APPOINTMENTS ...... 1798

_J ORDERS IN COUNCIL ...... 1798 The Government Organization Act ...... 1798

MINISTER'S ORDERS ...... 1810 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ...... 1810

CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES ...... 1813 The Co-operatives Act, 1989 ...... 1813 The Business Corporations Act ...... 1813 The Business Names Registration Act ...... 1817 The Non-profit Corporations Act ...... 1823

l PUBLIC NOTICES ...... 1823 The Change of Name Act ...... 1823 The Dental Profession Act, 1978 ...... 1824 The Garage Keepers Act ...... 1824 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ...... 1824 The Planning and Development Act, 1983 ...... 1825 The Tax Enforcement Act ...... 1825




The Indian and Metis Affairs Secretariat Amendment Regulations, 1991 699 The Education and Health Tax Exemption and Remission (1991) l Regulations ...... 701


ACTS PROCLAIMED being qualified to operate an approved instru­ ment and therefore "qualified technician" with respect to breath samples, the following persons: The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1991: R.C.M. Police: The Agri-Food Act, c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Blair Kenneth McDonald Sections 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and Donald Neelin Parke sections 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective January 1, 1991. Wallace Lee Purcell The League of Educational Administrators, Dated October 31, 1991. Directors and Superintendents Act, 1991, c.L-9.02, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effective Brian Barrington-Foote, Q.C., August 1, 1991. Deputy Attorney General and Deputy Minister of Justice. The Legal Profession Act, 1990, c. L-10.1, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effective October 1, 1991. The Medical Laboratory Licensing Act, c.M-9.1, ORDERS IN COUNCIL S.S. 1989-90. Proclaimed in force effective April 1, 1991. The Ozone-depleting Substances Control Act, The Government Organization Act c.O-8, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effective January 1, 1991. The Personal Care Homes Act, c.P-6.01, S.S. (O.C. 928/91) 1989-90. Proclaimed in force effective October 1, 1 Nov 1991 1991. Pursuant to sections 4, 5 and 9 of The Govern­ The Planning and Development Amendment ment Organization Act, on the recommendation of Act, 1989, c.51, S.S. 1990-91. Section 31 pro­ the President of the Executive Council, the Lieu­ claimed in force effective January 1, 1991. tenant Governor in Council made order in council The Referendum and Plebiscite Act, c. R-8.01, 928/91, dated November 1, 1991: S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effective Sep­ (a) repealing Your Honour's Order 820/91; tember 10, 1991. (b) listing the members of the Executive The Sashatchewan Heritage Foundation Act, Council in order of seniority as set out in the c.S-22.1, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effec­ first column of Schedule I along with their tive February 18, 1991. respective offices and their responsibilities set The Saslwtchewan Human Rights Code Amend­ out in the second column; ment Act, 1989, c.23, S.S. 1990-91. Section 11 proclaimed in force effective March 1, 1991. (c) appointing the Acting Minister for each Minister as set out in the third column of Sched­ The Summary Offences Procedure Act, 1990, ule I attached hereto with respect to the office c.S-63.1, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effec­ opposite it and where there is more than one tive January 1, 1991. Acting Minister, the Acting Minister whose * A proclamation appearing in this list for name is underlined with respect to all other the firsttime is indicated in bold print. responsibilities of the Minister unless another Minister is listed as an Acting Minister opposite a responsibility; APPOINTMENTS (d) designating the senior member of the Executive Council present in the City of Regina according to the list of Ministers in Schedule I DESIGNATION OF BREATHALIZER excluding the President of the Executive Coun­ TECHNICIANS cil, to be Acting Minister in the event that the Minister and the Acting Minister are absent for (Breath Samples) any reason; I, Brian Barrington-Foote, Q.C., Deputy Attor­ (e) assigning ministerial responsibility for ney General, pursuant to subsection 254(1) of the the administration of the various Acts of the Criminal Code (Canada), hereby designate as Legislature as set out in Schedule II;

SCHEDULE I to O.C. 928/91 including changes made by O.C. 949/91

MINISTER OFFICE and RESPONSIBILITIES ACTING Hon. , Q.C. Premier Tchorzewski President of the Executive Council Planning and Priorities (Chairperson) Electoral Office NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1799

MINISTER OFFICE and RESPONSIBILITIES ACTING � Hon. Deputy Premier Minister of Finance Romanow Planning and Priorities (Member) Treasury Board (Chairperson) Crown Investments Corporation (Chairperson) Investment Board (Chairperson) Provincial Auditor Board of Revenue Commissioners Saskatchewan Pension Plan Public Service Superannuation Board Public Employees Superannuation Commission Municipal Employees Superannuation Commission Saskatchewan Development Fund (Vice-Chairperson) Municipal Financing Corporation (Chairperson) Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation (Vice-Chairperson) Saskatchewan Power Corporation (Member) Souris Basin Development Authority (Vice-Chairperson)

Hon. Minister of Economic Diversification Teichrob and Trade

__J Planning and Priorities Committee (Member) Legislative Review Committee (Vice-Chairperson) Crown Investments Corporation (Vice-Chairperson) Saskatchewan Economic Development Corporation (Vice-Chairperson) Saskatchewan Government Growth Fund Management Corporation Saskatchewan Government Insurance (Vice-Chairperson) Saskatchewan Energy Corporation Saskatchewan Power Corporation Souris Basin Development Authority (Chairperson) Saskatchewan Transportation Company (Vice-Chairperson) Saskatchewan Mining Development Corporation (Member) Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation (Member)

Hon. Louise Simard Minister of Health MacKinnon Minister Responsible forthe Status of Women Planning and Priorities (Member) Treasury Board (Member) Investment Board (Member) Order in Council Review Committee (Chairperson) Saskatchewan Cancer Foundation Saskatchewan Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts Health Research Board Public Service Commission Women's Secretariat Saskatchewan Women's Advisory Council Wascana Centre Authority Saskatchewan Power Corporation (Member) Souris Basin Development Authority (Member) I 1800 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZET TE

MINISTER OFFICE and RESPONSIBILITIES ACTING Hon. Carol Teichrob Minister of Education Cunningham Minister of the Family Treasury Board (Member) Investment Board (Member) Crown Investments Corporation (Member) Teachers' Superannuation Commission Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation (Member) Family Foundation Saskatchewan Arts Board Western Development Museum Saskatchewan Archives Board Interprovincial Lotteries Saskatchewan Telecommunications (Vice-Chairperson) Saskatchewan Computer Utility Corporation (Chairperson)

Hon. Berny Wiens Minister of Agriculture and Food Cunningham Minister of Highways and Transportation Teichrob Planning and Priorities Committee (Member) Agricultural Credit Corporation of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Water Corporation (Vice-Chairperson) Horse Racing Commission Milk Control Board Saskatchewan Pork Producers Marketing Board Saskatchewan Sheep and Wool Marketing Commission Saskatchewan Beef Stabilization Board Saskatchewan Grain Car Corporation (Chairperson) Agriculture Development Fund Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute Highway Traffic Board Teichrob

Hon. Carol Carson Minister of Community Services Mitchell Minister of Environment and Public Safety J Crown Investment Corporation (Member) Treasury Board (Member) Investment Board (Member) Legislative Review Committee (Chairperson) Regulations Review Committee (Member) Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (Chairperson) Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency Saskatchewan Municipal Board Saskatchewan Emergency Measures Organization Water Appeal Board Municipal Financing Corporation (Member) Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation (Chairperson) Saskatchewan Transportation Company (Chairperson) - (O.C. 949/91) NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1801

MINISTER OFFICE and RESPONSIBILITIES ACTING 7 Hon. Robert Mitchell, Q.C. Minister of Justice and Attorney General Simard Provincial Secretary Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment Planning and Priorities Committee (Member) Legislative Review Committee (Member) Saskatchewan Gaming Commission Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation (Member) Labour Relations Board Workers' Compensation Board Workers' Advocate Minimum Wage Board Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission Crimes Compensation Board Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan Provincial Mediation Board Surface Rights Arbitration Board Indian and Metis Affairs Secretariat Public and Private Rights Board Saskatchewan Police Commission Saskatchewan Farm Ownership Board Farm Land Security Board Co-operative Securities Board Office of the Rentalsman Agricultural Implements Board Rent Appeal Commission Saskatchewan Securities Commission ! Provincial Ombudsman CIC Mineral Interests Corporation (9hairperson) Saskatchewan Communications Network Corporation Saskatchewan Power Corporation (Member) Souris Basin Development Authority (Member)

Hon. Janice MacKinnon Minister of Social Services Carson Minister Responsible for Seniors Seniors' Secretariat New Careers Corporation Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission Regulations Review Committee (Chairperson) Meewasin Valley Au thority Wanuskewin Heritage Park Corporation

Hon. John Penner Minister of Energy and Mines Lingenfelter Treasury Board (Member) Investment Board (Member) Regulations Review Committee (Vice-Chairperson) Saskatchewan Mining Development Corporation (Member) Order in Council Review Committee (Member) Wakamow Valley Authority Saskatchewan Research Council Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation (Member)


MINISTER OFFICE and RESPONSIBILITIES ACTING Hon. Darrel Cunningham Minister of Rural Development Minister of Parks and Renewable Resources Legislative Review Committee (Member) Order in Council Review Committee (Member) Saskatchewan Wetlands Conservation Corporation Saskatchewan Liquor Board Saskatchewan Liquor Licensing Commission Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation (Member) Saskatchewan Forest Products Corporation (V ice-Chairperson) Board of Examiners Saskatchewan Lands Appeal Board Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation Saskatchewan Water Corporation (Chairperson) Municipal Financing Corporation (Member)

SCHEDULE II MINISTERS RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTS KEY A Hon. R. Romanow 1 President of the Executive Council B Hon. E. Tchorzewski 2 Minister of Agriculture and Food C Hon. D. Lingenfelter 3 Minister of Community Services D Hon. L. Simard 4 Minister of Economic Diversification and Trade E Hon. C. Teichrob 5 Minister of Education F Hon. B. Wiens 6 Minister of Energy and Mines G Hon. C. Carson 7 Minister of Environment and Public Safety H Hon. B. Mitchell 8 Minister of the Family I Hon. J. MacKinnon 9 Minister of Finance J Hon. J. Penner 10 Minister of Health K Hon. D. Cunningham 11 Minister of Highways and Transportation 12 Minister of Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment 13 Minister of Justice 14 Minister of Parks and Renewable Resources 15 Provincial Secretary 16 Minister of Rural Development 17 Minister of Social Services 18 Minister responsible for Seniors 19 Minister responsible for the Status of Women

10 Abandoned Refrigerator Act 13 Absconding Debtors Act 13 Absentee Act 9 Accredited Public Accountants Act 1 7 Adoption Act 13 Age of Majority Act 13 Agreements of Sale Cancellation Act F Agricultural Credit Corporation of Saskatchewan Act 16 Agricultural Development and Adjustment Act 2 Agriculture Development Fund Act 13 Agricultural Implements Act 13 Agricultural Leaseholds Act 4 Agricultural Products Market Development Fund Act 2 Agricultural Safety Net Act 16 Agricultural Societies Act 2 Agri-Food Act 2 Agrologists Act G Alberta-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1939 10 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission Act K Alcohol Control Act 11 All Terrain Vehicles Act NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1803

10 Ambulance Act 7 Amusement Ride Safety Act ---, 10 Anatomy Act 5 Ancillary Dental Personnel Education Act 2 Animal Identification Act 2 Animal Products Act 2 Animal Protection Act 2 Apiaries Act 5 Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Act 13 Arbitration Act 5 Architects Act 8 Archives Act 8 Arts Board Act 3 Assessment Management Agency Act 13 Assignment of Wages Act 5 Association of School Business Officials of Saskatchewan Act 13 Attachment of Debts Act 13 Auctioneers Act C Automobile Accident Insurance Act 2 Beef Stabilization Act 7 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act 3 Border Areas Act 13 Builders' Lien Act 12 Building Trades Protection Act 13 Bulk Sales Act 13 Business Corporations Act 13 Business Names Registration Act 13 Canada-United Kingdom Judgments Enforcement Act 13 Canadian Institute of Management (Saskatchewan Division) Act � 10 Cancer Foundation Act 2 Cattle Marketing Deductions Act 13 Cemeteries Act 9 Certified General Accountants Act 10 Certified Nursing Assistants Act 9 Certified Public Accountants Act 10 Change of Name Act 9 Chartered Accountants Act, 1986 17 Child and Family Services Act 17 Child Care Act 13 Children's Law Act 10 Chiropody Profession Act 10 Chiropractic Act 13 Choses in Action Act 7 Clean Air Act 13 Closing-out Sales Act 9 Co-operation Income Tax Collection Agreement Act, 1947 13 Co-operatives Act, 1989 (except Part XIX) H Co-operatives Act, 1989, Part XIX 4 Co-operative Guarantee Act 13 Collection Agents Act 13 Commissioners for Oaths Act H Communications Network Corporation Act 4 Community Bonds Act 13 Community Cablecasters Act 3 Community Capital Fund Program Act 10 Community Health Unit Act 3 Community Planning Profession Act 13 Companies Act 13 Companies Winding Up Act 13 Condominium Property Act K Conservation and Development Act 13 Constitutional Questions Act 13 Consumer and Commercial Affairs Act (subject to the provisions of O.C. 134/90) 13 Consumer Products Warranties Act 13 Contributory Negligence Act 1 Controverted Elections Act 3/16 Controverted Municipal Elections Act 13 Coroners Act 9 Corporations Capital Tax Act 13 Corrections Act 13 Cost of Credit Disclosure Act J 1804 THE SASKATCHEWANGAZET TE

13 Court Officials Act, 1984 13 Court of Appeal Act 13 Credit Reporting Agencies Act 13 Credit Union Act, 1985 (except Part XVIII) H Credit Union Act, 1985 Part XVIII 13 Creditors' Relief Act 13 Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 14/16 Critical Wildlife Habitat Protection Act K Crop Insurance Act 2 Crop Payments Act 13 Crown Administration of Estates Act B Crown Corporations Act, 1978 6 Crown Minerals Act 13 Crown Suits (Costs) Act 3 Cut Knife Reference Act 11 Dangerous Goods Transportation Act 13 Demise of the Crown Act 10 Dental Care Act 10 Dental Profession Act, 1978 10 Dental Technicians Act 10 Dental Therapists Act 10 Denturists Act 2 Department of Agriculture Act (subject to the provisions of O.C. 599/88 and 612/88) 6 Department of Energy and Mines Act 10 Department of Health Act 11 Department of Highways and Transportation Act 13 Department of Justice Act 16 Department of Rural Development Act (subject to the provisions of O.C. 588/89 o.c. 665/90) 4 Department of Science and Technology Act 17 Department of Social Services Act 3 Department of Urban Affairs Act 13 Dependants' Relief Act 13 Dependent Adults Act 13 Devolution of Real Property Act 13 Direct Sellers Act 2 Diseases of Animals Act 13 Distress Act 8 Doukhobors of Canada C.C.U.B. Trust Fund Act 2 Drainage Act 7 Ecological Reserves Act J 4 Economic Development and Tourism Act 4 Economic Development Foundation of Saskatchewan Act 5 Education Act 9 Education and Health Tax Act 1 Election Act 1 Electoral Boundaries Commission Act C Electrical Inspection Act 7 Electrical Licensing Act 10 Emergency Medical Aid Act 3 Emergency Planning Act 12 Employment Agencies Act 13 Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Act 13 Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act 11 Engineering Profession Act 7 Environmental Assessment Act 7 Environmental Management and Protection Act (subject to the provisions of o.c. 518/87) 13 Equality of Status of Married Persons Act 13 Escheats Act 9 Estate Tax Rebate Act, 1969 9 Estate Tax Rebates Reciprocal Arrangements Act, 1970 13 Executions Act 13 Exemptions Act 2 Expropriation (Rehabilitation Projects) Act 2 Expropriation Act 13 Expropriation Procedures Act 13 Factors Act 8 Family and Community Services Act 13 Family Farm Credit Act 13 Family Maintenance Act NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1805

2 Farmers' Counselling and Assistance Act 2 Farm Financial Stability Act ·1 2 Farming Communities Land Act 2 Farm Purchase Program Act 13 Fatal Accidents Act 13 Federal Courts Act 9 Federal-Provincial Agreements Act 13 Film and Video Classification Act 9 Financial Administration Act 12 Fire Departments Platoon Act 3 Fire Prevention Act, 1980 14 Fisheries Act 3 Flin-Flon Extension of Boundaries Act, 1952 13 Foreign Judgments Act 14 Forest Act 13 Fraudulent Preferences Act 13 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 6 Freehold Oil and Gas Production Tax Act 9 Fuel Tax Act, 1987 13 Garage Keepers Act C Gas Inspection Act 7 Gas Licensing Act G Geographic Names Board Act 9 Gift Tax Act, 1972 1 Government Organization Act 16 Grain Charges Limitation Act 2 Grain and Fodder Conservation Act 14 Grasslands National Park Act K Ground Water Conservation Act 13 Guarantee Companies Securities Act 10 Health Research Act 10 Health Services Act 10 Hearing Aid Act 9 Heritage Fund (Saskatchewan) Act (subject to the provisions of O.C. 1086/90 and o.c. 236/89) 8 Heritage Property Act 11 Highway Traffic Act 11 Highways and Transportation Act 10 Home Care Act 9 Home Energy Loan Act 13 Home Owners' Protection Act 13 Homesteads Act, 1989 2 Horned Cattle Purchases Act 2 Horse Racing Commission Act 9 Horse Racing Regulation Act 16 Horticultural Societies Act 9/10 Hospital Revenue Act 10 Hospital Standards Act 9 Hospitals Tax Act 13 Hotel Keepers Act 3 House Building Assistance Act 10 Housing and Special-care Homes Act 12 Human Resources, Labour and Employment Act (subject to the provisions of O.C. 778/89) 10 Human Tissue Gift Act 13 Improvements under Mistake of Title Act 9 Income Tax Act H Indian and Native Affairs Act C Industrial Development Act 4 Industrial Incentive Program Act 3 Industrial Towns Act 4/9 Industry and Commerce Development Act 4 Industry Incentives Act 5 Institute Act 9 Insurance Premiums Tax Act 13 International Child Abduction Act 13 International Commercial Arbitration Act 13 Interpretation Act 8 Interprovincial Lotteries Act, 1984 13 Interprovincial Subpoena Act 13 Intestate Succession Act I 1806 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

K Irrigation Districts Act 13 Judgments Extension Act 13 Judges' Orders Enforcement Act 13 Jury Act, 1981 13 Justices of the Peace Act, 1988/Loi de 1988 sur Jes juges de paix 12 Labour Management Disputes (Temporary Provisions) Act 9 Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corporations Act 12 Labour Standards Act 16 Land Bank Repeal and Temporary Provisions Act 13 Land Contracts (Actions) Act G Land Surveys Act 13 Land Titles Act 13 Landlord and Tenant Act 13 Language Act/Loi linguistique 13 Law Reform Commission Act 13 Laws Declaratory Act 2 Leafcutting Beekeepers Registration Act 5 League of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents Act, 1991 17 Legal Aid Act 13 Legal Profession Act, 1990 1 Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act (subject to the provisions of O.C. 467/90 and O.C. 741/91) 13 Libel and Slander Act 13 Limitation of Actions Act 13 Limitation of Civil Rights Act 2/16 Line Fence Act K Liquor Board Superannuation Act 9 Liquor Consumption Tax Act 7 Litter Control Act 2 Livestock Facilities Tax Credit Act 2 Livestock Investment Tax Credit Act 10 Lloydminster Hospital Act, 1948 3 Lloydminster Municipal Amalgamation Act, 1930 13 Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 3 Local Government Election Act 3 Local Improvements Act 13 Lord's Day (Saskatchewan) Act 9 Management Accountants Act G Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1937 G Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1942 G Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1966 G Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1978 13 Marriage Act 13 Marriage Settlement Act 13 Married Persons Property Act 13 Matrimonial Property Act 13 Mechanics' Lien Act 10 Medical Care Insurance Supplementary Provisions Act 10 Medical Laboratory Licensing Act 10 Medical Profession Act, 1981 10 Medical Radiation Technologists Act 10 Medical Scholarships and Bursaries Act 10 Medical and Hospitalization Tax Repeal Act I Meewasin Valley Authority Act 13 Members of the Legislative Assembly Conflict oflnterests Act 9 Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Act, 1979 10 Mental Health Services Act 13 Mentally Disordered Persons Act 2 Milk Control Act 6 Mineral Resources Act, 1985 6 Mineral Taxation Act 6 Mineral Taxation Act, 1983 13 Minors Tobacco Act 13 Mortgage Brokers Act 9 Mortgage Interest Reduction Act 9 Mortgage Protection Act 11 Motor Carrier Act 13 Motor Dealers Act 9 Motor Vehicle Insurance Premiums Tax Act 3 Municipal Board Act 3 Municipal Debentures Repayment Act J NOV EMBER 15, 1991 1807

3 Municipal Development and Loan (Saskatchewan) Act 9 Municipal Employees' Superannuation Act 7 3/16 Municipal Expropriation Act 9 Municipal Financing Corporation Act 13 Municipal Hail Insurance Act 3/16 Municipal Improvements Assistance (Saskatchewan) Act 3 Municipal Industrial Development Corporations Act 3/16 Municipal Reference Act 3/16 Municipal Revenue Sharing Act 16 Municipal Tax Sharing (Potash) Act 10 Mutual Medical and Hospital Benefit Associations Act 13 Names of Homes Act 10 Naturopathy Act B NewGrade Energy Inc. Act 13 Non-profit Corporations Act 3 Northern Affairs Act 3 Northern Municipalities Act (subject to the provisions of O.C. 1242/84) 3 Northern Saskatchewan Economic Development Act 13 Notaries Public Act 2 Noxious Weeds Act, 1984 12 Occupational Health and Safety Act 6 Oil Well Income Tax Act 6 Oil and Gas Conservation Act H Ombudsman Act 10 Ophthalmic Dispensers Act 10 Optometry Act, 1985 10 Osteopathic Practice Act 7 Ozone-depleting Substances Control Act 13 Parents' Maintenance Act 14 Parks Act 13 Partnership Act 7 Passenger and Freight Elevator Act 13 Penalties and Forfeitures Act 12 Pension Benefits Act 10 Personal Care Homes Act 13 Personal Property Security Act 2 Pest Control Act 2 Pest Control Products (Saskatchewan) Act 10 Pharmacy Act 10 Physical Therapists Act, 1984 9 Pioneer Trnst Company Depositors Assistance Act 6 Pipe Lines Act 3/16 Planning and Development Act, 1983 13 Police Act 13 Police Act, 1990 13 Police Pension () Funding Act 2 Pollution (By Livestock) Control Act, 1984 H Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Act H Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Reorganization Act H Potash Development Act 6 Potash Resources Act C Power Corporation Act C Power Corporation Superannuation Act 13 Powers of Attorney Act 2 Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute Act 14 Prairie and Forest Fires Act, 1982 13 Pre-judgment Interest Act 13 Prepaid Funeral Services Act 10 Prescription Drngs Act 13 Privacy Act 13 Private Investigators and Security Guards Act 5 Private Vocational Schools Regulation Act 13 Proceedings Against the Crown Act 10 Professional Dietitians Act 9 Provincial Auditor Act 3 Provincial Capital Fund Program Act 13 Provincial Court Act 1 Provincial Emblems and Honours Act 14/16 Provincial Lands Act 13 Provincial Mediation Board Act 15 Provincial Secretary's Act 1 1808 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

10 Psychiatric Nurses Act 10 Public Health Act (subject to the provisions of O.C. 1/87) 13 Public Inquiries Act 3 Public Libraries Act, 1984 13 Public Officers' ProtectionAct D Public Officials Security Act D Public Service Act 9 Public Service Superannuation Act 13 Public Trustee Act 13 Public Utilities Easements Act G Public Works Act K Pulp and Paper Mills Act G Purchasing Act 13 Pyramid Franchises Act 13 Queen's Bench Act 13 Queen's Counsel Act 13 Queen's Printer's Act 12 Radiation Health and Safety Act, 1985 11 Railway Act 13 Real Estate Brokers Act, 1987 13 Reciprocal Enforcementof Judgments Act 13 Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, 1983 13 Recording of Evidence by Sound Recording Machine Act 13 Recovery of Possession of Land Act 13 Referendum and Plebiscite Act 5 Regional Colleges Act 14 Regional Parks Act, 1979 5 Registered Music Teachers Act 10 Registered Nurses Act, 1988 10 Registered Occupational Therapists Act 10 Registered Psychologists Act 17 Registered Social Workers Act 13 Regulations Act, 1989 17 Rehabilitation Act 13 Religious Societies Land Act 14 Renewable Resources, Recreation and Culture Act (subject to the provisions of O.C. 778/89, O.C. 1134/90, and O.C. 16/91) 1 Representation Act, 1989 J Research Council Act 10/17 Residential Services Act 13 Residential Tenancies Act 9 Revenue and Financial Services Act 6 Road Allowances Crown Oil Act 16 Rural Development Act C Rural Electrification Act f 16 Rural Municipal Administrators Act 16 Rural Municipality Act, 1989 13 Rural Telephone Act 13 Sale of Goods Act 13 Sale of Training Courses Act 14/16 Sale or Lease of Certain Lands Act 13 Sales on Consignment Act 11 Sand and Gravel Act 16 Saskatchewan 4-H Foundation Act 2 Saskatchewan Agricultural Returns Stabilization Act 17 Saskatchewan Assistance Act D Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts Act H Saskatchewan Communications Network Act E Saskatchewan Computer Utility Corporation Act B Saskatchewan Development Fund Act 10 Saskatchewan Embalmers Act 13 Saskatchewan Evidence Act 13 Saskatchewan Farm Security Act H Saskatchewan Gaming Commission Act C Saskatchewan Government Insurance Act, 1980 F Saskatchewan Grain Car Corporation Act 10 Saskatchewan Health Insurance Act 8 Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation Act 10 Saskatchewan Hospitalization Act 3 Saskatchewan Housing Corporation Act 13 Saskatchewan Human Rights Code NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1809

18 Saskatchewan Income Plan Act 13 Saskatchewan Insurance Act G Saskatchewan Land Smveyors Act 10 Saskatchewan Medical Care Insmance Act J Saskatchewan Mining Development Corporation Act J Saskatchewan Mining Development Corporation Reorganization Act 8 Saskatchewan Multicultmal Act G Saskatchewan Northwest Territories Boundary Act, 1966 J Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Corporation Act, 1985 9 Saskatchewan Pension Plan Act G Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation Act E Saskatchewan Telecommunications Act E Saskatchewan Telecommunications Superannuation Act H Secmities Act, 1988 2 Seed Grain Advances Act 3 Senior Citizens Home Repair Assistance Act, 1984 18 Senior Citizens' Heritage Program Act 18 Senior Citizens' Heritage Rebates Act 13 Slot Machine Act 4 Small Business Investment Incentives Act 13 Small Claims Act 11 Snowmobile Act 2 Soil Drifting Control Act 10 South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre Act K South Saskatchewan River Irrigation Act 10 Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Act 7 State of the Environment Report Act 9 Statistics Act 13 Statutes Act J 9 Stock Savings Plan Tax Credit Act 16 Stray Animals Act 5 Student Assistance and Student--- Aid Fund Act, 1985 16 -Subdivisions Act 9 Succession Duty Act 13 Summary OffencesProcedme Act, 1990 9 Superannuation (Supplementary Provisions) Act 13 Smface Rights Acquisition and Compensation Act 13 Smrogate Comt Act 13 Survival of Actions Act 13 Smvivorship Act 13 Tabling of Documents Act 3/16 Tax Enforcement Act 5 Teachers' 1990-91 Collective Agreement Implementation Act 5 Teachers' Dental Plan Act 5 Teachers' Federation Act 5 Teachers' Life Insmance (Government Contributory) Act 5 Teachers' Superannuation Act 13 Telephone Department Act 13 Thresher Employees Act 13 Thresher's Lien Act 3/16 Time Act 9 Tobacco Tax Act 4 Trade and Investment Act 12 Trade Union Act 13 Trading Stamp Act 13 Traffic Safety Court of Saskatchewan Act, 1988/Loi de 1988 sm Le Tribunal de la securite routiere de la Saskatchewan 13 Trust and Loan Corporations Act 13 Trustee Act 10 Tuberculosis Sanatoria and Hospitals Act 13 Unconscionable Transactions Relief Act 13 Unified Family Comt Act 3 Uniform Building and Accessibility Standards Act 10 Union Hospital Act 10 University Hospital Act 5 University of Regina Act 5 University of Saskatchewan Act 5 University of Saskatchewan Foundation Act 13 Unsolicited Goods and Credit Cards Act 3 Urban Municipal Administrators Act 3 Urban Municipality Act, 1984


13 Variation of Trusts Act 2 Vegetable and Honey Sales Act C Vehicle Administration Act 10 Venereal Disease Prevention Act 4 Venture Capital Tax Credit Act 2 Veterinarians Act, 1987 2 Veterinary Services Act 13 Victims of Crime Act 12 Victims of Workplace Injuries Day of Mourning Act/Loi sur le jour de deuil en souvenir des victimes d'accidents de travail 10 Vital Statistics Act 12 Wages Recovery Act J Wakamow Valley Authority Act I Wanuskewin Heritage Park Act 13 Warehousemen's Lien Act D Wascana Centre Act 10 Wascana Rehabilitation Centre Act 7 Water Appeal Board Act K Water Corporation Act K Water Power Act K Water Users Act K Watershed Associations Act 8 Western Development Museum Act 10 White Cane Act 14 Wildlife Act 13 Wills Act 19 Women's Affairs Act 13 Woodmen's Lien Act H Workers' Compensation Act, 1979 H Workmen's Compensation Board Superannuation Act 17 Young Offenders' Services Act

(O.C. 949/91) 5 Nov. 91 Pursuant to sections 3 and 6 of The Crown Corporations Act, 1978, on the recommendation of the President of the Executive Council, the Lieutenant Governor in Council made order in council 949/91, dated November 5, 1991, providing for the following membership changes to the Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Transportation Company: (a) terminating the appointment of William G. Rudichuk of Regina as member and chairman; (b) terminating Daryl Huber (Lipton), David Kimber (Melfort), Leona Huxley (Maidstone), Helen Crich (Saskatoon), Clinton Ranger (Leask), Hilda Hildebrandt (Limerick), Danny Keshane (Kamsack) and Murray Hutchings (Regina); (c) appointing Honourable Carol Carson member and chairman and Honourable Darrel Cunningham member.

MINISTER'S ORDERS to the commencement of salt water injection and subsequent to any modifications to such installa­ tions. The Oil and Gas Conservation Act 2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be lim­ ited to a maximum of 7 385 kilopascals. 3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a LUCKY HILLS VIKING SAND POOL - Department approved method. PRESSURE MAINTENANCE This approval does not authorize the applicant MRO 333/91. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The to dispose of salt water without the consent of all Oil and Gas Conservation Act, the application the mineral owners, other than the Crown, that submitted by Ish Energy Ltd. for disposing of salt might reasonably be adversely affected by such water recovered from oilfield production by injec­ disposal. tion into the Viking Sand through the well Ultra­ Dated at Regina, Sask., November 2, 1991. mar et al Lucky H RE 4-20-30-23, located in legal subdivision 4 of Section 20, in Township 30, in Range 23, West of the Third Meridian, is approved FREEFIGHT MILK RIVER SAND POOL in accordance with plans and specifications filed with the Department as P.M. 800 and subject to OFF-TARGET WELL following conditions: MRO 334/91. A 103 Ocelot Energy Inc. has 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval submitted an application to drill an off-targetwell of a field representative of the Department prior due to surface obstruction within the target area. NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1811

Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas Conser­ Maximum Allowable Rate of Production - vation Act, permission is granted to drill an off­ Oil Wells target well located in legal subdivision 11 of 5 The maximum allowable rate of production Section 2, in Township 17, in Range 24, West of (MARP) for a drainage unit shall be based on an 7 the Third Meridian. area of one legal subdivision provided that, if a Dated at Regina, Sask., October 30, 1991. well is not completed within the target area as prescribed by section 4, the minister may pre­ scribe the area to be used as a factor in determin­ FREEFIGHT MILK RIVER SAND POOL - ing the MARP and may vary the prescribed area. OFF-TARGET WELL Samples 6 Samples of drill cuttings from formations MRO 335/91 A 104. Ocelot Energy Inc. has below the top of the Devonian System shall be submitted an application to drill an well taken and delivered to the department. due to surface obstruction within the target area. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas Conser­ Deviation Tests or Surveys vation Act, permission is granted to drill an off­ 7 Deviation Tests or surveys are required in target well located in legal subdivision 9 of respect of any wells drilled in the following cir­ Section 3, in Township 15, in Range 24, West of cumstances: the Third Meridian, subject to the following condi­ (a) where the well is to be drilled to a depth tion: greater than the top of the Devonian Carbonate; 1 The well will be deemed to have been drilled or within the drainage unit comprised of legal subdi­ (b) where the department requires proof that visions 7 and 8, of Section 3, in Township 15, in the well has been completed within its target Range 24, West of the Third Meridian. area. Dated at Regina, Sask., October 30, 1991. Logs 8 As a nnmmum requirement, the operator Pat Youzwa, Deputy Minister, shall run a resistivity log and either a sonic log or ---f Saskatchewan Energy and Mines. an approved radioactivity log from total depth to surface casing shoe for each well drilled. Lubricators WINTER SOUTH CUMMINGS SAND POOL 9 Lubricators-shall be used during every per­ forating and swabbing operation. 7 MRO 336/91 PO 44. Pursuant to section 17 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, MRO 83/91 Special Provisions PO 12, published in The Saskatchewan Gazette on 10 These pool provisions shall be subject to March 22, 1991, is rescinded and the pool provi­ such special provisions as may be established by sions set forth in the following schedule shall order of the minister. apply to the drilling of and production from verti­ cal oil wells in the Winter South Cummings Sand Pool effective November 1, 1991. WINTER SOUTH CUMMINGS SAND POOL Dated at Regina, Sask., November 6, 1991. MRO 337 /91 PB 45. Pursuant to section 17 of Schedule The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, MRO 82/91 Pool provisions applicable to the drilling of and PB 15, published in The Sas/wtchewan Gazette on production from vertical oil wells in the Winter March 22, 1991, is rescinded and the area com­ South Cummings Sand Pool. prised of the lands described below is designated Interpretation and identified as the area of an oil pool named the 1 These provisions shall be construed with ref­ "Winter South Cummings Sand Pool", effective erence to the terms and expressions contained in November 1, 1991. The Oil and Gas Conservation Act and the regula­ Lands lying West of the Third Meridian: tions made pursuant to the Act as amended from Section 10 and the south-west and north-west time to time. quarters of Section 11, in Township 42, in Range Drainage Unit 25. 2 The drainage unit shall be one legal subdivi­ Dated at Regina, Sask., November 6, 1991. sion in a Section. Target Area 3 The location of an oil well within a drainage WINTER SOUTH CUMMINGS SAND POOL - " unit shall be within the target area prescribed in section 4 or such other location within the drain­ HORIZONTAL WELL PROJECT EXPANSION age unit as may be approved by the minister. MRO 338/91. The application submitted by CS 4 The south-east corner of the rectangular tar­ Resources Limited to expand the horizontal well get area shall be the south-east corner of the project in the Winter South Cummings Sand Pool drainage unit. The north and west sides of the is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil target area shall be parallel to the corresponding and Gas Conservation Act. Permission is granted sides of the drainage unit. The north side of the to construct the facilities and to drill and com­ target area shall be 200 m from the south side of plete three wells with proposed horizontal sec­ the drainage unit and the west side of the target tions of up to 1400 m in the Cummings Sand area shall be 200 m from the east side of the underlying the west half of Section 11, in Town­ drainage unit. ship 42, in Range 25, West of the Third Meridian, l 1812 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE in accordance with plans and specifications filed OTHER AREAS- SALT WATER DISPOSAL with Energy and Mines as Document No. H.W. 50 and subject to the following provision: MRO 342/91. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil 1 The horizontal wells shall be produced and Gas Conservation Act, the application sub­ mitted by Koch Exploration Canada, Ltd. for dis­ according to Good Production Practice. posing of salt water recovered from oilfield Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, November 6, production by injection into the Duperow through 1991. the well Koch Eyehill A4-29-40-28, located in legal subdivision 4 of Section 29, in Township 40, in Range 28, West of the Third Meridian, is SMILEY.DEWARAREA - GOOD approved in accordance with plans and specifica­ PRODUCTION PRACTICE tions filed with the Department as S.W.D. 345 and subject to the following conditions: MRO 339/91. Pursuant to subsection (17)1 of 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, the well Esso of a field representative of the Department prior Smiley 6-3-31-25 shall be produced according to to the commencement of salt water injection and Good Production Practice while producing from subsequent to any modifications to such installa­ the Viking Chert formation, effective Novem­ tions. ber 1, 1991. 2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be lim­ Dated at Regina, Sask., November 6, 1991. ited to a maximum of 8 300 kilopascals. 3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a Department approved method. GAINSBOROUGH WEST FROBISHER-ALIDA This approval does not authorize the applicant BEDS POOL - WATERFLOOD to dispose of salt water without the consent of all MODIFICATION the mineral owners, other than the Crown, that might reasonably be adversely affected by such MRO 340/91. The application submitted by disposal. Glenview Resources Ltd. to modify the waterflood Dated at Regina, Sask., November 6, 1991 project in the Gainsborough West Voluntary Unit No. 1 is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act. Permission is granted to construct the necessary facilities and recomplete the well Glenview et al Gains BUTTE WEST UPPER SHAUNAVON POOL - 14-22-2-31 as a pressure maintenance water injec­ OFF-TARGET WELL tion well, all in accordance with plans and specifi­ cations filed with Saskatchewan Energy and MRO 343/91 A 105. ResoQuest Energy Corp., Mines as Document No. P.M. 732. has submitted an application to drill an off-target well because a well has been drilled and aban­ Dated at Regina, Sask., November 6, 1991. doned within the drainage unit. Pursuant to sec­ tion 27 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, J permission is granted to ResoQuest Energy Corp. OTHER AREAS- PRESSURE to drill an off-target well located in legal subdivi­ MAINTENANCE sion 15, of Section 8, in Township 12, in Range 19, West of the Third Meridian, subject to the follow­ MRO 341/91. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil ing condition: and Gas Conservation Act, the application sub­ 1 If the well is completed as an oil well the net mitted by Eagle Energy Ltd. for disposing of salt productive area used in calculating the maximum water recovered from oilfield production by injec­ permissible rate shall be determined in accord­ tion into the Tilston Beds through the well Eagle ance with subsection 30(1) of The Oil and Gas Wauchope 6-20-7-33, located in legal subdivision 6 Conservation Regulations, 1985. of Section 20, in Township 7, in Range 33, West of the First Meridian, is approved in accordance Dated at Regina, Sask., October 31, 1991. with plans and specifications filed with the Department as P.M.801 and subject to the follow­ ing conditions: 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval OTHER AREAS- OFF-TARGET WELL of a field representative of the Department prior MRO 344/91 A 106. The Department of Energy to the commencement of salt water injection and subsequent to any modifications to such installa­ and Mines has received no objections regarding tions. the application by NAL Resources for approval to drill an off-target well to be located in legal subdi­ 2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be lim­ vision 5 of Section 15, in Township 15, in Range ited to a maximum of 9 500 kilopascals. 31, West of the First Meridian and for waiver of 3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a the off-target penalty; and Department approved method. It is deemed advisable to permit the company to This approval does not authorize the applicant drill the said off-target well and to waive the off­ to dispose of salt water without the consent of all target penalty in determining a production allow­ the mineral owners, other than the Crown, that able: might reasonably be adversely affected by such Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas Con­ disposal. servation Act permission is granted to NAL Dated at Regina, Sask., November 6, 1991. Resources to drill the off-target well, with waiver NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1813

of off-target penalty, to be located in legal subdivi­ ROSEBANK ALIDA BEDS POOL - sion 5 of Section 15 in Township 15, in Range 31, HORIZONTAL WELL PROJECT l West of the First Meridian. Dated at Regina, Sask., November 6, 1991. MRO 351/91. Minister's Order MRO 233/91 dated August 13, 1991 is rescinded and the appli­ cation submitted by CN Exploration Inc. to con­ duct a horizontal well project in the Rosebank INGOLDSBY EAST ALIDA BEDS POOL - Alida Beds Pool is approved pursuant to section HORIZONTAL WELL PROJECT 17.1 of The Oil ancl Gas Conservation Act. Pennis­ sion is granted to construct the facilities and to MRO 345/91. The application submitted by drill and compelte one well with a proposed hori­ Morgan Hydrocarbons Inc. to conduct a horizon­ zontal section of 681 min the Alida Beds underly­ tal well project in the Ingoldsby East Alida Beds ing the south half of Section 14, in Township 5, in Pool is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The Range 32, West of the First Meridian, in accord­ Oil ancl Gas Conservation Act. Permission is ance with plans and specifications filed with granted to construct the facilities and to drill and Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document compelte one well with a proposed horizontal sec­ No. H.W. 74 and subject to the following provi­ tion of 57 0 m in the Alida Beds underlying legal sions: subdivisions 13 and 14 of Section 18, in Township 1 The horizontal well shall not be subject to the 4, in Range 30, West of the First Meridian, in provisions of MRO 173/89 PO 33. accordance with plans and specifications filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Docu­ 2 The horizontal well shall be produced accord­ ment No. H.W. 99 and subject to the following ing to Good Production Practice. provisions: Dated at Regina, Sask., November 6, 1991. 1 The horizontal well shall not be subject to the provisions of MRO 129/90 PO 18. 2 The maximum allowable rate of production R. C. Clayton for I shall be determined according to the provisions of ---f MRO 260/91. Pat Youzwa, Deputy Minister, Saskatchewan Energy and Mines. Dated at Regina, Sask., November 6, 1991.

CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES l FREEFIGHT MILK RIVER SAND POOL - OFF-TARGET WELL MRO 346/91 A 107. Ocelot Energy Inc. has The Co-operatives Act, 1989 submitted an application to drill an off.targetwell clue to surface obstruction within the target area. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil ancl Gas Conser­ vation Act, permission is granted to drill an off­ NOTICE OF AMENDMENT target well located in legal subdivision 5 of Section 21, in Township 15, in Range 23, West of Name: Halbrite-Ralph Co-operative Forests Ltcl. the Third Meridian, subject to the following condi­ Date of Amendment: October 28, 1991 tion: Nature of Amendment: changed name to Prairie 1 The well will be deemed to have been drilled Shelterbelts Co-operative Ltcl. within the drainage unit comprised of legal subdi­ Monte Curle, visions 3 and 4, of Section 21, in Township 16, in Deputy Registrar of Co-operatives. Range 23, West of the Third Meridian. Dated at Regina, Sask., November 4, 1991. The Business C0171orations Act

FREEFIGHT MILK RIVER SAND POOL - OFF-TARGET WELL CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION MRO 347/91 A 108. Ocelot Energy Inc. has Name: Balfour Holdings Ltcl. submitted an application to drill an off-target well due to surface obstruction within the target area. Date oflncorporation: October 28, 1991 Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil ancl Gas Conser­ Mailing Address: 2629 Angus Blvd., Regina vation Act, permission is granted to drill an off. Main Type of Business: real estate target well located in legal subdivision 6 of Section 20, in Township 16, in Range 23, West of the Third Meridian, subject to the following condi­ tion: Name: Calibre Consultants Inc. 1 The well will be deemed to have been drilled Date of Incorporation: October 25, 1991 within the drainage unit comprised of legal subdi­ Mailing Address: 202-2750 Faithful Ave., visions 3 and 4, of Section 20, in Township 16, in Saskatoon Range 23, West of the Third Meridian. Main Type of Business: environmental, Dated at Regina, Sask., November 4, 1991. socio-economic and management consultants 1814 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Name: Al HoffmannInsurance Inc. Main Type of Business: leasing - business Date oflncorporation: October 28, 1991 equipment Mailing Address: Box 4, Kenaston Main Type of Business: insurance company Name: Coldwell Banher Affiliates of Canada Inc. Date of Registration: October 30, 1991 Name: Meadowbrook Farms Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Date oflncorporation: October 31, 1991 Head or Registered Office: 750-34 Robert Speck Mailing Address: Box 1147, Moose Jaw Pkwy., Mississauga, Ont. Main Type of Business: poultry farming Main Type of Business: real estate franchising

Name: Scottico Roof Consultants Ltd. Name: Fleetwood Sausage Ltd. Date oflncorporation: October 28, 1991 Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Mailing Address: 249 Guelph Cres., Saskatoon Incorporating Jurisdiction: B.C. Main Type of Business: provide roof inspection, Head or Registered Office: 7297 Kingsway, consulting, design services Burnaby, B.C. Main Type of Business: manufacture and sell specialty meats Name: Vitality Health and Food Corporation Date of Incorporation: October 25 Date oflncorporation: 1500-1874 Scarth St., Name: Inc. Express Regina Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Main Type of Business: holding company Incorporating Jurisdiction: MI Head or Registered Office: 8405 West Warren Name: 598790 Saskatchewan Ltd. Ave., Deerhorn, MI 1 Date oflncorporation: October 28, 1991 Main Type of Business: transportation of goods by motor carrier for compensation and related Mailing Address: 119 4th Ave. S., Saskatoon matters Main Type of Business: holding company

Name: I.XL Erich Panels Ltd. Name: 598791 Sashatchewan Ltd. Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Date oflncorporation: October 28, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Mailing Address: 706 15th Ave. E., Prince Albert Head or Registered Office: Porcelain Ave. S.E., Medicine Hat, Alta. Main Type of Business: holding company Main Type of Business: sale of masonry products; construction of masonry fencing Name: 598792 Sashatchewan Ltd. J Date ofIncorporation: October 28, 1991 Name: J WM. Holdings Inc. Mailing Address: 706 15th Ave. E., Prince Albert Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Main Type of Business: holding company Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Head or Registered Office: R.R. 2, New Sarepta, Alta. CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION Main Type of Business: contracting Name: Alberta Dust-N-Oil Inc. Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Name: Ram. Messenger Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Head or Registered Office: 1810-10130 103rd St., Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man. Edmonton, Alta. Head or Registered Office: 1700-360 Main St., Main Type of Business: collection and Winnipeg, Man. transportation of waste oil by motor transport Main Type of Business: messenger service - transportation of goods for compensation by transport Name: Spenst Trnching, Inc. Name: Bayshore Leasing Corporation Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Incorporating Jurisdiction: ND Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Head or Registered Office: R.R. 2, Box 3, Head or Registered Office: 401-825 Eglinton Munich, ND Ave. W., Toronto, Ont. Main Type of Business: for-hire trucking NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1815

Name: Stanchem Inc. Registered Office: 3rd Fir., 374 3rd Ave. S., Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Saskatoon Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Main Type of Business: holding company Head or Registered Office: 500-195 The West Mall, Etobicoke, Ont. Main Type of Business: chemical distribution CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT business Name: Ace Transmission Warehouse (1991) Ltd. Date of Amendment: October 24, 1991 Nature of Amendment: changed name to Name: Sunsweet Fundraising Inc. A.A.A. Anderson's Transmission Warehouse Date of Registration: October 30, 1991 Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont. Head or Registered Office: 30 Rayette Rd., Concord, Ont. Name: Heresay Films Inc. Main Type of Business: fundraising Date of Amendment: October 24, 1991 Nature of Amendment: changed name to Hearsay Films Inc. Name: 489375 Alberta Ltd. Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Name: Major-Hall Holdings Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Date of Amendment: September 9, 1991 Head or Registered Office: 10410 81 Ave., Nature of Amendment: changed name to Edmonton, Alta. Marh Seidel Holdings Ltd. Main Type of Business: holding corporation Name: Northwest Heartland Investments Inc. Name: 496019 Alberta Ltd. Date of Amendment: October 25, 1991 Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Nature of Amendment: changed name to Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. McGrath & Associates Inc. Head or Registered Office: 1500-407 2nd St. S.W., Calgary, Alta. Name: Nuco Building Products Ltd. Main Type of Business: ownership and Date of Amendment: October 25, 1991 exploitation of oil and gas properties Nature of Amendment: changed name to 310909 Sashatchewan Ltd.

CERTIFICATES OF CONTINUANCE (IMPORT) Name: B Sharp Music Ltd. Date of Amendment: October 28, 1991 Name: Progressive Well Servicing Ltd. Nature of Amendment: changed name to Date of Continuance: October 24, 1991 Harmar Investments Ltd. Precontinuance Jurisdiction: Alta. Mailing Address: P.O.Drawer 20, Lloydminster Name: Main Type of Business: oil well ser vicing Sun Realty Ltd. Date of Amendment: October 25, 1991 Nature of Amendment: changed name to Cossette Holdings Ltd. CERTIFICATES OF AMALGAMATION

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Brennan Name: Val-Pah Regina Ltd. Educational Supply Ltd. Date of Amendment: October 28, 1991 Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Shamroch Sports Ltd, Can-West Educational Nature of Amendment: changed name to Supply Ltd., Brennan Educational Supply Ltd. Morris Marheting Ltd. •I Date of Amalgamation: November 1, 1991 Registered Office: 1143 Lakewood Crt., Regina Name: 584486 Sashatchewan Ltd. Main Type of Business: deal in goods, wares and Date of Amendment: October 28, 1991 merchandise Nature of Amendment: changed name to LPD Foods Ltd. Name of Amalgamated Corporation: 597373 Sashatchewan Ltd. Name: 595675 Sashatchewan Ltd. Name of Amalgamating Corporations: 597373 Date of Amendment: October 24, 1991 Saslwtchewan Ltd., 597374 Sashatchewan Ltd. Nature of Amendment: changed name to Date of Amalgamation: October 25, 1991 Raystoch Holdings Ltd. 1816 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Name: 595676 Saslwtchewan Ltd. Names: Nalco Investments Canada, Inc., Date of Amendment: October 24, 1991 Inuestissem.ents Nalco Canada, Inc., 2697696 Canada. Inc. and A/chem Inc. Nature of Amendment: changed name to Anco Ranching Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: March 20, 1991 Name: 597104 Saslwtchewan Ltd. Nature of Amendment: amalgamated into Date of Amendment: October 28, 1991 Nalco Canada Inc. Nature of Amendment: changed name to Rysa Holdings Inc. Names: Worhs of Art Furniture Ltd. and Brian Manz Investments Corporation Name: 597158 Saslwtchewan Ltd. Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Date of Amendment: October 24, 1991 Date of Amendment in Incorporating Nature of Amendment: changed name to Jurisdiction: October 7, 1991 Pontoon Dechs Ltd. Nature of Amendment: amalgamated into Worhs of Art Furniture Ltd.

Name: 597429 Saslwtchewan Ltd. Date of Amendment: October 24, 1991 Name: 422780 Alberta. Ltd. Nature of Amendment: changed name to Incorporating Jurisdiction: Alta. Towne Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ltd. Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: September 26, 1991 Nature of Amendment: changed name to Name: 598248 Sashatch.ewan Ltd. M.C. Qua.ntoch Liuestoch Corp. Date of Amendment: October 28, 1991 Nature of Amendment: changed name to l Solo Truching Ltd. CER TIFICATES OF DISCONTINUANCE Name: LGM Holdings Ltd. (formerly MGG Name: 598652 Saslwtchewan Ltd. Holdings Ltd.) Date of Amendment: October 28, 1991 Date of Incorporation in New Jurisdiction: October 22, 1991 Nature of Amendment: changed name to Belle Cours Farms Ltd. New Jurisdiction: B.C. J Name: Novel Homes Ltd. CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (EXTRA-PROVINCIAL CORPORATIONS) Date of Incorporation in New Jurisdiction: October 16, 1991 Names: Campbell Soup Acquisition Corp. and New Jurisdiction: B.C. Campbell Soup Company Ltd Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Date of Amendment in Incorporating CER TIFICATES OF DISSOLU TION Jurisdiction: July 29, 1991 (1991) Nature of Amendment: amalgamated into Campbell Soup Company Ltd Date of Les Soupes Campbell Ltee Dissolution: Flynn's Manufacturing & Sales Inc. October 22 Name: MLG Holdings Ltd. Milden Holdings Ltd. October 21 Incorporating Jurisdiction: B.C. Na.gel'sSctnd & Grauel Ltd. October 23 Date of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: October 22, 1991 Nature of Amendment: changed name to CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE LGM Holdings Ltd. REGISTER (1991) Inco1: Date of Names: Muffin Breah Canada Inc. and 173882 Juris: Restoral: Canada Inc. A2Z Graphics Ltd. Sask. October 23 Incorporating Jurisdiction: Canada Capa. Software Date of Amendment in Incorporating Publishing Jurisdiction: October 5, 1990 Corporation Sask. November 4 Nature of Amendment: amalgamated into Triple "J" Ranch Muffin Brea.Ii CanadaInc. Enterprises Ltd. Sask. October 21 NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1817

Inca,: Date of Name: Becwchesene's Electric Name: Juris: Restoral: Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 578415 Saslwtchewan Mailing Address: Box 237, Willow Bunch Ltd. Sask. October 23 7 Main Type of Business: electrical and P J. Flory, agricultmal Director.

Name: R. Benallach Construction The Business Names Registration Act Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 247, Gull Lake Main Type of Business: general contractor REGISTRATIONS Name: A.A. Supreme Carpet Cleaning Name: Burning Sun Productions Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Date of Registration: November 4, 1991 Mailing Address: 1735 MacKay St., Regina Mailing Address: 209 Angus Cres., Regina Main Type of Business: carpet cleaning Main Type of Business: drama producer

Name: Advance Auto Parts Name: C. W Home Repairs Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Mailing Address: Bay 4, 811 51st St. E., Mailing Address: Box 548, Dalmeny Saskatoon Main Type of Business: renovations, additions Main Type of Business: selling auto parts and repairs to houses or businesses

--, Name: A/rain Aviation Lighting Products Name: Calmat Cleaners Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 247, Quill Lake Mailing Address: 5814 Sherwood Dr., Regina Main Type of Business: manufacture airport Main Type of Business: janitorial lighting products Name: Can-West Educational Supply Name: B Sharp Music Date of Registration: November 1, 1991 Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: 1400 St. John St., Regina Mailing Address: 1530 Albert St., Regina Main Type of Business: educational supplier Main Type of Business: retail musical instruments Name: Carlson Agencies Date of Registration: October 24 Name: Bashets & Bows By Susan Mailing Address: Box 164, Craik Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Main Type of Business: insurance and Mailing Address: Box 87, Kamsack investment agent and travel representative Main Type of Business: all occasion gift baskets and balloons Name: CDR Continuous Development Resources Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Name: Bashets by Shauna Mailing Address: 8-1255 12th Ave. S.W., Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Moose Jaw Mailing Address: Box 100, Arcola Main Type of Business: consultant, seminars, workshops Main Type of Business: giftbasket shop with small craft items Name: Centennial Foodservice Name: Bashets For You by Eileen Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mailing Address: 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina Mailing Address: Box 42, Marshall Main Type of Business: food service and meat processing Main Type of Business: gift baskets

Name: Chatters Food & Drinh Kiosh Name: Bateman Jewellers Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 1570, Kindersley Mailing Address: 243 21st St. E., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: food and drink Main Type of Business: jewellry store concession 1818 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Name: Clean-Way Furnace & Carpet Cleaners Name: Elrose Health Centre Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 933, Warman Mailing Address: Box 130, Elrose Main Type of Business: furnace, ductwork, Main Type of Business: provider of hospital and chimney, carpet and upholstery cleaner special-care housing services

Name: Clear Vision Windshield Repair Name: Elway House of Treats Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Mailing Address: 207 LaRonge Rd., Saskatoon Mailing Address: 423 Lakeshore Bay, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: mobile vehicle Main Type of Business: confectionary windshield repair service

Name: Eston Computers Name: Cole Seeds Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Date of Registration: November 4, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 363, Eston Mailing Address: Box 1297, Rosetown Main Type of Business: computer and software ) Main Type of Business: cleaning and selling sales grain seed

Name: Far East Trading Name: Colonsay Water Distributors Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Mailing Address: 1609 Louise Ave., Saskatoon Mailing Address: Box 373, Colonsay Main Type of Business: trade and market Main Type of Business: water distributor consulting, importing/exporting

Name: Corrigal's Electric Name: Final Touch Flooring Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: General Delivery, Canoe Narrows Mailing Address: Box 1012, Watrous Main Type of Business: electrical contractor Main Type of Business: floor covering retailer and installer

Name: D.J's Country Village Inn Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Name: Geco-Prahla Division ] Mailing Address: Box 25, Halbrite Date of Registration: October 30, 1991 Main Type of Business: restaurant Mailing Address: 700-2010 11th Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: geophysical contractors (acquisition and processing seismic data) Name: R. Dawson Auctions Date of Registration: November 4, 1991 Name: & Mailing Address: Box 842, Shaunavon Gene's Cycle Sports Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Main Type of Business: auctioneer Mailing Address: 48 10th St. E., Prince Albert Main Type of Business: retailer of cycling and Name: Designer Stamps sporting equipment Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 416, Melfort Name: Godwin Manufacturing Main Type of Business: design, make and sell rubber stamps and photoglazing Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Mailing Address: 519 45th St. W., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: manufacturing Name: Desperados Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 894, Weyburn Name: Grassland Investments Main Type of Business: musical entertainment Date of Registration: October 30, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 1106, Assiniboia Main Type of Business: real estate investments Name: Double-Happiness Restaurant Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: 3611 Wetmore Cres., Regina Name: GreystoneAccounting Services Main Type of Business: restaurant Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1819

Mailing Address: 10-2010 7th Ave., Regina Name: Julian's Plumbing anclHeating Main Type of Business: accounting and financial Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 services Mailing Address: Box 504, !tuna Main Type of Business: plumbing and heating Name: GruffsArt and Collectibles Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Name: Julie's Stop and Gas Mailing Address: Box 1974, Tisdale Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Main Type of Business: consignment sales and Mailing Address: Box 504, !tuna purchases of arts/crafts/antiques and miscellaneous items Main Type of Business: confectionary, groceries and gas

Name: Herback Homes Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Name: KG Ceiling Cleaning Services Mailing Address: 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Main Type of Business: construction of homes Mailing Address: Box 581, Martensville Main Type of Business: ceiling cleaning services

Name: Hodges Pictures Plus Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Name: King's Cafe Mailing Address: 19 Hammond Rd., Regina Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Main Type of Business: picture framing and Mailing Address: 423 Ave. C South, Saskatoon related services Main Type of Business: restaurant

Name: HoffRe-Construction Name: L & L Hair and Body Store Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Mailing Address: 729 13th St. E., Saskatoon Mailing Address: 143 Central Ave. N., Main Type of Business: counselling/therapy Swift Current Main Type of Business: hair and body retail store Name: C & S Howe Enterprises Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mailing Address: 105 Caribou St. W., Name: L.A. Sports Card & Crafts ) Moose Jaw Date of Registration: October 30, 1991 Main Type of Business: gas bar and car wash Mailing Address: Box 68, Norquay Main Type of Business: sports cards and crafts Name: InternationalAuto Recycling Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Name: Lipton Meat Processors Mailing Address: Box 1899, Esterhazy Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Main Type of Business: auto body shop and Mailing Address: Box 579, Balcarres ) automotive dealership Main Type of Business: meat processors Name: Iron Springs Cattle Co. Name: Lori-Elle's Exclusive Sewing Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 157, Moose Jaw Mailing Address: Box 416, Dalmeny Main Type of Business: buying, feeding and selling cattle Main Type of Business: exclusive sewing of gowns, related apparel, etc.

Name: Jean's Fabric & Sewing Date of Registration: October 30, 1991 Name: Luisa's Garden Deli Mailing Address: Box 2735, Kindersley Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Main Type of Business: fabric and notion sales Mailing Address: 5-4064 Rae St., Regina and sewing Main Type of Business: fast food deli t j Name: JMK Marketing Name: M. C. Car Wash Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: 506 Isabella St. E., Saskatoon Mailing Address: Box 1390, Maple Creek Main Type of Business: retail sales Main Type of Business: car wash and gas bar j 1820 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Name: Majestic Chimney Services Mailing Address: 350 Britannia Rel. E., Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mississauga Mailing Address: 133 Ave. H South, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: direct mail marketing Main Type of Business: chimney cleaning, services repairing and inspecting Name: New Tone Auto Glamourizing Name: Marianne's Miracle Maid Service Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Mailing Address: 160C Hoclsman Rel., Regina Mailing Address: 1539 Warner St., Moose Jaw Main Type of Business: auto glamourizing and Main Type of Business: janitorial detailing

Name: McCullagh Consulting Name: Northern Public Design Date of Registration: November 1, 1991 Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mailing Address: 308-333 Silverwood Rd., Mailing Address: Box 77, Speers Saskatoon Main Type of Business: manufactme bumper Main Type of Business: counsellor and personal stickers and promotional buttons, custom workshop facilitator and consultant painting

Name: Mecllinh Emergency Medical Services Name: Pats Christmas Store Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 593, Regina Mailing Address: 1852 Victoria Ave. E., Regina Main Type of Business: consultant and agent of Main Type of Business: interior design, retail emergency medical services design items, furniture, Christmas decorations

Name: Ken Meclloch Auction Name: Patterns of Success Seminars Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 66, Tuxford Mailing Address: 3147 McCallum Ave., Regina Main Type of Business: auction Main Type of Business: sponsoring seminars

Name: Megatrends International Name: E. Perras Construction Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Date of Registration: October 30, 1991 Mailing Address: 1320 Ave. C North, Saskatoon Mailing Address: 2822 Howell Dr. E., Regina Main Type of Business: Main Type of Business: construction managing/marketing/distributing

Name: Photosell Ads Name: Michetti Pipe Stringing Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: 433 8th Ave. E., Swift Current Mailing Address: 1700-360 Main St., Winnipeg Main Type of Business: advertising Main Type of Business: contracting business

Name: Pilger Luchy Dollar Name: Midland Underground Lawn Sprinhlers Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 110, Pilger Mailing Address: 566 Laurier Dr., Prince Albert Main Type of Business: grocery retailer Main Type of Business: supply/install inigation systems Name: Popcorn Factory Regina Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Name: Misc Mihe's Foil Printing Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: 364 7 Hanna Bay, Regina Main Type of Business: popcorn vendors Mailing Address: 1026 Ave. 0 South, Saskatoon Main Type of Business: print-making and retail sales a Name: Pr .iriedale Acres Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Name: Moore Response Marheting Services Mailing Address: Box 152, Major Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Main Type of Business: farming NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1821

Name: Precision Family Hair Care Mailing Address: 595 Coteau St. W., Moose Jaw Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 Main Type of Business: trucking Mailing Address: 1151 Lakewood Crt. N., Regina Main Type of Business: hair salon and fitness Name: Saskatoon Crepes & More centre Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mailing Address: 131 21st St. E., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: restaurant Name: Que Computer Equipment Date of Registration: October 30, 1991 Mailing Address: 100-2912 Memorial Dr. S.E., Name: ScotiaMcLeod Calgary Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Main Type of Business: computer equipment Mailing Address: 800-1783 Hamilton St., Regina sales Main Type of Business: investment banker

Name: R & R Advertising Specialties Name: Scott's Concrete Lawn Ornaments Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Mailing Address: 102 Gyles Pl., Saskatoon Mailing Address: General Delivery, Southey Main Type of Business: advertising specialties Main Type of Business: manufacture and sell concrete ornaments Name: Red's Labour Services Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Name: The Securcom Group Mailing Address: 109 Franklin Ave., Yorkton Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Main Type of Business: labour and maintenance services Mailing Address: 1203-343 14th Ave. S.W., Calgary Main Type of Business: security l Name: Regina Tire Care Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 � Name: The Sewing Hutch Mailing Address: 805 Winnipeg St., Regina Date of Registration: November 1, 1991 Main Type of Business: tire sales and auto services Mailing Address: Box 2313, Melville Main Type of Business: manufactureand sell northern parkas and special needs parkas Name: Ron's Service St. Walburg (1991) Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Shamrock Sports Mailing Address: Box 323, St. Walburg Name: Main Type of Business: service station and Date of Registration: November 1, 1991 confectionary Mailing Address: 1400 St. John St., Regina Main Type of Business: supplier of sporting products Name: Rosthern Plumbing Date of Registration: November 4, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 757, Rosthern Name: Sherdale Limousin Main Type of Business: plumbing Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 743, Foam Lake Main Type of Business: raise and sell registered Name: Ruffcast Distributors and full-blooded limousin cattle Date of Registration: October 30, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 947, Wilkie Shimada Aviation Main Type of Business: selling deck tile used in Name: dog runs, showers and swimming pool areas Date of Registration: October 30, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 569, La Ronge Main Type of Business: ultralight manufacture Name: Salle Seguin and sales Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mailing Address: 1533 7th Ave. N., Saskatoon J Rich Smith Plumbing Heating Main Type of Business: fencing supplies Name: & Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 129, Plenty Name: Samuel's Truching Main Type of Business: plumbing and heating Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 contractor 1822 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Name: Sno Cruise Main Type of Business: hearing instrument Date of Registration: October 24, 1991 specialist (testing, fittings, etc.) Mailing Address: 99 St. Lawrence Cres., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: snowmobile tour and Name: T & J Enterprizes rental Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 633, Assiniboia Main Type of Business: painting and carpet Name: A Sparrow Farms laying Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 256, Vanscoy Main Type of Business: farming Name: Turcan Trading Company Date of Registration: November 5, 1991 Name: St. Louis Insurance Agency Mailing Address: 500-129 21st St. E., Saskatoon Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Main Type of Business: trading in and export of construction materials Mailing Address: General Delivery, St. Louis Main Type of Business: insurance agency, motor licensing and game licences Name: We Care Pet Care Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Name: Star-Kist Foods Canada Mailing Address: 23 Krivel Cres., Regina Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Main Type of Business: pet-sitting service Mailing Address: 54 Champlin Cres., Saskatoon Main Type of Business: manufacturing, distributing and vending of food products Name: WIS Enterprises Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 Name: A Stefaniuk TRK Mailing Address: 22 Kennedy Cres., Regina Date of Registration: October 31, 1991 Main Type of Business: skin-care products Mailing Address: 46 Mobile City Estates, Spruce Grove J Main Type of Business: trucking Name: Wendorffand Sons Trucking Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: Box 296, Raymond Name: Superb Acres Main Type of Business: for hire trucking Date of Registration: October 25, 1991 company Mailing Address: Box 152, Major Main Type of Business: farming partnership Name: Westar Enterprises Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Name: Surestep Services Mailing Address: 338 McCarthy Blvd., Regina Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Main Type of Business: distributor Mailing Address: 117 Lincoln Ave., Yorkton Main Type of Business: non-slip tub and floor application Name: Wolseley Builders Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Name: Suzy-Q's Home Baking & Perogies Mailing Address: Box 453, Wolseley Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Main Type of Business: Builder and General Mailing Address: Box 223, Vibank Contractor Main Type of Business: home baking and perogy making Name: James Worrell Consulting Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Name: Swift Current Convenience Plus Mailing Address: 633 22nd St. W., Prince Albert Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Main Type of Business: human resource Mailing Address: Box 1377, Maple Creek consultant Main Type of Business: convenience store

Name: Swift Hearing Center Name: Wynyard Water Services Date of Registration: October 29, 1991 Date of Registration: October 28, 1991 Mailing Address: 309-12 Cheadle St. W., Mailing Address: Box 1689, Wynyard Swift Current Main Type of Business: water bottler NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1823

REGISTER LIMITED PA RTNERSHIP Name: Jurisdiction: 1 Name: Capital 8 Piping Limited Partnership Regina Kiwanis Club Foundation Sask. Date of Registration: October 29 , 1991 Regina Pro Soccer Inc. Sask. Mailing Address: 500-402 21st St. E., Saskatoon Safety Reach Society Incorporated Sask. Main Type of Business or Activity: acquisition of Saskatchewan Activity shares Association Inc. Sask. Saskatchewan Associaiton of Volunteer Administrators Inc. Sask. ALTERATION IN MEMBERSHIP Saskatchewan Combined Driving Association Inc. Sask. Name: Kindersley Bakery Saskatchewan Fur Council Inc. Sask. Date: October 25, 1991 Saskatchewan Terrier Association P. J. Flory, Inc. Sask. Registrar. Saskatchewan Vocational Agriculture Association Inc. Sask. Serena Saskatchewan Inc. Sask. The Non-Profit Corporations Act Sheonitay Construction Group Inc. Sask. Silver Sage Construction & CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE Maintenance Corp. Sask. REGISTER (1991) Smiley Hutterian Brethren Sask. Incor. Date of Spina Bifida Association of Name: Juris.: Restoral: Saskatchewan Inc. Sask. Gull Lake & District Spirits West Society Inc. Sask. Recreation Complex The Achievers of First Baptist Inc. Sask. October 21 Church of Regina Inc. Sask. Inpro Investment The Afro-Caribbean Cultural Association Inc. Sask. October 18 Association of Saskatchewan Inc. Sask. The Image West Photographic CORPORATIONS STRUCK-OFF PURSUANT Association Sask. TO CLAUSE 263(1)(a) Valley View Local Board of (OCTOBER 31, 1991) Trustees Beauval Inc. Sask. Victoria Park Pipe Band Name: Jurisdiction: Association Inc. Sask. Beauval Construction & Watson Family Channel Assoc. Maintenance Assoc. Inc. Sask. Inc. Sask. Bruno Shooting Club Inc. Sask. Westline Mfg. Employee Canadian Institute for Broadband Association Inc. Sask. and Information Network/Ab!: Sask. Young Women's Christian Capital Cosmopolitan Club of Association of Saskatoon Sask. Regina Sask. Concordia College Sask. P. J. Flory, Director. j Contemporary Directions Ensemble Inc. Sask. Dalmeny & District Multi-Purpose Facility Association PUBLIC NOTICES Incorporated Sask. Disabled Women's Network Saskatchewan Inc. Sask. The Change of Name Act Edgehill Community Centre Sask. Emerald Park Community Association Inc. Sask. REGISTRATIONS OF CHANGE OF NAME Hub Theatre Inc. Sask. lronbow First Nations Arts Corp. Sask. The following changes of name are hereby regis­ tered under the provisions of The Change of Name Nemeiben Lake Canoe and Bible Act: Camp Inc. Sask. Norsask Native Outreach Association Inc. Sask. North West Saskatchewan Pony Former name: Mateo Antonio BARTOLICH Chuckwagon & Chariot Assoc. Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan j Inc. Sask. Name changed to: Mateo Antonio BARTOLI Pride - Swift Current, Inc. Sask. Dated: November 5, 1991 J 1824 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE

Former name: Susan Anne Patricia ETHIER 1981 Thuncle1·bircl: Colom - White, Serial #: Address: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan 1FABP42D1BH148289 owned by Aaron Price. Name changed to: The vehicle will be auctioned by Great Plains Susan Anne Patricia KUSCH Auctions Service on December 7, 1991 at 12 noon. Dated: November 4, 1991 Bennett-Dunlop Ford Ltd. 770 Broad Steet Regina, Sask. S4P 3N4 Former name: Ina Maxine MOERIKE Address: Regina, Saskatchewan Name changed to: Ina Maxine BEINGESSNER Take notice that Jubilee Ford Sales (1985) Ltd. will sell by public auction, pursuant to The Name of Child: Garage Keepers Act, the following described vehi­ Former Name: Aden Beth MOERIKE cle: Name changed to: Age 1985 Ford F150, serial number Aden Beth BEINGESSNER 4 yrs. 2FTEF74N0FCB15232, owned by Peter Desro­ Dated: November 7, 1991. chers. The auction will occur at 1550 8th Street East, Former Name: Evelyn Michelle NETREFA Saskatoon, Sask. S7H 0T3, Friday, November 29, 1991 at 10 a.m. Auctioneer: Alvie Longworth Auc­ Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan tion Service Ltd. Name changed to: Michelle Evelyn HOULE McKercher McKercher Names of Children: Laing & Whitmore Former name: Stuart Mark NETREFA Barristers & Solicitors Name changed to: Age: 374 3rd Avenue South Stuart Mark HOULE 6 yrs. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 1M5 Former Name: Jaris Michelle NETREFA Name changed to: Age The Oil and Gas Conservation Act Jaris Michelle HOULE 4 yrs. Dated: November 5, 1991. OTHER AREAS - OFF-TARGET WELL Former name: Vicki Jean NORTHCOTT The Department of Energy and Mines has Address: Regina, Saskatchewan received an application from Tri Link Resources Name changed to: Victoria JEAN Ltd. requesting approval to drill an off-target well Dated: November 4, 1991 to be located in legal subdivision 16, of Section 31, in Township 11, in Range 5, West of the Second Meridian. Given under my hand at Regina, Sask. The Department will give clue consideration to Wilmer Berg, any objections to the granting of the application Director Vital Statistics. receiving in writing in the office of the under­ signed on or before December 6, 1991. Copies of the submission in support of the appli­ The Dental Profession Act, 1978 cation may be obtained from Mr. Norm A. Wegerhoff, Tri Link Resources Ltd., 1000-550 6th Ave. S.W., Calgary, Alta. T2P 0S2, by persons ELECTION OF COUNCIL directly affected. Election to the Council of The College of Dental Dated at Regina, Sask., November 7, 1991. Surgeons of Saskatchewan took place on Tuesday, October 15, 1991. Elected: The Department of Energy and Mines has Dr. D. L. Singer received an application from S.P. Jordan Geolo­ gists Ltd. on behalfofBenson-Montin-Greer Drill­ Dr. J. C. Horn ing Corp. requesting approval to drill an off-target Dr. P. D. Rondeau well to be located in legal subdivision 7, of Section Dr. G. G. Gasser 24, in Township 11, in Range 5, West of the Second G. H. Peacock, D.D.S., Meridian. Registrar, The College of The Department will give clue consideration to Dental Surgeons any objections to the granting of the application of Saskatchewan. received in writing in the office of the under­ signed on or before December 6, 1991. Copies of the submission in support of the appli­ The Garage Keepers Act cation may be obtained from Mr. S.P. Jordan, S.P. Jordan Geologists Ltd., 1540-1855 Victoria Ave., In accordance with The Garage Keepers Act, Regina, Sask. S4P 3T2, by persons directly Bennett-Dunlop Ford Ltd. announces the sale of affected. the following vehicle: Dated at Regina, Sask., November 7, 1991. l

NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1825

OTHER AREAS - SALT WATER DISPOSAL The Planning and Development Act, 1983 The Department of Energy and Mines has received an application from CML Resources Ltd. l for approval of a plan to dispose of salt water Approval of an amendment to the Basic Plan­ recovered from oilfield production by injection ning Statement Bylaw for the Village of Meath into the G.P. Sand through the well CML FH et al Parle Lashburn All-18-49-23, located in legal subdivi­ Pursuant to The Planning and Development sion 11 of Section 18, in Township 49, in Range 23, Act, 1983, notice is hereby given of the Ministe­ West of the Third Meridian. rial Approval of Bylaw No. 5/91 of the Village of Any comments in support of or objections to this Meath Parle The Bylaw redesignates certain application received in writing in the office of the lands for use as industrial. undersigned on or before December 6, 1991 will Dated at Regina, Sask., October 30, 1991. be given due consideration before any final deci­ D. M. Innes, sion on this matter is reached. Deputy Minister, Community Services. Copies of the submission in support of the appli­ cation may be obtained from Mr. Grant Maglis, CML Resources Ltd., 901-550 11th Av e. S.W., Cal­ The Tax Enforcement Act gary, Alta. T2R 1M7, on or before December 6, 1991, by persons directly affected. Dated at Regina, Sask., November 6, 1991. TAX ENFORCEMENT LISTS R.M. of Fish Creeh No. 402: The Department of Energy and Mines has Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforce­ received an application from Upton Resources ment Act Inc. for approval of a plan to dispose of salt water that unless the arrears and costs appear­ recovered from oilfield production by injection ing opposite the land described in the following into the Souris Valley Beds through the well list are fully paid before January 16, 1992, a tax Upton SilverBay Bellegarde 2-27-6-31, located in lien will be registered against the land. legal subdivision 2 of Section 27, in Township 6, in Note: A sum for costs in an amount as pre­ Range 31, West of the First Meridian. scribed in the regulations, is included in the amount shown against each parcel (section 4(3) of Any comments in support of or objections to this The Tax Enforcement Act). application received in writing in the office of the undersigned on or before December 6, 1991 will Description of Arrears & Costs be given due consideration before any final deci­ Property $ q: sion on this matter is reached. NE 4-41-27w2 ...... 535.72 Copies of the submission in support of the appli­ SE 10-41-27w2 ...... 574.91 cation may be obtained from Mr. Scott Dutton, SW 10-41-27w2 ...... 1,131.23 Upton Resources Inc., 322 4th St., Estevan, Sask. SW 14-41-27w2 ...... 487.94 S4A 0T8, on or before December 6, 1991, by per­ SW 18-41-27w2 ...... 554.09 sons directly affected. NW 23-41-27w2 ...... 783.07 Dated at Regina, Sask., November 5, 1991. SW 26-41-27w2 ...... 1,375.59 SW 31-41-27w2 ...... 583.49 SE 35-41-27w2 ...... 712.29 NE 14-41-28w2 ...... 615.84 OTHER AREAS - PRESSURE NE 22-41-28w2 ...... 302.97 MAINTENANCE E 1/2 SE 27-41-28w2 ...... 236.81 The Department of Energy and Mines has N 1/2 SE 36-41-28w2 ...... 123.42 received an application from Tri Link Resources S 1/2 36-41-28w2 ...... 178.02 Ltd. for approval of a plan to dispose of salt water SE 12-41-lw3 ...... 1,101.55 recovered from oilfield production by injection NW 2-42-27w2 ...... 925.43 into the Tilston Beds through the well Tri Link NE 3-42-27w2 ...... 894.54 OMV Moose Vy S 9-33-11-6, located in legal subdi­ SE 3-42-27w2 ...... 813.59 vision 9 of Section 33, in Township 11, in Range 6, Pt. NE 6-42-27w2 ...... 189.33 West of the Second Meridian. Pt. NW 6-42-27w2 ...... 86.82 SE 6-42-27w2 ...... 186.86 Any comments in support of or objections to this Pt. SW 6-42-27w2 ...... 158.45 application received in writing in the office of the Pt. SW 7-42-27w2 ...... 362.38 undersigned on or before December 6, 1991 will NE 10-42-27w2 ...... 770.68 be given due consideration before any final deci­ NW 10-42-27w2 ...... 798.76 sion on this matter is reached. SW ll-42-27w2 ...... 968.67 Copies of the submission in support of the appli­ Pt. SE 12-42-27w2 ...... 363.90 cation may be obtained from Mr. Rick Campbell, SE 19-42-27w2 ...... 209.08 Tri Link Resources Ltd., 1000-550 6th Av e. S.W., NE 26-42-27w2 ...... 1,129.16 J Calgary, Alta. T2P 0S2, on or before December 6, SW 31-42-27w2 ...... 858.70 1991, by persons directly affected. Pt. SW 36-42-27w2 ...... 2,672.97 Dated at Regina, Sask., November 5, 1991. NE 1-42-28w2 ...... 667.64 NW 4-42-28w2 ...... 995.37 NE 11-42-28w2 ...... 474.61 j Pat Youzwa, Deputy Minister, NW 12-42-28w2 ...... 381.98 Saskatchewan Energy and Mines. Pt. SE 36-42-28w2 ...... 83.12


Description of Arrears & Costs Description of Arrears & Costs Property $ ¢ Property $ ¢ NE 3-42A-lw3 ...... 817.53 All that portion of the north-east SE 10-42A-lw3 ...... 667.48 Quarter of Section 26, in Township SW 11-42A-lw3 ...... 719.56 20, in Range 22, West of the Second SW 14-42A-lw3 ...... 626.94 Meridian, Saskatchewan, Canada, SE 15-43-27w2 ...... 1,267.68 described as follows: Commencing at N 1/2 NW 2-43-28w2 ...... 146.10 the north-east corner of said Quarter S 1/2 NW 2-43-28w2 ...... 119.87 Section, thence westerly along the SW 12-42-lw3 ...... 296.73 northern boundary thereof 760 feet, NW 13-42-lw3 ...... 495.11 thence Southerly and parallel to the SE 15-42-lw3 ...... 212.41 Eastern boundary of said Quarter NW 24-42-lw3 ...... 506.27 Section 590.85 feet, thence Easterly SE 24-42-lw3 ...... 369.88 and parallel to the said Northern W 1/2 SW 24-41-lw3 ...... 264.49 boundary to the said Eastern Dated at Wakaw, Sask., November 15, 1991. boundary, thence Northerly along the said Eastern boundary to the Rick W. Kindrachuk, point of commencement, excepting Administrator. thereout: (a) all that portion taken Authenticated: Ben Boychuk, Reeve. for Roadway as shown on a Plan of Record in the Land Titles Office for R.M. of Lumsden No. 189: the Regina Land Registration Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforce­ District as No. 68R32251. (b) all ment Act that unless the arrears and costs appear­ mines and minerals as reserved by ing opposite the land described in the following Transfer registered as No. list are fully paid before January 15, 1992, a tax 61R35566. Secondly: the south-east lien will be registered against the land. Quarter of Section 35, in said Township and Range, containing 160 Note: A sum for costs in an amount as pre­ acres, more or less, according to scribed in the regulations, is included in the Dominion Government Survey amount shown against each parcel (subsection thereof, excepting thereout: (a) 4.06 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act). acres, more or less, taken for Description of Arrears & Costs roadway as shown on a Plan of fu�� $ ¢ Record in the Land Titles Officefor The most southerly 660 feet in the Regina Land Registration perpendicular width throughout of District as No. 68R32251. (b) all the north-west quarter of Section mines and minerals as reserved by 5-19-20w2...... 262.10 Transfer registered as LSD 12 in 10-19-21w2 ...... 1,090.10 No. 61R35567 ...... 518.90 24-19-21w2 Commencing at a point on All that portion of the north-east J the Western boundary of the Quarter of Section 6, in Township Quarter Section 640 feet southerly 21, in Range 18, West of the Second thereon from the north-west corner, Meridian, in Saskatchewan, Canada thence Southerly along the western described as follows: Commencing at boundary 700 feet, thence Easterly a point in the western boundary of J perpendicular to the Western the said Quarter Section distant boundary 600 feet, thence northerly 125.88 metres northerly thereon parallel with the western boundary from the south-west corner thereof; 700 feet, thence westerly to the point thence southerly to the said south­ of commencement...... 590.90 west corner; thence easterly along Pel. A in SW 28-19-21w2 ...... 325.34 the southern boundary of the said LSD 4 in 34-19-21w2 ...... 1,122.22 quarter section to the south-east NW 11-19-22w2 ...... 759.79 corner thereof; thence northerly SE 6-20-19w2 ...... 455.08 along the eastern boundary of the SW 6-20-19w2...... 850.10 said Quarter Section, 33.528 metres; SW 14-21-19w2 Except: First: .01 of an thence westerly and parallel with acre for Roadway on Plan 74R27316 the said southerly, 548.64 metres; Second: all that portion on Plan thence northerly and parallel with 86R17339 ...... 281.03 the said eastern boundary, 92.354 NE 18-21-19w2 ...... 181.30 metres; thence westerly to the point SE 18-21-19w2 ...... 187.46 of commencement...... 817.70 NE 24-21-19w2 ...... 212.98 Dated at Lumsden, Sask., November 15, 1991. NE 10-21-22w2 ...... 1,237.82 The most northerly 88.872 metres i·: J. E. Spicer, perpendicular width throughout of Administrator. Parcel "A" in the SW 10-21-22w2 in the vicinity of Regina Beach, shown on a plan of record in the Land Titles Town ofCoronach: Office for the Regina Land Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforce­ Registration District as ment Act that unless the arrears and costs appear­ No. 62R 38794 ...... 1,535.30 ing opposite the land described in the following NOVEMBER 15, 1991 1827

list are fully paid before January 15, 1992, a tax Prepayment is required for ALL advertis­ lien will be registered against the land. ing placed in The Saskatchewan Gazette by non­ Note: A sum of $2.00 for costs is included in the government advertisers. Cheques or money amount shown against each parcel excepting in orders must be made payable to the Minister those cases where the description of the parcel is of Finance. Please include the GST in addi­ by metes and bounds, and in such cases a sum not tion to regular charges at the rate of 7% each exceeding $4.00 per parcel for costs is included. for those items listed below under "GST Pay­ able". Any order not including the GST will Description Arrears & Costs not be filled. Lot Blk. $ ¢ The minimum charge for publication of notices Plan 80MJ06578 not specified below shall be $16.00 for each notice, 5 ············································· 24 ...... 2 52.76 which sum shall accompany the material when 6 ...... 24 ...... 260.80 forwarded for publication. 8 ...... 25 ...... 407.71 8 ············································· 24 ...... 631.84 The following are minimum rates for advertis­ 9 ············································· 24 ...... 580.19 ing in The Saskatchewan Gazette: Plan 77MJ01331 GST Payable: 1 ...... 17 ...... 80.52 Plan BV2817 Application for Change of Name in accordance with The Companies 5, 6 ...... 2 ...... 1,905.96 Act: Plan CX350 One issue ...... 16.00 1 ...... 7 ...... 1,121.7 3 Plan CX1025 Notices in accordance with The 1 ...... 13 ...... 1,091.79 Companies Winding Up Act: Plan BV2817 Two issues ...... 32.00 13, 14 ...... 1 ...... 6,004.1 3 Plan CX1025 Notices re Withdrawal of Company from 17, 18 ····································· 13 ...... 2, 503.22 Saskatchewan: Two issues ...... 32.00 Dated November 15, 1991. Murray Setrum, Notices in accordance with The Treasurer. Saskatchewan Insurance Act: Two issues ...... 32.00 Notices to Creditors in accordance with LEGISLATI VE ASSEMBLY OF THE The Bulk Sales Act: PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN One issue ...... 16.00 Notice of Intention to Apply for a Private Bill: RULES REL ATING TO Two issues ...... 38.50 PETITIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Shipments: The Rules of the Legislature with regard to the One issue ...... 16.00 time for filing Petitions and Private Bills with the Notices in accordance with The Ta x Clerk and other matters relating thereto can be Enforcement Act: obtained at any time by those interested, on appli­ Five parcels or less, for a minimum cation to: charge of ...... 19.50 Gwenn Ronyk, Additional parcels are 75¢ each, $3.25 for each Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. metes and bounds description. Room 239, Legislative Building, Regina, Sask. 848 0B3 GST Exempt: Notices in accordance with The Garage Keepers Act: NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS One issue ...... 16.00 Notices re Assessment Rolls All material for publication in The Saslwtche­ (Municipal): wan Gazette must be in the Office of the Queen's One issue ...... 16.00 Printer, Saskatchewan Justice, 8th Floor, 1874 One copy of your submission as it appeared in I Scarth Street, Regina, Sask. 84P 3V7 Tel. (306) The Saskatchewan Gazette is mailed to govern­ J 787-6896, by noon on the Friday previous to the ment advertisers who are invoiced. With prepay­ week of publication. Ifa holiday occurs within the ment, a copy of your submission is available on week of publication, the deadline is set back to request from Office of the Queen's Printer. noon of the previous Thursday. At least one full week should be allowed for mail delivery. j Each document must be complete in the Per annum subscription rate to The Saskatche­ form required for publication and must be wan Gazette: separate from the covering lette1: Signatures Payable in advance ...... $123.05 on all documents must be typewritten or includes 7% ($8.05) GST clearly printed immediately below the wl'it­ ten signatures. Publication of any material will Single issues ...... 3.21 be delayed if received late. includes 7% ($0.21) GST J REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN Printed by THE QUEEN'S PRINTER J 1991 �2 J J