Annual Report Memoria Anual 2019 Ι Bienvenida
ANNUAL REPORT MEMORIA ANUAL 2019 Ι BIENVENIDA WELCOME LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD In these 130 years, Falabella has become part of the more digitized than those in Latin America, physical sto- Chilean and Regional history. We have brought products res help attract new customers, increase brand aware- from around the world to millions of customers, impro- ness and therefore brand choosing, facilitate product ving their quality of life, providing them with access to deliveries, and especially product returns. The hallmark good quality goods and services, and at low prices. Our of our work in physical stores will be adapting them for shopping malls have become the new parks of cities, this new scenario, digitizing the customer’s shopping ex- creating meeting and entertainment spaces. We have perience to provide them with greater added value, and helped to bring banking to the population and demo- reducing friction of interactions. We will focus invest- cratize loans and consumption. The leadership achieved ments on remodeling our best stores and renovating has been obtained through conviction and execution our leading shopping centers. consistency, supported by innovation and adaptation to various environments. This combination of digitizing the company and betting on e-commerce, leveraged on a network of stores, sho- These achievements have been possible thanks to the pping malls and logistics distribution centers, is what vision and drive of many people working in the com- builds the Falabella physical-digital ecosystem. We pro- pany in the past, and the current support of more than mote our wide and differentiated product offer with a 100,000 collaborators, helping us to surprise our custo- model that creates permanent relationships over time, mers, daily.
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