Internet Overview

Router Internet/Networking Overview



Router Notes for CSC 580


• Basic idea: Network of networks • Internet (protocol) vs. “The Internet”

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Packet Switching Some Internet History

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P • ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) experiment to test ideas of “packet switched A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P networks” Packet size determined by MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) • 1969: First goes on-line (UCLA) • Each packet sent independently • 1970’s: Maturing and apps (e-mail in 1972) – Different pieces can routed separately • 1980’s: Widespread in academic, military, – Not dependent on a fixed “switched” connection, and research communities so can “re-route” easily to avoid trouble spots – 1985: NSFNET • 1990’s: The web and privatization • Postcard analogy

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Some Web History Network Protocols

• 1990: Tim Berners-Lee at CERN defined: •A network protocol provides syntactic and – HTTP (transfer) semantic rules for communication. – HTML (presentation) – Often defined in terms of state machines – URLs (reference) – Standards allow service-based interoperability • 1993: Mosaic released by NCSA • Internet RFCs (TCP/IP, DNS, …) • IEEE standards (, etc.) • December 1994: Netscape appears – Improvements in efficiency/caching • Protocols can be in hardware or software – Integrated encryption/SSL to enable secure connections – Ethernet access protocol often in hardware – Portable with attractive / easy-to-use user interface – HTTP and other high-level usually in software

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1 Network Layers Link Layer

• Layered Model: • For directly-connected systems to communicate – Each layer uses only the layer directly below it – Benefit: Different issues to address at different levels of abstraction • Example 1: Ethernet – Ethernet cards IDed by “MAC address” (48 bits) Layer OSI Model IP (or TCP/IP or Internet) Model – E.g., sending from 00:02:d1:61:9c:f1 to 00:d0:15:38:2c:d0 7 Application Examples: HTTP, FTP, SMTP (E-mail)… – Packet: 6 Presentation 00 d0 15 38 2c d0 00 02 d1 61 9c f1 08 00 Data to be transmitted … 5 Session 4 Transport Examples: TCP, UDP • Example 2: PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) link 3 Network IP (Internet Protocol) 2 Data Link layer uses HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) Transmission media (ethernet, , …) 1 Physical – Only two endpoints, so no addressing is necessary! Next: We look at issues and vulnerabilities with each layer. – Includes error detection for flakey links

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Link Layer Issues Link Layer Threats and Vulnerabilities Topology Message Interception

• Original Ethernet – bus topology:

Ring Shared medium Bus

– All systems on a LAN “see” all traffic – Usually ignore all but to them (based on MAC addr) • However: Interfaces can be put into “promiscuous mode”

Hub/Concentrator • Ethernet evolution 1: Hubs Or – Star topology, but all traffic still to all hosts Crossbar/switch • Ethernet evolution 2: Switches – star/tree topology Star Tree – Switch remembers which MAC addresses are connected to which ports, and sends traffic only to addressed host

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Network Layer Issues IP Packets IP Addresses

0 7 8 15 16 31 • Network (IP) layer concerned with addressing and routing Vers: 4 IHL ToS Total Length – Address usually obtained from DNS – an application-layer protocol! ID (for fragmentation) Flags Fragment Offset • Current version of IP protocol: IPv4 TTL Protocol Header Checksum – Addresses are 32-bit values IP Source Address – IP addresses are for interfaces, not computers – Given as 4 bytes in “dotted notation” (e.g., IP Destination Address – Addresses divided into network and host parts • Class C example: 129.120.61 is net addr, 48 is host addr Options (usually empty) • Hosts w/same network addr can talk directly to each other (LAN) • Net address notations: – Subnet mask: Data – Net addr bitcount: – See with “/sbin/ifconfig” in Unix/Linux ; “ipconfig” in Windows

• Everything is just bits being transmitted • Next generation IP: IPv6 – Can all be tampered with! – Header checksum is not cryptographic – for detecting transmission errors, not – Addresses are 128-bit values – huge address space tampering

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2 ARP: Finding the right host on a subnet When ARP goes bad: ARP Spoofing

• Performance: Hosts keep an “ARP Table” of known IP address <-> • Problem: MAC mappings – Ethernet works on MAC addresses (doesn’t understand IP) – Doesn’t have to ask if MAC address known – IP works on IP addresses (doesn’t understand Ethernet) – Updates table with each “I have a.b.c.d” message – How do we get a packet to the right host on a LAN/subnet? – Expires mappings regularly (in case IP moves) In Windows: “arp –a” [root@host ~]# arp -n Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface ether 00:D0:B7:BA:A6:D2 C eth0 • Answer: The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) ether 00:08:20:30:37:FC C eth0 ether 00:02:B3:B5:20:23 C eth0 – Example: Host wants to send to ether 00:D0:B7:93:14:E4 C eth0 • But! Only knows IP address, not MAC address • So: Broadcasts an ARP message on Ethernet saying “Who has • ARP spoofing: To sniff on a switched Ethernet” – Attacker (on same LAN) sends out “I have a.b.c.d” messages for target • responds with “I have My MAC is 00:02:2d:9a:27:72” machine (or all machines!) • Now sends over Ethernet to this MAC – Packets then sent to the attacker rather than the destination (which could be the gateway router) – Attacker can then forward packets so no disruption – just monitoring

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Subnet-to-subnet Communication ARP Spoofing Countermeasures Gateways and Routers • Static ARP tables • Router “lives on” multiple subnets – Local address on each – Sensitive subnets should use static ARP tables – Can be more than 2 NICs / subnets subnet – Mappings don’t expire • Routing tables say what goes where – Mappings are hard-coded to be genuine by the – See with “/sbin/route” in Linux/Unix administrator – See with “route print” in Windows – Not perfect: MAC address spoofing still possible! Router Sample simplified host routing table: Destination Gateway Genmask Iface • Possible future directions: eth0 eth0 – A better solution is still an unresolved research issue Sample simplified router routing table: – Some suggest authenticated ARP Destination Gateway Genmask Iface subnet eth1 • Uses digital signatures (PK Crypto), so slow – and ARP eth0 needs to be very low overhead! eth0

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Network Layer Topology Topology Example

• How are subnets connected together? DMZ – Earlier discussion was physical link topology – now logical links Corporate Network www • Physical layer considerations: mail Internet – Point-to-point: Direct connections of two endpoints • Protocols: PPP (point-to-point protocol – typically over serial/phone lines) and PPoE (point-to-point over Ethernet – used by a lot of DSL) – Broadcast: Sent out to “whoever gets it” (e.g., wireless) – Similar issue on ethernet: switches vs. hubs Controlled Access Point (Router, Firewall, IDS) • Interconnection issues: But: What about public servers? – Ownership: Who owns pieces of the network? • Must make sure “controlled access” is only way in! (Modems, wireless, …) – Control: Sub-network administration • Firewall/border security: “A crunchy shell around a soft, chewy center” (Cheswick) – Boundary: Separation of separate domains of control

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3 About DMZs Faking Network Layer Topology

• Important: What is called a “DMZ” on many home routers is not Virtual Link what a network professional means by a “DMZ”!!! • Overlay networks Subnet 1 – Idea: Use connections over – A network on top of a network • A real DMZ: – P2P can be viewed as overlay networks – Hosts isolated in a separate subnet so traffic does not enter the – Anonymity networks (like tor) are overlay networks – PlanetLab overlay for networking research internal network, even if public hosts broken in to. Physical Path – Can provide gateways or “bastion hosts” that are connected to both internal and external networks (ssh stepping stones). • PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol Subnet 2 – Standard used for dial-up connections • A “home router DMZ”: – One host on each side of a link – All traffic (all ports) is routed to one particular internal-network – Originally for sending network packets over serial connections system – makes an internal host “public” for receiving connections – Actually lets traffic into the internal network, so if someone breaks into the “DMZ host” they have full access to your network!

• More later, when we discuss VPNs

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Network Layer Attacks Field Tampering IP Spoofing • Attack type 1: Put invalid data in fields • Smurf Attack (Simplified) – Example 1: Ping of Death • “Too large” ping packet crashes machine Fake ping packet with src Ping response to – Example 2: LAND Attack and dest Intermediary Victim • Specially crafted packet with both source and destination set to victim address, with fields that make machine lock up

– Example 3: Jolt Attack (and Teardrop) Attacker Victim • Invalid fragmentation of packets that destination can’t reassemble, so machine freezes waiting for more

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IP Spoofing IP Spoofing Countermeasures

• Smurf Attack (DoS amplification) • Filter out broadcast messages at gateway – Doesn’t work if intermediary inside border! Fake ping packet with src – In general: Filter out LAN-only messages across and dest Intermediaries Many (up to 254) ping border responses to Victim … • Egress filtering – Only let out packets with appropriate source addrs Attacker Victim – Doesn’t stop you from being an intermediary or a victim – think of it as “being a good netizen” Works particularly well when Attacker-Intermediaries connection is lower bandwidth than Intermediaries-Victim

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4 Fragmentation issues Fragmentation issues – Cont’d

• Fragmentation: Breaking up long IP packets to fit in • Solutions? a particular type of low-level link – Example: Slow PPP might use maximum packet length of ≈500 – Try every possible packet reassembly bytes for responsiveness vs. typical Ethernet length 1468 bytes • Problem: n fragments gives 2n reassemblies – Know how major OSes work and try those • Security issues: assemblies – Using fragmentation to avoid an Intrusion Detection System • Problem: What if a new machine or new network stack? • Break up a “signature” into multiple fragments • How are overlapping packets re-assembled? – Reassemble packets at firewall • Only a consistent reassembled packet stream seen inside Fragment 1: defauls defauls • Problems: Fragment 2: t.ida t.ida – Difficult to keep up with a very high bandwidth connection at the gateway Reassembly: default.ida defauls.ida No signature – Doesn’t protect from internal attacks (What the host gets) (What the IDS sees) match!

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Transport Layer Issues Transport Layer UDP Packets • IP provides little beyond basic routing – Packets may be lost UDP adds connection distinguishers (ports) to IP: – Packets may arrive out of order 0 15 16 31 – Errors may occur in packets Source Port Destination Port – One address per machine – no way of distinguishing Length Checksum different users/services

• Transport layer Some common UDP protocols: • Domain Name Service (DNS) – port 53 – UDP: User Datagram Protocol • Network Time Protocol (NTP) – port 123 • Adds “ports” to distinguish users/services – TCP: Transmission Control Protocol • “Discoverable” services (IPP, Rendezvous, …) • In addition to ports adds: error detection w/packet • Streaming/multicast transmissions retransmission, packet re-ordering, and sessions (simulated connections)

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Transport Layer Issues TCP Packets The 3-way handshake

TCP adds “sessions” or “connections” to the bare IP protocol: Labels below give (Flags, Seq#, Ack#): 0 15 16 31 Source Port Destination Port (SYN, C-Seq, 0)

Sequence Number (SYN|ACK, S-Seq, C-Seq+1) Acknowledgment Number (ACK, C-Seq+1, S-Seq+1) Data Offset Flags Window Client Server Checksum Urgent Pointer Options • To establish connection, client must prove that it received the SYN|ACK packet! Data • SYN|ACK packet routed to system with source address from Flags: first SYN packet URG: Urgent ptr valid RST: Reset flag – Since based on routing, only secure back to the subnet of the source ACK: ACK valid SYN: Synchronize seq #s PSH: Push function FIN: Finish of connection

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5 SYN Issues – Predictability SYN Issues – SYN Flooding

• Sequence numbers should be unpredictable ) Server Data Structures +1 (SYN, C-Seq1, 0) eq Half-open conn – Most systems today select random values that meet some -S (SYN|ACK, S-Seq1, C-Seq1+1) , C S-Seq1 necessary conditions eq (SYN, C-Seq2, 0) -S , S (SYN|ACK, S-Seq2, C-Seq2+1) Half-open conn K C S-Seq2 |A Client(SYN, C-Seq3, 0) Server N • Otherwise: Y S (SYN|ACK, S-Seq3, C-Seq3+1) : ( Half-open conn rc . . . S S-Seq3 ke . . . fa With fake Src: (SYN, C-Seq, 0) To • DoS isn’t due to traffic volume but to resource exhaustion (memory) in the server O.S. • Early network stacks had a severely limited number of half-open (ACK, C-Seq+1, Predict-S-Seq+1) structures available Client Server Data pretending to come from fake Src • Can spoof SRC address with non-existent host

Particularly dangerous when “fake Src” is a trusted IP address

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Combining Techniques SYN Flooding – Solutions The Mitnick Attack

• SYN cookies ork le netw disab – Basic idea: Use cryptography to avoid saving state lood to SYN F min nable ad – Specifically: Store info in Seq # to verify upon ACK to re-e RSTs Trusted Admin server

Time t MSS Hash(secret, srcIP, destIP, sPort, dPort, t) SYN|ACK goes to admin, TCP conn but ignored because network T ect to 5 bits 3 bits Attacker CP: get has been disabled! 24 bits w/sp curre – Time: Increments every 64 seconds TC oofe nt Se P A d src q# CK w as Trus /pre adm – MSS = Maximum Segment Size (must be remembered!) ted a dict in pp d ed S ata -Se – Cryptograph hash w/secret gives unpredictability (set q# open acc • Only the server and the receiver of the seq# can reproduce seq# ess) Target – Not perfect: Limited MSS options, 24-bits can be brute-forced, … • Lessons learned: • Router solutions (protect hosts without modifying hosts) – In network stack: Seq#’s must be unpredictable! – Rate limiting/shaping, Cisco router “TCP Intercept” feature, … – In network setup: Should filter out local srcIPs coming from outside – In application: IP-based trust is a very bad idea!

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Transport Layer Protection SSL/TLS Application Layer • Originally designed to protect web browser to web server • Task-specific – Invented by Netscape – Protocols for sending e-mail (SMTP), getting web – Generic TCP protection pages (HTTP), secure shell (SSH), … – Authentication: Supports server and client certificates – Confidentiality: Symmetric encryption after key establishment – Can do things that only knowledge of task can – Integrity: All packets protected with a MAC accomplish • Later versions (SSL v2.1) referred to as TLS – TLS incorporated within application-layer protocols now in • Security either provided in application-specific addition to in a sub-application layer • Example 1: IMAP (mail) can be either a separate SSL protected ways (e.g., PGP for e-mail) or by relying on service/port (imaps: port 993) or negoatiated after plaintext startup in standard IMAP (port 143) lower-level protections (SSL/TLS, IPSec, …) • Example 2: LDAP with similar options (ldap is port 389, ldaps is port 636)

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6 Application Layer – Example (HTTP) Basic Network Security Tools Firewalls • Types of firewalls: GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 – Stateless (“packet filters”) • Decisions made independently on a packet-by-packet basis Client Content-Length: 1423 Server • Good for blocking ports (“no incoming HTTP”) or blocking IP Content-Type: text/html addresses/ranges (“blacklists”) • Simple and fast – included in many routers Blah, blah, blah…. – Stateful • Keep information that relates packets to one another • Can track sessions and even related sessions (e.g., FTP control and • Opening message has request and HTTP version data) – Application (or “proxies”) • Content is “media”, so MIME types make sense • Doesn’t forward packets at all – works at application layer • Best example: Web proxies • More on specific applications in later classes… • Allows content filtering as well as security

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Basic Network Security Tools Basic Network Security Tools Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) • Categorization by location: • Categorization by type: – Signature-based – Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS) • Monitors traffic for known suspicious patterns • Many just watch system/audit logs for suspicious activity • Advantages: Fast, few false positives • Some with more sophisticated monitoring (pH: monitors • Drawbacks: Can’t detect novel attacks, must prioritize warnings system calls) • Keeping signatures up-to-date leads to subscription services

– Anomaly-based – Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) • Trys to learn “typical activity” and flag anomalies • Watches all traffic at a certain point (can use a tap) • Anything unusual (including novel attacks) can be caught • If just external access point, can miss insider attacks! • Drawbacks: Slow and atypical behavior doesn’t necessarily mean • On switched networks: Use a “spanning port” bad behavior (too many false positives) • Difficulties with encrypted traffic – Snort and most commercial IDSs are signature-based (sometimes with simple anomaly-based extensions)

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