Machu Picchu, Manu Road classic 13 days.

Day 1: ARRIVE TO LIMA: They arrived safe to lima at 10:30 pm and then we transfer them into our hotel in Miraflores.

Day 2: Lima – Pucusana - Villa Marshes – Afternoon flight to Cusco we have been to Pucusana for our boat trip on the Pacific Ocean: we were very lucky to see Surf Cinclodes (endemic) when we just arrived near the port, then we did our usually trip; We have seen: Humboldt Penguin, Blackish Oystercatcher, Guanay Cormorant, Red-legged Cormorant, Peruvian booby, Blue-footed Booby, Inca Tern, Peruvian Pelican, Whimbrel, Ruddy thurstone, Suffbird. After Pucusana we have been to Pantanos de Villa; we have found here: Long-tailed Mockingbird, Harris’s Hawk, Gray Gull, Gray-hooded Gull, Belcher’s Gull, Anden Gull, Kelp Gull, Franklin’s Gull, American Oystercatcher, Spotted Sandpiper, Andean Coot, Common Gallinule, Cinnamon Teal, White-cheeked Pintail, Great Grebe, Snowy plover, Wilson’s Plover, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Peruvian Meadowlark, Yellow-hooded Blackbird, Many-colored Rush-Tyrant, Wren-like Rushbird, Striated Heron, Burrowing Owl, Scrub Blackbird, Groove-billed Ani, Little-blue Heron. After nice morning we went for buffet lunch at Rustica’s Costa Verde and after excellent food we went to catch our flight to Cusco

DAY 3: Cusco – From Huacarpay Lake to our lodge at 1500 m

We started early drive to Huacarpay Lake and get some time birding around. We have seen today: Yellow-billed Teal, Yellow-billed Pintail, Plumbeous Rail, Andean Teal, Yellow-winged Blackbird, Andean Negrito, Band-tailed Sierra-finch, ban-tailed Seedeater, Chiguanco Thrush, Andean Flicker, Green-tailed Trainbearer, Giant Hummingbird, Rusty-fronted Canastero (endemic), Black- winged Ground-Dove, Bare-faced ground-dove, Black-throated , Black-tailed trainbearer, Bearded Mountaineer (endemic), Greenish Yellow-finch, Green Violetear, Puna ibis, Black-faced Ibis, Andean Potoo, Lyre-tailed Nightjar before we get to our lodge.

DAY 4: Birding along Manu Road up to 2200m and back to 1500m

Early breakfast and birding along the upper road at to 2500 m: Scale-crested Pygmy-tyrant, Yungas Manakin, Plumbeous Pigeon, Paradise, Silver-beak, Blue-necked, Orange-eared, Golden, Saffron-crowned, Berly-spangled, Spotted, Slaty, Bay-headed, Palm, Blue-Gray, Golden-naped, Yellow-throated , Common, Yellow-throated Bush-, Andean Cock of the Rock, Speckled Chachalaca, Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper, white-crowned Tapaculo, Andean Motmot, Andean Solitarie, Ash-browed Spinetail, Montane Foliage-gleaner, Deep-blue Flowerpiercer, Black-eared Hemispingus, Sickled-winged Guan, Speckled Hummingbird, Violet-fronted brilliant, Sparkling Violetear, Wire-crested Thorntail, Peruvian Piedtail (endemic), Golden-olive Woodpecker, Slate- throated Redstart, Three-stripe Warbler, Versicolored Barbet, Golden-crowned Flycatcher, River Tyrannulet, Bananaquit, Yellow- breasted Antwren, Green Jay, Russet-backed, Dusky-green Oropendolas, Blue-banded Toucanet, Bronze-green, Purple-throated Euphonias and after dinner Rufescent Screech-Owl near the lodge

DAY 5: Birding along the Road to Atalaya village and boat ride to our Amazon lodge at 512m

Early breakfast and birding the upper road again for mixed flocks and some other species that we could not seem well prior day. The morning was great but after lunch it was raining for few hours until we reach the Lodge.

We have seen some new species for our list: Gray-breasted Wood-Wren, Green-fronted Lancebill, Chestnut-tipped Toucanet, Montane woodcreeper, Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner, Cinnamon-faced, Bolivian Tyrannulets, Marble-faced, Variegated and spectacled bristle-tyrant, Rufous-tailed Tyrant, Cinnamon, Lemon-browed, Streaked, social, brown-crested Flycatchers, Black phobe, Tropical Kingbird, White-winged Becard, Purplish, Vioaleceous Jays, White-winged Swallow, Pale-eyed, Black-billed Thrush, Magpie, Black-googled, Short-billed Bush-tanager, Yellow-bellied, Green and Gold Tanagers, Black-faced Brush-finch, Black and white seedeater, Pale-legged, Two-banded Warblers, Yellow-rumped Cacique, Hooded Siskin, Orange-bellied Euphonia, Blue- naped Clorhophonia, Yellow-bellied, Black-faced, Blue Dacnis, Spot-breasted Woodpecker, Blue-crowned trogon, Gray-breasted Sabrewing, Golden-tailed Sapphire, White-collared Swift, Smoth-billed Ani, Fasciated Tiger-heron.

DAY 6: Birding along a trails early morning, clearing lodge and trail in the afternoon.

We started early exploring the Jeet Trail and we did a loop behind the small lagoon and a creek near the main river for the morning and after lunch we search for some around the clearing lodge and we have been to watch birds from the small tower behind the staff house. After dinner we search for some nocturnal birds. Weather was good in the morning and we got some rain after lunch but it did not interfere on our biding activities.

Birds seen: Cinereous, Black-capped, Undulated Tinamous only heard; Blue-throted Piging-Guan, Razor-billed Curassow, King Vulture, Gray-necked Wood-Rail, Ruddy Pigeon, hoatzin, Great potoo, Short-tailed Swift, Blue-tailed Emerald, Rufous-crested Coquette, White-necked Jacobin, Fork-tailed Woodnymph, Violaceous, Collared, Black-tailed Trogons, Bluish-fronted jacamar,

Black-fronted Nunbird, lemon-throated Barbet, Chestnut-eared Aracari, Crimson-crested Woodpecker, Plain Xenops, Plain-winged Antshrike, Pale-legged Hornero, White-lined Antbird, Thrush-like, Amazonia Antpittas only heard, Rusty-fronted, Yellow-browed Tody-flycatchers, Yellow-Margined, Gray-Crowned, Gray-capped, boat-billed, Short-crested, Dusky-capped Flycatchers, Lesser Kiskadee, Long-Tailed Tyrant, Pink-Throated Becard, Bare-necked Fruitcrow, Fiery-capped, Band-tailed Manakins only heard, Ringed Antpitit only heard, Masked-Crimson Tanager, Pectoral Sparrow, Red-capped Cardinal, Crested Oropendola, Common Pauraque, Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl.

DAY 7: Early start visiting Parrot clay lick and Machu Huasi Oxbow Lake - Afternoon Birding.

We have visited a parrot clay lick but we did not see much and turned back to Machu Huasi communal reserve for a raft floating boat made from a balsa wood and birding along the trails before we back to our lodge. After lunch we have been to the trail near the stream and part of the bamboo stand forest. Weather was great; sunny, humid and did no rain during the day.

Birds seen: Rusfecent Tiger-Heron, Collared Plover, Drab water-Tyrant, Yellow-browed Sparrow, Little Ground-tyrant, Swallow- Wing, Great Antshrike, Black-banded Woodcreeper, Black-capped Donacobius, Grayish Saltator, Purple, Gallinule, Yellow-rumped Cacique, Great Kiskadee, Horned Screamer, Pale-eyed Blackbird, Scarlet-hooded Barbet, Gould’s Jewelfront, Pygmy Antwren, Warbling Antbird, Bamboo Antshrike, Cream-colored Woodpecker, Blue-Crowned Motmot (Amazonian), Turquoise Tanager, Plain Tyrannnulet, white-lored tyrannulet, sepia-capped Flycatcher and many more..

DAY 8: Breakfast we headed back to Manu road up to 3000 m

We have been to the parrot clay lick again this morning and we have seen some parakeets actually licking clay! Then we started our trip back to manu road and get into the station to spend overnight there. We have found some mixed flocks and great view of Golden-headed Quetzal and several other species. We arrived to get our accommodations and dinner.

DAY 9: Birding down road and drive up to San Salvador on the way to Cusco City

We started with a nice sunrise view from our cabins and then excellent breakfast, after we drove down road after the second tunnel for much diversity and after some hours birding around there we turned back on the way to Cusco but we took different road up to 5000 m for Giant Coot and other specialist among the area, then we drove straight to Cusco city. Dinner and overnight in our comfortable hotel.

DAY 10: Train ride up to Machu Picchu Pueblo (Aguas calientes)

We went up to Poroy station for our train ride for 3 hours around. We arrived to our hotel and we went up to Machu Picchu by buss. After an amazing time around the Inca site we drove back to the small pueblo for our lunch and afternoon birding. Dinner and overnight.

DAY 11: Morning Birding and Train ride up to Ollantaytambo (sacred Valley)

Full morning birding! And after lunch train ride to our hotel in Ollantaytambo. Dinner and overnight there.

DAY 12: Morning Birding up to Peñas, Abra Malaga and Carrizales – Cusco

Early start birding up the road for endemic species, we had the best view ever of Cuzco Brush-finch and after lunch we drove straight to Cusco. Dinner

DAY 13: City Tour and our last lunch together - Afternoon flight to Lima

After a great time visiting Inca ruins outside town we meet again for our last lunch together.


Machu Picchu Time! Amazonia Lodge Last Lunch!


@ Omar Diaz –

Grass-green Tanager Torrent Duck


White-tufted Sunbeam Blue-throated Piping-Guan Barred Becard

King Vulture Gould’s Inca White-capped Dipper

Rusfecent Screech-Owl Violaceus Trogon Orange-eared Tanager

Peruvian Piedtail Barred Fruiteater Blue and Black Tanager

Cinereous Tinamou H Andean Gull X Booted Racket-tail X Black-capped Tinamou H Franklin’s Gull X Bearded Mountaineer X Andean Goose X Inca Tern X Masked Trogon X Puna Teal X Plumbeous Pigeon X Blue-crowned Trogon X Cinanmon Teal X Ruddy Pigeon X Violaceous Trogon X Yellow-billed Teal X Band-tailed Pigeon X Collared Trogon X Yellow-billed Pintail X Pale-vented Pigeon X Black-tailed Trogon X White-Cheeked Pintail X Spot-winged Pigeon X Golden-headed Quetzal X Torrent Duck X Rock Pigeon X Andean Motmot X Crested Duck X Bare-faced Ground-dove X Blue-crowned Motmot X Sickle-winged Guan X Eared Dove X Amazon Kingfisher X Blue-throated Pipin-Guan X West Peruvian Dove X Ringed Kingfisher X Razor-billed Curassow X Black-winged Ground-dove X Bluish-fronted Jacamar X Speckled Chachalaca X White-tipped Dove X Swallow-wing X Andean Guan X Military Macaw X Black-fronted Nunbird X White-Tufted Grebe X Blue-headed Macaw X Scarlet-hooded Barbet X Great Grebe X Chestnut-fronted Macaw X Lemon-throated Barbet X Pied -billed grebe X Mitred Parakeet X Versicolored Barbet X Sungrebe X White-eyed Parakeet X Chestnut-tipped Toucanet X Neotropical Cormorant X Dusky-headed Parakeet X Blue-banded Toucanet X Guanay Cormorant X Andean Parakeet X Chestnut-eared Toucanet X Red-legged Cormorant X Blue-headed Parrot X Fine-barred Piculet X Cocoi Heron X Speckled-faced Parrot X Yellow-tufted Woodpecker X Striated Heron X Squirrel Cuckoo X Crimson-mantled Woodpecker X Little Blue Heron X Smooth-billed Ani X Golden-olive Woodpecker X Fasciated Tiger-Heron X Groove-billed Ani X Spot-breasted Woodpecker X Rufescent Tiger-Heron X Hoatzin X Andean Flicker X Black-crowned Night-Heron X Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl X Cream-colored Woodpecker X Snowy Egret X Rufescent Screech-Owl X Crimson-crested Woodpecker X Cattled Egret X Andean Potoo X Black-banded Woodcreeper X Great Egret X Great Potoo X Amazonian-barred Woodcreeper X Horned Screamer X Common Pauraque X Buff-throated Woodcreeper X Puna Ibi X Lyre-tailed Nightjar X Olive-backed Woodcreeper X Black-faced Ibis X White-collared Swift X Montane Woodcreeper X Turkey Vulture X Chestnut-collared Swift X Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper X Greater Yellow-headed Vulture X Short-tailed Swift X Surf Cinclodes X Black Vulture X Giant Hummingbird X White-winged Cinclodes X King Vulture X Green and White Hummingbird X Azara’s Spinetail X Andean Condor X White-bellied Hummingbird X Ash-browed Spinetail X Swallow-Tailed Kite X Wedge-billed Humingbird X Marcapata Spinetail X Plumbeous Kite X Speckled Hummingbird X Creamy-crested Spinetail X Roadside Hawk X Many-spotted Hummingbird X Rusty-fronted Canastero X Black Caracara X Gray-breasted Sabrewing X Pearled Treerunner X Mountain Caracara X Golden-tailed Sapphire X Montane Foliage-gleaner X Gray-necked Wood-rail X Green Violetear X Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner X Plumbeous Rail X Sparkling Violetear X Streaked Tuftedcheek X Purple Gallinule X Violet-fronted Brilliant X Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper X Common Moorhen X Shining Sunbeam X Streaked Xenops X Giant Coot X White-tufted Sunbeam X Plain Xenops X Andeat Coot X Gould’s Inca X Pale-legged Hornero X Andean Lapwing X Black-tailed Trainbearer X Great Antshrike X Collared Plover X Green-tailed Trainbearer X Bamboo Antshrike X Snowy Plover X Tyrant Metaltail X Plain-winged Antshrike X Semipalmated Sandpiper X Sapphire-spangled Emerald X Variable Antshrike X Greater Yellowlegs X Blue-tailed Emerald X Pygmy Antwren X Spotted Sandpiper X Rufous-crested Coquette X Yellow-breasted Anwren X Solitary Sandpiper X White-necked Jacobin X White-lined Antbird X Kildeer X Fork-tailed Woodnymph X Peruvian Warbling Antbird X Whimbrel X Gould’s Jewelfront X Red and White Antpitta X Ruddy Turnstone X Wire-crested Thorntail X Thrush-like Antpitta X Suffbird X Green-fronted Lancebill X Amazonian Antpitta X Wilson’s Pahalarope X Peruvian Piedtail X White-crowned Tapaculo X Belcher’s Gull X Chestnut-breasted Coronet X Sclater’s Tyrannulet X Kelp Gull X Violet-throated Starfrontlet X Plumbeous-crowned Tyrannulet X Gray Gull X Long-tailed Sylph X Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet X Gray-hooded Gull X Amethyst-throated Sunangel X Cinnamon-faced Tyrannulet X Bolivian Tyrannulet X Blue and White Swallow X Plushcap X Torrent Tyrannulet X Andean Swallow X Yellow-browed Sparrow X River Tyrannulet X White-banded Swallow X Rufous-collared Sparrow X Plain Tyrannulet X Southern rought-winged Swallow X Pectoral Sparrow X White-lored Tyrannulet X White-winged Swallow X Band-tailed Sierra-finch X Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet X House Wren X Chestnut-breasted Mountain-Finch X

White-banded Tyrannulet X Inca Wren X Greenish Yellow-finch X White-throated Tyrannulet X Mountain Wren X Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch X White-tailed Tyrannulet X Gray-breasted Wood-Wren X Black-Faced Brush-Finch X Marbled-faced Bristle-tyrant X Thrush-like Wren X Cuzco Brush-Finch X Variagated Bristle-tyrant X Long-tailed Mockingbird X Band-tailed Seedeater X Spectacled Bristle-tyrant X Black-capped Donacobius X Drab Seedeater X Forest Elaenia X Andean Solitaire X Black and White Seedeater X Sierran Elaenia X Chiguango Thrush X Blue-black Grassquit X Many-colored Rush-tyrant X Great Thrush X Red-capped Cardinal X Tufted Tit-tyrant X Glossy-black Thrush X Grayish Saltator X Unstreaked Tit-tyrant X Pale-eyed Thrush X Buff-throated Saltator X Scale-crested Pygmy-tyrant X Black-billed Thrush X Golden-billed Saltator X Rusty-fronted Tody-flycatcher X White-capped Dipper X Tropical Parula X Black-backed Tody-flycatcher X Silver-beaked Tanager X Slate-throated Warbler X Common Tody-flycatcher X Masked-crrimson Tanager X Spectacle Warbler X Yellow-browed Tody-flycatcher X Magpie Tanager X Pale-legged Warbler X Sepia-capped Flycatcher X Slaty Tanager X Citrine Warbler X Slaty-capped Flycatcher X Rust and yellow Tanager X Two-banded Warbler X Olive-striped Flycatcher X Black-googled Tanager X Russet-crowned Warbler X Ornate Flycatcher X Fawn-breasted Tanager X Three-Striped Warbler X Cinnamon flycather X Blue-capped Tanager X Buff-rumped Warbler X Yellow-margined Flycatcher X Blue and Yellow Tanager X Banaquit X Gray-crowned Flycatcher X Palm Tanager X Dusky-green Oropendola X Unasdorned Flycatcher X Blue-gray Tanager X Russet-backed Oropendola X Streaked Flycatcher X Common Bush-Tanager X Crested Oropendola X Golden-crowned Flycatcher X Yellow-throated Bush-tanager X Yellow-rumped Cacique X Gray-capped Flycatcher X Gray-hooded Bush-Tanager X Yellow-hooded Blackbird X Lemon-browed Flycatcher X Short-billed Bush-Tanager X Yellow-winged Blackbird X Boat-billed Flycatcher X Hooded Mountain-Tanager X Pale-eyed Blackbird X Social Flycatcher X Grass-green Tanager X Thick-billed Siskin X Brown-crested Flycatcher X Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager X Hooded Siskin X Short-crested Flycacther X Yellow-throated Tanager X Olivaceous Siskin X Dusky-capped Flycatcher X Silver-backed Tanager X Orange-bellied Euphonia X Lesser Kiskadee X Golden Tanager X Purple-throated Euphonia X Great Kiskadee X Blue and black Tanager X Bronze-green Euphonia X Tropical kingbird X Beryl-Spangled Tanager X Blue-naped Chlorophonia X Black Phoebe X Saffron-crowned Tanager X Brown-backed Chat-tyrant X Golden-naped Tanager X Rfous-breasted Chat-tyrant X Blue-necked Tanager X Little Ground-Tyrant X Spotted Tanager X Black-billed Shrike-tyrant X Bay-headed Tanager X Andean Negrito X Orange-eared Tanager X Long-tailed Tyrant X Yellow-bellied tanager X Rufous-tailed Tyrant X Green and gold Tanager X Drab-water Tyrant X Paradise Tanager X Pink-throated Becard X Parodi’s Hemispingus X White-winged Becard X Superciliaried Hemispingus X Barred Becard X Black-eared Hemispingus X Squirrel Monkey X Red-crested Cotinga X Oleaginous Hemispingus X Gray Wolly-monkey X Chestnut-crested Cotinga X Three-striped Hemispingus X Brown-Capuchin Monkey X Andean Cock of the Rock X Black-faced Dacnis X Saddled-Backed Tamarin Monkey X Bare-necked Fruitcrow X Blue Dacnis X Tapir X Yungas Manakin X Green Honeycreeper X Bolivian Squirrel X Fiery-capped Manakin X Purple Honeycreeper X Tayra X Band-tailed Manakin X Capped Conebill X South American Sea-lion X Brown-capped Vireo X Black-throated Flowerpiercer X Red-eyed Vireo X Rusty Flowerpiercer X Green Jay X Deep-blue Flowerpiercer X Purplish Jay X Masked Flowerpiercer X Violaceous Jay X Moustached Flowerpiercer X