Council Votes Pay Raises for Its Employees
Your Want Ad The Zip Code Is Easy To Place- for Mountainside is Just Phone 686-7700 07092 An OHicial Newspaper * For The Borough 01 Mountainiide SuBltr ,p>,en Mill Seeend Clgii Psiigg* I'dbdcn Thyrid.iy hy Tr,,F.->(if r>uhi iNr-i>ncj' t ofp 25c per topi VOL. 19-NO, 24 Poid m MDunloinlidr, N, J. MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J., THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1977 7 New Providence Ho^l Vouni,i ^ dr N J fl-(W? 19 50 Yearly Council votes pay raises for its employees By KAREN ZAl'TYK works, $6,000, construction code official The Mountainside Borough Council, and building subcode official, $3,000 at its monthly meeting Tuesday night in each, plumbing subcode official, the Beechwood School, adopted a $2,800; public works foreman, $12,500. salary ordinance for municipal em- public works employees, full-time, ployees after fielding questions from $10,500; administrator of public several who apparently were assistance, $2,200; and janitor, SR.fXKi dissatisfied with the increases provided -O-O-- The complaints reportedly stemmed ALSO APPROVED at the session was from the fact that borough treasurer a salary ordinance for the local Police and tax collector Ruth Gibadlo had Department, providing a seven percen! requested a pay increase and was given across-the-board wage increase a 22 percent wage hike, whereas other salaries include: chief, $20,009; cap- employees received increases ranging tain, $18,800, detective lieutenant, DIAMONDS ARE...Shown in Mountainside Girls' Softball League action are, from 7 to 10 percent $18,511; lieutenant, $18,347; detective from left, batter
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