Open University Geological Society Journal Volume 32 (1–2) 2011 Editor: Dr David M. Jones e-mail:
[email protected] The Open University Geological Society (OUGS) and its Journal Editor accept no responsibility for breach of copyright. Copyright for the work remains with the authors, but copyright for the published articles is that of the OUGS. ISSN 0143-9472 © Copyright reserved OUGS Journal 32 (1–2) Edition 2011, printed by Hobbs the Printers Ltd, Totton, Hampshire Committee of the Open University Geological Society 2011 Society Website: Executive Committee President: Dr Dave McGarvie, Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA Chairman: Linda Fowler Secretary: Sue Vernon, Treasurer: John Gooch Membership Secretary: Phyllis Turkington Newsletter Editor: Karen Scott Events Officer: Chris Arkwright Information Officer: vacant at time of going to press Branch Organisers East Anglia (EAn): Wendy Hamilton East Midlands (EMi): Don Cameron East Scotland (ESc): Stuart Swales Ireland (Ire): John Leahy London (Lon): Jenny Parry Mainland Europe (Eur): Elisabeth d'Eyrames Northumbria (Nor): Paul Williams North West (NWe): Mrs Jane Schollick Oxford (Oxf): Sally Munnings Severnside (Ssi): Janet Hiscott South East (SEa): Elizabeth Boucher South West (SWe): Chris Popham Walton Hall (WHa): Tom Miller Wessex (Wsx): Sheila Alderman West Midlands (WMi): Linda Tonkin West Scotland (WSc): Jacqueline Wiles Yorkshire (Yor): Geoff Hopkins Other officers (non-OUGSC voting unless otherwise indicated) Sales Administrator (voting OUGSC member ): vacant at time of going to press Administrator: Don Cameron Minutes Secretary: Pauline Kirtley Journal Editor: Dr David M. Jones Archivist/Reviews: Jane Michael Webmaster: Stuart Swales Deputy Webmaster: Martin Bryan Gift Aid Officer: Ann Goundry OUSA Representative: Capt.