UNHOLY SPIRITS Other Books by Gary North
UNHOLY SPIRITS Other books by Gary North Marx% Religion of Revolution, 1968 An Introduction to Christian Economics, 1973 Unconditional Surrendq 1981 Successful Investing in an Age of Eru.y, 1981 The Dominion Covenant: Genesis, 1982 Government by Enwrgeruy, 1983 The Last Train Out, 1983 Backward, Christian Soldiers?, 1984 75 Bible Questions 16ur Instrudors Pray lbu Won’t Ask, 1984 “ Coined Freedom: Gold in the Age of the Bureaucrats, 1984 Moses and Pharaoh: Dominion Relip”on V2rsus Power Religion, 1985 Negatrends, 1985 The Sinai Strategy: Economics and the Tm Commandments, 1986 Conspiracy: A Biblical View, 1986 Inherit the Earth, 1986 Honest Mong, 1986 Dominion and Common Grace, 1986 Fighting Chance, 1986 [with Arthur Robinson] Resurrection vs. Entropy, 1987 The Pirate Economy, 1987 Liberating Planet Earth, 1987 (Spanish) 12010g’a de Liberacibn, 1986 Books edited by Gary North Foundations of Christian Scholarsh$, 1976 Tactics of Christian Resistance, 1983 The Theology of Christian Resistance, 1983 Editor, Journal of Christiun Reconstruction (1974-1981) UNHOLY SPIRITS Occultism and New Age Humanism Gary North Dominion Press Ft. Worth, Texas Copyright ‘1986 by Gary North All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles. Published by Dominion Press 7112 Burns Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76118 Printed in the United States of America ISBN 0-930462-02-5 This book is dedicated to Bob Mumford TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . 1 1. The Crisis of Western Rationalism. 15 2. The Biblical Framework of Interpretation . 50 3. Paranormal Science Since 1960 .
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