Fall 2006 [Pdf]
Le Bulletin du CRM • www.crm.umontreal.ca • Automne/Fall 2006 | Volume 12 – No 2 | Le Centre de recherches mathématiques A Review of CRM’s 2005 – 2006 Thematic Programme An Exciting Year on Analysis in Number Theory by Chantal David (Concordia University) The thematic year “Analysis in Number The- tribution of integers, and level statistics), integer and rational ory” that was held at the CRM in 2005 – points on varieties (geometry of numbers, the circle method, 2006 consisted of two semesters with differ- homogeneous varieties via spectral theory and ergodic theory), ent foci, both exploring the fruitful interac- the André – Oort conjectures (equidistribution of CM-points tions between analysis and number theory. and Hecke points, and points of small height) and quantum The first semester focused on p-adic analy- ergodicity (quantum maps and modular surfaces) The main sis and arithmetic geometry, and the second speakers were Yuri Bilu (Bordeaux I), Bill Duke (UCLA), John semester on classical analysis and analytic number theory. In Friedlander (Toronto), Andrew Granville (Montréal), Roger both themes, several workshops, schools and focus periods Heath-Brown (Oxford), Elon Lindenstrauss (New York), Jens concentrated on the new and exciting developments of the re- Marklof (Bristol), Zeev Rudnick (Tel Aviv), Wolfgang Schmidt cent years that have emerged from the interplay between anal- (Colorado, Boulder and Vienna), K. Soundararajan (Michigan), ysis and number theory. The thematic year was funded by the Yuri Tschinkel (Göttingen), Emmanuel Ullmo (Paris-Sud), and CRM, NSF, NSERC, FQRNT, the Clay Institute, NATO, and Akshay Venkatesh (MIT). the Dimatia Institute from Prague. In addition to the partici- The workshop on “p-adic repre- pants of the six workshops and two schools held during the sentations,” organised by Henri thematic year, more than forty mathematicians visited Mon- Darmon (McGill) and Adrian tréal for periods varying from two weeks to six months.
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