Its Tectonics and Its Relationship to East Antarctica

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Its Tectonics and Its Relationship to East Antarctica References LeMasurier, W.E. 1972-b. Volcanic record of Cenozoic glacial history of Marie Byrd Land. In R.J. Adie (Ed.), Antarctic Geology and Geophysics. LeMasurier, W.E. 1972-a. Volcanic record of Antarctic glacial history: Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Implications with regard to Cenozoic sea levels. (Special publication U.S. Geological Survey. 1965. 1:500,000 Antarctica Sketch Map, Hobbs no. 4.) Institute of British Geographers. Coast Byrd Land. Reston Va.: U.S. Geological Survey. West Antarctica: Its tectonics and its during the 1980-1981 antarctic season with the object of elu- cidating West Antarcticas tectonics and relationship to the East relationship to East Antarctica Antarctic craton (Doake, Crabtree, and Daiziel 1983). During the period from December 1983 to March 1984, the first full season of work was undertaken in the area between the base of I. W. D. DALZIEL the Antarctic Peninsula and the Thiel Mountains (see figure). Aviation fuel was flown in by USARP to the Martin Hills, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University Ellsworth Mountains, Mount Smart, and Siple Station, addi- Palisades, New York 10964 tional fuel was made available at South Pole Station. Two Twin Otter aircraft for close support of the geology party and for R. J. PANKHURST airborne geophysics were provided by BAS. Members of the geologic party were: from USARP, Ian W.D. Dalziel, Columbia British Antarctic Survey University, New York; Anne M. Grunow, Columbia University, Cambridge CB3 OET, United Kingdom New York; and Walter R. Vennum, Sonoma State University, California; and from BAS Robert J. Pankhurst and Bryan F. Storey. The geophysical program was planned jointly and un- A joint U.S. Antarctic Research Program (USARP)/British Ant- dertaken in the field by BAS scientists Stephen Garrett, Myron arctic Survey (BAs) geology and geophysics project was initiated Maslanyj, and Howard Thompson. Detlef Damaske of the Bun- Map showing localities mentioned in text. ("HH" denotes Hart Hills; "MJ" denotes Mount Johns; "MM" denotes Mount Moore; "MW" denotes Mount Woollard; "NH" denotes Nash Hills: "PH" denotes Pirrit Hills; "PN" denotes Pagano Nunatak; "SH" denotes Stewart Hills; "SN" denotes Sonntag Nunatak.) 1984 REVIEW 35 desanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Hann- Mountains, Mount Smart, and Siple Station. BAS Twin Otters over, Federal Republic of Germany also participated in the will again be made available for close-support of the geological geophysical field work. The Twin Otters were piloted by Cap- party and for airborne geophysics. tains Carry Studd (chief pilot). Ed Murton, and Richard Hasler. Acknowledgments. The joint USARP/BAS program has benefited Geology. The geology program for 1983-1984 was concen- enormously from the enthusiastic support of Edward Todd trated on the Ellsworth Mountains/Thiel Mountains ridge (Director, Division of Polar Programs, National Science Founda- (Craddock, Webers, and Anderson 1982). Work was under- tion), Richard M. Laws (Director, BAS), Mort D. Turner (Program taken in the Thiel and Whitmore Mountains; Hart, Nash, Mar- Manager, Polar Earth Sciences, Division of Polar Programs), and tin, Pirrit, and Stewart Hills; Haag, Pagano, and Sonntag Charles W.M. Swithinbank (Head, Earth Science Division, BAS). Nunataks; and Mounts Johns, Moore, and Woollard. In addi- Price Lewis, Kenneth Moulton, David Bresnahan, and Erik tion, brief visits were made to the northern Ellsworth Moun- Chiang (Polar Operations Section, Division of Polar Programs) tains and to the southwestern Patuxent Mountains (see figure). and John Hall (BAS Field Operations Manager, Rothera) Basic field observations were undertaken by the whole party provided invaluable support. The Antarctic Development including detailed structural observations in the metasedimen- Squadron (VXE-6) of the U.S. Navy Antarctic Support Force tary rocks by Bryan Storey and Ian Daiziel. Extensive collec- provided the essential LC-130 support. Finally, the willingness tions were made for major and trace element geochemical anal- of Chuck Kroger (USARP) and of Ian Lovegrove and Paul Wood ysis by Walter Vennum and for isotope geochemical studies by (BAs) to help all of us in many aspects of logistics and safety in Robert Pankhurst. Anne Grunow and Ian Daiziel collected 608 the field is greatly appreciated. cores and 38 oriented hand samples constituting 126 sites for The U.S. part of the joint science program is supported by paleomagnetic studies. National Science Foundation grant DPP 82-13798 to Ian W.D. Airborne geophysics. The geophysical program involved flying Dalziel. British Antarctic Survey is a component institute of the aeromagnetic and simultaneous radio-echo sounding surveys Natural Environment Research Council. along two grids. One grid was located in a triangle between the Ellsworth, Thiel, and Whitmore Mountains; the other grid was References between the Ellsworth Mountains and the base of the Antarctic Peninsula (see figure). Approximately 14,000 on-line kilometers Craddock, C., G.E Webers, and J.J. Anderson. 1982. Geology of the of trace were flown. Ellsworth Mountains-Thiel Mountains Ridge. In C. Craddock (Ed.), program will continue during the The joint USARP/BAS Antarctic geoscience. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1984-1985 season with geologic work in the Jones Mountains Doake, C.S.M., R.D. Crabtree, and I.W.D. Dalziel. 1983. Subglacial and Thurston Island/Eights Coast areas and airborne morphology between Ellsworth Mountains and Antarctic Peninsula: geophysics in the area between the Ellsworth Mountains, New data and tectonic significance. In R.L. Oliver, P.R. James, and Thurston Island, and the base of the Antarctic Peninsula (see J.B. Jago (Eds.), Antarctic Earth sciences. Canberra: Australian Acade- figure). Fuel has been made available by USARP at the Jones my of Science. 70o 680 56o Preliminary studies of a fossil flora 74 72o from the Orville Coast-eastern 7Olander-Tolletson WEDDELL SEA cHorner Nunataks Ellsworth Land, Antarctic Peninsula \ RONNE CE Sky-Hi Nunataks C. T. GEE EASTERN Merrick Mts Department of Botany (weeneT. University of Texas at Austin 06 J ames Morgan baseca p Austin, Texas 78713 Nunataks OWitte Nunataks , 0 ELLSWORTH Plant remains of a gymnospermous Jurassic flora were col- Nunatak lected by a U.S. Geological Survey field team led by P.D. Rowley during the 1977-1978 field season from the Orville Coast and 76 LAN: eastern Ellsworth Land regions of the southern Antarctic Penin- Cape sula. (See figure.) The area is underlain by Middle and Upper o 20 40 60 Jurassic volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks of the Latady Forma- F^-RONNE ICE SHELF KILOMETERS tion which interfinger with the caic-alkaline silicic volcanic rocks of the Mount Poster Formation (Rowley et al. in press). All Location map of the Orville Coast and eastern Ellsworth Land, of the rocks of the Latady Formation, which consists of dark- Antarctic Peninsula. 36 ANTARCTIC JOURNAL.
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