The Necessity for Testing Germination of Fresh Seeds in Studies on Diaspore Heteromorphism As a Life-History Strategy
Seed Science Research (2013) 23, 83–88 doi:10.1017/S096025851300010X q Cambridge University Press 2013 RESEARCH OPINION The necessity for testing germination of fresh seeds in studies on diaspore heteromorphism as a life-history strategy Jerry M. Baskin1,2, Juan J. Lu1, Carol C. Baskin1,2,3* and Dun Y. Tan1 1Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology and Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Western Arid Region Grassland Resources and Ecology, College of Grassland and Environment Sciences, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Uru¨mqi 830052, China; 2Department of Biology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, USA; 3Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546, USA (Received 15 September 2012; accepted after revision 8 March 2013) Abstract Introduction and background Many studies have compared diaspore dispersal Diaspore heteromorphism is the production of two or ability and degree of dormancy in the two diaspores more seeds and/or fruits (sometimes with accessory of dimorphic plant species. A primary goal of these parts) on an individual plant that differ in many ways, studies was to determine if germination and dispersal such as morphology, mass, dispersal ability and characteristics of the two morphs fit within a high risk– degree of dormancy (Manda´k, 1997; Imbert, 2002). low risk (bet-hedging) life-history strategy, i.e. high There are two main categories of diaspore-hetero- dispersal/low dormancy in one morph versus low morphic plants: heterodiasporous and amphicarpous. dispersal/high dormancy in the other one. In a survey In heterodiaspory, two or more diaspore morphs are of 26 papers on 28 diaspore dimorphic species, we produced above ground, while in amphicarpy one or found that in 12 of the studies, which were published more diaspore morph(s) is (are) produced above between 1978 and 2008, seeds were stored, and thus ground and one or more below ground (Manda´k, 1997; possibly afterripened, before they were tested for Barker, 2005).
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