The Western Pacific Margin

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The Western Pacific Margin 19 0 by Seiya Uyeda The Japanese island arc and the subduction p ro cess A C AL C- A LK A L INEANDE S ITE S HI G H ST R E S S (C HI L E A N ) TY P E P OR PH YR Y COP PE R MOUNT AI N BE L T L A RGE SUP P L Y O F T E RR IGE NOUS M A TE R IAL 尸 ingtrastingcific the counterparts.The Japanese characteristics western Pacificisland The Japaneseto arc, subduction those in generalof arc the zones, itself eastern have consistsinclud- con- Pa- 一 — 一 — 一一 SH A LLO W .一弃 - U PLIFT 名 二 二王二宾于 牛-TRFNCH- 互二墓葬梦 二一一二-PRONOUNCED BULC二一二甲二弓蕊夔笔毫 , + . ofJapanSometwo results arearcs systems: thatof'recent also the eastinvestigationshave Japan contrasting arcs on and the features. the tecton- west Y.U.G PLATE ics and deeper structures of these subduction zones are reviewed . 豁ER, SAIIIIA IVEN ,镶囊舞瘫爵 C om parative subductology and general B features of the Japanese subduction zone L OW ST R E S S (MA RI AN A ) TY P E B AS AL T S K UR OKO F E W ANDE S IT E S T he Japanese subduction zone forms。。important part of the chain RI D GE TYP E BAS AL T S of subduction zones in the western Pacific margin. The other major BA CKA RC SPRE ADI N G system of subduction zones is the Peru-Chile system along the east- 日A RRE N TR EN CH WAL L ern rim of the Pacific. Subduction zones of these tw o systems generally have major contrasting characteristics. Typically, the west- 一 辱奏友李习 ern Pacific subduction zones form island arcs w ith backarc basins, 令点燕,今 w h ereas the eastern Pacific on es form co ntine ntal arcs with C ord ille- OL D PL AT E ran mountain ranges in their backarc regions. The end mem bers of these subduction zones are called , in term s of com parative subduc- tology Wy eda and Kanam ori, 1979; Uyeda, 1982 , 1983), the M ari- ana type, where backarc spreading is in action, and the Chileantype, J谁,荃卜哎 J 勺 J CO 工卜02 卜 巴 可 山 w here the backarc is under a com pressional stress regime. M ajor features characteristic to these two types of subduction zones are sum m arized in figure I. The fundam ental cause that gives rise to the contrasting features 淤 脂 却 depicted in figure I is the difference in the degree of physical coupling between subducting and overriding plates; the coupling is strong in the Chilean-type and weak in the M ariana-type subduction zones. It is not quite clear w hat causes the different degrees of physical coupling , although several possibilities have been put for- F igure I 一Cartoon diagram s show ing the two ideal m odes of w ard, including the difference in age of subducting plates. conver- subduction with possible tectonic implications and causes (not to gence rate, motion of overriding plate relative to trench axis, direc- scale). tion of sublithospheric flow , and the physical nature of plate interface, such as asperity (K anam ori, 1986). Recently. Shimarnoto and others (19911 have show n that there is a close correlation be- E urasian plate in the northern portion and beneath the Philippine Sea tween the size of maximum interplate earthquakes and the width of plate in the southern portion. There is a view that this part of the that part of the contact plane that is estimated to be seism ogem c from E urasian plate joined the North Am erican plate a couple of million or therm al and Theological features. so years ago when collision in H okkaido caused a jum p of the The Japanese subduction zones, in this paper. cover the region convergent plate boundary between the North Am erican and Eurasian extending from the Kuriles in the north to the Philippine Sea in the plates from central Hokkaido to the line along the eastern rim of the south (fig. 2). Thev are subdivided into the follow ing tw o system s: Sea of Japan and the ]toigaw a-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (IST L) in the east Japan arcs that com prise Kurile, northeastern Honshu, Izu- central Honshu as show n in figure 2 (Nakam ura, 1983). This vie" B onin, and M ariana subduction zones; and the w est Japan arcs, explains the occurrence of a series of thrust-type earthquakes along com prising southw estern H onshu and R yukyu subduction zones. the eastern rim of the Sea of Japan and proposes an interesting A long the fanner system . old Pacific plate is subducting beneath the possibility that the Sea of Japan coast of northeast Honshu is in the Septem ber /991 191 junction owing to the colliding unsubductable Izu Peninsula. while Peninsula. Izu unsubductable colliding the to owing junction the ISTL is essentially a thrust fault along the western rim of theof rim western the along fault thrust a essentially ISTLis the Fossa Magna.Fossa Another T-T-T-type triple junction, the Off Central Honshu Central Off the junction, triple T-T-T-type Another Eur一‘an,一少 (McKenzieexample classic a is which 2), fig. in (och junction triple and Morgan, 1969) and unique in the present-day globe. is formed t( formed is globe. present-day the in unique and 1969) Morgan, and rIaL.e sense the in unstable is junction triple This area. Kanto the of east the SEAOF rni- it if stabilized bewould and (1969) MorganMcKenzieand of JAPAN-> i} configuration present the If trough. Suruga the to westward grated 吮 户 "North overriding the of tip southeastern the be maintained, to American" plate will be continuously destroyed. Even if such tec- such Evenif destroyed. continuously be will plate American" 护:犷 still will junction triple Plate the of position the place, takes erosion tonic 峨 叹一 一 一 the in production plate sufficient is there unless movewestward, ‘~~一~example (for plate Sea Philippine retreating the of portion northern Carlson and Mortera-Gutierrez, 1990). According to the intense the to According 1990). Mortera-Gutierrez, and Carlson SHIKOKiLi\BASIN 少 0履汹 么 一 么as area, the of morphology the Project, Kaiko the of investigation well as the history of the Philippine Sea plate motion. is higbl} is motion. plate Sea Philippine the of history the as well complex, and conflicting views have been expressed on the tectonic the on expressed been have views conflicting and complex, evolution of this triple junction (for example. Seno and others, 1989: others, and Seno example. (for junction triple this of evolution 续 \ 嘴长~ ~ Houchonofsub-andLabaume, thickness the Furthermore, 1989). 生 MARIANAbeneath intercalating material plate Sea Philippine and Pacific ducted Philippine S e2 and Pichon (Le area the of evolution tectonic the complicates area the 戮 TROUGH C/ 1!11 subducting is plate Sea Philippine the west. Further 1987). Houchon, 飞 \ Ryukyu the and trough Nankai the at plate Eurasian the beneath 令 trench. ,‘ 一 水 一.一 / // PARECEVELA / BASIN westand east the Comparisonof / Japanarcs Figure 2. -Outline index map of the Japanese subduction zones. subduction Japanese the ofmap index -Outline 2. Figure Thick lines with teeth are converging plate boundaries. Arrows boundaries. plate converging are teeth with lines Thick distinct show to tend arcs Japan east the of zones subduction The features that are considered to be inherent to the typical trench- typical the to inherent be to considered are that features indicate relative plate motions. su, Suruga trough; sa, Sagami sa, trough; Suruga su, motions. plate relative indicate 3showssomeeast-west figure example, For setting. arc-backarc trough; sf, South Fossa Magna triple junction; och, Off CentralOff och, junction; MagnaFossa South triple sf, trough; Honshuthenortheastofcrosssections about 40' N.Featuresarcat to Honshu triple junction; ISTL, Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line; Tectonic ISTL,Itoigawa-Shizuoka junction; Honshutriple be noted include the Japan Trench and its pronounced negative pronounced and its Trench Japan the include noted be KSM,KashimaVLBIstation. free-air gravity anomaly, the Japan backarc basin and its negligibly its and basin backarc Japan the anomaly, gravity free-air small gravity anomaly and an oceanic crust. the almost-continentai the crust. oceanic an and anomaly gravity small incipient stage of slow eastward subduction. This view also provides also view This subduction. eastward slow of stage incipient Pnlow anomalously has that Honshu arc northeast the of crust a logical reason why the ISTL became a major thrust boundary and aand boundary thrust major a becameISTL whythe reason logical a flow heat high the and side trench the on flow heat low the velocity, rapid uplift of the so-called Japan Alps mountains started in early in started mountains Alps Japan so-called the of uplift rapid the volcanoes, active of front awell-defined backarc onside, the Pleistocene time. Plate boundaries shown in figure 2 are based on based are 2 figure shownin boundaries Plate time. Pleistocene high- landward-dipping aand seismicity, thrust interplate intense this view. this a andforming seismicity deep having slab lithospheric V-high-Q Recent results of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) interferometry baseline long very of results Recent (for study electromagnetic Recently, zone. Wadati-Benioff double measurement, one of the major studies of the Japanese Dynamics andDynamics Japanese the of studies major the of one measurement, subterranean the of details some revealed has 1987) Utada, example, Evolution of the Lithosphere Project (DELP), show that since 1984 since showthat (DELP), Project Lithosphere the of Evolution subducting the that show that conductivity electrical of distribution Kashima station (KSM in fig.
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