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FOSTER's Panded r le u lm ^ THURSOAT. OECBlffiEB 8,1 8 t t Average Daily Circulathm The Weather. jHm trbr0t«r £t>»nUto ISrraGk For tfw Month of November, 1942 Forec—t ot'U . S. Weather Mlaa Margaiiet Hyde, R, N., haa Bdward Wlleon at 1S4 Maple John T. Spaulding, Jr., .o f 01 7,814 Oenttened euM wtth Hamlin street, left t ^ morning been appointed aa nurae deputo of street, fonneC' employee of Gor­ AU Auto and Truck . winds tenlgM. About Town the ClvUlaa Defenae Nuraear or­ man Motor Sales, who recently for active duty In the Coast Guard CHICKEN PIE IT e< Mm A n «t ganisation, to succeed Mrs. enlisted In the Ordnance Dlviaion at Manhattan Beach. The young REPAIRS SUPPER^ (7. S .' Governm ent 1 nf Olienintleae Victor Tomm. Cecilia Wandt who haa resigned. o f the U. S. Army as a sergeant man was graduated from Plain- Personal Onnraateed ServlMl MaHehe$ter— A Ciiy of Village Charm «C Mr. and Mra. A lft«d Toinm, ^ s s 'H y d e will preside at the technician. Is awaiting his call to field High school In 1940, and has CHRISTMAS SALE” 4 9 Hoa itTMt, la \ apandlnc a meeting tonight at the T. M. C. A. duty. recently been employed at the ABELLS Has Released - MANCHESTER, C0NN„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4,1948 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE C B I^ la n A with hla parrata. He la on where ^ a demonstration will be East Hartford Aircraft plant. Bear S6 Cooper Street WED., DEC.-9,5:30 To 7:30 TOL.LXn.,N0.5S (OtamISed AiverUilag on Page 19) ly M a eaanp In Canada. He en- given ' two nurses from the Ralph Pulford who has com­ COMMUNITY HOUSE tha aarrlee laat April. State Board of Health. pleted his boot training at the Chapman Court, No. 10, Order Great lakes Naval Training Sta­ o f Amaranth, will meet tomorrow NORTH COVENTRY tion, Chicago, is at hla home on a evening In the small lodge room ALICE UOFBAN Coventry Fragment Society. U. S. and French Soldiers Shake Hands furlough. He Is the son of Mr. and o f the Masonic Temple. All mem­ (Known As Qneea AUce) VACUUM CLEANERS MENU: CMcken pte, mnahed Mrs. Arthur H. Sweeney ot 24 bers are urged to attend the meet­ SPIBITIIAl ItBUICM New Warships Join potatoes, turnips, cranberry Starkweather street Mr. Sweeney ing and to remain for a aocial Seventh Itanghter of a Seventh Sea Smashes Japs’ LO W PRICES snnoe, plekles, oUves, m old^ who is a veteran of World War I, time with refreshments. Bom With a Veil. salad, rolls, coffee, apple tapioca. Tht O. P. A. Formula under which we figure prices on is again in the service at Fort Readings Dally, Ineindlng Snaday, BUY NO W! thcM items, results in a very low price for you. Monmouth, N. J. • A. M. to a P M. Oir By Appoint, Adnits, 91.99 ChIMran, 6Se meat. In the ServMa of the Pen- Beservationa MI7, or George Cochrane, of Hartford, TALL CEDARS pie for M Venra. WllUmaatic Division British Navy Fleet NATIVE POTATOES peck 39c 199 Cbnreh Street, Hartford, Conn. Later May Be Too Late Efforts to Bolster will show U. S. air corps motion Mrs. Leon Anstla. Uaho Baking Potatoes............................................ .5 for 2.5c pictures at the meeting of the Kl- B I N 0 * 0 Phone SAOn YeDow Onions............................................................ ibs. 18c wanls club next Monday noon. Walter Quinn Is scheduled to give TOMORROW NIGHT White Onions...............................................................3 lbs. 42c the attendance prise and two sol­ diers from the local Coast ArtlU ORANGE HALL P rem ier Guadalcanal Forces In Mediterraneai PURE LARD lb. 19clery unit will be guests. If You Hold a Certificate We Have and -*■ For Friday or Saturday Dinner...a Lower Price On Toll of Axis Shippi Fresh Pork Warships Destroy Nine New Tires Reaq> Hres Cities Cut Report Shows Work Relief Program Sunk by Allied S< SPARE RIBS lb. 25c More Enemy Vessels And Air Battles Rii New Bulk Sauerkraut................................................. lb. 10c U n iversal With Estimated Loss Their D ebt Fire Produced To Six Supply Vf No. 2 Vi Cans Sauerkraut.................................... ...............15c SEAFOOD New Kcycles Of Thousands of Nip­ No Longer Necessary SPECIALS FOR: FRIDAY sels. Three Destroy We Win Recap Your Tires Upright Models ponese Troops; 141 Past Year LAMB PATTIES 4 for 29c Poisonous Gas ers and Torpedo Be Bring them in the morning and yon can have them This Superb Seiected Liver is Worth Every Cent We> Japanese Killed i n ' RoameU Direct. Com-'AsSCrt Regale Yourself With a SealFood Dinner in the afternoon. All Apparently Si Have To Ask For It. Routine Patrol Opera ITar Program Helps to Burning of Imitation plete Liquidation of Tomorrow. Ours Is Always Fresh — Within 24 Hours*] FRESH CALVES' LIVER, i lb. 43c Always Expertly Prepared. SHELL GAS SHELL o n . $ O n . 9 5 tionsy Latest Report. Reduce Indebtedness Leather Furnishings Projects by Feb. 1 or Yankee Units REMEMBER OUR SLOGAN:^ Total of 410 CUieSy Are Blamed by Qiem- As Soon as Feasible. London, Dec. 4.— B U Y F R ID A Y ' 5 ? up Washington, Dec. 4.— I Warships so new they stilll Buy all the staples you conveniently can on Fridays. AD Government Reports. ists for Deadly Fumes. On Defensive “NO WINES— NO UQUORS— CampbeD’s S ^ c e Station — ^The Navy announced today Washington, Dec. 4.— (/P) are on the “ secret list” wer week-end speciials are in effect Friday and Saturday. that 14 Japanese were killed —President Roosevelt today reported today to have joine Washington, Dec. 4 — (iP) —‘ BuDetin! JUST GOOD FOOD” Cor. Main St. and Middle Tpk. T el: 6161 during routine patrol opera­ ordered complete liquidation Britain’s Mediterranean fleet BUTTER lb. 55c America’s gigantic war program Boston, Dec. 4—(JV—An In- Report Still-(^ntinuing INCLUDED IN OUR SEA FOOD MENU ARE: tions in Guadalcanal in the which sent the Federal debt aky- daatrial chemUt com missioned of the Work Projects Admin­ as the toll of Axis shipp Juicy Florida O m n ^ . • .............................................doz. 38c Solomon islands on Thurs­ Battle Going in Fav> / Tank Type rocketing past the 3100,000,000,- to test decorative materials istration relief program. The sunk by Allied sea and Green Beans•aa«aaa*oaoneeeeeoaeeooaooeee*2 35C day, Guadalcanal time. This 000 mark has helped hundreds of need la the Coooanut Grove president, in a letter to Maj. or of Axis in Re< battles rose to six Tunis Fancy Beets • • • • • ••••a«oeoooeoeo»*e«oo*bunch lOc was the first action announc­ cities to reduce their indebtedness. Bight club testified at an oBI* Gen. Philip B. Fleming, Fed­ bound supply vessels, thr SWOR3F1SH Vacuum cial inquest todny that Virtual­ gion of Tebourba. SCALLOPS ill LOBSTER ed since the Navy smashed The Census Bureau reported to­ eral works administrator, destroyers and a torpedo boat, al( day that the total debt of the 410 ly nil of the 15 snmplee he ob­ apparently sunk within a 24-ho YELLOW GLOBE TURNIPS SHRIMP I|1 ANY STYLE another major JapaneM effort to tained burst Immediately Into said the WPA rolls had great­ OAK GRILL' bolster their tired and dwindling cities with s population of over Berlin (From German Broad­ span. These holes in the enen^S Fresh Oysters and Clams —- The Way Yon Like ’Em! Cleaners 25,000 dropped 2 per cent during flame or Ignited soon after n ly decreased through the "tre­ casts) Dec. 4—(>P)—A Transocean sea communicationa across ranks on the iiland. United States flame teet was applied. i peck 19c ‘’WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” the past fiscal year. The total In­ mendous increase in private em­ Sicilian narrowa, announced warships destroyed nine more ene­ ployment, assisted by the training dispatch aaaerted today that my vessels with an estimated loss debtedness amounted to 36,332,- British communiques of sue PINEHURST FRIDAY FRESH FISH SHIPMENT Boston, Dec. 4—{/Pt— Attorney With smiles and handahakes, American soldiers send off a con­ and re-employment efforts of its American forces in Tunisia are on of thousands of Nipponese troops. 000,000, a decline of 3185.000.000 tingent of French African troops to the Tunisian battle line. ’The sive days, countered frantic TH E T E A ROOM Dim AND DANCE from the 1941 fiscal year mark. General Robert T. Bushnell to­ own organization, to a point the defensive, pressed closely to­ WiD Include Oysters - Clams - Haddock Fillets - Salmon Communique No. 212 said: ceremony took place in the Oran, Algeria, railroad station. efforts to get new men and au)i 883 Main Street 0pp. St. James’s Clmreh Beyeraea Upward Trend day possessed a state chemiata' where x national work relief pro­ gether, in a still-continuing battle plies into North Africa for tha Filleta - Perch and Mackerel Fillets - Whole Mackerel - To the Lilting Tunes ot * “ South Pacific: (All dates are gram is no longer necessary.” with the going in favor of the Axis Cod and Pollack. ’nils drop in municipal indebt­ report that burning imitation attempt to hold Tunisia. oast longitude). edness, which reversed an upward Mr. Roosevelt ordered the clos­ in the region of Tebourba. "1. On Dec. 3rd, ground activi­ leather furnishinga produced a Only One Destroyer LMt 1 DON MAC AND HIS trend which had been steadily ing out of all project operations "A group of 60 enemy parachut­ ty on Guadalcanal Island was con­ poisonous gas in the Cocoanut in many statea by Feb. 1, 1943, ists which landed south of Tunis Britain has announced the mounting for a decade, was at- so far of only one destroyer, fined to routine patrol operations Grove night club fire that took and in other states as soon there­ has been surrounded and ia facing RHYTHM MASTERS during which 14 Japanese were Ill-Trained Units annihilation,” the dispatch aaid.
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