Item 1 North Moors National Park Authority Planning Committee

Public Minutes of the meeting held at The Old Vicarage, on Thursday 17 January 2013.

Present: Mrs V Arnold, M Bowes, Ms A Fisher, D Hugill, D C Jeffels, M Knaggs, T Lawn, P Lawson, E Sanderson, A Scott, Mrs C Seymour, B Suthers, Mrs H Swiers, R I Thompson, H Tindall, P Wheeler

Apologies: Mrs J Frank, Mrs J Mitchell, B Briggs, G H Simpson, J Bailey,

Copies of all Documents Considered are in the Minute Book

01/13 Minutes

Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2012, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

02/13 Members Interests

Members were reminded of their responsibility to declare any personal, prejudicial and/or disclosureable interests relating to any agenda item prior to its consideration.

03/13 Emergency Evacuation Procedure

The Chairman informed Members of the Public of the emergency evacuation Procedure.

04/13 Community Infrastructure Levy

Resolved: Members noted the work that is underway to investigate the feasibility and viability of CIL for the National Park, including the joint study with and Councils, provided suggestions or comments on the items suggested for the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and noted the next steps in the work. Members requested clarification on whether the Levy would be based on the built development area or site development area and suggested that it would be helpful for Members to meet with consultants followed by a further Paper to Members for consideration.

05/13 Miscellaneous Items


The report of the Director of Planning.

Resolved: Members attention was drawn to an error at 5(a), graph showing ‘Quarterly Percentage of Appeal Decisions Allowed’ and informed that the Oct-Dec12/13 figure for appeal decisions allowed should be 50%, not 100% as set out in the graph. Members noted the verbal update and report.

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06/13 Applications for Planning Permission

The following members of the public addressed the meeting regarding the Plans List Items indicated:

Plans List Item 3 – Mr Tate-Smith (NFU) spoke in favour of the application. Plans List Item 5 – Mrs Pickering spoke in favour of the application. Plans List Item 6 – Mr Graham spoke in favour of the application. Plans List Item 7 – Mr Graham spoke in favour of the application. Plans List Item 8 – Mr Graham spoke in favour of the application. Plans List Item 10 – Mr Hunt spoke in favour of the application and Mr Chadwick spoke against the application. Plans List Item 11 – Mr Holder spoke in favour of the application.


The report listing applications and the Director of Planning’s recommendations thereon. Members also considered further information circulated on the Members’ Update Sheet at the meeting including; updated recommendations from the Director of Planning and comments received after the agenda was printed from: consultees, objectors and supporters.

Resolved: (a) That with regard to all applications listed in the report and subject to: (i) the amendments specified below; and (ii) the imposition of conditions in accordance with the relevant provisions of Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, except in those instances where an alternative condition is contained in the Director of Planning’s recommendation or in an amendment referred to in (i) above; decisions be given in accordance with the Director of Planning’s recommendations:

List Plan No and Description of Proposal No 1. NYM/2012/0757/EIA – Construction of a 450 space park and ride facility together with associated highway alterations and landscaping works (resubmission following expiration of NYM/2008/0621/EIA) at OS Field 3618 bounded by Road, A171, B1460 and Barkers Lane, for North Council Business & Environmental Services, County Hall, Racecourse Lane, , , DL7 8AH. Decision Mike Knaggs declared a personal interest in this item as a North Yorkshire County Council Committee Member and David Jeffels declared a personal interest in this item as a Member of North Yorkshire County Council and as Chairman of the Transport, Economic and Environmental Scrutiny Committee. Approved as recommended with an additional condition as set out on the Members Update Sheet: 21. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority, the development shall not be brought into use until the package of offsite works to be delivered using the local highway authority’s powers outside the planning legislation have been constructed and are available for use.

Planning Minute/2 2. NYM/2012/0774/NM – Non material minor amendment to planning approval NYM/2009/0529/FL to allow an increase in height of concrete screw housing (painted dark brown) and additional planting (part retrospective) at Ruswarp Hydro, The Nursery, Sneaton for Esk Energy (Yorkshire) Limited fao: Mrs Caryn Loftus, Heathlerley, Dikes Lane, Great Ayton, North Yorkshire, TS9 6HG. Decision Approved as recommended. 3. NYM/2012/0669/FL – Variation of condition 3 of planning approval NYM/2012/0324/FL to allow the occupancy of the letting unit by person(s) living/working in the Ryedale District area at Charm View, High Kingthorpe for Mr John Robinson, High Kingthorpe, Pickering, North Yorkshire, YO18 7NG. Decision Tim Lawn declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item due to him submitting a similar application to the Authority for consideration which was approved by Members on 18 October 2012. Tim Lawn left the room and Herbert Tindall chaired this item in his absence. Approved as recommended. 4. NYM/2012/0755/FL – Construction of one and a half storey side extension and replacement part single/part two storey rear extension at Blansby Park Cottage, Newbridge, Pickering for Ms Sue McMinn, 6 Eastfield Road, Pickering, YO18 7HU. Decision Members delegated the decision to the Director of Planning to determine under Delegated Powers. 5. NYM/2012/0793/FL – Variation of condition 4 of planning approval NYM4/025/0007/PA to allow the installation of 4 no. replacement uPVC door frame on north elevation t Hill Top, Kirkgate, Silpho for Mrs Sheila Pickering, Hill Top, Kirkgate, Silpho, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO13 0JP. Decision Refused as recommended. 6. NYM/2012/0826/R3 – Application under Regulation 3 (Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992) for construction of a cycle trail with associated wooden ladder bridge and stone clapper bridge at Sutton Bank National Park Centre, Sutton Bank for National Park Authority, fao: Mr Simon Bassindale, The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, York, YO62 5BP. Decision Approved as recommended with the decision delegated to the Director of Planning to clear following the expiration of the consultation period. 7. NYM/2012/0827/R3 – Application under Regulation 3 (Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992) for construction of cycling skills area at Sutton Bank National Park Centre, Sutton Bank for North York Moors National Park Authority, fao: Mr Simon Bassindale, The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, York, YO62 5BP. Decision Approved as recommended with an additional condition as set out on the Members Update Sheet: 4. Prior to the development being brought into use details of a landscaping scheme for the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall provide for screen planting to extend along the full frontage of the new development onto the A170 and the visitor centre access roads where drivers on the main road could see into the Area. It will comprise native species appropriate to the site, including evergreens, details of which will be agreed with Highways staff before the facility becomes operational. The screening will be situated as close to the road as possible to minimise the loss of heathland on the site. The approved landscaping scheme shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Planning Minute/3 8. NYM/2012/0825/R3 – Application under Regulation 3 (Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992) for proposed cycle washing facility, cycle parking logs with associated surfacing and erection of canopy over outdoor freezer at Sutton Bank National Park Centre, Sutton Bank for North York Moors National Park Authority, fao: Mr M Graham, The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, York, YO62 5BP. Decision Approved as recommended. 9. NYM/2012/0767/FL – Construction of 1 no. dwelling with associated access, parking and landscaping works at Former Rydes Garage, West End, Osmotherley for Ms Philippa Tutty, Trenholme House Farm, Osmotherley, North Yorkshire, DL6 3QA. Decision Application formally withdrawn by the applicant. 10. NYM/2012/0828/FL – Permission for temporary exploratory potash borehole and associated plant, equipment including drilling rig (max height 33 metres) and access arrangements (part retrospective) (extended site area to that approved under NYM/2012.0601/FL to provide for additional storage of spoil from additional excavations, new construction access road and larger compound area) at Doves Nest Farm, Sneatonthorpe for York Potash, fao: Mr Adam Jackson, 7 – 1- Manor Court, Manor Garth, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 3TU. Decision Tim Lawn and Helen Swiers declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item as land owners with mineral rights and left the room. Herbert Tindall chaired this item in Tim Lawn’s absence. The Authority’s solicitor Richard Smith declared a conflict of interest in this item due to his connection with Scarborough Borough Council and left the room. Approved as recommended. 11. NYM/2012/0744/FL – Construction of single and two storey extensions and formation of new access at 26 South End, Osmotherley for Mr B P holder, 26 South End, Osmotherley, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL6 3BL. Decision Approved as recommended with the decision delegated to the Director of Planning to clear details relating to the access in consultation with the Highway Authority

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