NOSTALGIA - List of Kontakt Instruments

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NOSTALGIA - List of Kontakt Instruments NOSTALGIA - list of Kontakt instruments 01 US Classics M1K Brass.nki M1K Bright.nki M1K Choir.nki M1K Cloud Pad.nki M1K Deep Bass.nki M1K Eyu Strings.nki M1K Fem Vox.nki M1K Hi Pluk.nki M1K Mellow Pad.nki M1K Mellow Str.nki M1K Organ Pad.nki M1K Ow Chime.nki M1K Pluk Str.nki M1K Polysynth.nki M1K Rez Bass.nki M1K Rip Bass.nki M1K Rubber Bass.nki M1K Sine Bass.nki M1K Smooth Pad.nki M1K Sparkle.nki M1K String Pad.nki M1K Sweep Pad.nki M1K Syn Bass.nki M1K Thin Strings.nki M1K Voxy Pad.nki M12 Final Pad.nki M12 Lyle.nki M12 Mellow.nki M12 Phase.nki M12 Short Strings.nki M12 Soundtrack.nki M12 String Pad.nki M12 Sweep.nki M12 Swell.nki Mini 3 Osc.nki Mini Bass1.nki Mini Bass2.nki Mini Bass3.nki Mini Bass4.nki Mini Bass5.nki Mini Bass6.nki Mini Bass7.nki Mini Bass8.nki Mini Lead 1.nki Mini Lead 2.nki Mini Mighty.nki Mini Smooth.nki Mini Solid Bass.nki Mini Strings.nki Mini Sweep.nki Mini tri-bass.nki Odys Bass1.nki Odys Bass2.nki Odys Bass3.nki Odys Bass4.nki Odys Bass5.nki Odys Bass6.nki Odys Bass7.nki Odys Bass8.nki Odys Bass9.nki Odys Pad 1.nki Odys Pad 2.nki Odys Pad 3.nki Odys Pad 4.nki Odys Pad 5.nki Odys Pad 6.nki Odys Pad 7.nki Odys Pad 8.nki P5 Fat PWM Pad.nki P5 Fat PWM Rez Bass1.nki P5 Fat PWM Smooth.nki P5 Fat PWM Swell.nki P5 Fat PWM Sync.nki P5 Fat Rez Bass.nki P5 HiSync Bass.nki P5 Lo Rez Bass.nki P5 Mello Knock Bass.nki P5 Mello Uni Bass.nki P5 Mellow Sawpad.nki P5 Plucky Square.nki P5 Rez Uni Bass.nki P5 Round Bass.nki P5 Sharp Rez Bass.nki P5 Slow Rez Bass.nki P5 Solid Sust Bass.nki P5 Square Pad.nki P5 Sync 1.nki P5 Sync 2.nki P5 Thud UniBass.nki P5 Uni Sync Bass.nki ProSolo Banjo.nki ProSolo Bass.nki ProSolo Bassoon1.nki ProSolo Bassoon2.nki ProSolo BuzzBassn.nki ProSolo Cello.nki ProSolo Clar1.nki ProSolo Clar2.nki ProSolo ComicWow.nki ProSolo CountryGtr.nki ProSolo Eng Horn1.nki ProSolo Eng Horn2.nki ProSolo Flute1.nki ProSolo Flute2.nki ProSolo Fuzz.nki ProSolo FuzzGtr.nki ProSolo Harpsi.nki ProSolo MuteTrump.nki ProSolo Noze.nki ProSolo Oboe1.nki ProSolo Oboe2.nki ProSolo Piano.nki ProSolo Sax.nki ProSolo SongWhstl.nki ProSolo SpaceBass.nki ProSolo SpaceReed.nki ProSolo SteelDrum.nki ProSolo SteelGtr.nki ProSolo Telstar.nki ProSolo Trmbone.nki ProSolo Trumpet.nki ProSolo Tuba.nki ProSolo Violin.nki Vyger Bass 1.nki Vyger Bass 2.nki Vyger Bass 3.nki Vyger Pocket Bass.nki Vyger Rez Bass 1.nki Vyger Rez Bass 2.nki Vyger Slippery.nki 02 Euro Classics K-Stat Bass 01.nki K-Stat Bass 02.nki K-Stat Bass 03.nki K-Stat Bass 04.nki K-Stat Bass 05.nki K-Stat Bass 06.nki K-Stat Bass 07.nki K-Stat Bass 08.nki K-Stat Bass 09.nki K-Stat Bass 10.nki K-Stat Bass 11.nki K-Stat Bass 12.nki K-Stat Bass 13.nki K-Stat Bass 14.nki K-Stat Bass 15.nki K-Stat Bass 16.nki K-Stat Dance 01.nki K-Stat Dance 02.nki K-Stat Dance 03.nki K-Stat Dance 04.nki K-Stat Dance 05.nki K-Stat Dance 06.nki K-Stat Dance 07.nki K-Stat Dance 08.nki K-Stat Dance 09.nki K-Stat Dance 10.nki K-Stat Paninaro.nki K-Stat Smooth Pad.nki K-Stat Strings 1.nki MW Bass1.nki MW Bass2 Oct.nki MW Bass2.nki MW Bell ting.nki MW Bell.nki MW Rez Bass.nki MW Spike 1.nki MW Spike 2.nki MW Spike Bass.nki MW Spike lo.nki MW Square.nki MW Ting.nki PPG Aaaah Bell.nki PPG Aaaah Vox.nki PPG Bell.nki PPG Brittle Bass 1.nki PPG Buzz Wave 1.nki PPG Buzz Wave 2.nki PPG Celeste.nki PPG Chime.nki PPG Classic 1.nki PPG Classic 2.nki PPG Delicate Sweep.nki PPG Digi Swell.nki PPG Digi Thrang.nki PPG Digiwave 1.nki PPG Digiwave 2.nki PPG Digiwave 3.nki PPG Digiwave 4.nki PPG Divine Chime.nki PPG Fifths.nki PPG Film Pad 1.nki PPG Film Pad 2.nki PPG Glass Vox.nki PPG High Chime.nki PPG Octave Bass.nki PPG Pluck 1.nki PPG Pluck 2.nki PPG Pluck 3.nki PPG Slur Bell.nki PPG Slur Pad 1.nki PPG Solid Bass.nki PPG Square Pad.nki PPG Square.nki PPG ThroatPerc.nki PPG ThroatWave.nki PPG Tingle Bass.nki PPG Vox Chime.nki PPG Vox.nki PPG Wave Sweep 1.nki PPG Wave Sweep 2.nki PPG Wave Sweep 3.nki PPG Wave Sweep 4.nki PPG Wide Pad.nki S-Nova Chord Lead.nki S-Nova Chords.nki S-Nova Juice Bass.nki S-Nova Plated Analog.nki S-Nova Talker.nki S-Nova Trance 2.nki Synthex LaserHarp.nki Synthex Strings 1.nki Synthex Strings 2.nki Synthex Strings 3.nki 03 Japanese Classics 101 Bass1.nki 101 Bass2.nki 101 Filta.nki 101 HardassS.nki 101 Open.nki 101 Pulschor.nki 101 Pulse Bass 1.nki 101 PW Bass.nki 101 Rezna.nki 101 SawBass 1.nki 101 SawBass 2.nki 101 SawBass 3.nki 101 Sq Bass 1.nki 101 Sq Bass 2.nki 101 Sq Bass 3.nki 101 SubDiv.nki 101Pulsar.nki CS5 BP wow.nki CS5 HiEnv.nki CS5 ResBass.nki CS5 Snappy.nki CS5 Straight Saw Bass.nki CS80 Brass.nki D50 AccBass.nki D50 Basss.nki D50 Brass.nki D50 Dream.nki D50 Lead.nki D50 Peking.nki D50 RingPiano.nki D50 Spacious.nki D50 StaccatoSynth.nki D50 Unexpected.nki DX ANGEL CHOIR1.nki DX BRITE BASS 1.nki DX COSMIC 1.nki DX DAYBREAK 1.nki DX DIGIBASS.nki DX E.Piano.nki DX E_Piano.nki DX ELEGANT 1.nki DX FOREST 1.nki DX KNOCK BASS 1.nki DX PLUCK 1.nki DX PLUCTINK.nki DX ROADBASS.nki DX SEQ 1.nki DX SOFT CLOUD 1.nki DX STRING 1.nki DX STRSWELL.nki DX STRTINKL.nki DX SUSPENSE 1.nki DX THRANG 1.nki DX THRTINKL.nki DX UNIVERSE 1.nki Jno Brass.nki Jno Fat Brass.nki Jno Organ 1.nki Jno Organ 2.nki Jno Pad.nki Jno Strings 1.nki Jno SynBass 1.nki Jno SynBass 2.nki Jno SynBass 3.nki Jno Tuba Bass.nki K Air Tine.nki K AtmosVox.nki K Breath Vox 1.nki K Breath Vox 2.nki K Choir.nki K Combi Brass.nki K Combi Strings.nki K Combi Vox.nki K Dagobar.nki K E_Piano.nki K Fretless Bass.nki K Full Pipes.nki K Gamelan.nki K Grandiose Pad.nki K Maxi Tine.nki K MIDI Stack.nki K PWM Pad.nki K PWM ResBass1.nki K Smooth Pad.nki K Space Vox.nki K Strings 1.nki K Wire Pad.nki M1 12-STRING.nki M1 AC_GTR 1.nki M1 AC_GTR 2.nki M1 ANGELS.nki M1 BOTTLE BELL.nki M1 BOTTLES.nki M1 BREATHY.nki M1 CLAVINET.nki M1 CLOUD NINE.nki M1 DEEPHEART.nki M1 DIG E CLAV.nki M1 DIG E PIANO.nki M1 DIGIBASS.nki M1 DIGIFIFTHS.nki M1 DIGIPLUCK.nki M1 DIGITAL.nki M1 DREAM PAD.nki M1 EL GTR 1.nki M1 GONDOLA.nki M1 HAMMOND CHRS.nki M1 HAMMOND.nki M1 HARPSICHORD.nki M1 KARIMBA.nki M1 MADNESS.nki M1 MAGIC ORGAN.nki M1 MAGICIAN.nki M1 MONOSYNTH.nki M1 MUSIC BOX.nki M1 NIMBUS.nki M1 OVERTURE.nki M1 PAN FLUTE.nki M1 PLUK VOICE.nki M1 POLE ORGAN.nki M1 SEQUENS WAVE.nki M1 SITAR.nki M1 SLUR-PAD.nki M1 SMOOTH HORNS.nki M1 SPIRAL.nki M1 STRATOS.nki M1 SYMPHONIC.nki M1 SYNMALLET.nki M1 THE PLANETS.nki M1 TINE RHODES.nki M1 TOMITA.nki M1 TUBULAR.nki M1 UNIVERSE.nki M1 VOICE+TUBES.nki M1 ZEPHYR.nki R Ancestral.nki R Brassy Synth.nki R Choir.nki R Dance Saws 1.nki R Dance Saws 2.nki R Dance Saws Pad.nki R Dance Saws Phase.nki R Fizz Bass 1.nki R Fizz Bass 2.nki R Fizz Pad.nki R Glass Pad.nki R Heaven 1.nki R Heaven 2.nki R Octave Strings.nki R Prolog Strings.nki R Prologue.nki R Slow Strings.nki R Stereo Strings.nki R String Stack.nki R SynVox.nki R Thick Bass.nki R Thick Pad 1.nki R Thick Pad 2.nki R Thick SlowRez.nki R Thick Strings.nki R Thick WobbleRez.nki R ThickPhaseRez.nki SY2 Bass.nki SY2 Double.nki SY2 Drake.nki SY2 Funny.nki SY2 Oboe.nki SY2 Reed.nki SY2 Trumute.nki 04 Playback Keyboards Chamberlin Strings.nki Mell 8V Choir 1.nki Mell 8V Choir 2.nki Mell Boys 1.nki Mell Boys 2.nki Mell Flutes 1.nki Mell Flutes 2.nki Mell Mix Strings 1.nki Mell Mix Strings 2.nki Mell Mk II Brass.nki Mell Phaedra Strings.nki Mell Violins 1.nki Mell Violins 2.nki Mell Violins 3.nki Mell Watcher 1.nki Mell Watcher 2.nki Orchestron Choir 1.nki Orchestron Choir 2.nki Orchestron Flute.nki Orchestron Organ.nki Orchestron Pipe.nki Orchestron Strings.nki 05 Organs B3 Fullon _vib.nki B3 Fullon.nki B3 Gospel.nki B3 Jazz.nki B3 Pipey.nki Farfisa 1.nki Farfisa 2 Vib.nki M100 LOW MAN.nki M100 PED SUS.nki M100 PEDAL__.nki M100 UM 1 DB.nki M100 UM 2NDP.nki M100 UM 3RDP.nki M100 UM 888_.nki M100 UM 6868 A.nki M100 UM 6868 LEZ.nki M100 UM 6868 VIB.nki M100 UM CL16.nki M100 UM CLAR.nki M100 UM FULL A.nki M100 UM FULL LEZ.nki M100 UM FULL VIB.nki M100 UM JAZ1 A.nki M100 UM JAZ1 LEZ.nki M100 UM JAZ1 VIB.nki M100 UM JAZ2 A.nki M100 UM JAZ2 LEZ.nki M100 UM JAZ2 VIB.nki RMI Electrapiano1.nki RMI Electrapiano2.nki Vox Conti 1.nki Vox Conti 2.nki Vox Conti 3.nki Vox Conti 4.nki Vox Conti 5.nki Vox Conti 6.nki Vox Conti 7.nki Vox Conti 8.nki 06 Electro-Mechanicals Clav D6 A.nki Clav D6 Chor.nki Clav D6 Mute.nki Clav D6 Pluk.nki Clav D6 Space.nki Clav D6 Thin.nki Clav D6 Wah.nki CP70B A.nki CP70B Anlog Chorus.nki CP70B Digi Chorus.nki CP70B PG 1.nki CP70B PG 2.nki CP70B Tremolo.nki Hohner Pianet T.nki Melodic A.nki Melodic Trem.nki Rhodes A.nki Rhodes Chor.nki Rhodes Pan.nki Rhodes Trem.nki Wurli EP200 A.nki Wurli EP200 Trem.nki Wurli EP203W A.nki Wurli EP203W CHOR.nki Wurli EP203W TREM.nki 07 Digital ROMpler synths CS1X Drawbars.nki CS1X Mogue.nki CS1X Morning.nki CS1X Odyssey.nki CS1X Old Mini.nki CS1X Omnivor.nki CS1X Paradise.nki CS1X Space.nki CS1X Sphere.nki CS1X Universe.nki CS1X WStation.nki FS1R Angel Bells.nki FS1R Breath 5well.nki FS1R Crystal Rose.nki FS1R Dark Pad.nki FS1R Float Sweep.nki FS1R HumanVox.nki FS1R Light Year.nki FS1R Mysteria.nki FS1R Nebulous.nki FS1R Sweepy.nki FS1R VeloSweep.nki FS1R VocoTouch.nki K5k Aquarius.nki K5k Bell.nki K5k Crystalz.nki K5k Jumper.nki K5k TelMetal.nki Proph 303Growler.nki Proph Aboriginal.nki Proph Clickey.nki Proph Club Bass.nki Proph Mini KORG 700s.nki Proph Moralee Bass.nki Proph Outback.nki Proph Reedfife.nki Proph Shakulute.nki Proph Space Venture.nki Proph Studio Mog 1.nki Proph Studio Mog 2.nki S2 Deeper.nki S2 Europe.nki S2 Pad Sound.nki SQ80 Bass - Big Res.nki SQ80 Bass - Big.nki SQ80 Bass - Fat Res 1.nki SQ80 Bass - Fat Res 2.nki SQ80 Bass - Fat Res 3.nki SQ80 Bass - Hires.nki SQ80 Bass - Res.nki SQ80 Bass - Sharp.nki
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