OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS at Rossborough Inn 301-314-8385 1-800-422-5867
[email protected] OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Campus Walking Tours Terrapin Tours offered Monday - Friday at 11 am & 2 pm departing from the main floor of the Rossborough Inn. MITCHELL BUILDING REGISTRATION OFFICES UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS ROSSBOROUGH INN UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS TOURS DIRECTORY OF CAMPUS BUILDINGS, COLLEGES, SCHOOLS, DEPARTMENTS, ORGANIZATIONS, INSTITUTES, CENTERS, LABORATORIES, LIBRARIES, DINING HALLS CAMPUS DINING 163 Alpha Phi Alpha (social fraternity) C-4 Management D-5 066 Education Annex, West (EDA) C-5 077 Institutional Studies, Offi ce of D-5 054 National Center for Smart Growth Research & Education C-5 034 Russian Language Program D-4 163 Adele’s Restaurant C-4 163 Alpha Phi Omega (coed service fraternity) C-4 039 Center for International & Security Studies at Maryland 079 Educational Talent Search Program E-5 018 Insurance, Institutional E-6 076 National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism & 407 Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center B-4 386 Applause Café B-3 038 Alpha Phi Sigma (criminal justice) D-5 (CISSM) C-5 115 Electrical & Computer Engineering, Dept. of E-3 163 Interfraternity Council C-4 Responses to Terrorism (START) D-4 088 Salamander (Fire Protection) Honorary Society E-4 115 Bytes Café @ A.V. Williams E-3 134 Alpha Sigma Phi (social fraternity) E-5 143 Center for Knowledge Management C-4 311 Elkins Bldg. (USM) A-1 043 International Affairs, Offi ce of D-5 805 National Foreign Language Center (Patapsco