Tables and Indexes Table of technical reference material

The following table lists available scientific reference listed as follows: material relating to paintings discussed in the pre• sent volume. The data themselves are included in Amsterdam Central Research Laboratory the text of our catalogue entries. Other than for the The Hague Professor Dr W. Froentjes, as• dendrochronological data (listed on pp. 865-866) sisted by Mr L. Kuiper, former and the thread-counts surveyed in Chapter II restorer at the Mauritshuis, (table B) of the Introduction, no effort has been and Mr W. Verschuren, chief made to give a survey of the individual information. assistant at the Forensic As a specification of scientific data obtained and Science Laboratory of the interpreted by different methods may easily yield Ministry of Justice, Rijswijk misleading results, only the existence and amount of (cf. De Vries, T6th-Ubbens, reference material are indicated, together with the Froentjes) places where it was examined and is currently kept. Research La• As for the X-rays listed, most though not all are in boratory the museum's or owner's records as well as in our Los Angeles Los Angeles County Museum files, as originals, copy films or paper prints. X-Rays of Art of the whole or virtually whole area of paintings are Munich Doerner-Institut listed in a different column from those covering only New York The Metropolitan Museum of part of the painting. Neutron activation autoradio• Art, Research Laboratory graphs have been taken only of paintings in the Oberlin Intermuseum Laboratory Metropolitan Museum, New York, and are kept Ottawa National Gallery of Canada, there; a selection of reduced prints is in our files. A Restoration Conservation La• question mark indicates that the number of samples boratory taken and cross-sections prepared is unknown to us. Paris Laboratoire du Musee du The institutes where research was carried out are Louvre

Support Ground and paint Photographic Remarks documents ..t:: 0.. ..t:: ro 0...... ro bfJ .... '"Q,) 0 bfJ 0., '"0 :.s 0 .9 ro '"'0 S ...... t:: '"'u I ..t:: ;.... ro Q,) 0 0.. 0.. Q,) 0 ro '" I >< bfJ '"' '" ..... '" .... 0 ..t:: '"';:l 0 '"'..t:: bfJ '"'0 u '"0 0 Q,) "0 .... .'::.., '8 ....'" .....~ ro0- u 0 ro 0- u '"'0 0 Q,) .... Q,) 4... 4... '"'U bfJ ..t:: '"...... S'" ro 0 0.. ..t:: '"Q,) 0 0 Q,) 0 U ...... t:: ...... 0· .... "0 ;:l 0 U Q,) Q,) '"'Q,) 0"0 Q,) ~ .... '"ro ...... 0 ..0 .... ro .... "0 ;;. ro 0., ] .., .... Q,) ;:l 0 ro 0 0 S S s '"'.... Q,) .., <.l:: :> Q,) ro Q,) ;:l ;:l 0 ro "0 U '".... 0 0 U 0- Z ~ .S ~ A43 Portrait if Nicolaes Ruts, New * Munich I ? + + *mahogany panel York, Frick ColI. A44 Portrait if a man at a writing-desk, + + Leningrad A45 Portrait oj a man seated, Vienna, * + *walnut panel A46 The apostle Peter, Stockholm + + A47 The Rape if Europa, New York, private colI. A48 Man in oriental dress, New York + New York 4 4 + + A49 Young woman in profile, * + *no. I: I X-radiograph Stockholm available

Copy I of no. A49, London, Nat. + Art Coll. Fund TABLE OF TECHNICAL REFERENCE MATERIAL

Support Ground and paint Photographic Remarks documents ..c: ..c: 0. 0. ...<'.. :: :: <'

A50 Bust of a young woman, Boston, + Museum of Fine Arts A51 AnatoTTry Lesson, The Hague + The Hague 12 2 + + A52 Portrait of Marten Looten, Los + Angeles A53 Portrait of Joris de Caullery, San + + Francisco

A54 Man trimming his quill, Kassel + Munich 3 1 + A55 Portrait of a young woman seated, + + Vienna, Akademie A56 Portrait of Jacques de Gheyn III, + London, Dulwich Picture Gallery AS7 Portrait of Maurits Huygens, + + Hamburg AS8 The artist as a burgher, Glasgow, + Burrell ColI. AS9 Portrait of a 40-year-old man, New + + York A60 Portrait of a young man, Sweden, + private colI. A61 Amalia of Solms, Paris, Musee Jacquemart-Andre A62 Portrait of a 39-year-old woman, + +* *IR-detail Nivaa A63 Portrait of a 62-year-old woman, Tel Aviv, private colI. A64 Young woman at her toilet, + Ottawa ? 1 + + Ottawa A65 Descent from the Cross, Munich * 1 ? + * Spanish cedar panel A66 Joseph telling his dreams, * + + *paper Amsterdam A67 Daniel and Cyrus before Bel, England, private colI. A68 Christ in the storm, Boston, + + Stewart Gardner Museum


Support Ground and paint Photographic Remarks documents ..c: ..c: 0... 0...... ro v'" bJJ bJJ '".: 0 P.. 0 ...0 ',:l :0 0 S u ro ..c: ro v ... .: 0... ..c: >. '" ':' I 0 ro 0... bJJ ...v ... ~ ..... '" ...... 0 ..c: ;::! .: '" .....c: bJJ .: u ... .~ '"0 0... 0 v '0 ... ',:l ...... ~ ro ... u .: ro 0... u ...... 0 0 v '" '- '- U bJJ ..c: '"v ... .S 0 0 ro 0 ... ..c: '"v... v .: ..... 0... 0 U ..c: ...... "0 ;::! 0 U v v v 0"0 c:p ro ..0 (;l ... ro v ... '" ..0 P...... "0 :> v S S ',:l ;::! 0 ro .: .: ;::! ;::! S ... v ... <.l:: v ro v 0 ro >: "0 U ...'" .: .: U 0... Z ~ .S ~

A69 The Raising if the Cross, Munich + Munich I ? + A7° Bellona, New York + New York I I I I + + A 71 Self-portrait, Paris + + A72 Self-portrait in a cap, Paris + Paris I . I + A73 Bust if a man in oriental dress, + Munich I ? + Munich

A74 Bust if an old man, Queenstown, * *paper coll. Houghton A75 Bust if a young woman, * Amsterdam 2 2 + *edges covered by Amsterdam enlargement panel

A76 Bust if a young woman smiling, + Munich 5 I Dresden A77 Portrait if Jan Rijcksen and his + + wife, London, Buckingham Palace

A78 Man rising from his chair, + Oberlin I I + Cincinnati, Taft Museum A79 Woman in an armchair, New York + New York 8 8 + + A80 Portrait if Johannes Wtenbogaert, + London * + *oral communication South Queensferry, colI. Earl of about structure of the Rosebery ground

Copy I of no. A 80, Stockholm * + *no I: I X-radiograph available Copy 2 of no. A 80, formerly + Hoevelaken, coll. van Aalst

A81 Portrait if a man (Krul?), Kassel + Munich 3 I + A82 Portrait if Maertgen van + + Bilderbeecq, Frankfurt A83 Portrait if a woman, New York + + A84 Portrait if a young woman, formerly Santa Barbara

A85 Saskia, Kassel * Munich 4 ? + + *no dendrochronological measurement because of the extreme thinness of the panel


Support Ground and paint Photographic Remarks documents ..c ..c 0.. 0.. C'd C'd en ... v en bD ... I::: 0 bD 0. .9 :0 ...0 S ... C'd ..c 0 C'd U ... ..c en V I I::: 0.. >- en 0 C'd 0.. bD v I ...... en ~ .... '" ...... 0 ..c ::l t:: en ... ..c bD I::: u .t; 0 0 v "0 s-. .";:; s-. ....~ C'd0.. ... u I::: C'd ... 0.. U ... 0 en 0 ... s-. V '" 4-< 4-< U bD ..c v .S 0 0 C'd 0 0...... c '"v Q; 1::: .... 0 U s-. ..c ... s-. ... "0 ::l 0 en U V V V 0"0 v c:t: ... C'd ... ..0 ..0 "; s-. C'd C'd 0...... "0 > v '0 ::l 0 C'd t:: I::: en S S S ... v'" v C'd v ;:i ::l 0 C'd I::: "0 u ... I::: t:: u 0.. Z ~ .... ::j A86 Portrait of a 41-year-old man, + Pasadena A87 Portrait of a 4fJ-year-old woman, + Louisville A88 The Holy Family, Munich + I + A8g , London * London 4 2 + +0 *paper °IR detail signature Ago The incredulity of Thomas, + + +* * partial Moscow AgI Cupid blowing a bubble, Ascona, + + colI. Baroness Bentinck-Thyssen Ag2 with Actaeon and , + + Anholt, Museum Wasserburg Ag3 , Leningrad + +* *not in RRP files A94 Sophonisba, Madrid A95 A scholar, Prague * + *no I: I X-radiograph available Ag6 Self-portrait in cap and fur-trimmed + + cloak, Berlin

A97 Self-portrait with helmet, Kassel * Munich 5 ? + + *mahogany panel Ag8 Portrait of Johannes Elison, + + Boston, Museum of Fine Arts Agg Portrait of Maria Bockenolle, + + Boston, Museum of Fine Arts

A IOO Portrait of Marten Soolmans, Paris, private colI. A 101 Portrait of Oopjen Coppit, Paris, private colI. A I02 Portrait of Dirck Jansz. Pesser, * + *edges covered by Los Angeles enlargement panel A 103 Portrait of Haesje van Cleyburg, * + *edges covered by Amsterdam enlargement panel A 104 Portrait of an 83-year-old woman, London 6 3 + London TABLE OF TECHNICAL REFERENCE MATERIAL

Support Ground and paint Photographic Remarks documents .J:: .J:: 0- 0- ~ ~ ~ bIl ~ '"Q,) bIl '"c:: 0 ...0 -a .9 :a 0 s ... ~ .J:: .J:: ~ u ~ Q,) I c:: 0- 0- ~ >- Q,) 0 bIl .....'" I ~ ~ ... 0 ..... '" 'p~ bIl c:: .J:: ;::s c:: Q,) u .~ '" 0 0 ~ .~ '"0 ~ 0- ..... u ..... ~ .... «l 0 c:: «l 0- u ..... ~ Q,) 0 Q,) .J:: '" U bIl ~ ~ '" '- Q,) .s '- «l 0 0- 0 .J:: 0 0 Q,) '"~ c:: .... ;::s U .J:: ~ ~ ..... "0 0 U Q,) Q,) Q,) 0"0 Q,) ct:: ~ ~ ~ «l '"«l ..c ] ~ ~ "0 «l ..c -a ... «l :> Q,) ... ;::s 0 c:: c:: S S S ~ Q,)'" Q,) ;::s r..!:: > «l '"Q,) ;::s 0 «l "0 U ~ c:: c:: U 0- Z ~ .s :::i B 8 Half-length figure of a man in + + + + oriental dress, Washington

C45 Bathsheba, Rennes +* *not in RRP files C46 Adoration of the Magi, Leningrad * + *paper

Copy I of no. C 46, Gothenburg + C47 Flight into Egypt, formerly London, colI. Lord Wharton C48 The good Samaritan, London, + + C49 Descent from the Cross, Leningrad + + Copy 2 of no. C 49, Washington * + + *no 1:1 X-rays available C50 Bust of John the Baptist, Los + + + Angeles C51 Old man in interior with staircase, + + + Paris C52 Bust of an old man, Metz C53 Bust of an old man, Kassel + Munich 4 ? + C54 Bust of a young man in a turban, Windsor Castle C55 Bust of a young man in gorget and + + + cap, San Diego C56 Bust of , Berlin + + C57 Bust of a young woman, Milan + +* * IR detail signature C58 Bust of a young woman, Chapel Hill C59 Bust of a young woman, Allentown + + C60 Bust of a young woman, Private colI. C61 Young woman in a cap, Private colI. C62 Bust of a boy, Paris, private colI. C63 Bust of a boy, Leningrad + TABLE OF TECHNICAL REFERENCE MATERIAL

Support Ground and paint Photographic Remarks documents ..s:: 0.. ..s:: oj 0.. ... oj bJJ ... '"v 0 ~'" bJJ -a .S: ~ 0 8 oj ..s:: 0 oj U ... ..s:: v I ~ 0.. ~ 0 oj 0.. bJJ v ...... '" I ~ ...... '" .~ '" ...... 0 ..s:: ~ ...... s:: bJJ u ~ '" 0 s:: "0 ... .'::: '@ 0'" ~ 0...... v ... .~ oj u s:: oj ...... 0.. u 0 0 ...... v '" 0..... 0..... U bJJ ..s:: v'" ... .S oj 0 0...... s:: '"v 0 0 v 0 ...... ~ .~ U ..s:: ...... "0 ~ 0 U v v v 0"0 ... oj v q::: ... '"oj ... ..0 ..0 ] ...... "0 > c v c

C68 Portrait of a man, New York + New York 5 5 + + C69 Portrait of a woman, New York + New York 3 3 + + C70 Portrait of a man, Braunschweig + Munich 1 ? + +* * IR detail signature C 71 Portrait of a woman, Braunschweig + Munich 1 ? + +* * IR detail signature C72 Man in a broad-brimmed hat, + + Boston, Museum of Fine Arts C73 Portrait of a woman, Boston, + + Museum of Fine Arts

C74 Portrait of a youth, formerly New York, colI. Th. Fleitman

C75 Portrait of a 47-year-old man, Paris + + - C 76 Man with a sheet of music, Washington, Corcoran Gallery of Art

C77 Portrait of a man, Dresden + Munich 4 1 C78 Portrait of a young man in a hat, + Leningrad C79 Portrait of Cornelia Pronck, Paris + + C80 Portrait of a woman seated, * + *walnut panel Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum C81 Portrait of a young woman, USA, + private colI. C82 Portrait of a woman,

A 40a Bust of an old man, Private colI. + Table of dendrochronological data

This survey of the dating of the wood of panels part of them) are found to come from the same tree, discussed in the present volume is based on dendro• thus indicating that they were supplied by the same chronological examinations carried out by Prof. Dr joiner and, given the paintings' similarities in style, J. Bauch, Prof. Dr D. Eckstein and Dr P. Klein, were probably painted on in the same workshop. of the Ordinariat fur Holzbiologie, University of No dendrochronological examination could be Hamburg. carried ou t on panels other than oak. This is true of In cases where the presence of sapwood made it nos. A43, A97 (mahogany), A45, C80 (walnut) possible to pinpoint the boundary between heart• and A 65 (Spanish cedar). wood and sapwood, an average felling date for the tree has been arrived at; depending on the age of the Added note, January 1986. While this volume tree, allowance then needs to be made for 20 ± 5 was in the press, Dr Peter Klein informed us (in a annual rings of sapwood. letter dated 23 December 1985) that the wood used In cases where no sapwood was present, and an for Dutch panels, instead of being of Netherlandish unknown number of annual rings of heartwood may origin, has now been discovered to come from have been lost, the last ring of heartwood counted Northern Poland and was imported in Western was used to arrive at the earliest possible felling Europe until the middle of the 17th century. This date. provenance involves a shift of the chronology by Regarding panels that consist of more than one six years towards the present. As the number of plank the data obtained from the youngest plank sapwood rings is reduced to a median value of 15 are listed. instead of 20, the correction results in a net-shift Unless stated otherwise, the wood comes from the of only one year towards the present. A table with Northern Netherlands. the corrected values for the material dealt with in In three cases (nos. A 72, C 77 and Br. 451; A 42 Vols. I-III will be included in Vol. III. and C 71; C 72 and C 73), panels (or planks forming

last dated number of conclusion as other date panel was pain ted

annual ring annual to felling date information I of heartwood rings of as as sapwood earliest statistical inscribed accep ted present possible average on picture , A57 Maurits Huygens, 1612 I 1631 ± 5 1632 1632 Hamburg A59 40-Year old man, New ? - ? 1632 1632 York A 71 Self-portrait, Paris 1600 - 1620 because of age of 1633 1633 tree one has to allow for 20 sapwood rings

I A72 Self-portrait in a cap, ? - ? from the same 1633 1633 Paris tree as no. C 77 and Br. 451 A73 Man in oriental dress, 161 I - 1626 1633 1633 Munich , A76 Young woman smiling, 1608 - 1623 1633 1633 Dresden A82 Maertgen van Bilderbeecq, 1607 - 162 7 1633 1633 Frankfurt A83 Portrait if a woman, ? I (+ I?) ? 1633 1633 New York Ag6 Self-portrait in cap and ? - ? 1634 1634 cloak, Berlin C48 The good Samaritan, ? - ? 1630 after London, Wallace ColI. C 51 Old man in interior with ? - ? 1632 1632 or staircase, Paris later


last dated number of conclusion as other date panel was painted annual ring annual to felling date information of heartwood rings of as as sapwood earliest statistical inscribed accepted present possible average on picture

C53 Old man, Kassel 1598 4 16I4 ± 5 the lefthand 1632 ? plank comes from a very old tree of Southern Netherlandish origin C56 Bust oj Rembrandt, 1611 2 1630 ± 5 because of age of - 10 or soon Berlin tree one has to after 1633 allow for 20 sapwood rings C70 Portrait oj a man, 161 3 4 1633 ± 5 idem 1632 1632 Braunschweig C 71 Portrait oj a woman, 1597 - 161 9 centre plank 1633 1633 Braunschweig comes from same tree as centre plank ofno. A 42, from which felling date is derived C72 Man in broad-brimmed 161 3 - 1628 righthand plank 1634 1634 hat, Boston, Museum of comes from same Fine Arts tree as righthand plank of no. C 73 Cn Portrait oj a woman, 1604 - 161 9 see no. C 72 1634 1634 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts C75 47-rear old man, Paris 1610 9 1630 ± 5 1632 in the early 1630S C77 Portrait of a man, ? - ? see no. A 72 1633 1633 Dresden C79 Cornelia Pronck, Paris 1612 2 1632 ± 5 1633 1630/3 1

866 Index of paintings catalogued in volume II

Present owners -, Buckingham Palace, H. M. Queen A77 Elizabeth II ALLENTOWN, Penn., Samuel H. Kress CSg -, Courtauld Institute Galleries A8S copy 3 Collection, Allentown Art Museum -, Dulwich Picture Gallery As6 AMSTERDAM, Amsterdam Historical A 77 copy 2 -, National Art Collections Fund A49 copy I Museum -, The National Gallery A8g, A 104 -, Rijksmuseum A66, A 7S, A 103 -, The Wallace Collection C48, C6S, C66 -, Willet-Holthuysen Museum A43 copy 1 -, coIl. Prof. Dr Janos Plesch (formerly) C4S copy 2 -, dealer P. de Boer (1970) CSS copy I -, coIl. Lord Wharton (formerly) C47 -, dealer H. j. Stokking (lg82) C48 copy 1 LOS ANGELES, Cal., Los Angeles County AS2, AI02, Cso ANHOLT, GFR, Museum Wasserburg Ag2 Museum of Art Anholt LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, j. B. Speed Art A87 , Museum voor Schone A8S copy 4 Museum Kunsten LOUTH, Eire, coIl. Mrs Kieran A 77 copy I ASCONA, Switzerland, coIl. Baroness AgI MAASTRICHT, private collection Ag6 copy 3 Bentinck-Thyssen MADRID, Museo del Prado A94 BANKERYD, Sweden, colI. Mr. Erik A46 copy 2 -, Museo Lazaro Galdiano A 7S copy I Engstrom -, Palacio Real A4S copy 2 BASLE, Kunstmuseum Basel A8S copy 2 -, coIl. Chacon A8S copy S BERLIN (West), Schloss Charlottenburg Ag6 copy 2 METZ, Musee Central CS2 -, Staatliche Museen Preussischer Ag6, C s6 MILAN, Pinacoteca di Brera CS7 Kulturbesitz, Gemaldegalerie MOSCOW, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Ago BERNE, Kunstmuseum CS4 copy I Arts BOSTON, Mass., Museum of Fine Arts Aso, Ag8, Agg, MUNICH, Bayerische Staatsgemalde- A6S, A6g, A 73, C 72, C 73 sammlungen, A88 -, The Isabella Stewart Gardner A68, C67 NEW YORK, N.Y., The Frick .Collection A43 Museum -, The Metropolitan Museum of Art A48, ASg, A 70, BRAUNSCHWEIG, Herzog Anton C 70, C 71 A 79, A83, C68, Ulrich-Museum C6g CHAPEL HILL, N.C., Morehead CS8 -, coIl. Theodore Fleitman (formerly) C74 Planetarium, University of North -, private collection A47 Carolina NIMES, Musee des Beaux-Arts CS2 copy I CHICAGO, Ill., coIl. Florian B. Bajonski Ago copy I NIV AA, Denmark, Nivaagaards A62 (formerly) Malerisamling CINCINNATI, Ohio, The Taft Museum A78 OSLO, National-Galeriet C77 copy 1 DRESDEN, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen A 76, C 77 OTTAWA, The National Gallery of A64 Dresden, Gemaldegalerie Alte Canada Meister PARIS, Musee du Louvre A71, A72, CSI, EDINBURGH, National Galleries of C82 C7S, C79 Scotland -, Musee Jacquemart-Andre A61 ENGLAND, private collection A67, C64 -, private collection A 100, A 101, C62 FLUSHING, N.j., private collection C80 copy I PASADENA, Cal., Norton Simon A86 FRANCE, private collection C4S copy 4 Museum of Art FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Stadelsches A82, C 76 copy I PRAGUE, Narodni Galeri AgS Kunstinstitut PRIVATE COLLECTION A40a, C46 copy 2, -, private collection A4S copy I C60, C61 GLASGOW, The Burrell Collection AS8 QUEENSTOWN, Maryland, coIl. A. A. A74 GOTHENBURG, Konstmuseum C46 copy 1 Houghton Jr. GRANADA, Museo de Bellas Artes C80 copy 2 RENNES, Musee des Beaux-Arts C4S HAARLEM, Teylers Stichting AS8 copy I, CS7 ROTTERDAM, Museum Boymans-van A46 copy 1 copy I Beuningen THE HAGUE, Koninklijk Kabinet van ASI SAN DIEGO, Cal., San Diego Museum of CSS Schilderijen, Mauritshuis Art -, Paleis Huis ten Bosch C 70 copy I SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., M. H. de Young AS3 -, private collection A93 copy I Memorial Museum HAMBURG, Hamburger Kunsthalle AS7, Ago copy 2 SANTA BARBARA, Cal., private collection A84 HOEVELAKEN, Netherlands, colI. A80 copy 2 (formerly) Dr C. j. K. van Aalst (formerly) S0NDERBORG, Denmark, S. Mary's C49 copy I KALININGRAD, Museum C4S copy I Church KASSEL, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen AS4, A81, A8s, STOCKHOLM, Nationalmuseum A46, A49, A80 Kassel, Schloss Wilhelmshohe Ag7, CS3 copy I KIEV, coIl. Khanenko (formerly) A48 copy I SWEDEN, private collection A60 LE MANS, Musee des Arts C 61 copy I SWITZERLAND, private collection C4S copy 3 LENINGRAD, The Hermitage Museum A44, Ag3, C46, SOUTH QUEENSFERRY, West Lothian, A80 C 49, C 63, C 78 coIl. Earl of Rosebery LONDON, British Museum A 104 copy 2 and 3 TEL AVIV, private collection A63


USA, private collection C8I, C6 Previous owners (addendum) VIENNA, Graphische Sammlung A69 copy I, A85 Listed are previous owners (under proper names), Albertina copy I -, Kunsthistorisches Museum A45, A55, C80 institutions (under place names) and anonymous WASHINGTON, D.C., The Corcoran C76 sales (under place names in chronological order). Gallery of Art -, The National Gallery of Art B8, C49 copy 2 Aarentsz, Herman A93 WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN A47 copy 1,2 and Agnew & Sons, Thomas A47 3, A49 copy 2, Alexander, W. C. A49 copy I A50 copy I, Alexander I, Czar of Russia C49 A52 copy I, Altman, B. A83 A 73 copy I, Ames, Frederick L. C 72, C 73 A92 copy I, Amsterdam, 7 April 1734, no. 5 A54 A96 copy I, -, 17 August 1735, no. 5 A88 A 104 copy 1,4,5 -, 30 November 1772, no. 52 A84 and 6, C50 copy I, -, 4 August 1828, no. 109 (withdrawn) A5 I C54 copy 2 -, 14 May 1832, no. 79 C62 WINDSOR CASTLE, H. M. Queen C54 -, 14 November 1842 C65, C66 Elizabeth II -, 16 May 1877, no. 56 A43 copy 3 WOLVERHAMPTON, Wolverhampton Art A92 copy 2 -, 15 January 1974, no. 1308 A45 copy 3 Gallery -, Surgeons' Guild A5 1 Andre Edouard A61 Anhalt-Dessau, Henriette Catherina of A 65 copy, A 69 Aranc de Presle A6I Ashburnham, Earl of A78 Ashcroft, Oscar A40a Aubert A56, A57 Bachstitz, K. W. A84, C60 Bandeville, Mme de A64 Baudoin, Comte de A 70 copy Beaucamp, Earl of A86, A87 Beauharnais, Hortense de C78 Beresteyn van Maurick, Jonkheer G. C68, C69 van Bergh, Leo van den A84 Beurnonville, Baron de A 70, C 79 Bichat, Adele A68, C67 Birch, Charles A58 Blamire, George A89 Bogner, Georg Wilhelm A53 Boer, P. de A 102 Boisset, see Randon de Boisset Bol, Ferdinand A66 Boni de Castellane, Comte A43 Booth, Barton A67 Bouexiere, de la A82 Bourgeois, Sir Francis A56 Braamcamp, Gerrit A68 Brienen van de Grootelindt, C62 G. Th. A. M. Baron van Brissac, Duc de A72 Broglie nee Say, Princesse de A47 Brondgeest, Albert A63, A89 Brown, Frederick C81 Bruhl, Heinrich Graf von A44 Bruijn, Isaac de A75 , 10 December 1928, no. 57 A 104 copy 6 -,6 December 1938, no. 59 A47 copy 2 Bryan C48 Buckingham, Duke of A70 Burchgraeff, Adriana A82 Burrell, Sir William A58 Calonne, C. A. de C48 Cap pelle, Jan van de A89 Carcano, Marquis Landolfo C58


Carl Theodor, Elector Palatine A88 Fesch, Cardinal A5 2 Carlheim-Gyllenskold, Th. . A46 Fischof, E. A43 Catharina II, Empress of Russia A44, Ago, Ag3, Fleischmann, F. A40a B8, C63 Fleitman, Theodore C74 Caullery, Josijna de A53 Flesh, L. M. C81 -, Sara de A53 Frankfurt am Main, 2g October 1770, A53 Charles III, King of Spain A94 no. 70 Chauveau A50 copy I Fraula, Comte de A55, C 51 Chavagnac, Mme Gentil de C61 Frederik I, King of Sweden A49 Chillingworth C60 Frederick Hendrik, Prince of Orange A65, A6g Choiseul, Duc de A72,C48,C51 Friedrich August I, Elector of Saxony C77 Choiseul-Praslin C61 Friedsam, Michael A 70 Clark, W. A. C 76 Gagny, Gaillard de A45, C 80 Clifford, F. W. C58 Galli C75, C79 Clinton, Lord C47 George III, King of England C54 Clinton-Hope, Lord Francis Pelham A68, C 67 George IV, King of England A77 Colby, Samuel Ag8, Agg Gersdorff, Salomon J ohan van A 102, A 103 Collot A59 Getty, J. Paul A5 2 Colnaghi, P. & D. A40a, C55, C67, Gildemeester Jansz., Jan An C74 Goeree, Gerard A97 Colnaghi & Wertheimer A68 Goldschmid t, Emil A92 copy I Coningham, William A5 2 Goll van Franckenstein, J. A8g Conti, Prince de C48 Gosse A47 copy I Contini-Bonacossi, A. C59 Gotzkowski, Johann Ernst Ago, B8 Cook, Sir Frederick C61 Guiche, Comte de A47 copy I -, Sir Herbert C61 Hage, J. A62 Coop, Johannes A68 The Hague, 3 May Ig44, no. 134 A49 copy 2 Copello, Pieter van A84 -, Stadtholder's Quarters A61 Corbett, John C55 Harman, Jeremiah A89 Cottier C 72, C 73 Haro A61 Courtin A61 Havemeyer, H. O. C68, C6g Coxe, E. C48 Hertford, 3rd Marquess of C48 Cracau(w), Carel Carelsz. van A46 -,4th Marquess of C65, C66 Croon, Pieter A67 Hesse, Landgrave of A61 Daey, Hendrik A 100, A 101 Heyde, Regnera van der A82 -, Maerten A88, A 100, A 101 Hinloopen, Jacob Jacobsz. A68 Davies, Marion C50 -, Tymen Jacobsz. A68 Demidoff, Anatole C58 Hofstede de Groot, C. A85 copy 2 Denbigh, Earl of A49 copy I Hogendorp, Count of A95 Desenfans, Noel Joseph A56 or A57 Holford, Sir George A5 2 Destouches A50, C82 Hollitscher, C. von C60 Deyl, Catharina C 51 Hope, Adrian A43 Donaldson, Sir George A7° -, Henrietta Adela A68 Donjeux, Vincent A 79 -, Henry A68, C 67 Dover, Daniel Ag8, Agg -, Henry Philip A68 Dowdeswell & Dowdeswell A62 -, Henry Thomas A68, C67 Durell, M. A46 -,John A68 Duveen Bros. A 75 -, Thomas A68, C67 Dyck, Philips van A 8 I, A go copy I Houtman, Hendrik A80 copy Eastlake, Sir Charles L. A8g, A 104 Huquier pere, Gabriel A93 Egerton, Lord Francis C82 Huygens, Maurits A56 Egremont, 3rd Lord A58, C59 Islington, Lord C81 Elgin, Thomas Earl of A 75 Jansen, Baron Leon A74 Eliot, Edward A67 Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine A65, A69 Elison Jr., Johannes Ag8, Agg Jombert pere A93 Ellesmere, Earl of C82 Josephine, Empress of France C49 Ellis, Wynn A84, C75, C79 Julienne, de A50, C48, C58 Ellsworth, Mrs. Lincoln A59 Katz, N. A 102, C61 Ely, Bishop of C81 Kerkhoven, J. van A47 copy 3 Emmerson, Thomas A8g, C48 Kinnaird, Lord A 103 Enschede, Johannes A80 copy Kleinberger, F. A 74, A83, A 102 Enseiiada, Marquis de la A94 Klotz, Paul A47 Erard, Chevalier Sebastien A 104 Knighton, Sir William W. A64 Escher, W. C. C60 Knoedler & Co A 43, A 53, A 78, Espine, Comte de l' A 70 A84, A86, A87, Farrer A 78 C58, C 76


Kohn, H. A 102 -, 20 March 1787, no. 25 A50 Koppel, Leopold A47 -, 18 April 1803, no. 195 A52 copy I Kress, Samuel H. C59 -, Musee Napoleon A54, A 71, A81, Lachnicki A83 A85, A97, C51, La Hante, de C81 C 53, C 57, C 70, Lamberg-Sprinzenstein, Graf A55 C71 Larsen, R. A 73 copy I Paskevich nee Vorontsova-Dashkova, C46 La Valliere, Duc de A50, C 58 1.1. Lawrie & Co A62, C60 Pearce, W. W. A7° Lebrun, J. B. P. A45, A92, C80 Pellicorne, Casper C65, C66 Leconfield, Lord A 58, A 79, C 59 -, Eva Susanna C65, C66 Leeuw, Ameldonck A90 Pereire, Henri C 75, C 79 -, David A90 Pesser, Maria A95 Leeuwen, H. van A66 copy 1 Petit, Marijn Sara Ie A82 Lehon, Comtesse C61 Pierpont Morgan, J. A43 Leiden, 19 October 1792, no. 2 A47 copy 3 Ploos van Amstel, Cornelis C 76 copy I Leningrad, The Hermitage Museum B8 Poisson, Abel-Fran\=ois A58 copy 2, C 59 Lennep, Anna van A90 copy I Levinson, Edwin D. A53 Polovtsoff, A. C60 Leyden, Pieter Cornelis Baron van A56orA 57 Portland, Duke of C64 Liechtenstein, Prince of A50, A64 Potsdam, Bildergalerie C56 Linden, Anna Maria van der A 102, A 103 Pourtales Gorgier, Comte Edmond de A78 Linden van Slingeland, Johan van der A73 Poynder, Sir John C81 Linlithgow, Marquis of A 104 copy 1 -, T. A. H. C81 Lockhorst, Baron van C75, C79 Preyer, A. A53, A84, C81 Logan, Frank G. C55 Priuscenaar (Pruischenaar ?), R. A 100, A 101 London, 14 May 1791, no. 38 A47 copy 3 Quarles van Ufford, Jonkheer J. H. J. A53 -, 17 May 1809, no. 52 A64 Radziwill, Prince A83 -, 16 June 1900, no. 65 C74 Randon de Boisset C51 Loon, Jonkheer Willem van A 100, A 101 Ranst, Constantyn C46 Looten, Govert A48, A52 Recht, Abraham Anthonisz. A80 Louis XVI, King of France C5 1 Reiset, Jacques A61 Luisa Ulrica, Queen of Sweden A49 Rendlesham, Lord A64 Mainwaring, O. B. L. C60 Reyckx, Cornelis Jansz. A77 McCormack, John C58 Ridder, A. de A 102 McKay Twombly A48 Ripin, Edna L. A53 Mellon, Andrew A 74, B8 Robien, Christophe-Paul Marquis de C45 -, Paul A 74 Robinson, Sir Charles A64 Mensing, A. W. M. A52 Roeters, P., see Anna van Lennep Merle, Comte de C82 Rover, Mathijs C49, C53 Methuen, Paul A48 -, Valerius A 54, A 58 copy I, Meynts, Anthony A43 A81, A89, A97, Mianszinski, Count A84 C49, C53, C57 Middendorf II, J. William A87 copy 1 Mier, de A61 - snr., Valerius C49, C53 Mierop, J ohan Gerband van A82 Romswinckel, Joost A43 Montaleau A59 Roos, C. S. AI04 Moore, W. H. A86, A87 Rosebery, 5th Earl of A80 Morehead, John Motley C58 Rosenberg & Stiebel A98, A99 Morny, Duc de A47 Rosendael, Nicolaes C51 Mount Temple, Lord C50 Rothermere, Viscount A58 Mulgrave, Earl of A64 Rothschild, Baron Alphonse de A63 Muller, Fr. A43 copy 4 -, Baron Edouard de A63, C62 Neufville, Pieter Leendert de A90 -, Baron Henri de A63 Nogaret A66, C48 -, Baron James de C62 Nooman, Edward T. A 104 copy 4 -, Baron Mayer Amschel de A80 Nostitz, Count A95 -, Baron Robert de A 100, A 101 Orleans, Philippe Duc d' A58, C 59 -, Baroness Nathaniel de C62 Ourches, Balthasar Marquis d' C52 -, Gustave de A 100, A 101 Paine II, Robert Treat A50 Roussel, H. D. A 76 copy Palmerston, Lord C50 Ruston, Joseph A43 Pape, C. W. J. J. A43 copy 3 Rutgers, Anthonie A54, A81 Paris, I July 177 I, no. 2 A93 -, Marie A90 -, 22 September 1774, no. 48 A92 Ruts, Susannah A43 -, 15 April 1776, no. 6 A93 Sagan, Duchesse de A59, C72, C73 -, 18 March 1782, no. 49 C48 Saint-Leu, Duchesse de C78


Salm-Salm, Prince Constantin zu A92 V orontsov-Dashkov C46 -, Prince Ludwig Carl Otto zu A92 Vose, Robert C. Aso Saportas, Abraham C62 Waay, Allard Rudolph van AS6, AS7 Schaub, Sir Luke C64 Wallace, Sir Richard C6S, C66 Schmid von Griineck, Georgius Aso Warneck, E. C7S, C79 Schneider, Baron Eugene A98, A99 Wassenaer d'Obdam, Comte de CS6 -, Henri A98, A99 Weitzner, Julius A 102 Secretan, E. Aso Wells, William Al04 Sedelmeyer, Ch. Aso, A64, A 70, Wertheimer, A. A48, C67 Cso, C60 Wesselhoeft, J oh. AS7 Seilliere, Baron de AS9, C 72, C 73 Wharton, Lord C47 Seligmann, Jacques AS3 Wildenstein AS3 Seymour, Mrs. Alfred A49 copy 2 Wilhelm VIII, Landgrave of AS4, A81, A8S, Shickmann A 102 Hesse-Kassel A97, C49, CS3 Six, Jan A8S Willem II, King of the Netherlands A43, A48, C6S, -, Nicolaas A8S C66 -, Willem A8S Wilson, Sir Matthew A62 - van Hillegom A66 Winkel, Klaas van A 104 - van Vromade, Jonkheer J. W. A66 Winter, Hendrik de A88 Slade, Thomas Moore AS8, C S9 -, Pieter van A 100, A 101 Smeth van Alphen, Pieter de A77 Wittelbach, Karl August of A73 Smith C81 Wolff, de AS4 -, Charles Stewart Cso -, Reynier van der A9S -, Consul CS4 Wouters, Peeter CSI -,John A63 Yerkes, Charles T. AS3 Solms, Amalia of A6S, A69 Sommariva, Comte de Aso Soolmans, Jan A88 -, Marten A88 Sparre, Count A60 Specx, Jacques A47, A68 Speelman, E. A87 Staehelm-Herzog A 104 copy 6 Stafford, Marquess of C82 Stein, Evelyn A. AS3 Steinmeyer, N. C74 St. Germains, Earl of A67 Stolker, Jan C76 Stuttgart, 2S November 19S2, no. 880 A8S copy 2 Sutherland, Duke of C82 Szarvady, Fr. A74 Taft, C. P. A78 Tallard, Duc de A66 Teixeira de Mattos, Jonkheer Henry CSS Tessin, Carl Gustaf A49 Thye, Isaak van A88 Thyssen-Bornemisza, Baron A86 -, Dr Heinrich Baron A9 1 Tierens, Agnita Catharina A82 -, Paulus A82 -, Willem A82 Tolozan, Claude AS9, A62 Tomline A48 U tenhove, Hendrik van AS6 Valckenier, Adriaen C6S, C66 -, Anna Catharina C6S, C66 -, Pieter Ranst C6S, C66 Valpin/Yon Aso Vanderbilt, W. K. A48 Vaudreuil, Comte de CSI Van Nagell van Ampsen, CS8 Baron F. A. W. C. Vence, Comte de CSI Verrue, Comtesse de A47 Vis Blokhuysen, D. AS7 Volz, A. W. A66 INDEX OF PAINTINGS CATALOGUED IN VOLUME II

Engravers Subjects

Only engravers from before the end of the 18th History paintings century mentioned in 6. Graphic Reproductions are Bible listed. OLD TESTAMENT Anonymous C61, C 62 Joseph telling his dreams A66 Baillie, W. C5 1 Bathseba at her toilet C45 Binet, Louis C48 Judith see under Other Bol, Ferdinand C45 (fig. 2) scenes ... , Boutrois, Philibert C57 Several figures Caronni, Paolo C56 Esther see under Other Chataigner, Alexis A7 2 scenes ... , Claessens, Lambert Antoine A 72, C62 Several figures Clerck, Jacob Friedrich A55 (fig. 5) Daniel and Cyrus before the idol Bel A67 Denon, Dominique Vivant A66 Dethier, H. A85 NEW TESTAMENT Errard, Charles C48 The adoration of the Magi (grisaille) C46 Exshaw, Charles A68 The Holy Family A88 Filloeul, Pierre A44 (fig. 6) The flight into Egypt C47 Fittler, James A68 John the Baptist see under Other Frey, Johannes Pieter de A 5 I (fig. 10), scenes . . . , Single A 77 (fig. 7), A 104 figures, heads and Geyser, Friedrich Christian Gottlieb Ag6 busts ... , men Goujon-Devilliers I, Antoine Abraham C5 1 Christ in the storm on the Sea of A68 Hertel, J. G. Ag6 Galilee Hess, Carl Ernst Christoph A65, A6g The good Samaritan C48 Hodges, Charles Howard A 77, A 104 Ecce homo A8g Ingouf II, Fran~ois Robert A58 (fig. 6), C59 The Raising of the Cross A6g Jouderville, I. AgI (fig. 7) The Descent from the Cross A65, C49 Kruger, Andreas Ludwig C56 The incredulity of Thomas Ago Laurie, Robert Ago The apostle Peter A46 Leeuw, Willem de A49 (fig. 6) Longhi, Giuseppe A80, C 51 Mythology Louw, P. C76 Nothnagel, Johann Andreas Ag6 Actaeon see Diana bathing Oortman, Joachim Jan A54, A85 Bellona A 70 (fig. I I) Callisto see Diana bathing Passe I, Crispijn de Ag2 (fig. 8) Cupid blowing a soap bubble AgI Rembrandt A 65 (fig. 5), Diana bathing with her nymphs, with Ag2 C45 (fig. 2) the stories of Actaeon and Callisto Riedel, Johann Anton A 76, C 77 Europa, The rape of- Schmidt, Georg Friedrich A g6 (fig. 5), Flora B 8 (fig. 5) Sintzenich, Heinrich A93 Roman history Stolker, Jan A 104, C 76 Surugue, Pierre Louis C 5 I (fig. 6) Sophonisba, receiving the poisoned A 94 Tomkins, P. W. C82 cup Verbeecq, R. C45 (fig. 2) Voyez, Fran~ois A 58 (fig. 6) Weisbrod, Carl Wilhelm A 72 Scenes other than history paintings and figures other than portraits

Several figures A young woman (Esther? Judith?) at A 64 her toilet

Single figures, full-length and half-length

MEN An old man in an interior with C 5 I winding staircase A scholar seated at a table with books A 95 Half-length figure of a man in oriental B 8 dress INDEX OF PAINTINGS CATALOGUED IN VOLUME II

Knee-length figure of a man in A 48 A 79, A86 & A87, oriental dress C 68 & C 6g, C 70 & C 71, C 72 & WOMEN C73 A young woman in profile, with a fan A 49 Single sitters, identified (commonly called the artist's sister) MEN Singlefigures, heads and busts (' tronies') , including informal portraits Caullery, Joris de AS3 of the artist and his relatives Elison, Johannes (companion-piece of Ag8 Agg) MEN Gheyn III, Jacques de Bust of a man in oriental dress AS6 Bust of (John the (companion-piece of AS7) Huygens, Maurits (companion-piece of Baptist?) AS7 Bust of a young man in a turban AS6) CS4 Krul, Jan Harmensz. see under Single Bust of a young man in gorget and CSS sitters, plumed cap unidentified, men Bust of an old man CS2, CS3 Looten, Marten AS2 Bust of an old man (grisaille) A74 Pellicorne, Casper see under Double Bust of an old man with cap and gold A40a chain (commonly called portraits ... , Rembrandfs father) identified Bust of Rembrandt -,Jean see under Double Self-portrai t portraits ... , Self-portrait in a cap identified Self-portrait in a cap and fur-trimmed Pesser, Dirck J ansz. (companion-piece A 102 cloak of A 103) Self-portrait with helmet Rembrandt: Portrait of the artist as a A S8, see also burgher under Other scenes . . . , Single WOMEN figures, heads and Bust of a young woman (commonly Aso, CS7, CS8, called the artist's sister) CSg, C60 busts, ... , men Ruts, Nicolaes Bust of a young woman (commonly A7S A43 called the artist's wife Saskia) Rijcksen, Jan see under Double portraits ... , Bust of a young woman smiling A76 (possibly the artist's wife Saskia) identified Bust of a young woman in a cap C61 Soolmans, Marten (companion-piece Aloo (commonly called the artist's sister) of A 101) Tulp, Nicolaes see under Double portrai ts . . . , CHILDREN Bust of a boy identified Wtenbogaert, Johannes A80

Portraits WOMEN Bilderbeecq, Maertgen van A82 Double portraits and group portraits, identified Bockenolle, Maria (companion-piece of Agg Ag8) The shipbuilder Jan Rijcksen and his A77 Cleyburg, Haesje J acobsdr. van A 103 wife Griet J ans (companion-piece of A 102) Jean Pellicorne and his son Casper C6S Collen, Susanna van see under Double (companion-piece of C 66) portraits ... , Susanna van Collen and her daughter C66 identified Anna (companion-piece of C 6S) Coppit, Oopjen (companion-piece of A 101 The anatomy lesson of Dr Nicolaes ASI A 100) Tulp Jans, Griet see under Double portraits ... , Double portraits and group portraits, unidentified identified A couple in an interior Pellicorne, Anna see under Double portraits ... , Companion-pieces identified Pronck, Cornelia C79 Identified sitters (sitters' names are AS6 & AS7, Ag8 Solms, Princess Amalia of A6r indexed under Single sitters, & Agg, A 100 & Saskia see Uylenburgh, identified) A 101, A 102 & van A 103 Uylenburgh, Saskia van: Half-length A 8S, see also Unidentified sitters A4S & C80, AS4 figure of - in rich apparel under Other & ASS, A78 & scenes . . . , Single INDEX OF PAINTINGS CATALOGUED IN VOLUME II

figures, heads and busts ... , women

Single sitters, unidentified

MEN A man (companion-piece of C 69) C68 A man (companion-piece of C 71) C70 A man C77 A man (possibly the poet Jan A81 Harmensz. Krul) A young man A60 A young man in a hat C78 A youth C74 A 40-year-old man A59 A 41-year-old man (companion-piece A86 of A87) A 47-year-old man C75 A man in a broad-brimmed hat C72 (companion-piece of C 73) A man seated (companion-piece of A45 C80) A man rising from his chair A78 (companion-piece of A 79) A man at a writing-desk A44 A man trimming his quill (presumably A54 companion-piece of A 55) A man with a sheet of music C76

WOMEN A woman A83 A woman (companion-piece of C 68) C69 A woman (companion-piece of C 70) C 71 A woman (companion-piece of C 72) C73 A woman seated (companion-piece of C80 A45) A woman in an armchair (companion• piece of A 78) A young woman A84, C81, C82 A young woman seated (presumably A55 companion-piece of A 54) A 39-year-old woman A 40-year-old woman (companion• piece of A 86) A 62-year-old woman A 83-year-old woman Indexes of comparative material and literary sources

Drawings and etchings by B. 83 The descent Jrom the Cross 284 (or attributed to) Rembrandt B. 90 The Good Samaritan 108, 607, 610, 6 I I, 6 12 (fig. 3), 613, 61 4, 61 5 B. 105 S. Jerome in a dark chamber 642 Names of cities refer to the main printroom there. B. 109 Death appearing to a young couple 365 B. I I I Ship ifJortune 307, 308 DRAWINGS B. 141 Polander leaning on a stick 280 B. 142 Polander standing with his stick: prrfde to right 280 Ben. 6 recto The raising if the Cross, Rotterdam 317 (fig. 5), B. 152 The Persian 33 I 318 B. 192 An artist drawing (,Pygmalion') 34, 35 (fig. 18) Ben. 20 An old man seated, Paris, private collection 293, 294, B. 20 I Diana bathing 49 I, 593 295 (fig. 8), 642 B. 260 Bust if an old man 35 2, 353 (fig. 3) Ben. 21 Diana at the bath, London 465,491 B. 266 Jan Cornelis Sylvius, preacher 108 Ben. 41 Old man with clasped hands, seated in an arm-chair, B. 279 Jan Wtenbogaert, preacher oj the Remonstrants 9 I, 397 Berlin 641,642 (fig. 5) B. 28 I Jan Wtenbogaert 'the goldweigher' 62 Ben. 89 Christ and His disciples, Haarlem, Teylers Museum B. 282 Portrait if Lieven Willemsz. van Coppenol, small plate 35 1, 352, 353, 413, 476 210 Ben. 9 I Sketch Jar two figures seated at a table, Munich 294 B. 283 Portrait oj Lieven Willemsz. van Coppenol, larger plate Ben. 108 The descentJrom the Cross, Berlin 284 210 Ben. 127 verso Sketch if Tobias' wife, Dijon 294 Ben. 161 (verso of) Joseph telling his dreams, Rotterdam 295 Ben. 168 Studies if a woman reading and an oriental, New York, Works by artists other than Rembrandt W. Kramarsky collection 295 Ben. 207 An oriental standing, London 301 For engravers after Rembrandt paintings, see also: Ben. 257 Half-length figure oj an old man, The Hague, Royal Index of paintings catalogued in volume. II, Library 108, 353 Ben. 392 The interior oj a house, with a winding staircase, Copen- Engravers. hagen 642 Names of cities refer to the main museum or print• Ben. 427 Portrait if Saskia, Berlin 107, 33 1, 360, 365 room there. Ben. 428 Woman seated in an armchair, Hamburg 557 (fig. 5) Ben. 430 Self-portrait, Marseilles 294 Altdorfer, A. (woodcut), The raising if the Cross 318 (fig. 7), Ben. 443 The , after Leonardo da Vinci, New 319 York 294 - (-), The descentJrom the Cross 283 (fig. 7), 284, 318 Ben. 448 Susanna at the bath, Berlin 45, 46, 501 Anonymous, Portrait if Dirck Jansz. Pesser (drawing), Rotter• Ben. 455 A dog sleeping, Boston 293 (fig. 5), 294 dam, City Archives 562, 563 Ben. 521 , formerly colI. W. R. Valen- -, Portrait if Dirck Hendricksz. van Swieten, Amsterdam, Rijks• tiner 492 museum 37 Ben. 526 Joseph telling his dreams, Vienna 295 - (woodcut), Bullafavor 485,486 (fig. 8) Ben. 527 Joseph telling his dreams, private collection 295 Backer, A., The raising if the Cross, Amsterdam, Museum Ben. 528 Jacob and Rachel listening, London 295 Ams telkring 3 18 Ben. 758 Portrait if Cornelis Claesz Anslo, London 465 Backer, J. A., John the Baptist admonishing Herod and Herodias, Ben. 768 Jan Six standing by a window, Amsterdam, Six collec• Leeuwarden 330 tion 465 -, S. Peter, Leningrad 156 Ben. 954 Christ in the storm on the Sea if Galilea, Dresden 308 -, Hippocrates visiting Democritus, Milwaukee, colI. Dr. A. Ben. Addenda 6 Female nude, Stockholm 49 I Bader 156 -, Bust of an old man in prqfile, Dresden 156 ETCHINGS -, Four Governesses if the Amsterdam ciry orphanages Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Historical Museum 91 B. 7 Self-portrait 62, 234 (fig. 5), 33 I -, Portrait if the minister Johannes Wtenbogaert, Amsterdam (en• B. 17 Self-portrait in cap 294 graving by J. de Visscher) 398 B.23 Man with a plumed cap and lowered sabre 330 -, Portrait if an old woman, London, Wallace Collection B. 37 Joseph relating his dreams 293, 294 (fig. 6), 353, 642 104 B. 38 Joseph's coat brought to Jacob 466 - (drawing), Head if an old man in prqfile, Jolles sale, Munich B. 39 Joseph and Potiphar's wife 491 28-10-1895 156 B. 42 The blindness if Tobit 492 - (attributed to), Bust if a young woman, Tours 437 B. 44 The angel appearing to the shepherds 490 - (-), Bust if ayoung woman, Warsaw 437 B. 52 The flight into Egypt 605 Bassano, J., The entombment, Vienna 284 B. 54 Theflight into Egypt 605 (fig. 2),606 Basse, W. (etching), Ship in a breeze 307 B.62 The holy Jamily 456, 854 Berchem, N., and G. Dou, see under: Dou, G. and N. Berchem B·73 The raising oj Lazarus 99 (fig. 1),605,624 Bol, F., Dismissal if Hagar, Leningrad 104 B. 76 Ecce homo 467 -, Jacob's dream, Dresden 626 B. 77 Ecce homo 61, 295, 353,463,464 (fig. 5),465 (fig. 6), -, Moses with the tablets oj the law, Amsterdam, Royal Pal- 466,468 ace 626 B.81 (I) The descentJrom the Cross 280, 282, 286, 296, 466 - David's dying charge to Solomon, Dublin 50 B.81 (II) ThedescentJromtheCross 107,280,281 (fig. 5),282, - The three Marys at the tomb, Copenhagen 605 286, 296, 466, 624, 627, 630 - Pyrrhus and Fabricius, Amsterdam, Royal Palace 349 INDEXES OF COMPARATIVE MATERIAL AND LITERARY SOURCES

-, Landscape, U.S.A., private collection 605 G. Flinck - (drawing), Joseph telling his dreams (after no. A 66), Ameron- - (?), Bust if Rembrandt, Berlin (West) 88, 666-673 gen, colI. H. van Leeuwen 296 (fig. 9), 297 - (?), Portrait of a man, Dresden 88 (fig. 45), 672, 800-804 - (-), The prophet oj Bethel, Leipzig 605 Floris, F., S. Luke painting the Virgin and child, Ghent, S. - (-), Elijah and the angel, Boston 605 Bavo's 55 - (-), A Scholar seated, Berlin (West) 517,518 (fig. 7) Galle, P., see under: M. van Heemskerck - (etching), The hour oj death 437 -, see under: J. Stradanus - (attributed to), Isaac and Esau, private collection 50 Gelder, A. de, The robing if Esther, Munich 274 - (drawing; attributed to), Zacchariah in the Temple, Paris 473 Gherwen, R. van, Young man in a gorget, Vienna 438 - (-;-), Young woman in profile, Basle 431 (fig. 8),435 Goltzius, H., Hercules and Cacus, Mercury, Minerva, Haar- - (?), Flora, formerly Paris, colI. Adolphe Schloss 501 lem 37 Bruegel, P., Children's games, Vienna 735 - (engraving), Diana and Callisto 49 1, 492 Callot, J. (etching), The raising of the Cross 3 I 8 - (-), 'Qyis evadet?' 485 -, see under: J. Stradanus Goudt, H., see under: A. Elsheimer Codde, P., Family group, Amsterdam 735 Haid, J. G., see under: J. Lievens Collaert, A., see under: B. Passeri Hals, F., Portrait oj Willem van Heythuysen, Munich 549 Cort, C., see under: Heem, J. D. de, Vanitas still-life, Liberec, Czechoslo- Dorsten, J. van, Bust oj an old man, Dresden 46 vakia 838 - (drawing), Sketches oj the dismissal oj Hagar, Amsterdam 46 Heemskerck, M. van (anonymous engravings), Scenes from the Dou, G., A painter in his studio, London, Leonard Koetser story if the god Bel in Babylon 300 (fig. 2) Gallery (1973) 854 - (engravings by P. Galle), Scenes from the story if Judith 274 - A painter in his studio, private collection 34 (fig. 15) - (-), Four scenes from the story if Esther 274 - A painter in his studio, private collection 31, 33 (fig. 14) Hendriks, W. (watercolour), Portrait of the shipbuilder Jan Rijck• - A painter in his studio, private collection 34 (fig. 16) sen and his wife (after no. A 77), Amsterdam, Historical - An astronomer, Leningrad 851-852,853 (fig. 7) Museum 372, 376 - and N. Berchem, Portrait oj a couple, Amsterdam 735 Holbein the Younger, H., Portrait if Erasmus, Basle 128 - and G. Flinck (attributed to), The rest on theflight into Egypt, -, Portrait oj Erasmus, Paris 128 U.S.A., private collection 614, 615, 848-854 Honnecourt, V. de, St. John asleep, Paris, Bibliotheque Nation- Durer, A. (engraving), Ecce homo, from the 'Small Pass- ale 476 ion' 467 Honthorst, G. van, King David playing the harp, Utrecht 31 - (-) , The 281 -, Artemisia, Princeton 509 Dyck, A. van, Portrait oj Lucas van Uffelen, New York 404 -, Portrait if Frederik Hendrik and Amalia of Solms, The Eeckhout, G. van den, Sophonisba receiving the poisoned cup, Hague 254 (fig. 7) Braunschweig 509, 510 (fig. 6) -, Portrait if Prince Frederik Hendrik if Orange, The Hague, Huis Eliasz. called Picquenoy, N., The anatomy lesson of Dr Johan ten Bosch 252 (fig. 4), 253 Fonteyn, Amsterdam, Historical Museum 183 -, Portrait oj Amalia of Solms, The Hague, Huis ten Bosch 253 -, The governors if the 'Spinhuis' (Women's House if Correction), (fig. 5) Amsterdam, Historical Museum 127, 129 (fig. 7),373 -, Portrait if Amalia if Solms in arcadian dress, The Hague, Huis -, Portrait oJCornelis de Grae.Jf, Berlin GDR 403 (fig. 5),404, ten Bosch 253 (fig. 6), 254 549 -, Portrait of Catharina Elizabeth Countess if Isenburg (?), Craven Elsheimer, A., The flight into Egypt (engraving by H. sale, London 27-11-1968 500, 501 (fig. 5) Goudt) 605 -, Margaretha de Roodere at work, Utrecht 3 I Eyck, J. van, The marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini, London 499, Hooch, P. de, Musical party, London, Wellington Museum 500 (fig. 4) 735 Fabritius, C., The raising if Lazarus, Warsaw 624 Jansen, H., The presentation in the Temple, Copenhagen 628 Flinck, G., The blessing of Jacob, Amsterdam 672 -, The descentfrom the Cross, S0nderborg (Denmark), S. Mary's - The rest on the flight into Egypt, Bayeux 6 I 4 Church 627 (fig. 7),628 - A shepherd, Amsterdam 500 Jouderville, I., Flora, S. Peter Port, Guernsey, colI. - A shepherdess, Braunschweig 500 D. Cevat 82, 83 (fig. 35) - Self-portrait, whereabouts unknown 437 -, Kitchen interior, New York, coil. E.W. 82 - Bust if Ingeltje Thoveling, private collection 437 -, Half-length figure if a woman, private collection 82, 83 - Self-portrait, London 89 (fig. 47), 104 (fig. 34) - Bust if a young man with cap, Leningrad 803 -, Bust if a young man, Dublin 81, 83 (fig. 32), 86 - Double portrait oj Dirck Graswinckel and his wife, Rotter- -, Bust oj a man laughing, The Hague, Bredius collection 81, dam 615 83 (fig. 33) -, Portrait oj Dirck Jacobsz. Leeuw, Amsterdam, Doopsgezinde -, (attributed to), Judas repentant (copy after no. A 14), Gemeente 614,849-850 Prague 86 -, Portrait if the minister Johannes Wtenbogaert (after no. A 80), - (-), Minerva, Denver 80 (fig. 26), 82, 86, 664, 683 formerly Hoevelaken, colI. Dr. C. J. K. van Aalst 398 - (-), Rembrandt in oriental costume (after no. A 40), where- -, Portrait if a man ("Menasseh ben Israel"), The abouts unknown 86, 840, 847 Hague 104, 803 - (-), Man in oriental costume, private collection 80 (fig. 27), - (attributed to), The Good Samaritan, London, Wallace Coll• 82,86 ection 849, 850 - (-), Bust if a young man, Cleveland 82, 86, 838 - (-; drawing), Young woman in profile, Vienna 430, 431 - (-), Bust if a young man in a turban, Windsor Castle 77, 84 (fig. 7),435 (fig. 36), 86, 87, 654-658, 664, 683, 838 - and G. Dou (attributed to), see under: G. Dou and - (-), Head oj a man (Rembrandt?) (after a head hidden INDEXES OF COMPARATIVE MATERIAL AND LITERARY SOURCES

beneath no. A58), whereabouts unknown 81 (fig. 28),82, Poelenburgh, C. van, Portrait if Jean Pellicorne, Baltimore, 235, 236 (fig. 7), 847 Walters Art Gallery 714, 718 (fig. 7) - (-), Bust if a young woman, Augsburg 82 (fig. 30) -, Portrait of Susanna van Collen, Baltimore, Walters Art - (-), Bust if ayoung woman, Chapel Hill 59,77,85 (fig. 39), Gallery 714, 718 (fig. 8) 86, 87, 664, 680-684, 689, 693, 838 Pot, H. G. (attributed to), Vanitas, Boston 365 (fig. 4) - (-), Bust if a young girl, Helsinki 81 (fig. 29),82,855 Rembrandt (circle of), Bust if an old man, New York 652 - (-; drawing), Head if a laughing man, Berlin (West) 86 (fig. 5) 653 - (-; etching), Cupid blowing a soap bubble (after no. A 9 I) 77, - (-), Bust if an old man, Richmond 652 (fig. 4) 653 81,484,485 (fig. 7) - (-), Portrait if a man, Schleissheim 749 (fig. 7), 750 - (copy), Bust if a man (Rembrandt?), London, Alfred Brad - (-), Portrait if a woman, Schleissheim 749 (fig. 8), 750 Gallery (1963) 82, 235, 847 - (-), Portrait if a man, Shelburne 750 Keyser, T. de, The anatomy lesson if Dr Sebastiaen Egbertsz. de - (-), Portrait if a woman, Nantes 750 Vr!j, Amsterdam, Historical Museum 183 - (-), Portrait of an officer, formerly Zurich, colI. E. Biihrle 9 -, Portrait of a couple, whereabouts unknown 735 - (-; drawing), Young woman standing, London, Courtauld -, Portrait if ConstantiJn Huygens, London 3 Institute Galleries 431,432 (fig. 9), 435 Koninck, S., The adoration if the Magi, The Hague 601,602 - (after), The adoration if the Magi, Gothenburg 597, 599, - (attributed to), Bathsheba receiving David's letter, Copen- 600, 60 I, 602 hagen 274 - (-; drawing), The Good Samaritan, Amsterdam, Henk,]. Lauwers, N., see under: P. P. Rubens Stokking (1982) 613,6'4,615 Lelie, A. de, The collector Jan Gildemeester Jansz. in his picture - (-;-), The raising if the Cross, Boston 3'7 (fig. 6) gallery, Amsterdam 372 - (-; etching) Bathesheba at her toilet 593 (fig. 2) Leonardo da Vinci (drawing), Portrait if Isabella d' Este, - (manner of), 'Le philosophe en meditation', Paris 643 Paris 437 - (-; engraving by P. L. Surugue), 'Le philosophe en medita- Leyden, L. van (engraving), The adoration if the Magi 349 tion' 643 (fig. 7) - (-), The Crucifixion 284 Reni, G., Christ crucified, Modena 467 Lievens, ]., Job on the dunghill, Ottawa 839 Rijckaert III, D., S. Luke, Dijon 55 -, A man in oriental dress, Potsdam, Sanssouci 156 (fig. 5) Rijn, T. van (drawing), Diana with her hounds, London, Duits -, Portrait if Jan Gerrits Bicker, Amsterdam, Historical collection 492 Museum 91 Rubens, P. P., The adoration if the Magi, Brussels 598 -, Portrait if Constant!jn Huygens, Amsterdam 3, 62, 787 - The adoration if the Magi, Lyon 599 (fig. 4) - The raising if the Cross, Antwerp Cathedral 318,319 -, Portrait if ayoung man in gorget and cap (Rembrandt?), S. Peter - The raising if the Cross, Paris 3 I 8 Port, Guernsey, colI. D. Cevat 787 - The descent from the Cross, Antwerp Cathedral 280, 282 - (mezzotint by]. G. Haid), Bathsheba receiving David's letter - Miracle if S. Walburg, Leipzig 307 273 (fig. 7) - Artemisia, Potsdam, Sanssouci 509 - (etchings), Seven 'tronies' 846 - The battle if Henri IV for the saburbs if Paris, Antwerp, - (attributed to), Bust if a youth with a cap and a fur-trimmed 43 cloak, Courtrai 784 - (anonymous engraving), The adoration if the Magi 599 - (-), Bust if a youth with a cap and fur-trimmed cloak, Los - (engraving by N. Lauwers), The adoration of the Magi 598 Angeles 784, 787 (fig. 3) - (engraving by P. Pontius), The assumption if the Virgin - (-), Bust if an old woman, Windsor Castle 839-840 Mary 626 Louise of Orange-Nassau, Portrait if a man (after no. C 70), - (engraving by L. Vorsterman), The descentfrom the Cross 280, The Hague, Huis ten Bosch 766 282, (fig. 6) Massys, Q, Ecce homo, Madrid 467 - (engraving by H. Witdoeck), The raising if the Cross 318 Master of Absalom (drawing), Ecce homo, Berlin 467 Sadeler, .-E. see under: M. de Vos Merian the Elder, M. (engraving), Christ in the storm 307 Sansovino,]. (sculpture), Minerva, Venice, Loggetta 331 Metsu, G., Portrait if the Valckenier family, Berlin (West) 735 Santvoort, D. D., The governesses if the 'Spinhuis' (Womens's Mierevelt, M. and P. van, The anatomy lesson if Dr Willem van House if Correction), Amsterdam, Historical Museum 7 I 7 der Meer, Delft, Oude en Nieuwe Gasthuis 183 - (?; drawing), Portrait of Rembrandt (after no. A 58) 678, Mieris, F. van, A painter in his studio, Dresden 62 679 Mieris the Younger, F. van (or W. van Mieris), Portrait if - (?; -), Bust if a young woman (after no. C 57), Haarlem, Nicolaes Ruts (after no. A 43), Amsterdam, Willet-Holt• Teylers Museum 678, 679 (fig. 4) huysen Museum I 19 Savery, S. (engraving), Portrait of Jan Harmensz. Krul 404 Moeyaert, C. (drawing), The raising of the Cross, Vienna 3 16, (fig. 6) 3'7,319 (fig. 8) Schongauer, M. (engraving), Ecce homo 467 Mostaert,]., TIte descent from the Cross, Brussels 283 Soutman, P. C., Officers of the Cloveniersdoelen, Haarlem 20, 3 I My tens, D., Portrait if Willem BurchgraeJf, whereabouts un- Stimmer, T. (woodcut), Portrait if Sultan Baiazetes II 349 known 41 I (fig. 6) Stolker,]. (drawing), Portrait of a woman ("Fran~oise van Was- Ostade, A. van, An artist in his studio, Amsterdam 55 senhove"), London, British Museum 576, 577 Passe I, C. de (engraving), Diana and Callisto 492 Stradanus,]. (engraving by ]. Callot), Ecce homo 466 - (workshop; engraving), 493,494 (fig. 8) (fig. 7),467 Passe II, C. de (engraving), Portrait if the minister Hans Alen- - (engraving by P. Galle), The discovery of 55 son 537 Surugue, P. L., see under: Rembrandt (manner of) Passeri, B. (engraving by A. Collaert), Christ in the storm 307 Swieten, ]. van, A painter in his studio, Leiden 55 Pietersz. A., The anatomy lesson if Dr Sebastiaen Egbertsz. de Vr!j, Tempesta, A. (etchings), Diana and Callisto 492 Amsterdam, Historical Museum 183 Terbrugghen, H., The incredulity if Thomas, Amsterdam 476 INDEXES OF COMPARATIVE MATERIAL AND LITERARY SOURCES

Titian, Madonna and Child 456 Konst, Middelburg 1670 61 -, Diana and Actaeon, London 492 Guicciardini, L., Beschrijvinghe van alle de Nederlanden, Amster• -, Diana and Callisto, Edinburgh 491,492 dam 1612 (first Italian edn. 1567) 18 -, Flora, Florence, Palazzo Pitti 499 Herckmans, E., Der Zee- Vaert Loj, 1634 307 - (engraving by C. Cort), Diana and Callisto 491,492 (Heinsius, D.) Theodorus a Ganda, Het ambacht van Cupido, - (attributed to; drawing), A woman in profile, Haarlem, Leiden 1615 485 Teylers Museum 437 Hoogstraten, S. van, Inleyding tot de Hooge Schoole der Schilder• Vyttenbroeck, M. van, Portrait if Joris de Caullery (?), Doorn, kunst, Rotterdam 1678 15, 18, 55 colI. Jonkheer, Dr H. W. M. van der Wyck 204 (fig. 5) Houbraken, A, Groote Schouburgh derNederlantsche Konstschilders Victors, ]., Joseph telling his dreams, sale Amsterdam 2 I /24-3- en Schilderessen, Amsterdam 17 I 8-172 I 46, 50, 53, 57, 58, 1950 296 88, 803 -, Girl at the window, Paris 435 Huygens, c., De gedichten van-, ]. A. Worp ed., Groningen Vinne, V. van der (etching), A painter in his studio 35 1893 223 Visscher, C. de (engraving), Portrait if Lieven Willemsz. van -, Vita (Ms.), The Hague, Royal Library 3, 56, 156, 223, Coppenol 2 10 296 Visscher,]. de, see under: ]. A Backer Lebrun, P., see: Brussels Manuscript of 1635 Vlieger, S. de, The return of the falconer, Amsterdam 614 Livy, History if Rome 509 Voort, C. van der, Portraits ifLaurens Read and his wife, Amster- Loon, G. van, Beschrijving der Nederlandsche historiepenningen, dam 549 The Hague 1726 204 Vorsterman, L., see under: P. P. Rubens Mander, C. van, Het schilder-boeck, Haarlem 1604 19,42,53, Vos, M. de, S. Luke painting the Virgin and child, Antwerp 55 33 1, 365 - (engraving by .£ Sadeler), Christ in the storm 307 De Mayerne in: Berger, Munich 1901 17,20,31,43 Vredeman de Vries, H. (engraving), A perspective 641 Orlers,].]., Beschrijvinge der Stadt Leyden, Leiden 1641 50 Weenix,]. B., Family group among Roman ruins, London, Ovid, 145, 487, 492 Kenwood House 735 Pacheco in: Berger, Munich 1901 20 Witdoeck, H., see under: P. P. Rubens Palomino, A., El Museo Pictorico y Escala Optica, Madrid Woudt,]. C. van 't (attributed to), Portrait of Josephus Justus 17 15-24 31 Scaliger, Leiden, V niversity 128 -, in: Berger, Munich 1901 20 Picinellus, P., Mundus symbolicus, Cologne 1695 296, 719 Reynolds,]., The works if Sir Joshua Reynolds ... , ed. Li terary sources E. Malone, London 1809 188 Sandrart,]. von, Teutsche Academie der Bau-, Bild-, und Mah• Armenini in: Berger, Munich 1901 20 lerey-Kilnste, Niirnberg 1675, A R. Peltzer ed., Munich Baldinucci, F., Cominciamento, e progresso dell'arte dell'intagliare in 1925 46, 47, 55, 56, 89 rame . . . , Florence 1686 46 Spieghel, A van den, De humani corporis fabrica libri decem, -, Notizie de' prifessori del disegno, Florence 1681-1728 57,58, Venice 1627 186 59 Tulpius, N., Observationum medicarum libri tres, Amsterdam Barlaeus, C., Poemata, editio IV, Amsterdam 1645-46 185 1641 185 Berger, E., Quellen fur Maltechnik wiihrend der Renaissance und Vffenbach, Z. C. von, Merkwilrdige Reisen durch Niedersachsen, deren Folgezeit, Munich 1901 17,20 Holland und Engelland, VIm I7 53 175, 187 Borghini in: Berger, Munich 1901 20 Vasari in: Berger, Munich 1901 20 Brussels Manuscript of 1635 837 -, Vasari on technique, G. B. Brown ed., 1907, Dover publica• Bulwer, ]., Chirologia or the natural language if the hand, London tions, New York 1960 15 1644 397 Volpato in: Merrifield, M. P., Original treatises on the arts if Cartari, V., Imagini delli dei de gl'antichi 331 painting, New York 1967 20 Cats,]., 's Werelts Begin, Midden, Eynde, besloten in den Trouringh, V ondel, J. van den, Joseph in Dothan, 1640 2 I 0, 2 I I, 296 Dordrecht 1637 273, 509 Vos,]., Alle de Gedichten van den Poeet Jan Vos, Amsterdam Cennini, C., The Craftsman's Handbook, D. V. Thompson, 1662 210, 2 I I trans., 1933, Dover reprint Wagenaar, ]., Amsterdam in qne opkomst, aanwas, geschiedenissen, Commelin, C., Beschrijving der Stadt Amsterdam, Vervolg, Amster• Amsterdam 1765 61, 175, 187 dam 1693 175, 187 Walpole, H., Anecdotes if Painting in England ... II, Ed. Cruso,]., Uytbreydinge over den Achtsten Psalm Davids, Amster• Wornum, London 1862 537, 539, 540 dam 1642 538 Wellekens,]. B., Verscheiden Gedichten, Amsterdam 1729 627 Eikelenberg, S., Notes on Painting Technique (Ms.), c. 1700, Weyerman,]. C., De Levens-beschrijvingen der Nederlandsche Alkmaar Municipal Archives 18 Konst-schilders en Konst-schilderessen, Dordrecht 1769 53 Ganda, Theodorus el, see under D. Heinsius Witsen, N., Adoude en Hedendaagsche Scheepsbouw II, Amster• Gellius, A, Noctes Atticae 509 dam 1671 18, 19 Goeree, W., Inleydingh tot de practijck der Al-gemeene Schilder- Concordance

In the first column are the catalogue numbers in HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson Hofstede de Groot, Bredius, Br.-Gerson, Bauch Br.-Gerson and Gerson. The corresponding catalogue num- bers in Vols. I and II are listed under the names 33 A24 C34 of these authors. 34 Ag C Ig 35 A25 C42 36 B7 HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson 37 A32 Br.-Gerson 38 A20 A 14, A2 A6 40 C36 copy I 41 AI A33 AI C2 42 C45 A4 A29 2 A 19 A3 AI 43 C5 C20 3 A22, Ag A9 44 CIO B5 ------~.------copy I 45 C8 C37 A3 C43 46 A 12 A42 4 C35 A24 A3 47 A 15 B4 5 C34 A 13 A4 48 C7 A40a 6 C 13 A2 49 A28 A 16 C28 A6 C3 50 A67 C 12 C26 7 C36 A25 CIO 51 A30 C55 8 A20 C45 C5 52 A34 A41 9 C37 A64 A24 53 A88 A43 10 C38 A 12 54 A35 A44 I I B5 A67 A 13 55 C48 A31 12 A33 A 15 56 A65 A35 13 C39 A25 57 A69 A39 I4 A66 C40 A 16 58 A68 A64 15 C 3:) C7 59 C49 A67 16 A40 A30 60 A90 A68 17 A58 A34 61 C47 A92 18 A 71 A7 62 A89 A47 19 A72 A66 AIO 63 A27 A88 20 A 18 64 C42 A69 21 A96 C 14 64a A3 22 A97 A I I 65 C43 A65 23 C56 A26 66 C3 C49 24 A28 67 C41 Ago 25 A36 68 C 19 C47 26 A2 Cq 69 A37 A94 27 A37 70 A32 A27 C33 72 A89 28 A8 73 C20 2g C22 74 C29 30 A 14, 76 A29 copy I 77 B7 31 C30 78 C30 32 A 19 79 B4 879 CONCORDANCE

HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson Br.-Gerson Br.-Gerson 80 A34 C28 123 A 15, C20 A83 81 A 12 A42 copy I 82 A40a 124 A29 A53 84 C61 C49, 125 C 16 C75 copy 2 126 C8 C79 85 A49 12 7 A28 A63 86 C59 A66 128 A89 C26 A55 87 C6 C57 129 A42 A 71 88 C58 130 A69 B4 C67 89 C 12 A50 13 1 A40a C63 90 A38 132 A8 C32 A75 91 C51 133 C49, C 21 C 21 C56 92 A88 A93 copy 2 93 A95 134 A65 B6 A36 A76 94 A75 135 C49 C32 C 17 C52 95 C60 136 C27 C54 A74 96 A6 137 C31, C55 A80 97 A76 A7 copy 2 98 CII 138 C31, A41 A81 99 A61 A39 A58 copy I 100 A47 A51 138A C31 101 A85 A94 A23 139 A46 A77 102 A93 C50 140 C25 C50 A78 103 A68 A92 A48 141 C26 A48 A79 104 A57 142 C54 A23 A72 105 A56 143 A41 C24 C60 106 C54 144 C55 107 A30, C24 145 A43 C62 copy I 146 A44 C53 A84 107a A30 147 A 16 C52 C77 108 A60 148 A90 C24 A82 109 A8 C53 149 A86 110 AIO A52 150 C62 A87 I I I C48 A I I A54 15 1 C63 I 12 A 18 A61 152 C53 A73 I 13 B6 C74 153 A74 A45 114 C29 C61 154 C74 C80 I 15 C31 A50 155 A60 A73 C81 116 B7 C59 156 A23 C51 A 104 I 17 C7 C28 C57 157 A91 A97 118 C 18 A49 158 A96 119 C 14 C70 159 C70 C64 C72 120 A26 C68 160 A59 C73 121 A 17 C69 161 A57 C64 122 A36 A59 162 A56 A95 A98 880 CONCORDANCE

HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson Br.-Gerson Br.-Gerson 16 A45 A99 253 A38 3 ----~------164 A54 A 100 254 A3 I 165 C75 A IOI 257 A7° 166 A52 C78 258 A93 167 C68 C82 266 C32 168 A I02 282 AIO 169 A48 A 103 28 7 A 14 170 A53 B8 288 A 14, 17 1 C50 A8I copy I 172 A78 289 A22, A80 copy I 173 ------174 C 76 290 A 19 175 Cn A85 29 1 C35 176 C65 292 A20 In A26 A86 C66 293 C38 178 A73 294 C36 179 A I I 296 C39 180 B8 297 A33 181 A46 C52 298 C34 182 B8 299 B5 183 A74 300 C37 186 C 17 C63 301 A40 190 C62 302 A58 19 1 C64 303 A 71 192 C 16 304 C56 194 A 102 305 A 72 195 A3 I 0 A97 3 7 ------196 A70 C78 308 A96 197 C72 3 I I A64 A 100 199 316 A37 200 A92 A98 320 C 19 201 A47 328 C44 206 A93 330 A55 209 A38 33 1 C69 211 C9 33 2 C80 21 3 A39 333 C 10 A63 223 A94 334 A62 228 C 15 335 A83 I 233 C5 336 C 79 6 23 A95 337 C8I 0 C 18 24 338 C 71 2 249 C4 339 A82 0 A27 25 340 A84 1 2 25 A3 341 A 79 25 2 A37 ------342 A IOI


HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson Br.-Gerson Br.-Gerson 343 C 13 A 104 C22 424 C 13 344 A87 C25, 425 C 18 copy I 426 C 18, 345 C 21 C82 C27 copy I 346 C73 427 C 14 347 A99 C30 428 Aq 348 A73 A43 429 C 15 349 A48 A44 430 C 17 350 A40 C74 43 1 C51 35 1 B8 A54 432 A95 352 A57 440 C6 353 A56 45 1 C61 354 C54 AI03 C70 452 A50 355 A60 453 C59 356 C75 454 C57 357 A59 455 A49 358 A52 456 C31, A61 359 A53 copy 2 360 C68 458 A62 361 A80 459 C69 362 C76 460 A6 A55 363 A81 461 A63 365 A86 462 A31 A83 366 A78 463 A39 C58 367 A45 464 A47 368 Cn 465 C9 369 A74 C72 466 A38 A82 37 1 C26 C78 467 A70 372 C24 A98 468 A94 C60 373 C53 A 100 469 A79 374 A 102 470 A91 C80 375 A C55 471 C79 388 C27 472 A92 C81 390 C25 473 A75 393 Aq 474 A76 403 A51 475 A84 405 C52 C67 476 A 104 406 C65 4n A99 407 C66 478 A 101 408 An 479 C82 419 A 18 480 A87 420 AIO 482 C73 421 B I, B2 486 A3 422 ell 487 A2 423 A 13 488 A9 882 CONCORDANCE

HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson Br.-Gerson Br.-Gerson 489 A24 A85 566 A 71 490 C62 A25 567 A 72 49 1 A67 570 B5 492 C63 C45 A 103 572 C33 494 C64 A64 573 A58 499 C44 577 A41 504 ··A66 584 C49, 525 C56 copy 2 526 A96 59 1 C39 529 A20 601 A I I 530 C37 A51 602 A26 53 1 C34 C67 604 A28 531 A AI 605 C 16 53 2 A4 A77 606 A75 53 2A C5 607 A85 A36 533 A 14, C 10 C65 608 A76 C50 copy I 609 A46 534 A97 C8 C66 612 A61 535 A 12 624 C68 536 C7 62 5 C69 537 A 100 A30, 62 9 C77 copy I 630 A82 538 A30 63 1 C2 539 A 16 63 2 A7 539 A A 15 633 A53 C22 541 C46, 635 A54 copy I 636 C23 542 A 19 638 A 101 543 B6 A34 645 A98 543 A A35 646 A99 544 A88 654 A57 545 C48 657 A81 546 A89 659 A52 547 A68 666 C65 548 A69 667 C66 549 A22, 668 C 75 copy I 669 C 79 550 A65 670 A43 55 1 C49 67 2 C20 55 2 C36 A90 673 B4 55.2 A A33 C47 674 C30 556 C 12 675 A42 557 A23 676 B7 564 C38 677 A29 565 C 71 678 C29, copy I 883 CONCORDANCE

HdG Bredius Bauch Gerson Br.-Gerson 679 A40a 681 C28 682 C29 685 C42 686 C41 687 A27 688 A3 2 69 1 C60 694 C57 695 C58 696 C59 697 C61 698 A49 699 A50 726 A80 73 2 C72 733 C70 736 A78 739 A 102 745 A56 760 C76 761 A59 762 C74 769 A86 775 A44 777 C78 783 A60 785 A45 846 C 71 848 C73 856 A 104 859 C82 867 A83 873 A84 874 A87 875 A62 877 A63 881 A79 882 A 103 883 C80 884 A55 920 C81 930 C67 932 A5 1 933 A77 884