Case 2:17-cv-07545-PSG-KS Document 51 Filed 03/27/18 Page 1 of 65 Page ID #:374 1 Dan K. Webb (admitted pro hac vice)
[email protected] 2 WINSTON & STRAWN LLP 35 W. Wacker Drive 3 Chicago, Illinois 60601-9703 T/F: (312) 558-5600 / (312) 558-5700 4 Stephen R. Smerek (SBN 208343) 5
[email protected] WINSTON & STRAWN LLP 6 333 South Grand Ave., 38th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071-1543 7 (213) 615-1700 / (213) 615-1750 8 Ekwan E. Rhow (SBN 174604)
[email protected] 9 Hernan D. Vera (SBN 175149)
[email protected] 10 Nithin Kumar (SBN 300607)
[email protected] 11 BIRD, MARELLA, BOXER, WOLPERT, NESSIM, DROOKS, LINCENBERG & 12 RHOW, P.C. 1875 Century Park East, 23rd Floor 13 Los Angeles, CA 90067-2561 T/F: (310) 201-2100 / (310) 201-2110 14 Ronald Richards (SBN 176246) 15
[email protected] LAW OFFICES OF RONALD RICHARDS 16 & ASSOCIATES, A.P.C. P.O. Box 11480 17 Beverly Hills, California 90213 T/F: (310) 556-1001 / (310) 277-3325 18 Attorney for Plaintiff Manuela Herzer 19 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 20 Deadline CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 21 MANUELA HERZER, an individual, Case No.: 2:17-cv-07545-PSG (KSx) 22 Plaintiff, DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 23 vs. FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 24 (1) Violations of the RICO Act SHARI REDSTONE, an individual, and 25 TYLER KORFF, an individual, (2) Violations of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act 26 Defendants. (3) Civil Conspiracy to Defame 27 28 Action filed: October 9, 2017 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT Case 2:17-cv-07545-PSG-KS Document 51 Filed 03/27/18 Page 2 of 65 Page ID #:375 1 Plaintiff Manuela Herzer (“Herzer”), by and through her undersigned counsel, 2 alleges as follows: 3 INTRODUCTION 4 1.