Anthropology Georgina E. Macdonald Nika A. Carrillo Jonathan Marks Lily A. Cline East Carolina University Ethan W. Mellon Kaley Kelly Greenville, NC 27858 Julia R. Mileski Bria a. Lindsay [email protected] Jessica T. Miller Donna L. Lyon Kaitlyn Falton Ashley J. Shults Sierra E. Lyons Grace J. Fawcett Austin G. Peters Alexandria Franklin Eta of North Carolina Abigail M. Robertson Rosalinda R. Kowalczewski Dr. William Alexander Savannah C. Wood Adam Pohlman Dept. of Anthropology Stephanie M. Smith University of North Carolina Iota of North Carolina Jardin S. Williams Wilmington Dr. Jennifer Carroll

4909 Price Drive Dept. of Sociology & Delta of North Carolina Wilmington, NC 28403-5907 Anthropology Dr. Charles Egeland [email protected] Elon University Dept. of Anthropology Georgina G. Anastasi Elon, NC 27244 University of North Carolina, Greensboro Paige R. Hoeflich [email protected] 1009 Spring Garden Rd. Emily R. Howard Emily M. Gomez

Lambda 30 Alpha

Courtney T. Guthrie Alyssa Noelle Rotte Dept. of Anthropology Dana M. Harvey Jonas H. Short Case Western Reserve Kaylee K. Foster Elizabeth S. Stanis University Liam Lampl Tara E. Strauch 10900 Euclid Ave Mackenzie S. Martinez Christine M. Weber Cleveland, OH 44106 Grace O. Moore [email protected] Mason T. Pratt Delta of Ohio Dominic R. Barandica Myasia K. Ragland Dr. Joseph Gingerich Avantika Bhaduri Dept. of Sociology & Mallika Chatterjee OHIO Anthropology Allison M. Harper Beta of Ohio Ohio University Manpreet Kaur Dr. Thomas Zych Athens, OH 45701-2979 Sophia C. Sokoloski Dept. of Sociology & [email protected] Austin Zhang Anthropology Ariana F. Kocab University of Toledo Emma Lawrence OKLAHOMA 2801 W. Bancroft St. Sarah Mangen Alpha of Oklahoma Toledo, OH 43606-3390 James David Petko Dr. Danielle Macdonald [email protected] Kailee N. Sites Dept. of Anthropology Alaysia B. Grose Emily A. Wilson The University of Tulsa 800 S. Tucker Drive Gamma of Ohio Eta of Ohio Tulsa, OK 74104-9700 Dr. P. Nick Kardulias Dr. Fareeda Griffith danielle-macdonald@ Dept. of Sociology & Dept. of Anthropology & utulsa.edu Anthropology Sociology. Marjorie T. Bontemps College of Wooster Denison University Coy J. Moses Wooster, OH 44691-2363 100 West College St. [email protected] Granville, OH 43023-0810 PENNSYLVANIA Devin A. Henson [email protected] Gamma of Pennsylvania Lauren A. Kozlowski Smelanda Jean-Baptiste Dr. Cassandra Kuba Marloes B. Krabbe Hannah A. Patacca Dept. of History, Politics, Hannah L. Lane-Davies Ellen M. Pitstick Society & Law Ella C. Lang Lindsay Rogers California University of Penn- sylvania Cameron L. Miller 250 University Ave. Natalia V. Moonier Theta of Ohio California, PA 15419 Olivia R. Poindexter Dr. Lawrence Greksa

Lambda 31 Alpha

[email protected] Maria E. Pauline Haley E. Freeman Kayla B. Boardley Melina Porro Desiree K. McChesney Amanda J. Glusica Kelsie J. Richner Steve A. Rojas Ryleigh M. Ludwig Samantha M. Santiago Cecilia E. Monaghan Casey M. Sennett Mu of Pennsylvania Angela G. Phillips Johanna M. Vallejo Dr. Ruth Jolie Dept. of Anthropology Epsilon of Pennsylvania Theta of Pennsylvania Mercyhurst University Dr. Abigail Adams Dr. Benjamin Luley 501 E. 38th St. Dept. of Anthropology Dept. of Anthropology Erie, PA 16546 Indiana University of Gettysburg College [email protected] Pennsylvania 300 N. Washington St. Jackie S. Duncan 441 North Walk Gettysburg, PA 17325-1400 Patricia M. Heyssel Indiana, PA 15705-1018 [email protected] Taylor Reichard [email protected] Meredith M. Amato Jasmine L. Watkins Katelynn E. Shendge Noa Leibson Hannah A. Yeager Nu of Pennsylvania Iota of Pennsylvania Dr. Rebecca Chancellor Eta of Pennsylvania Dr. Elizabeth Newell Dept. of Anthropology & Dr. Douglas Bird Dept. of Sociology & Sociology Dept. of Anthropology Anthropology 700 S. High St. Pennsylvania State University Elizabethtown College West Chester University 410 Carpenter Building One Alpha Drive West Chester, PA 19383-2106 University Park, PA 16802 Elizabethtown, PA 17022 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Rebecca L. Chancellor Rex W. Barner Maura Calnon Caitlyn Handlin Elizabeth A. Begley Foster W. Krupp Lambda of Pennsylvania Kaylee M. Blasiak Helena L. Lippany Dr. Lenore Barbian Alexis B. Capel Krista McCalla Dept. of Criminal Justice, An- Olivia P. Eichelberger thropology & Forensic Studies Neacail A. McNabb Lindsey M. Goes Edinboro University Xi of Pennsylvania Madeline M. Helmbrecht 235 Scotland Rd. Dr. Khori Newlander Gavin A. Keller Edinboro, PA 16444 Dept. of Anthropology & Madison M. Krieger [email protected] Marina N. Lipshutz Sociology

Lambda 32 Alpha

Kutztown University Alexa Bracken Gabrielle E. Carter Kutztown, PA 19530 Bryce F. Cormier Samantha E. Czwalina [email protected] Cameron W. Garvey Erin Duke Sheba Ali Tamar S. Gershman Allison J. Foley Caroline M. Fogarty Chase A. Hoffman Morgan S. Herr Laura N. Stackhouse Nadine H. Kafeety Alexandra Linehan Chris N. Shaffer Taylore L. Mahon Omicron of Pennsylvania Victoria C. Maldonado Dr. Lauren Wynne Beta of Rhode Island Bryan McNulty Dept. of Anthropology & So- Dr. Jessica Skolnikoff Jayne M. Pardys ciology Dept. of Anthropology & Georgette Rivera Ursinus College Sociology Catherine Shipman 601 E. Main St. Roger Williams University Collegeville, PA 19426 One Old Ferry Rd. Beta of South Carolina [email protected]; Bristol, RI 02809-2921 Dr. David Markus Toria Abbott [email protected] Dept. of Sociology, Anthropol- Shannon Blessing Alexandra J. Bubniak ogy, & Criminal Justice Kyra Clark Kerry A. Clark Clemson University Neve Durrwachter Carolina Miranda Clemson, SC 26934-1356 Maggie Frymoyer Chantelle M. Montminy [email protected] Jordan Gagan Keryn M. Presutti Keegan Beane Blaize Gimbel Chelsea M. Reid Michael Bell Martha Kerbel Karissa R. Walker Michael T. Brown Jane Korl Elizabeth R. West Madeline Donnell Amanda Turcios Mollie Eichstaedt Brianna Voyton SOUTH CAROLINA Benjamin H. Grissom Alpha of South Carolina Lily Haeberie RHODE ISLAND Dr. Allison Foley Carson M. King Alpha of Rhode Island Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- Nicolas Mekdara pology Dr. Kristine Bovy Callie E. Moss College of Charleston Dept. of Sociology & Joy Robinson Charleston, SC 29424 Anthropology Colleen Runnion [email protected] University of Rhode Island Gavin M. Schrantz Trayna J. Adams Kingston, RI 02881 Juliana Tomlinson Caroline S. Berman [email protected] Ansley E. Brissey Lambda 33 Alpha

TENNESSEE Ramiro Garcia Dept. of Anthropology Alpha of Tennessee Anna Garrigos-Hervert Texas State University, San Dr. Kandace D. Hollenback Fedra Hinojosa Marcos Dept. of Anthropology Lizette Morales 601 University Drive University of Tennessee Lauren Richardson San Marcos, TX 78666 1621 Cumberland Ave [email protected] Knoxville, TN 37996-1525 Gamma of Texas Caleb T. Cavender [email protected] Dr. Patrick Gallagher Kaelyn M. Dobson Katherine E. Brown Dept. of Anthropology Corina I. Dominguez Brock C. Boulton The University of Texas Julie M. Hamilton Jessica A. Webb One UTSA Circle Jessica A. King Sarah S. Wukasch San Antonio, TX 78249 Arlenne A. Lozano [email protected] Malka L. Riell TEXAS Isabel R. Ager Katelynn M. Riggs Alpha of Texas Jennifer L. Brett Claire A. Schwabenland Dr. Amy Speier Daniel J. Jimenez Lauren M. Young Dept. of Sociology & Oaklea M. Kob Anthropology Averee M. Luhrs Iota of Texas University of Texas, Arlington Emily C. Rogers Dr. Mark McCoy 1225 W. Mitchell Street Juan P. Trevino Dept. of Anthropology Arlington, TX 76019 Southern Methodist Universi- Epsilon of Texas ty [email protected] Dallas, TX 75275-0336 Beatrice Lozana Dr. Jennifer Mathews [email protected] Aimee Moran Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- pology Hillary A. Barron

Beta of Texas Trinity University Devri B. Beckett Dr. Servando Hinojosa San Antonio, TX 78212-7200 Christina E. Donovan Clare F. Lothenbach Dept. of Anthropology [email protected] Megan J. Sham University of Texas, Rio Noelle C. Barrera Grande Valley Kailey R. DeLuca Barrett E. Stout 1201 W. University Drive Connor R. Halbert Alicia A. Swart Edinburg, TX 78539-2999 Paige N. Wallace [email protected] Kappa of Texas Theta of Texas Rolando Castilla Dr. Garrett Cook Dr. Augustine Agwuele/ Dr. R. Leann Castillo Dept. of Anthropology Jon McGee

Lambda 34 Alpha

Baylor University Xi of Texas Joseph D. McLauchlan One Bear Place Dr. Miguel C. Leatham Leslie Mora Waco, TX 76798 Dept. of Sociology & Zachary A. Newell [email protected] Anthropology Sydney T. O’Brien Sydney K. Anderson Texas Christian University Chase W. Oswald Sophie M. Brown Fort Worth, TX 76129 Zoe E. Pontious Chloe N. Gipson [email protected] Elizabeth Rodriguez Delaney M. Jackson Amanda S. Marsh Luis Sanchez-Vazquez Austin L. Johnson Justice McKenzie Stephanie E. Sink Roxanna Lamkin Maya Miller Victoria S. Soto Valorie G. Mallory Corin M. Sowers Elyssa A. Stebbins Ryan O. Martinez Brooke Surratt Olivia L. Thomas Joselynn Reyes Joey Webster Dhillon R. Tisdale Tammy L. Wake Makenzie D. Uwe Alivia X. Zepeda Omicron of Texas Dr. Catherina Laporte UTAH Lambda of Texas Dept. of Anthropology Beta of Utah Dr. Christine Kovic Texas A&M University Dr. Ronald Holt University of Houston, Clear College Station, TX 77843- Dept. of Sociology & Lake 4352 Anthropology Dept. of Social & Cultural [email protected] Weber State University Sciences Malena Andres 1299 Edvalson St. 2700 Bay Area Boulevard Shalom M. Brown Ogden, UT 84408-1208 Houston, TX 77058-1002 Adam M. Burke [email protected] [email protected] Mark T. Chavez Brooke Arkush Sarai Aguilar Paloma Cuello del Pozo Charlesa D. Byrd Hayley S. Bullock Annaliese Dempsey Katharine A. England Stacey Fenn Tapanga M. Fagan Libby A. Leonard Kathy D. Fogg Jordan A. Franklin-Garza Maggie Sherwood Virginia L. Jones Brittany L. Gonzalez Samantha C. Shipley Shaun M. Lundy Priscilla M. Grier Freeman L. Stevenson Seleana D. Moore Madison N. Gulley Mark A. Stevenson Nadine E. Robbins Catharina Laporte Sarah B. Tooker Robyn D. Taylor Byeibitgul Khaumyen Pete Antonio Torres Sang M. Kim

Lambda 35 Alpha

VIRGINIA Rebecca Rodan Eta of Virginia Alpha of Virginia Jordyn Salmon Dr. Jennifer Nourse Dr. Donna C. Boyd Emily Smith Dept. of Sociology & Anthro- Anthropological Sciences Pro- Nicole Tanner pology gram Kirstyn Thurman University of Richmond Radford University Richmond, VA 23173 Radford, VA 24142 Delta of Virginia [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Doug Dalton Annalise Mangone Kara L. Keesey Dept. of Sociology, Anthropol- John Knapp Watts Valerie A. Press ogy & Criminal Justice Sharmaine T. Ramirez Longwood University Theta of Virginia Amy K. Rogers 201 High St. Dr. Christopher Loy Taylor R. Sharpe Farmville, VA 23909 Christopher Newport Dakota L. Taylor [email protected] University Christopher J. Triplett Amanda E. Maldonado 1 Avenue of the Arts Tristan B. Sadler Newport News, VA 23606 Beta of Virginia Megan E. Shipe [email protected] Dr. Haagen D. Klaus Kelley M. Calvin Dept. of Sociology & Epsilon of Virginia Jordan L. Clark Anthropology Dr. Dennis Blanton Olivia C. Dickens-Bowman George Mason University Dept. of Sociology & Elizabeth F. Hodges Fairfax, VA 22030-1446 Anthropology [email protected] James Madison University Iota of Virginia Mic Bataille Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Dr. Jason C. James Carolyn Belisle [email protected] Dept. of Sociology & Gonzalo Campero Erin M. Bebermeyer Anthropology Gregory Craft Breanna A. Brown University of Mary Washing- ton Emily Dawson Catherine A. Carmichael 1301 College Ave McKina Fitzgerald Alexandra M. Kean Fredericksburg, VA 23227 Benjamin Fleming Emily A. Marsch [email protected] Solana Gibson Gabriella P. Mitchell Courtney S. Flowers Norhan Hussein Mackenzie L. Vogan Cameron C. Wade Kenneth Kaizer WASHINGTON Catherine A. Weaver Madeline Midyette Gamma of Washington Nicole A. Young Emma Presing Dr. J. Hope Amason

Lambda 36 Alpha

Dept. of Anthropology Zeta of Wisconsin Central Washington University Dr. Sameena A. Mulla 400 E. University Way Dept. of Social & Cultural Sciences Ellensburg, WA 98926-7544 Marquette University [email protected] Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 Howard P. Scott sameena.mulla@ marquette.edu WEST VIRGINIA Monica Barany Alpha of West Virginia Aryana Barudin Dr. Susanna Donaldson Emma Leigh Brauer Dept. of Sociology & Ariana L. Chiapas Anthropology Olivia C. Cimino West Virginia University Corrine Flowers Morgantown, WV 26506 Brittany M. Hinkle [email protected] Shane P. Kealy Tanisha Adams Calista J. Lopez Ashley N. Derr Alexandra M. Miceli Lauren C. Hicks Sameena A. Mulla Monessa M. McGaha Aimee A. Navarro Villegas Adelaide J. McDonald Shannon O’Connor Megan M. Ondeck Olivia J. Possley Tessa M. Shaffer Anaria S. Riggio Lia E. Rulli WISCONSIN Kayla M. Tromp Beta of Wisconsin

Dr. Paul Brodwin Dept. of Anthropology University of Wisconsin, Mil- waukee

Milwaukee, WI 53201 [email protected] Cecilia A. Gilbert Sydne M. Johnson Cody Z. Schumacher

Lambda 37 Alpha

Lambda Alpha Merchandise

Lambda 38 Alpha

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Lambda 39 Alpha

Λογος Ανθροποσ

Established in 1968, the purpose of Lambda Alpha National Anthropology Honor Society is to both acknowledge and reward academic excellence. The name Lambda Alpha is composed of the initial letters of the Greek words Logos Anthropos (Λογος Ανθροποσ), meaning the study of humankind.

Lambda Alpha supports scholarship and research by acknowledging and honoring superior achievement in the discipline among students engaged in the study of an- thropology. Superior academic performance is recognized through membership in the society. Lambda Alpha rewards academic excellence through the annual awarding of student scholarships, research grants, and student paper prizes.

For information on how to start a Lambda Alpha chapter or become a Lambda Al- pha life member please see our website (laanthro.org)

Lambda 40 Alpha