September 2014

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September 2014 The Fourword Volume 42 Number 9 September 2014 Maryland State FOP Biennial Conference The Maryland State Fraternal Order of Police held their 24th Biennial Conference in Solomons, Maryland from August 10 – 13th. The delegates from Baltimore County Fraternal Order of Po- lice, Lodge #4 participated in the election of your state FOP representatives, state political en- dorsements, and changes to the state constitution and by – laws. Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown received the state wide endorsement for Governor. Sena- tor Brian Frosh received the state wide endorsement for Attorney General. Comptroller Peter Franchot received the state wide endorsement for reelection. Prince Georges County FOP Past President Vince Canales was elected to be the Maryland State FOP President, and former Maryland State President, Daryl Jones, also from Prince Georges County, was elected to the Conductor position. All other Maryland State Officers were unop- posed and retained their positions for an additional two years. Representing the Professional Police Officers of Baltimore County The Fourword Seminar. LODGE 4 OFFICE August 10 – 13 Attended the 9304 Harford Road Maryland State Fraternal Order Baltimore, Maryland 21234 Phone (410) 668-0004 of Police, Bi – Annual Confer- FAX (410) 668-8126 ence. Toll Free (888) 313-3501 August 14 Attended a Step 3, MEETING MINUTES Office of Administrative Hear- ELECTED OFFICERS August 2014 ings promotional posting griev- Cole B. Weston ance. President The August General Business August 15 Met with a represen- (443) 956-2679 meeting was held on August 25, tative from M & T Bank to up- Steven G. Comegna David M. Rose st nd 2014 at FOP Lodge 4. Presi- date and review the FOP Lodge 1 Vice President 2 Vice President dent Weston called the meeting F.O.P. Lodge 4 F.O.P Lodge 4 4 account. (410) 409-0293 (443) 956-2643 to order at 7:30 p.m. Chaplain August 20 Met with a member Merkle gave the invocation. David J. Folderauer, Sr. Robert W. Caskey concerning resignation from the Lodge Secretary Treasurer President Weston led the Pledge department. RATT CID-Robbery of Allegiance. (410) 382-2075 (443) 956-2615 August 22 Participated in the FOP Lodge #4 golf tournament. W. Donald Patterson Ryan Massey ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS State Trustee Sergeant at Arms August 25 Met with a county PC12 CID - Homicide Past President Caslin was ex- employee in reference to a work Paul A. Merkle L. Timothy Caslin cused. Brother Mike DiCara related injury, attended meet- Chaplain Past President ings of the Political Action Retired Retired was on vacation. Brothers Massey, Rommel, and Joe Committee, the Executive EXECUTIVE BOARD of DIRECTORS Caskey were working. All other Board of Directors, and chaired Kenneth F. Schubert Mike DiCara elected officers and Board the FOP Lodge #4 General Chairman Vice Chairman members were present. Legal Membership meeting. Retired PC 4 (410) 404-2788 advisor Mike Marshall was also in attendance. ~ 1st V. P. COMEGNA ~ Thomas G. Scally Lou Lagna CID - Arson Retired APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES July 29 President Weston and I Donna Patterson Patrick Zito PC12 Retired OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING met with the Baltimore County James P. Rommel, Jr. Ryan Franks Director of Human Resources, PC11 CID - Gun Squad A motion was made by Brother George Gay, in reference to the Joe Caskey Kathy Kraemer CID - Homicide PC 6 Grumbach to accept the minutes county’s failure to “post” the of the July, 2014 General Mem- LODGE STAFF application opening date for the bership Meeting. A second was Lt’s test. Juanita Bouthner—Administrative Assistant Nancy Skinner—Administrative Assistant made by Brother Folio. There August 5 Attended a meeting of was no discussion. The motion the Maryland State Lodge Spe- LEGAL ADVISORS passed. cial Investigations Committee. Schlachman, Belsky & Weiner, P.A. August 6 Attended another Phone (410) 685-2022 REPORTS OF OFFICERS IAS Cases Michael Marshall meeting of the Maryland State ~ PRESIDENT WESTON ~ Lodge Special Investigation ********************** Committee. The Fourword is the official monthly July 29 Met with The Director publication of Baltimore County August 7 Traveled to Prince of the Office of Human Re- Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 4. Georges County Lodge # 89 in sources, George Gay in refer- reference to a special investiga- ence to the promotional posting tion being conducted by the Fourword Editor grievance. Kathryn Greenbeck Maryland State Lodge. July 31 Attended an EEOC Precinct 8 August 10 – 13 Attended the Technical Assistance Program Page 2 The Fourword Maryland State Biennial Confer- Association of ence at Solomon’s Island. Bereavements Baltimore County August 14 Attended a Step #3 Retired Police grievance hearing regarding the Retired Brother Lieutenants’ test. Woodrow Harman Meeting August 19 Met with a member ************ ***************** about an IAS case and another Retired Brother November 4, 2014 member about retirement op- James Zulauf ***************** tions. All meetings are held at August 22 Participated in the ************ Parkville Heritage Gardens at FOP Golf Tournament. Keith T. Weber Father of Brother Keith 7:30 p.m. August 25 Attended the Execu- tive Board of Directors and the Weber II General Business Meetings. th ************ 24 Maryland State FOP Bien- Margaret Mary Himpler nial Conference in Solomons, ~TREASURER CASKEY~ Mother of Brother Maryland. Henry “Butch” Himpler August 8 Worked at the lodge to August 15 Reconciled and up- loaded our Campaign Finance prepare for the MD State FOP ************ Report that was due before Au- Conference. gust 26, 2014. August 10-13 Attended the bien- August 20 Transmitted and re- nial Maryland State FOP confer- corded our “Pre General Report ence in Solomons, MD. # 1”, to the State Office of Cam- August 15 Met with our account paign Finance. manager from M&T Bank to dis- August 21 Attended Phase II cuss our account. range. August 18 Met with two repre- August 22 Attended and played sentatives from BB&T Bank, August 25 Attended a meeting in the FOP Lodge # 4 Annual who were trying to gain our busi- of the Political Action Commit- Golf Tournament. ness. tee, attended the Executive August 25 Attended a meeting of August 22 Participated in the Board of Directors Meeting, the Political Action Committee, FOP Lodge 4 Golf tournament at and attended the General Busi- attended the Executive Board of Rocky Point Golf course. ness Meeting. Directors and General Business August 24 Worked at the lodge. Meetings. August 25 Attended a P.A.C. EXECUTIVE BOARD meeting, the EBOD meeting, and OF DIRECTORS REPORT ~2nd V. P. ROSE~ the General Membership meet- ~ Kenny Schubert~ ing at the lodge, where I reported August 6 Attended a fundraiser on the financial status of the An Executive Board of Direc- for Delegate John Cluster. lodge. tors meeting was held on Au- August 10-13 Attended the gust 25, 2014. The meeting was SECRETARY FOLDERAUER called to order at 5:00 p.m. Past th President Caslin was excused. August 10 – 13 Attended the 24 Brother Mike DiCara was on Maryland State FOP Biennial vacation. Brothers Massey, Conference in Solomons, Mary- Rommel, and Joe Caskey were land. working. All other elected offi- August 22 Attended and played cers and Board members were in the FOP Lodge # 4 Annual present. Legal counsel Mike Golf Tournament. Page 3 The Fourword Lodge #4 "Fallen Heroes" Memorial Scholarship Awards Applications for the Fall, 2015/Spring, 2016 scholarships are available now by contacting Lodge #4. Nine (9) $3,000.00 awards are made each year. Applications for these awards are open to the sons, daughters, adopted children, step-children or legally court-appointed wards, who are citizens of the United States. The applicant’s parent or guardian shall have been an Active or Retired member in good standing of Baltimore County FOP Lodge #4 for at least one (1) full year prior to the date of application for the current year scholar- ship awards. The applicant must be or will be a full-time student at a recognized college or univer- sity. The deadline to return the completed application with required attachments is February 1, 2015. Marshall was also in attendance. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Course and was sold out. Motions that were made, after receiving a proper second, were ATHLETIC COMMITTEE DONATION REVIEW discussed, voted upon, and ap- ~Don Patterson~ COMMITTEE pear in this issue under the ap- The Lodge 4 Golf Tournament ~Paul Merkle~ propriate committee reports. was held on Friday, August 22, The committee met and made 2014 at Rocky Point Golf the following motions: Page 4 The Fourword Motion to donate $ 100.00 to the sergeants however, did the Stahl advised he would have a Semper Fi Fund on behalf of a “mental gymnastics” to go on to decision by August 20, 2014. member who will be participat- the County website during the ap- On August 8, 2014 the FOP filed ing in the Marine Corps mara- plication period and apply for the an application for a Preliminary thon. The event is to be held on test even though there was no no- Injunction in Baltimore County October 26, 2014. tification the application process Circuit Court to have the Lieuten- Motion to be a Wish Sponsor at had been opened. ant exam postponed until the the second annual Summer Cele- President Cole Weston and First grievance could be resolved. A bration benefiting Make-A-Wish Vice President Comegna met with hearing was held on August 27, Mid–Atlantic with a donation of the Director of Human Resources, 2014 in front of Judge Cox. At $1000.00, which provides a table George Gay to discuss the situa- the conclusion she stated she for eight guests at the event on tion and attempt to reach a fair would not rule until the Mr.
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