BROTHERS IN ARMS A Film by Paul Alexander 68 Minutes, Color & B&W, Digital Video, 2004 FIRST RUN FEATURES 153 Waverly Place New York, NY 10014 (212) 243-0600/Fax (212) 989-7649 Website: Email:
[email protected] Brothers in Arms The Story of the Crew of Patrol Craft Fast 94 In 2003, before John Kerry was the Democratic presidential candidate, acclaimed author and first-time filmmaker Paul Alexander began filming Brothers in Arms, which would tell the story of the unique relationship that was formed between six men who endured the horrors of Vietnam together. In the early months of 1969, six men met on a swift boat on the Mekong Delta during some of the worst fighting of the Vietnam War. Five of the men were crewmates --Tommy, Mike, Gene, David, Del -- and they came from across America, from Boston to Northern California, from South Carolina to Iowa. Their commander was a young Yale graduate named John Kerry. The experiences they shared would change their lives forever. The six men have remained close for the last 35 years. Interviews, photographs and archival footage of the war not only captures the dramatic and true story of what happened to these six brave men in the Mekong Delta, but also recounts what happened after the war and delves into the way each dealt with the experience of fighting in, as David puts it, “a war I discovered we didn’t intend to win.” In 2002, when Paul Alexander published Man of the People, he interviewed some of the men with whom McCain had been imprisoned in the Hanoi Hilton during the Vietnam War.