Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 1 2 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE The Sure Road “I came down from heaven to point out to you the way along which you must journey in order to attain peace: that of conversion and of a return to the Lord, through prayer and penance. I came down from heaven to give you my Immaculate Heart, as a refuge in which to take shelter and the sure road which leads you to the God of salvation and peace. The Sure Road that leads to an encounter with the God of salvation and the Father of divine mercy. The Sure Road which leads you to accept all the truth contained in the Gospel of my Son Jesus. Thus you become shining examples of the lived-out Gospel and courageous witnesses of Christ, who draws you to follow Him, in the daily actualization of his divine word. The Sure Road which leads you to renounce every form of sin and evil, to have a concrete experience of grace, of love and of purity. The Sure Road which opens up for the full communion of love among you all, made brothers by the bond which unites you as children of one and the same Father, redeemed by one and the same Son, sanctified by one and the same Spirit, and become children of one sole Mother. My Immaculate Heart is the Sure Road which leads you to a reciprocal communion so that the new commandment which my Son Jesus has given you might at last become a reality: ‘Love one another as I have loved you’. On this Sure Road walk—each and all—with me, in confidence and in certain hope, in joyous expectation of the greatest triumph of God which will take place with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.”

PRAYER O Holy Mother we consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart, the surest road to a life with Jesus and to salvation.

HolyHoly Queen Queen2010 JUNE 3 2010 JUNE 3 Holy Queen Chief Editor : TOM ZACHARIA VELLOOKUNNEL Senior Sub Editor : CATHERINE MARIAM Sub Editor : Dr. Joseph Thomas Contents Editorial Board : Joy Joseph, Joshi P.P, Francis Thekkekara, Devasia A.D Publication Manager : Thankachan P.C. Circulation Manager : Babu E.K. Editorial 5 Office incharge : Mini Pala Salvation of all Souls 8 Layout : Babu M.D. Design : Bijesh Jose A Catholic Theologian Regional centres: My Reminiscences of a May 12 Tom Zacharia Manchester : International Marian Centre, Manchester, U.K. Tel : 00441612820135 Same Mother: For me and Jesus 18 Surianelly: Marian Centre, Maryland, Joshi Pandari Surianelly P.O 685 618, Tel : 04868 324904 Mumb ai : National Marian Centre, Daily Saint 21 Seawoods West, Navi Mumbai - 400 706 With the Mother 22 Tel: 022 - 22905649 Baby Jose Delhi : Marian Centre, Pandav Nagar, New Delhi 110 018 Tel: 011 22484566 Pilgrimage to Holy Land and.... 24 C e ai : h nn Marian Centre, No.4/39/C Tom Zacharia (First Floor),St.Patrick’s Church Road, 3rd lane, Butt Road, St.Thomas Mount, Chennai 600 016 Be One in the Holy Spirit 28 Tel: 044 22340222 Joby Scaria Velankanni: Marian Centre, Teacher’s Colony. Mother Most Admirable 30 Velankanni - 611 111. Tel: 0436 - 526 4237 Mini, Pala Bangalore: Marian Centre, No.6,2B Cross, OMBR Layout, Banaswadi,Bangalore, 560 043 News 33 Tel: 080 -22793065

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4 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE The Great Festival of the Holy Spirit And Holy Mary

“God wishes that in the end period His Holy Mother Mary be known, loved and respected all the more”. These lines are from the book ‘True Devotion to Mary’ of St. Louis de Montfort. Yes, Holy Mary should be known, loved and respected. This is the will of God the Father! How could this be accomplished? Though devotees of Holy Mary have been celebrating her festivals, reciting the Holy Rosary and praying Novenas for years on end these have neither resulted in an increase in the love towards her nor made her known more widely. Many have deserted her and the Catholic Church. This was because their devotion to her was not borne out of real love. Those who have real love towards the Mother can never reject her. Those faltered were who approached her seeking favors with selfish motives. How shall Holy Mary be made known, loved and respected throughout the world? Jesus Christ is acceptable to all denominations of Christianity. Everyone who believes in Jesus desires to have the Holy Spirit also. All of the non-catholic churches strongly long for and strive for the intervention of the Holy Spirit in their lives. None of the plans of God would be accomplished without the participation of the Holy Spirit. The cause of the present misery of the world is the absence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of people. Then is it true to state that there is no Holy Spirit in the lives of people? When we truly understand the promise of God that He will pour out his Spirit on all, there is nothing wrong in asserting in the negative. On the day of the Pentecost, filled with the Holy Spirit, St. Peter along with the other eleven disciples, stood up and proclaimed: “This is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh”.(Acts 2:16- 17). Cross-checking the same prophesy with Joel (2:28) it is said: “Then afterwards I will pour out my spirit on all flesh”. The Holy Spirit reveals through St.Peter that ‘then afterwards’ mentioned in Joel means “in the last days”. The fulfillment of the prophesy of Joel began two thousand years ago. It was the promise of the Lord that He would give His Spirit to all. But only 120 persons received the Holy Spirit 2000 years ago. Later through the disciples of Jesus the Holy Spirit was given to many in the world. Among the more than 600 crores of people in the whole world only very few have received the Holy Spirit. Moreover, the truth of the matter is that a

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 5 large majority of the Christians who have received the Holy Spirit know nothing about Him. But what the Holy Spirit said through St. Peter has to be fulfilled; all should get the Holy Spirit. Holy Virgin Mary is the person chosen by God to give the Holy Spirit to the whole world. She has been appointed to do so by God. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of the Pentecost was the outcome of the faith of Holy Mary. She was the only person in that community who had already received the Holy Spirit. It was her faith that aroused the disciples. It was she who enthused them to wait in prayer for ten days. And in these last days she has been appointed to give the Holy Spirit to the whole world. Holy Mother was required to give Jesus to the world. She was needed for the occurrence of the Pentecost as well. If so she is indispensable for the fulfillment of the prophesy of Joel revealed through St. Peter by the Holy Spirit. In the 2000 years since the Pentecost and especially in the last 500 years the Holy Spirit has been poured out through many non-catholic preachers. But everyone in the world has not experienced it, because it was not given through Mary. It would be through the Holy Spirit that God the Father would be exalting and glorifying Holy Mary. By pouring out the Spirit on all He would through Mary deliver people from their sins and curses, subdue the diabolic powers, redeem the lost souls, free the possessed and mentally distressed and thus enable people to enjoy all the blessings of God. The heroic works of the Holy Spirit that happened in the Early Christian Community were the outcome of the fidelity and faith of Holy Mary. This was because when Holy Virgin Mary received the Holy Spirit, He found joy in making her His home. When the will of God was revealed to Mary through Angel Gabriel, the Messenger said: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the most High will overshadow you” (Luke1:35). The moment Mary offered herself to the will of God by saying: “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word” (Luke1:38), the Holy Spirit ushered into Her. From that juncture onwards Mary gave herself fully to the Holy Spirit. She found joy in loving and making the Holy Spirit happy. It was her steadfast relationship with the Holy Spirit that caused Jesus to grow unblemished in her. In other words, Jesus was born out of the deep relationship of Mary and the Holy Spirit. It was this relationship that gave Jesus holy and unblemished and as Son of God to the world. The Holy Spirit found joy in making home in Mary. As a result when Mary greeted Elizabeth, through her voice the Holy Spirit jumped out to Elizabeth and to the child in her womb. The love the Holy Spirit received from the offering of Mary powered the Holy Spirit to usher into another person (Luke 1:39-44). When the Holy Spirit is pleased with a person it does not require his long prayer for the Holy Spirit to usher into others. A sound, a call or a breath, that is enough for the Holy Spirit to spring to action.

Holy Queen 6 2010 JUNE While discussing about the ‘The Great Festival of the Holy Spirit with Holy Mary’ in the group about three months ago I had not perceived its importance. However, in the past three months I have recognized it. The Holy Spirit requires worthy vessels to work in each period. He chooses and appoints them. Once a person gets such a call, he has to empty himself and offer completely. This is because the holiness and power of God have to flow through him. If there are no vessels worthy enough for Him to make a home, He is incapable of doing anything. But if one offers himself the Holy Spirit would sanctify and use him for Himself. Worthy vessels are those who are unblemished. To make one a worthy vessel the Holy Spirit sanctifies him with fire. Only when one is sanctified in fire can the Holy Spirit work in Him. Holy Mary was one such worthy vessel. None in the world has the perfection and holiness of Holy Mary. The Holy Spirit has been waiting for a time when people would eagerly thirst for Him through Holy Mary recognizing her importance. Spirit in Jesus is a community of her children who have recognized her. In the last 22 years the Holy Spirit has taught me that the anointment of the Holy Spirit would not attain perfection without the Holy Mother and therefore to do service exalting Her. The Holy Spirit taught me to start the Rosary Legion and thus kindle the devotion to the Rosary, the publication of Itha Ninte Amma ( Monthly) and the Holy Queen, the Miracles in Rosary and the T.V. programs, and later the Rosary Revolution which presently culminates in the offering of 5 million Rosary to the Mother. YES, it is the Holy Spirit who has organized this Great Festival to exalt Holy Mary. Hallelujah! O God, I thank you for your infinite mercy. The Great Festival during May 7, 8 and 9 at Ernakulam would be of great joy for the Holy Spirit, I do believe. An event like this—a Great Festival of the Holy Spirit exalting the Holy Mother, is unprecedented. Yes, this is the first of its kind in the world. Since Holy Mary was not present in the many services for the Holy Spirit, they were painful to Him. Yet He came. But in the Great Festival at Ernakulam He would be ushering in great joy. He is seeing His dream of a millennium flowering at Ernakulam. I do believe that this service at Ernakulam would mark the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophesy which the Holy Spirit made through St. Peter that ‘in the last days I will pour out my spirit on all flesh’. Yes, a new Pentecost would happen at Ernakulam! Many people from various parts of the world- England, America, Bahrain, and other Gulf countries- have made enquiries about the festival, knowing from word of mouth and sought entry passes. The Holy Spirit has begun His works to make this Festival great. A beautiful tent has come up at the Kaloor stadium; arrangements for accommodation and to web-cast the program live on the internet have also been made. These are expected to incur lakhs of rupees and we expect liberal contributions from all. Once again I invite all of you to this Festival; along with that your valuable prayers, cooperation and monetary aid are also earnestly solicited. I pray that the almighty God may bless each one of you in abundance. Chief Editor, Tom Zachariah Vellookunnel.

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 7 A Theologian in the Catholic Church

Prayers for the salvation of souls in the Syro- Malabar Church


It was seen that Jesus died and resurrected Psalms 130, 88 and 6: for whom are they intended? for the salvation of all souls including the Psalm 130 is the first prayer offered in the damned ones; it is for that purpose only Holy Propria (prayers according to season) of the Masses are to be consecrated and they become Holy Mass for All Souls Day. It is as follows: perfect only when done so. When the prayers “Out of the depths I cry to you, in the Syro- Malabar liturgy were examined in O Lord. that light it was found that they were intended Lord, hear my voice! not only for those who are in purgatory but also Let your ears be attentive for those in hell. We examine below certain to the voice of my supplications! prayers (Psalms) said in the Holy Mass and in If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, the Office for the dead. Lord, who could stand?

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 8 Holy Queen 2010 UN 8 J E Let my prayer come before you; incline your ear to my cry.” Psalm 6 is prayed in the Office for the dead. It is as follows: “O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger, or discipline me in your wrath. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing; O Lord heal me, for my bones are shaking with terror. My soul also is struck with terror, while you, O Lord—how long? Turn, O Lord, save my life, deliver me for the sake of your steadfast love. For in death there is no remembrance of you; in Sheol who can give you praise? In fact using these prayers we pray not for the souls in purgatory but for the souls in hell because the above prayers suit souls in hell more than the souls in purgatory. It may be seen that the latter do not undergo that kind of agonies; an examination of their state of affairs would show. The state of souls in purgatory. But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered. On the state of souls in purgatory the I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, Catechism of Catholic Church (CCC) says “All and in his word I hope; who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still my soul waits for the Lord imperfectly purified are indeed assured of their more than those who watch for the morning, eternal salvation”(CCC1030).A person who die more than those who watch for the morning. in grace and friendship of God would certainly O Israel, hope in the Lord! have led a long life in that state. If a person For with the Lord there is steadfast love, who led a sinful life meets with death all on a and with him is great power to redeem sudden, it is difficult to believe that he It is he who will redeem Israel transformed himself immediately prior to his from all its iniquities.” death and died in “God’s grace and friendship”. The spiritual state of a person living in “God’s Psalm 88 also could be said in the place of grace and friendship” is very lofty. Certain Psalm 130. The former reads as: relevant quotes from the Bible Encyclopedia “O Lord, God of my salvation, published by the Pourasthya Vidyapeedom when at night, I cry out in your presence,

Holy Queen Holy Queen2010 JUNE 2010 JUNE 99 (Oriental Academy),Vadavathur “It is by power of God’s grace that a person moves Seminary, Kottayam, are given below: away from darkness. A person who makes his home with “God who showers his grace Jesus by the grace of God frees himself from the chains accepts and saves man. It is the one of sin. That grace makes him a new creation in Jesus. It is who finds grace before God who is in fact a re-birth due to the indwelling of the Spirit”(P.243). called to His righteousness”(P.240) “Christ, the giver of grace, becomes the centre of the “The greatest blessing that a life of the person filled with grace” (P.244). person can obtain who have found What sort of purification a person dying in the above grace before God is the fruit of spiritual state has to undergo after his death? What sort holiness. He becomes God’s own of sufferings he has to endure? Where does the person when God becomes his protector. He who dies in “God’s grace and friendship” go after death – is filled with peace and serenity” to purgatory or to heaven? (P.242). Do Souls in Purgatory cry for Salvation? “A person filled with grace makes his home with Jesus and Jesus with Do the souls of those in purgatory who have lived him. He does not sin. In that state he and died in God’s grace and friendship cry out from the obtains eternal life” (P 243). depths? In fact their sins were forgiven prior to their death; if not they would have fallen to hell. Then do they cry out

10 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE in prayer: “If you O Lord should mark guarantee of salvation they wait in hope for the iniquities, Lord, who could stand?” If not, do same.. we have to make such supplications for them? But remember this: in whatever manner Souls in purgatory are those who have souls in hell cry out, their supplications would obtained guarantee of eternal salvation. If so, not be accepted by God. However, suppli- do they still cry out for salvation? cations, tears and penances made for their sake Since the souls in purgatory have obtained by us would be accepted. That is how they are guarantee of salvation, what they have in the saved. That was why God asked us through promises of God on salvation is not mere hope Mother Mary to pray the Rosary for the but certitude in His promises. Then should we salvation of all souls (Vide Itha Ninte Amma, pray for them saying: “My soul waits, and in Dec. 2006). his word I hope”? (This aspect was discussed Consecrate Holy Mass and pray for the in detail in the previous issue of the Holy salvation of all souls. Queen). Those who die in perfect grace and love Since the sins of the souls in purgatory have enter heaven soon after death. Those who are been forgiven prior to their death, do we have not perfectly sanctified goes to purgatory. They to pray citing God’s promise that: “It is he who have not obtained salvation.They live in will redeem Israel from all its iniquities”? darkness as per the Word of God (Luke 1:79). We saw that the spiritual state of those who They have not entered into God’s light or to die in God’s grace and friendship is very lofty. His presence. What sort of a persecution do Then why should prayer for them be offered they undergo in this state is not evident. There using Psalm 6? God does not rebuke in anger is no mention of the type of persecutions they or discipline in wrath those who died in His have to undergo either in the Holy Bible or in grace and friendship. Those who have died in authentic studies of the Church ( Cf. Elmar God’s love are not weaklings and therefore their Klinger, Purgatory in Sacramentum Mundi, Vol. bones do not shake with terror. 5-6, TPI, Bangalore 1989,P.167). Since they do not see the majesty of God they are in acute Cry out with those in hell for their salvation agony. We shall offer penitential prayers so that The above mentioned prayers become their sufferings and tears are accepted by God meaningful when said for the souls in hell. They for the forgiveness of their sins and salvation. cry out from hell, depths, for their salvation. In the light of the truths that we have seen God remembers their sins because they have hitherto let all our prayers, the Holy Masses not been condoned. Since thy are being that we consecrate and penances that we offer persecuted by Satan they always cry out: “O be for the salvation of souls. We do not know Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger, or for certain those souls that have fallen to hell discipline me in your wrath.” Since Satan or obtained guarantee of salvation. Since persecutes them they have become weak; their Mother Mary knows them for sure let us pray bones shake and they have become restless. for salvation of all souls beseeching her Therefore, they cry out to God not to be slow intercession. in saving them. Since they have not obtained Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 11 Tom Zacharia

May 1, 1989. It marked the beginning of an amazing saga in my life. It was then that I started the life of an evangelist. Till the age of 32 God was only somewhere in my life. But at that age in 1988, God made me his own. It was Holy Mary who helped me to discover Jesus. My devotion to Holy Mary since childhood was an invaluable treasure that I inherited from my parents. With the dawn of May the statue of Holy Mary would be adorned with flowers. It was Holy Mary who helped my birth as a new creation in March 1988. She appeared to me in a blessing posture after Jesus. Subsequently I had seen Her in numerous apparitions. It was in May 1989 that the latent love in me towards the Holy Mother came out. Even months prior to that, inspired by the Holy Spirit I used to go out with a Holy Bible in hand to pray in every house of the Suryanally village where I used to live during those days. I had pondered over ways to express my love towards

12 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE the Holy Mother in the month of May. about twenty minutes each day. I obtained permission from Fr. Peter Participants in the prayer were very few Mathirappally, Vicar of Suryanally and all of them were Tamilians.They to commemorate the month of numbered between twenty and thirty. May for the Holy Mother by saying After four days of service a thought the ‘veneration prayer’, the Rosary came to my mind. Do they understand and a brief proclamation of the what I proclaim in Malayalam? On that Word of God in the church which day before going to bed I prayed to God usually celebrated only a Holy to give them grace to understand in Mass on Sundays. Tamil what I proclaim in Malayalam. Proclamation of the Word of It is said in the Acts (2:5-13) that when God was a thirst for me. While a Peter proclaimed for the first time student in class IV I was asked by a groups of people speaking more than Rev Sister to deliver a speech during sixteen languages heard him in their the Sunday School Anniversary. own tongues. That was why I prayed Ignorant of how a speech was like, I for giving them the grace to understand sought the help of my elder sister who in Tamil what I proclaimed in wrote one for me. I do still remember Malayalam. its opening lines: “As per the The next day I reached the church. commandment of Jesus Christ to go out We began the session with the Rosary to the world and proclaim the word of and then passed on to the ‘veneration God, his disciples went out to the world month prayer’. When the turn for and proclaimed the Word of God”. Those proclamation came I took the micro- lines uttered by me while in class IV were a phone in my hand and started a prayer call by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Word in Malayalam and then to proclaim. of God, I perceive now. My thirst for Hardly had I spoken for five minutes proclamation increased after my encounter my voice changed, my language with Jesus in 1988. I wanted to say changed and I started proclaiming in something about Jesus to someone. I had Tamil. Frankly, I am an illiterate in sought several times permission of the Tamil. But I can communicate with preachers whom I have known to grant me Tamil workers with a smattering of an opportunity to testify Jesus. But never Tamil. However, a great thing, have I got a chance. No, Jesus did not something beyond my intellect and permit me to. logic, happened. An illiterate in Tamil From May 1, 1989 onwards I that I was, I spoke in Tamil for about proclaimed the Word of God for an hour in that language! After a while

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 13 I witnessed another miracle. Tamil people, all males, who seldom came to the church began coming in. There were many of them. When the service was over I asked them the reason for their coming. They told me that while in town they heard a speech in Tamil and they thought that some priest from Tamilnadu might be proclaiming in the church. From that day onwards males began to participate in the church prayers. Then came the First Friday of the month. I used to give counseling on that day. Fr.Vicar had given me a room for that. In the previous months I have been going out to the village and praying in almost every house. This service was done on all Fridays. Since it was a very tedious task to reach many people I shifted the venue of prayer to the parish church. That was why counseling was done in the church. On that Friday after finishing counseling of the day and in front of me; it had three heads each one of while proceeding to the church for prayer a them spitting fire. It was terrifying. It was a huge woman rushed towards me. I told her that time one with a two feet girth .It spat fire and for counseling was over and that it was time vanished. All on a sudden another serpent with for prayer in the church. Yet she insisted me to one head appeared. Spitting fire that too pray over her which I did. Since then I began to vanished in a short while. I could not discern feel restless day after day. My children began the meaning of these visions. to cry out in their sleep terror-stricken and felt Came Friday. I reached the church and disturbed. On such occasions I used to pray for readied myself for the counseling service. I have them with my palm placed on their head. been praying silently. A few persons were On the subsequent Wednesday I reached waiting for counseling outside the room. home for lunch from the farm land. There had Suddenly a woman entered the room and sat formed in me the habit of saying the Rosary on a chair. Hearing the noise I opened my eyes prior to lunch everyday. That day while praying and recognized that it was the woman whom I the Rosary something happened. I saw a serpent had prayed over the previous Friday. Unmindful

14 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE of her presence I the other side of the table facing her. Again she resumed my jumped towards me. And I turned to opposite prayer with side. When I felt certain of getting attacked I closed eyes. called out for help from outside. A few women After a while I came in. I asked them whether they could take felt that her out. Four of them came forward and caught something was hold of her hands. No sooner had I thought that happening in every thing was settled than she simply shook front of me. I off her hands to free herself, all the four were opened my eyes seen flying away. Soon all of them dashed out and saw the of the room. woman in a I was standing in the protection of a table. highly disturbed She tucked up her sari and stood staring at me. and contorted Any time she might jump at me, I felt. I was state. Her face shivering from top to bottom. I could not make was reddened. out what was going on. I was totally ignorant She stared at me of Satan and his ways. I called out: “bring wide-eyed. Her somebody from her house”. I have been praying eyes too were mutely, fearing disturbance in case of an audible reddened. There prayer. was an air of horror around. After a while her husband came. Seeing his “What happe- wife in bewilderment he said: “It is devil, you ned”? I asked. “I pray, that is enough.” I did not understand him am afraid” she when he said that his wife was possessed by answered. “Don’t be afraid, Lord is in our devil, for I was ignorant of devil. “Devil has midst”, I consoled her. been tormenting her for the past nine years. We administered medicines, performed witchcraft. Again I elapsed into deep and intense Pentecost people prayed for her and a non- prayer, unmindful of the ambience, as if in deep catholic priest demanded Rs.5000 plus T.A. for sleep and cut off from all relations. Suddenly a exorcising but did not go for that for want of scream shook me and jolted and lifted me up wherewithal. It was then that we came to know from the seat. I felt my whole body shivering. of your prayer,” he continued. Perceiving my The woman in front of me with terrifying looks exasperation he said again: “Don’t be afraid, and unkempt hair jumped from her seat. pray, that is enough”. But I did not have the Stretching out her both hands as if to strangulate courage to pray for her. I said “It is time for the she came towards me. “You want to oust me”? Rosary, I am going”. I went to the church for She yelled. She could not get hold of me the Rosary. During the prayer I asked: “Lord, because there was a table which served as a what is this?” I was terrified. Then the Lord buffer between us. Yet she came towards me said: “It is devil”. My younger brother also had by one side of the table. But soon I moved to come to the church for the Rosary. To him who

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 15 with a large wooden cross. Placing the cross on the table he commented: “Is there a devil who is not terrified at the sight of a cross?” Then he ordered to her: “Hold this cross”. Her husband made her hold the cross with force. Placing their hands above them Johnson and my brother began to pray. I was watching the scene from a very close distance expecting something miraculous to happen. Suddenly she pulled out the cross and attempted to beat all of us with it; then I caught hold of it. There ensued a tussle between us, three of us on the one side and the woman and diabolic forces on the other for the three feet long cross. We managed to grab it somehow. What followed were eventful moments. She fell to the ground and started screaming and rolling. She was heavily built and therefore difficult to subdue. In that cacophony my brother, Johnson and myself placed our hands on her head and started praising Lord in a loud voice In three and a half hours eighteen evil spirits came out of her! Uninitiated in prayer had participated in renewal retreats, I explained as we were, we prayed whatever we knew and the things. When I told him that it was devil he more of ‘Hail Mary’. Initially Satan tried to refused and said that it could be due to mental assault, terrorize and did everything to prevent disturbance. us from continuing with the prayer. He After the Rosary we again went to the room employed many tactics like spitting on the face, where the woman was in. A supervisor in our screaming, producing horrendous sounds, farmland by name Kunjappy alias Johnson aged scratching and kicking. In the meanwhile he said about 50 also accompanied us. No sooner she that we could not oust him and he would kill saw us than she jumped to her feet and looked us. He was trying to terrorize and weaken our intensely at each of us. Seeing her changing faith. We also on our part did not let him have moods and terrifying looks my brother asked his way. We had to do some wrestling to subdue her to look at him. To that she looked him. We placed our hands on her head and intimidating and showed certain wild gestures. prayed while her husband and a few others who After a while he muttered into my ears: “it is accompanied them held her arms and legs tight. devil”. At that time I saw Johnson coming in The evil spirits in her tried hard to resist such a Holy Queen 16 2010 JUNE prayer. At the end of two hours of prayer they became free. A large group of people had agreed to go out of her. Thus in three and a gathered outside the church. After she became half hours eighteen evil spirits went out of her free Fr Peter set out to bless her house heeding one after another revealing their names. Thus the request of her husband. Several villagers she became free and sat up. Those cast out were also joined us in that prayer. It was an event the diabolic powers which had subjugated her that created ripples in the village of Suryanally. in the past many years. When we returned home There was ‘group prayer’ in the church on in great joy and amazement, it was past 12 every Friday. When I reached the church on o’ clock mid night. the subsequent Friday, the church was house- I felt my body stinking. It did not leave even full. The moment I started prayer there arose after a good bath. Stench of rotten meat! My yells and screams from various parts of the brother and I could not have our food because church. Fear- stricken I turned back and saw of that. We applied some body spray and many women and some men screaming and talcum powder on our body; yet the stench rolling on the ground. Evil spirits in them were remained. We went back to the church, got coming out. I could not pay attention to them inside and spent some time in prayer and then out of fear. I made a heart-rending prayer: “Lord the stench vanished. I don’t have the courage to go near them, Lord, After Saturday came Sunday. When we you may make them free”. After a while they reached the church for the Holy Mass Fr Peter became quiet. It was the beginning of a great Mathirappally came rushing towards us. He told service. It was from the service at Suryanally us that the woman whom we prayed over was that I learned to bind, deliver and subdue evil missing. She ran away from home in the early spirits. It caused the conversion of many people morning. Some people have gone in search of in that place. her. Suddenly a fear gripped me. “O God, if The ‘veneration prayer’ and the Rosary that something happened to her..?” But Reverend started in May 1989 are still commemorated Father consoled me saying that nothing in every May in the Suryanally church. I untoward would happen. We shall pray, he said. consecrate with thanks the coming May to the When the Holy Mass was going on, a large Mother for having raised me as an evangelist, a gathering of people came accompanying the devotee of Mother Mary and as one who has woman. She was shut inside a room. authority over evil spirits, and the Suryanally Soon after the Mass Fr Peter also joined us church which the Holy Spirit chose to impart in prayer. Friday’s experience inspired us to pray me the rudiments of these and the several intensely. That day also we prayed for about people who helped me in this. 2010 May is three and a half hours. As on Friday eighteen celebrated as a Great Festival of Pentecost at evil spirits were cast out of her. They had re- Ernakulam, Kerala. I offer a thousand thanks entered her because it was impossible to leave to the Mother who nurtured and raised me this her, they said. After three and a half hours she much.

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 17 Joshi Pandari

How good a mother! O my mother Same mother for me and Jesus…

Yes, same mother for me, a sinful person and for Jesus the Son of God. It is a measure of Jesus’ love towards us that he gave his own mother as our own. That Jesus became for us an offering is the best expression of his love towards us. But it is the giving of his mother as our own that draws us all the more closer to his love. Even when his life was burning out on the cross, unconcerned about his agonies his heart was filled with unblemished love towards us. That was why he gave us his own mother even after shedding the last drop of his blood and life for us. It was for each one of us that

Holy Queen 18 2010 JUNE he while lying on the cross told his dear disciple: His mother (Jn 2:1-12). It was the occasion of “Behold your mother” (Jn 19:27). Thus he the marriage of a relative of Jesus and therefore emptied himself by giving us whatever he had. both Jesus and Mary were invited for the Jesus loves us so much. What more do we need marriage banquet. Since Jesus had begun his to love him? Yet, to what extent do we love public life he had been away from home and him? “To know the love of Christ that surpasses had not met his Mother for about two months. knowledge, so that you may be filled with all The prime purpose of Jesus for participation in the fullness of God”(Eph 3:19). the marriage banquet was to meet his mother If Jesus has given us his mother as our who would also come for the same. His mother own we are duty-bound to love her with all too was eagerly looking towards his coming. sincerity. Jesus views our love towards his She had heard about his baptism in the river mother with eager longing. Then one who loves Jordan from John the Baptist, life in the desert Holy Mary becomes dear and own to Jesus. and calling of the disciples and many other When Mary is seen through Jesus, it would be things. The absence of Jesus for sometime possible to love and accept Mary. Similarly, subsequent to the death of Joseph made her when Jesus is seen through Mary it would be eagerness to meet Jesus all the more heart- possible to love Jesus all the more. throbbing. To simultaneously reject or be indifferent Jesus came along with the cohort of his to Mary on the one hand and to love Jesus on disciples to his mother. All the pains caused by the other is ironical. His mother is dear to Jesus his absence melted away in the very sharing of wherever he is - be it on earth or in heaven. How their love. She recognized the new face of Jesus- much love and respect Jesus gave his mother intensely burning for the kingdom of God and while living on earth! In more measure she is recollected all the prophesies about him: of loved and respected in heaven. Jesus loves his Angel Gabriel that ‘he will be called the Son of mother so much. That love draws Jesus to God’ (Luke 1:35) and of Mary’s aunt Elizabeth: persons and families which love and respect ‘mother of my Lord’ (Luke1:43) and many Mary. other. When Jesus accepts the invitation of a Mary had a prescience of the divine power person to his life His mother Mary also latent in Jesus. It was this wisdom of Mary that accompanies him. Mary would be there where facilitated the working of the first miracle at Jesus is. She had been with him ever since his Cana: of transforming water into wine. It birth. Mary was with him as love during his occasioned the public manifestation of the childhood, comfort and protection, as shadow divine power latent in Jesus. Holy Mary had so during his growth and source of strength for much import in the life of Jesus. fulfilling the sacrifice on the cross; yes, Mary’s Those who disregard Holy Mary may life was inalienable from and one with the life know that Jesus wishes to come to places where of Jesus. his mother is. Could the miracle at Cana have The miracle at Cana was an expression of ever happened if Jesus alone was invited and the love and respect which Jesus had towards His Mother avoided? It was the presence of His

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 19 Mother that drew Jesus to that banquet; it was God blessed me and my family by enabling the mediation of His Mother that prompted us to spend two weeks in prayer in Velankanny Jesus to perform that miracle. The presence of brimming with the presence of Mother Mary the Mother makes coming of Jesus to our life during last May. Thousands of people thronging more facile. Our life should be with Jesus and to that place disregarding the scorching heat are fully in the presence of mary. driven only by the pure love towards her. Daily Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit and Holy prayers in the Mariyan Koodaram at Mary as gifts to help us in our spiritual life (Jn Velankanny, the Rosary prayer and Way of the 14:16; Jn 19:27). One requires the power of Cross through the sandy path leading to the Holy Spirit and the wisdom the Holy Mother Mother’s Pond, all enabled to increase our love to progress in spiritual life. She leads us by towards her. It was the two opening lines of a holding our hands to Jesus just as a mother leads hymn sung in the church there that touched our her child without faltering. She guards us from hearts that was noted in the beginning of this falling in sin and helps to defeat Satan and thus article. enables us to lead a holy life. “Holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Heb 12:14). Holy Mary was beside Jesus for the She instructs us to live according to the Word fulfillment of his sacrifice on the cross; she of her Son Jesus. That was what she told at would help us to submit our lives as acceptable Cana (Jn 2:5). When we lead an unholy life by offerings to God. If Jesus and we have the same disobeying the Word of Jesus, she is saddened mother, we shall love her as Jesus loved. because she is holiness herself.


But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles (Isa 40 : 31)

I am George, a resident of Kanpur in U.P., making a living by pulling cycle rickshaw. In Novemeber last, while pulling the rickshaw, a scooter collided with it and the knee of my right leg was damaged. I lay unconscious on the road and people brought me home. The swelling on the knee was too much but there was no money for hospital treatment as the cost would come to one lakh rupees. X-ray revealed fracture on the knee-cap. The doctor gave a supporter for the knee. Not knowing what to do, I prayed to the Lord from the depth of my heart. The Lord then sent a sister to my home. The sister requested for prayer help to Marian Koodaram. Due to the prayer at Marian Koodaram the good Lord cured me completely. I am indescribably grateful to the Lord for this cure – a cure which would have cost lakhs if hospitalized. Praise you Jesus, adore you Jesus, Thank you Jesus

George, Kanpur, U.P.

20 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE SAINT OF THE MONTH Our Lady of Fatima

On 13th May 1917, in that third year of the First World War which was to cost eight million lives, important events were taking place simultaneously— in Russia, communistic, atheistic Bolshevism was being organized under the leadership of Lenin and Trotsky who had just arrived in St Petersburg; in the neighbourhood of the little Portuguese town of Fatima, the Mother of God herself deigned to appear in the first of six apparitions to three children, to make through them one final appeal to our materialistic, war-torn world.

“In a spirit of sacrifice to our Lord, are you willing to accept everything he may send you as reparation for the sins by which his majesty is offended, as a means for converting all sinners, and as atonement for the blasphemies offered to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?” A simple “yes” being their reply, she urged: “Then pray the Rosary often and devoutly, for the peace of the world!” “Recite the Rosary daily, and after the Gloria Patri of each decade add: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins! Save us from the fires of hell! Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who most need thy mercy!” This prayer implies that God’s mercy is infinite, that it envelops even those who have fallen to hell. They too can be saved!

And on 13th October, she declared: “I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary! I have come to ask all humankind to do penance and to ask pardon for its sins! Do not add to the countless outrages by which our Lord is already so offended, especially by sins of impurity.”

Reflection: “I have never yet found a man who was not converted, if previously I had time to pray the Rosary” (St Clement).

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 21 Baby Jose

“Why has this happened to me that the the Mother of the Lord served that mother of my Lord comes to me? (Luke 1:43). family the will of God was fulfilled. When Holy Mary ushered into the house of The fruit of womb which God gave Elizabeth, her very presence destroyed the to that family became a blessing. faithlessness that prevented the fulfillment of Let us resolve to invite the God’s will in the family. The family of Holy Mother to our households. She Zachariah, who had become dump consequent would certainly come if invited. Let on his disbelief of God’s word, was filled with Her visit our families. Her visit the Holy Spirit with her very presence. The would sever the roots of unbelief. promise of the Lord about John the Baptist Let Word of God become flesh in became flesh there. our families. They shall be filled Freed of shame and fear, Elizabeth with the power of the Holy Spirit. proclaimed her faith: “Blessed is she who Let members of our household obey believed that there would be a fulfillment of whatever Jesus tells them. The what was spoken to her by the Lord” (Luke Mother will teach us to love 1:45). and obey the commandments of the Lord. Then the heaven would make With the salutation of the Mother the home in our midst - the Father, the Son and the promise of the Lord: “even before his birth he Holy Spirit and along with them the Mother. will be filled with the Holy Spirit”(Luke 1:15) became flesh in the child in her womb. Being The kingdom of God shall begin in us - in in that family when Holy Mary praised the our hearts, families, localities and societies. works of the Lord with the Magnificat the Neither the dragon nor the beast should enter family was transformed into a heaven. When those places. Since heaven abides wherever we

22 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven. Also, it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them” (Rev 13:6- 7).

In this milieu saints need great endurance and faith (Rev13:10). Let all Christians know that the enemies of the dragon are the rest of Mary’s(woman) children who keep the commandments of God and bear witness to Jesus(Rev 12:17).It is here that the endurance and faith of those who keep the commandments of God are required. It may be noted that Mother stood firm even when a sword pierced through her heart. She is capable of giving the ability of endurance to the saints. Her children would obtain the necessary faith and wisdom to do whatever Her Son asks them to.

The “pearl anointment” which the Spirit in Jesus community is receiving is the anointment which Holy Mary had already received. In faith we shall allow Jesus to be born in our soul. It is from the Holy Virgin herself who gave birth to Him that we obtain this grace.

This is the sign of the Holy Mother who was assumed to heaven: “A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pangs, in the agony of giving birth” (Rev 12:1-2).Here Holy Mother is waiting are, it shall be holy. Since the dragon has given his for us, for Jesus to be born in our hearts and power, throne and authority to the beast, the thus for Rev: 12:1-2 to become flesh in us. number of those who worship them has increased The revelation that St. John received is this: (Rev 13:2,4). It will come with a mouth which it is impossible to give birth to Jesus in our utters blasphemies against God to wage war against hearts without Mary. the saints. “It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 23 Tom Zacharia

The Lord proposed to us to undertake a Lord gave food to Elijah who then continued pilgrimage to the Holy Land in February, 2010 his journey on foot for forty days and reached though we had earlier planned to do the same the Mountain of Horeb. There he made home in May. Abiding by the Lord’ word we made in a cave and heard the voice of the Lord (1 arrangements for a pilgrimage in February itself. Kings 19:1-9). While proceeding on the trip on the 6th of Elijah’s Cave is now housed in a church. February I did not have high expectations on We reached this cave. I was the first among the its outcome. However my heart has been leaping group to enter the church; while in prayer in to reach the land of the Lord during our bus silence I ushered into the cave as if pulled in by journey from Amman in Jordan to Israel. A some unknown power and fell on my knees. journey through Israel, the land where the Lord After spending some time in prayer there where traversed, from Amman the land of Ammonites Prophet Elijah rested, I withdrew to the was heart-throbbing. I consider it a great background to enable others to pray. Even after achievement in my life. After visiting many all in the group – forty seven in all - had places we reached the Carmel Mountain in the completed their prayer I could not move out city of Jaffa on the 10th of February. It is where of the church as if someone had been holding the Cave of Elijah is located. Prophet Elijah me back. God, what is this due to? I pondered. was on the run consequent on a threat to life By this time the group began to move out of from Jezebel, wife of Ahab when Elijah the church. Then I told them: “don’t go, we shall exterminated the prophets of Bal whom she pray for some time”. I started to pray, and all had protected. On the way a messenger of the

24 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE the rest joined me in praise Imagine a pauper becoming a billionaire and worship. At that in a moment! That was my experience. Yes, moment the Lord spoke God made me a billionaire with His heavenly through His servant wealth! Immediately after the Holy Mass all Catherine. The Lord said: my brothers rushed to me and embraced me ‘The Lord blesses His with kisses; sisters kissed my folded hands with servant with the ‘Anoint - tears rolling down their eyes. The hearts of all ment of Elijah’ for his overflowed with gratitude for having witnessed faithfulness in the last 22 a great event rather unexpectedly. years. The priest shall anoint A distant nation became very near to the him with oil and offer Lord in an instant. How could the ‘anointment special prayers placing of Elijah’ of which one has heard of from the hands on his head during the Bible become an entitlement of a nation consecration of Holy Mass originating from a pagan society? Who can in the Church believed to be in the place where understand the call and choice of the Lord? fire descended from heaven and consumed all the sacrificial offerings made by Elijah. His ‘Elijah’s Cave’ means ‘Elijah’s Shade,’ the father too shall bless him.’ Lord said. From now onwards Spirit in Jesus will have the ‘Shade of Elijah’. I accept the plan We purchased some ‘anointing oil’ from of God; I approve it. I was born again as the the church itself and reached the place where Lord’s when I turned 32. The period between fire descended from heaven when Elijah offered February 28 and March 5 of 1988 were the days sacrifice. The Holy Mass commenced and all when I was ‘born again’. He has blessed me the forty seven members witnessed the decisive again with another anointment when I moments in the service to the kingdom of God. completed 22 years in my new birth. In 1999 I During the Holy Mass the Rev. Father anointed asked the Lord: “God, who am I”? There was my forehead with oil and then placed his hands reason for that. I had been subjected to on my head and prayed. My father placed his opposition because of my proclamation of the hands on my head and blessed me. I felt Word of God since 1998. By 1999 I was so dissolving to nothingness when that great thing constrained and constricted that I could not which I have neither conceived nor cherished proclaim. I used to say to the Lord: “I am not in my life happened. Tears began rolling down worthy to proclaim. There are many holy priests my eyes when I got a loving touch from the and Bishops in the Church; kindly entrust them Lord. My brothers in the Spirit in Jesus were with this mission”. I made this appeal for quite seen breaking down in tears, each one in other’s a long time. But the Lord did not heed my embraces. They were emotional moments, entreaties. Again I asked Him: “Lord, why do beyond words. Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 25 you compel me like this? It is alleged in many places that I was possessed by the devil; many have been prevented from participating in my services; many of my earlier acquaintances do not show courtesy when we chanced to have an encounter; they consider me like a foe; they isolate me when we meet during daily Holy Mass; Lord neither a priest nor a Bishop shall feel pain at my proclamation; kindly relieve me from this mission.” This was my prayer. But the Lord did not relieve me. After many months, again I asked: “Lord, why do you compel me? Who am I?” I heard a voice, a serene one. “You are my prophet!” I shuddered as if struck by lightning. “No Lord, no...I can’t. Do not tell me so. I can’t,” I said. the advent of His Day. I offer my heartfelt That was my prayer since then. I have thanks to all those who prayed and prepared beseeched Him to relieve me from this because me for this. these were beyond my comprehension and imagination. Then I said: “Lord, I only want to Spirit in Jesus is now the proud owner of lead a life loving you, I do not want anything three anointments: one- the Anointment of the else.” After a month I understood that the Lord Spirit in Jesus, i.e., the Spirit that is in Jesus. would not heed my prayer. Then I started telling The Spirit that is in Jesus is the Holy Spirit. Him that I would do this only if He did not get That is the Anointment of the Holy Spirit that anyone else, because my flat refusal might hurt Jesus received. It is by the power of this the Lord, I suspected. Therefore, I gave Him a anointment that the salvation of the souls of partial consent. Later I told Him; ‘Lord, You the dead, proclamation of the Word of God to look at me, You know that I am least worthy. I the dead and subduing of the forces of darkness am a great sinner.’ But nobody can change the are accomplished. The second is the Pearl call and choice of the Lord. He will fulfill them. (Muth) Anointment. Pearl is the heavenly name of Holy Mary, Jesus says through Maria Have I become great by the very fact of Valtorta (Poem of Man-God, Vol. 1). In that this anointment (of Elijah)? I do not have any Mother Mary is variously addressed as Light, claim to that. I only want to live as a servant of Morning Star, Pearl and Peace. Pearl is the the Lord. Let Him do whatever pleases Him. I Anointment of Holy Mary. now fully belong to the Lord: I am for the Lord. The anointment that has been given to me has Does Holy Virgin Mary have an to grow and thrive, for which I have to pay a anointment? Many ask. Many people have heavy price in terms of penitential prayers. I heard preachers speak of the Anointment of request the prayers of each one of you. We Moses, the Anointment of Elijah and the shall fully consecrate ourselves to the Lord for Anointment of Samson; the Anointment of the successful fulfillment of all His plans before Mary was but not spoken about. Not because Holy Queen 26 2010 JUNE it is not found in the Bible but because Mary is reached Jesus as of fire and roused the Holy their foe! Spirit in Him. One:- when Mary greeted Elizabeth on Her Three:- It was Mary through the power of visit to the latter, Elizabeth was filled by the the Holy Spirit in her that made Jesus perfect, Holy Spirit (Luke 1:39-42). The child (John) in and capable to endure the agony on the cross. her womb was filled by the Holy Spirit. The Four:- It was the Anointment of Mary that Word of God spoken through Angel Gabriel prepared and empowered the disciples to that he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while receive the Anointment of the Pentecost (Acts still in the mother’s womb thus became flesh 1:14, 2:1-4). (Luke 1:15). It was the anointment that proceeded from Mary that gave John the Five:- It was the Anointment of Mary Anointment of Elijah and made him a prophet. which helped to build up the early Christian Mary is the Wisdom of God that became flesh. Church, counseled, corrected and thus made It is said of Wisdom: “In every generation she unblemished the disciples who received the passes into holy souls and makes them friends Holy Spirit. of God, and prophets” (Wis 7:27). It was the Which individual on earth would have anointment of Mary that made John a friend more anointment than this? Yes, the of God and a prophet. Anointment of Mary is the most precious and Two:- It was the Anointment of Mary that the greatest! It is unique and superior to all activated the anointment of the Holy Spirit in others! If it was through her holiness that she Jesus— perfect man and perfect God. When vanquished the dragon, the “Pearl Anointment” Jesus received baptism from John at the is given to annihilate the empire of satan in the Jordan, He was filled by the Holy Spirit (Luke war of the end. The Lord has deposited this 3:21). Then He spent forty days in prayer in Anointment in her chosen servant Catherine the desert. He became powerful in Spirit (Luke Mariam. 4:1). He went back to Galilee powerful in Spirit The fullness and power that the Spirit in (Luke 4:14). There he was invited for a wedding Jesus Anointment attained since 2003 is the feast at Cana (John 2:2). His mother was also work of the Pearl Anointment. The power of there (John 2:1). It was due to the prompting prayer of the Pearl Anointment rouses and of the Holy Spirit in Mary that she approached blazes the Spirit in Jesus Anointment. It was Jesus when wine in the house gave out during this anointment that transformed Spirit in Jesus the feast. Jesus says: “my hour has not yet Ministry into a disciplined and well-knit group. come”. But Mary tells the servants: “Do It is the shield of the Spirit in Jesus Anointment whatever he tells you” (John 2:5). Jesus who against satan. said that his hour has not yet come changes his The Anointment of Elijah is given as the words all on a sudden. He asks the servants to third. Intense prayers and great sacrifices are “fill the jars with water”. They filled them to required to activate all these anointments. The the brim. It changed into wine. It was not Mary Lord will release them when His hour comes. the individual that aroused Jesus to do a miracle We shall wait in prayer till then. but the anointment of the Holy Spirit in her. The Word of Mary “Do whatever he tells you” Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 27 Joby Scaria

During the forty days after the YES, the Holy Spirit has come! The resurrection when Jesus was with his disciples Baptism of Fire has become a reality. The Holy He told them: “You will receive power when Spirit descended on them as tongues of fire and the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you baptized them just as people who flocked to John will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea the Baptist were baptized with the water of and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” repentance. All on a sudden they experienced a (Acts1:8). Disciples eagerly waited for the transformation in their lives—a change in the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus not knowing use of tongues, the gift to use all the languages what the power of the Holy Spirit was. Jesus of the world was given. A change was had said that they would receive baptism of experienced in their bodies: an abatement of the the Holy Spirit. They only had a foreknowledge heaviness; liveliness filled their mind, heart that something great was going to happen blazed; each of them felt as if one was a because what they witnessed and experienced different person! in their lives were unprecedented in the history of the world. Holy Queen 28 2010 JUNE With the advent of the Holy return. Jesus told us to remain in his love (Jn Spirit the disciples experienced a 15:9). We shall sustain others in God’s love. great transformation of their Love neither complains nor inhabits in sin. personalities. Pleasant to others, Goodness and love go together. Only the filled with goodness, innocent in fullness of love can make one loved by all. conduct and blazing with love, in Where there is love there is patience; there is all they exuded the personality of no place for ill-feeling and spite. Jesus in them. Through them There are many people in the world people began to be attracted to enduring a whole lot of miseries but leading a Jesus. They began to be relieved holy life in obscurity. They are neither loved of the heaviness of heart, and nor cared by others. They pull along enduring a agonizing pain and distress lot. Until we reach the Lord we shall use force dissolved instantly. Everybody felt to lead a life along with Him. It is expedient. a rhythm in mutual love and all the ‘Reach God by all means’ was the only goal of sins seemed to have been dissolved saints while they were alive. When we love all in an instant. O! all of them were people God will soon make us His own. Thus rising to God. Hope dawned in there shall be many saintly persons in the world their lives. Wealth lost its place. and the name of Jesus be glorified. People began to turn spiritual. Sickness vanished and curses TESTIMONY became unheard of. People began to sell out whatever belongings they had and You prepare a table before me in the distribute the proceedings among the poor. All presence of my enemies; you anoint my head these happened rather mechanically. with oil; my cup overflows. ( Ps 23: 5) My name is Claramma. Five years They were becoming a community ago there was a clot in my head. Since then though they were not aware of it. No one did I have been suffering from headache and any thing for oneself. Everything was for the my hands had become weak. All through glory of Jesus. All of them began to travel in these five years, treatment was continuing. the Holy Spirit. Nothing but the fruits of the I participated in the Spirit in Jesus Spirit came forth from them. The love of God convention at Pala in April 2008, and during forfeited by Adam and Eve began to flow the praise and worship the Lord touched through the early Christian community. me and cured me completely. There has been no headache since then and the doctor We shall love one another. We should told me, after checkup, that all the problems have nothing to offer other than the Holy Spirit of the vein had disappeared. and the love of God. It should be God’s love We thank you Jesus together with only that we shall give and take. If the love the Holy Mother. Praise you Jesus, adore that we give is hypocritical and selfish, we too you Jesus. would receive in the same coin. Give it Claramma John, Pala, Kerala boundless and without expecting anything in

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 29 Mini Pala

On 17, January 2009 a miracle that drew the in a loud voice while crash landing attention of the whole world was reported in the entire the air craft”, he continued. The latter media. An air-bus of the United States of America that part of the prayer is: “Holy Mary, took off from the LaGuardia air port of New York mother of God, pray for us sinners, carrying 155 passengers was crash landed in the river now and at the hour of our death, Hudson. The air-bus developed engine failure when bird- Amen”. With the prayer to the hit at an altitude of 3200 feet. All the passengers on Mother of God the time of death board were piloted to safety by Chesly Suller Berger thus gave way. for which he was acclaimed world-wide. To the rescue- At a time when the Mother of workers who asked him the mystery behind the God is despised and rejected by miraculous escape, his modest response was: what saved many, we may recognize how God the lives that would either have drowned in the river the Father answered the prayer of Hudson or lost in flames among the sky-scrapers of that pilot who trusted in Her. From Manhattan were the hands Holy Mary and not his this we may also know that the ability. mercy of God extends to those who Those who apprehended that the plane and the love, trust and pray to His Mother. passengers on board would burnout in flames in an He esteems the intercession of instant saw it flowing like a cruiser on the tidal waves Mother very much. of the Hudson River with incredulous eyes. Passengers In the book ‘The Poem of came out of the plane one by one, climbed on to the Man-God’ by Maria Valtorta there is top of the wings and fuselage. In a few minutes the a beautiful narrative on the wedding police and rescue workers rushed to the scene and took at Cana. There we find Jesus in a the passengers to safety. The pilot stayed on in the air pleasant mood walking along with craft till the last passenger was moved to safety. While his disciples and giving them a the rescue workers were amazed at the composure of possible hint at working a miracle to the pilot, he was concerned about the safety of the please his mother. The owner of the passengers. “I did what God prompted me to do” was house neither tells Jesus nor his his first comment. “I have been saying “Hail Mary...”

30 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE commander, a protestant saw the miraculous apparition of a Capuchin priest standing in the air and controlling the path of aircrafts. He prevented the forward trajectory of the air crafts. Utterly bewildered at the apparition the commander ordered the retreat of all the aircrafts in the mission. After landing at the airport he narrated the incident leading to his retreat to his colleagues. An Italian officer among them told that there was a saintly Capuchin priest in San Giovanni town and it might be he who appeared to him in the air. Their efforts took them to the monastery at San Giovanni where they found Padre Pio among the priests consecrating Holy Mass.

How did St Padre Pio accomplish it? He had been on a fasting prayer taking only the Holy Eucharist for twenty days to save San Giovanni from the misery of war. His biography refers to him as the ‘living Rosary’. Devotion to the Rosary is the path to enter the heart of Jesus. Padre Pio used to say about forty Rosaries daily. He exhorted people to mother that wine was given out. But perceiving their say at least one full Rosary for the miserable state Mother undertakes their problem and salvation of souls of the dead. The resolves it by interceding with her son. She went for mortal remains of the saint who loved the wedding because she had affection towards them. Mother Mary much is kept in a Our case is also similar. Even if we don’t apprise her cathedral in Italy. It is ample proof of of our problems she would certainly intervene at the the admiration of Jesus towards those appropriate time if we are her favored children. who love and respect his mother.

In the biography of Padre Pio there is a narrative The fasting prayer and devotion to Holy on how San Giovanni town in Italy was protected from Mary of a saintly priest protected a city bombardment in the First World War. There was a from the destruction and miseries of a German military base near San Giovanni. The war. Many nations endure the miseries commander of the U.S. military ordered to destroy of war these days. Crores of rupees are that town in the wake of a news report that the town spent for the security and defense of had an ammunition factory. When the aircrafts on the nations. Much human efforts have been mission to bombard San Giovanni approached it the expended to establish and maintain Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 31 peace on earth. But are they capable of If the prayers of a saintly priest saved a maintaining lasting peace? city from bombardment, if the faithful prayers of a pilot saved the lives of 115 passengers on “Unless the Lord guards the city, the guard board unscathed, all those whom we have keeps watch in vain”(Ps 127:1). entrusted to the Immaculate Heart of the Holy Holy Mary is our Queen and Mediator, Mother would be safe in her hands is certitude. Mother and Lady. To what measure a soul is O Holy Mother we consecrate ourselves, consecrated to the Mother it would be those belonging to us and the whole world to consecrated to Jesus as well in the same your Immaculate Heart. measure, said Pope John Paul II. TESTIMONIES

He replied, ‘What is impossible for mortals is possible for God’. (Lk 18 : 27) My name is Janaki. I was afflicted with several ailments. For the last 8 years especially, my eyes were weak and there was always swelling and pain. Head was always heavy and the body, weak. I was treated by several doctors including a neurologist. After one year’s treatment the neurologist told me that the veins and muscles of the eye were weak and that no further treatment could be done. I became much disappointed. For the last 19 years I was living as a child of Jesus. I had attended several retreats. My husband had not allowed me to attend any retreat in the last 2 years, saying that I became more and more diseased by attending retreats. So I stayed at home and prayed, believing that the Lord will cure me. Yet I begged to my husband for permission to attend a Spirit in Jesus retreat which was to be held in May 2008 at Thrissur. I also said that the Lord will cure me completely in this retreat. Surprisingly my husband permitted me, though he himself had no faith. I prayed that he also be gifted with faith. On the 2nd day of the retreat Lord touched me and healed my eyes completely. He also took away my inclination to take rest on bed always. When I feel that now, I read the Bible with thirst. I could not travel by bus previously, but now I can. Seeing the miracle-healing and blessings showered upon me my husband, children and grandchildren also believe in the Lord now. I thank Lord immensely for all the blessings. Praise you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Glory to you Jesus. Ave Maria Janaki Rajamma, Thrissur, Kerala

But you are merciful to all, for you can do all things, and you overlook people’s sins, so that they may repent. (Wis 11:23) I am Tini Francis. During the last three years it was very difficult for me to read. When I read, tears would fill the eye, causing irritation. In February 2008 I happened to meet a brother who gave me the magazine ‘Itha Ninte Amma’ of Spirit in Jesus. I read the magazine with a prayerful heart and as a result all the difficulties for reading were cured completely. I thank Jesus and the Holy Mother who healed. Tini Francis, Kerala

32 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE Castro warns of climate change UID number gets brand name, logo Havana: Cuban leader Fidel Castro on Monday New Delhi: The 16 digit unique warned of the aftermath of uncontrollable identification number to be assigned to each climate change and the side effects of scientific individual by the Unique Identification progress. Authority of India (UIDAI) will now come under the new name ‘AADHAR’ and will also “Science creates the ability to destroy bear a logo, which was unveiled here on ourselves and the planet several times in a mater Monday. of hours,” Said Mr. Castro in an editorial published by local media. “The greatest The brand name and logo for the unique contradiction in your age is the ability of your number were made public at a meeting chaired species to destroy itself and its inability to by UIDAI chairman Nandan Nilekani, who said govern itself at the same time.” In the editorial these two symbols were necessary to make the entitled “The madness of our time”. Mr. Castro scheme and the number recognizable and listed the catastrophic effects of global warming communicate the spirit and essence of the and pointed to threats posed by new weapons mandate to the people and win their confidence. and military technologies of the United States. The unique number will be the He criticised the United states for ‘AADHAR’ or foundation through which the developing new high-tech military devices such citizen can claim his / her rights and as the recent lunch of an unmanned “space entitlements when assured of equal plane” from Cape Canveral- xin- hua. opportunities, as symbolized by the logo, which has the halo of the sun on the imprint of a thumb. TESTIMONY

My child, when you are ill, do not delay, but pray to the Lord, and He will heal you. (Sir 38:9) My name is Meena. I was suffering from breast cancer for the last two and half years. I could not eat any food. Intestines were operated upon. Four operations were over. If at all any food was taken, immediately I had to go to toilet. It was then that God gave me an opportunity to attend the Spirit in Jesus retreat at Erumely, (Kerala), in September 2008. During the healing service, Bro. Tom and Sr. Catherine laid their hands on my head and prayed. At that very instant, the cancer and all other ailments left me miraculously. I will praise the Lord for the whole of my life time. Glory to the Lord for ever and ever. May the Lord bless the Spirit in Jesus fellowship. Meena Tity, Aroor, Kerala.

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 33 Lochness monster existed: archive report. Mountainous terrain doubles London: a top police officer believed that the heat increases fabled Lochness monster in Scotland existed beyond The future effects of global doubt, a file released from archives shows. warming could be significantly changed William Fraser, the chief constable of Inverness over small distances by local air shire expressed concerns about protecting the “strange movements in complex or mountainous creature” from hunters, in a letter to a British terrain – perhaps doubling or even government Minister in 1938 made public on Monday. tripling the temperature rises in some Writing to the under secretary of state in the cases. Scottish office, Mr. Fraser said: “that there is some Measuring ’wettability’ with strange creature in Loch Ness now seems beyond doubt. greater precision But that the police have any power to protect it is very Wettability is the degree to which a doubtful” liquid either spreads out over a surface His warning came five years after the British or forms into droplets. A new method government was asked to confirm the existence of a improves the resolution of images of monster or sea serpent in Loch Ness, following sightings droplets obtained for such and the publication of articles and grainy photographs. measurements by a factor of 10,000. ITHA NINTE AMMA Spirit in Jesus Malayalam Monthly READ SUBSCRIBE PROMOTE Single Copy : Rs. 8/- Annual in India : Rs.100/- Annual Abroad : Rs. 1000/- For Spirit in Jesus, Marian Koodaram, Chiyyaram P.O., Copies : Thrissur, Kerala, India. Pin : 680 026, Tel: 0487 - 2250326 / 3208630 , Fax: 0487 -2253127


34 Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 64,20,000 Rosaries

and 30,000 devotees of the Mother

from 2010 June 1 to December 31 Dedicated for the Holy Land

Intentions For the conversion of Israel. For the protection of the Holy places in the Holy Land. For the souls of all those who died in the land of Israel For world peace. For the 30,000 devotees of the Mother and their needs.

SPIRIT IN JESUS, MARIAN KOODARAM, Chiyyaram P.O., Thrissur, Kerala, India. Pin : 680 026. Tel: 0487 - 2250326 / 3208630 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.spiritinjesus.org

Holy Queen 2010 JUNE 35 Holy Queen 36 2010 JUNE