Copyrighted Material
44_292907-bindex.qxp 6/9/08 2:27 PM Page 411 Index AC (Armor Class) • A • alternatives to, 79 damage reduction, 216 aberrant, defined, 397 defined, 398 abilities overview, 120 of clerics, 140 powers against, 81 defined, 397 superior, 248–249 of fighters, 131 target numbers, setting, 73 of rogues, 135 accuracy, 122, 192 of wizards, 137 acid arrow, 175 ability adjustments Acrobatics, 201, 203–207 of dwarves, 146 action-denial powers, 232–233 of elves, 147 action points, 86–87, 121, 397 of halflings, 148 Action Surge, 189, 195 of humans, 144 actions ability checks, 19, 72–73, 397 defined, 397 ability modifier, 397 minor, 77–78, 94, 397 ability scores move, 77–78, 94, 397 adjustments, 227–228 standard, 77–78, 81, 94, 397 armor choices, 216–217 actors, 345–347 by class, 127, 157–158 ad (astral diamond), 210, 398 customization, 156 AD&D (Advanced DUNGEONS & generating, 155–157 DRAGONS), 10 how they work, 151–155 adjudicating results, 307–308 increasing, 226 adjustments for race, 23 min-maxing, 294 adult red dragon (level 15 solo soldier), 387 modifiers, 153 Advanced DUNGEONS & DRAGONS of monsters, 320 (AD&D), 10 overview, 24–25, 117 adventure skill base, 123 character roles in, 29, 280–281 training compared to, 201 characteristics of, 346–347 ability scores of characters choices, 308–309 Beryn, 54 components, 13–17 Calia, 38 creating, 323–328 Chenna, 66 COPYRIGHTEDdefined, MATERIAL 13, 14 Dreggu, 56 encounter types, 71–72 Eberk, 68 enjoyment of, 351–354 Jax, 44 game rules, 17–19 Lidda, 48 joining in, 19–20 Regdar, 34, 104, 106 narration, 348–351
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