Bournemouth Borough Council Bournemouth Tree Strategy 2014-24 A strategy for the sustainable management and development of Bournemouth’s trees Bournemouth Parks Bournemouth Borough Council East Cemetery Lodge Gloucester Road Bournemouth BH7 6JB T: 01202 451629 e:
[email protected] Urban trees and forest patches contribute to air filtering, micro- climate regulation, noise reduction, rainwater runoff reductions, and improved recreation/cultural values (Bolund and Hunhammar 1999 in Brown et al., 2012) 2 Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Definition & Requirement 3 3. History & Landscape Character 3 4. Natural & Physical Environment 6 5. Pests Diseases & Other Challenges 10 6. Economic Value 12 7. Health & Social Value 13 8. Planning Control and Planning Policy in Relation to Trees 14 9. Trees on Council Land 17 10. Understanding Our Tree Population 23 13. Tree Work Operations 25 14. Tree Risk Management 26 Appendix 1: Treescape Character Map 28 Appendix 2: Tree Pruning & Felling Policy 29 Appendix 3: Tree Risk Management Policy 32 Appendix 4: List of native/naturalised tree species 40 Appendix 5: Glossary of Terms 41 References 43 3 1. Introduction: 1.1. This strategy recognises the importance of trees, the benefits they afford us and the increasingly important role they can play in mitigating the effects of climate change, flood amelioration and pollution control. It provides a first point of reference for the management and maintenance of the Boroughs tree population – both public and private. 1.2. The strategy aims to guide future planning for the Borough’s public tree population and ensure a consistent approach is taken to tree management across the Council’s different business units.