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EIGHTY-SECOND ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE if Asriculture and Applied Science AUDITORIUM CAMPUS MONDAY, JUNE TENTH NINETEEN FORTY CPROGRAM PROCESSIONAL-Marche et Cortege Gounod MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE BAND LEONARD FALCONE, Director INVOCATION DR. N. A. MCCUNE Peoples Church, East Lansing , SOLo-"Dio Possente," from the opera "Faust" Gounod JAMES K. BRODY, Baritone ADDREss-"Education and Democracy" DR. ALLEN A. STOCKDALE Speakers' Bureau, National Association of Manufacturers New York City Overture to the opera "11 Guarany" Gomez MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE BAND CONFERRING OF DEGREES PRESIDENT ROBERT SmEY SHAW ALMA MATER GRADUATING CLASS RECESSIONAL-University Grand March Goldman MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE BAND The audience is requested to remain seated until the faculty and graduating class withdrCDw 3 ALMA MATER Close beside the winding Cedar's Sloping banks of green, Spreads thy campus, Alma Mater, Fairest ever seen. Chorus: Swell the chorus; Let it echo Over hill and vale; Hail to thee, our loving mother, M. S. C., ,all hail! First of all thy race, fond mother, Thus we greet thee now, While with loving hands the laurel Twine we o'er thy brow. Backward through the hazy distance Troop the days of yore, Scenes and faces .float before us Cherished more and more. College Hall and Wells and Williams, Abbott and the rest, Halcyon days were those spent with you Days of all the best. Fold us fondly to your bosom Alma Mater dear, Sing we now thy endless praises Sounding cheer on cheer. 4 CLASS ROSTER DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE The candidates will be presented by DEAN ERNEST LEE AN'fHONY DEGREE: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE a, Agriculture; 1, Landscape Architecture Edmond William Alchin, a Howard George Hahn, a Carlton Edwin Parmelee, a Thomas Scott Anderson, a *Jeannette Henrietta Hanchett, a Audley Elmer Perkins, a *Ruth Caroline Baker, a Frederick Gordon Harland, a Glenn Ralph Perkins, a Lindo Joseph Bartelli, a Raymond Caley Hart, a Alice Josephine Pickford, a William George Batten, a PaUl Stanley Hensley, a Raymond Pillar, a Ned Duane Bayley, a Booker Taliaferro Holmes, a J. B. Poffenberger, a Jerome Belleau, a Claude John Hornbacher, a Louis Walfred Raymond, 1 Howard Christian Besemer, a Andrew R. Jackson, a Beryl Blaine Rendell, a Charles Francis Boomer, a John Daniel Johnson, a Louis Francis Reuter, a *George Daniel Bottoms, I *Leo Raymond Kangas, a George Roland Ritchie, a William Jacob Brakel, a Henry Christian Kass, a Milan Keith Russell, a Lee Henry Brown, a Wallace Stitt Keefer, a Edwin Ward St. John, a Clark Herman Bullen, a James Beal Kelly, a Walter Phelps Schroeder, a Henry Frank Burgess, a Wallace Albert Keskitalo, a Joseph Herbert Schultz, a *Martin Daniel Buth, Jr., a Roland Erwin Krauss, a Ernest Wilbur Scott, a Peter Samuel Calabrese, a Raymond Kazimer Kukoski, a "'Myron Seeder, a Francis Charles Campau, a "'Leonard Ray Kyle, a John Burdette Shaft, a Royce Lee Campbell, a August Herman Lange, Jr., a Dean Nelson Smith, a Howard Revere Clupper, a Wayne Allan LeCureux, a Joseph Hartley Strong, a Gardner Wells Cranston, a Harold Richard Long, a Kenneth Albin Swanson, a "'Duane Walter Dalgleish, a CarI Frederick Lorenzen, a Norman Ray Thompson, a Merritt Ira Darrow, a William Bertram Lull, a Lawrence Eugene Tripp, a Donald Edward Dickson, a *William Bert Lutz, a Charles Wallace Valleau, a Jack Kyuang Ob Dunn, a Robert Paul Lyons, a Vern Alvin Vandemark, a Leonard Zerah Eggleton, a Arthur William McAllister, a JoOe John Vaydik, a John Charles Evatt, a Robert Woodrow McIntosh, a John George Vucich, a Earl Eugene Fenton, a Frederick Dean Mahrle, a William Michael Warren, a Oscar James Fischer, a Norbert Albert Markert, a Benjamin Westrate, a Raymond Theron Floate, a Richard Gabriel Miles, a Walter Francis Westrin, a Perry Austin FoOrman, 1 *Texton Robert Miller, a Wesley Wellington Wickett, a John B. Gardner, a Francis Montgomery, a Walter Joseph Wiggins, a Clemens Theodore Glotzhober, a Herman William Newland, a Donald Joseph Willems, a Francis Charles Godbold, a Nicholas N. Novosel, a Ferris John Wilson, a John Delos Goodar, a Percy John Nugent, a Lloyd Albert Winslow, a Ralph Elgin Graves, 1 James Willard Osborne, a Arthur Ripatte Wolcott, a Arthur William Gronlund, a Wilson Eugene Overton, a Richard Falls Woodruff, a "'Clare Alward Gunn, I *With Honor **With High Honor 5 DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE (Continued) FORESTRY DEGREE: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Arthur LeRoy Barber Bernard Christen Johnson Roy Allen Russell William Waddington Beadle Charles Wilson Kappler William Andrew Rysberg John Allen Beale George Carter Keller Donald Allison Sea gel Harold Howard Burgess *Robert Harry Krejci Harvey Manley Seeley Marvin Ellis Cooley Herbert Richard Leighton Forest Ruben Shipman Daniel Fred Ellis Walter William Lemhlien Roy Edward Skog Max Henry Ellsworth Frank M. Lievense, Jr. David Stroud Eric Karl Engman William Vandiver Maring Lacy Donald Taylor Howard Walter Fox Frank Richard Martin, Jr. Robert Howard Thompson George Edward Genaux Charles Edward Nelson Wilton LeRoy Wainman Walter Francis Halliday J. Milford Nichols Ernest William Walline Charles Disbrow Harris Louis Francis Nord Russell Fred Walter Fred Henry Haskin Ralph Glasser Olson Julius Weiss Robert Arthur Hume Lloyd Preston Pardee Charles Chandler White Kelton William Huxford Peter Rickers DIVISION OF ENGINEERING The candidates will be presented by DEAN HENRY BERNHARD DIRKS DEGREE: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE m, Mechanical; c) Civil; e, Electrical; ch, Chemical ·William Eugene Arnold, ch Max Eugene Dalrymple, m Wilbur James Kincade, m William Clute Atkin, ch *Alan G. Davis, c Arvid Lloyd Knudsen, e LaVern M. Aurand, ch Harold Henry DeBoer, e John Louis Krueger, m Donald Lee Baker, c Howard Boyer Dickie, m Richard Charles Laramy, ch Robert Leslie Baker, m *Robert Murtland Field, m Martin Leonard LaRoss, m "'Robert James Baldwin, Jr., ch Frank Curtis Filter, m **Marvin Wendell Larson, ch William John Barry, ch Frank J. Fisher, Jr., ch Ezetic Paul Lauzun, ch Robert Edward Benn, e Robert Edward Flading, m Philip Hardie Lawrence, ch Emil Henry Besch, ch Richard Glenn Foster, c Arthur Harvey Leach, c "'Christian Fred Beukema, c * *Raymond Dale Frank, c Francis Earl LeClear, e Gail Charles Blomquist, c Charles Goodsell Fulkerson, C John William Leggat, Jr., m Jack Junior Boughner, m Paul Edward Gage, ch Charles Philip Lewis, m Donald William Brice, c Marvin Lyman Germaine, c Har.old C. MacDonald, m Orville J. Bush, c Charles William Gettel, ch *Roger McIntyre, m Robert Jay Buzenberg, ch *George Roger Grenzke, m John Theodore Maghielse, m Kenneth Dunlop Byron, e Ralph Griese, m **Norris Elmer March, e Theodore Halleck Caldwell, Jr., ch William Nelson Hall, ch Donald Ray Marti, m James Cecil Carothers, ch Truman Jasper Hammel, ch "'Ross J. Martin, m Kenneth Kay Carpenter, ch Arthur James Harris, e Erwin Theodore Massa, c "'Peter Paul Chevis, ch Robert Ashley Heath, m George Henry Mead, ch Harry Lester Conrad, c Crawford W.oodrow Hertel, m John Louis Meyer, c David Graham Cowden, e Robert Carl Johnson, e Elmer William Michael, ch Stephen Bronson Co.wdery, ch * "'Evert Woodrow Kilgren, ch Warren Nelson Milks, ch Dale Virgil Cropsey, e Norman Theodore Kincade, m *Robert Davis Moses, m Garrett Herman Mouw, ch *With Honor **With High Honor 6 DIVISION OF ENGINEERING (Continued) R bert Franklin Nash, m Robert Willis Rothe, c Eugene Carl Sunnen, m R~bert Frederick Nelson, e Donald Albert Rowden, e Kenith William Templin, e Roy Peter Nels.on, ch Vincent Michael Sauve', e Arthur George Thayer, m Rolla Frank N oonon, e John Joseph Scales, Jr., ch * *Louis Noel Theroux, e Chester Milton Olson, e Donald Wooster Schang, c *Arthur Charles Thomas, ch Lawrence Neil Owen, ch Irving Bruce Sherman, ch Carl James Thomsen, m Arthur James Parker, c Francis Arnold Sibley, e David Milnes Watson, m Robert Harvey Pete, ch William Henry Smith, m Lawrence George Wean, c Graham Kennedy Philp, ch William Jacob Smith, ch Ralph Kurtz Weissert, e Gerald Lewis Pratt, ch Homer Weldon Spence, e James Nelson Westveer, m Gordon Powell Publow, ch Roy George Spiess, Jr., m Robert Wellington Williams, ch Thomas Jay Reeves, m Robert William Spinner, m Harold Stoddard Wilson, c Lynn Clare Rice, m Lewis Elmer Stanwick, ch Keith Edward Wise, ch Warren BurIen Rice, ch *Gerard Nicholas Stelma, m *Max Leland Young, m Arthur Clarence Robillard, m *Kermit Archibald Stevenson, c Herbert Wilbur Zindler, m DIVISION OF HOME ECONOMICS The candidates will be presented by DEAN :MARI E D YE DEGREE: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE *Anne Farwell Adams Grace Arlene Cobb Roberta Lorraine Hoffman Isabelle Mildred Alfsen Donna Lee Myers Colby Jeanne Frances Houghton Harriet Adele Anderson *Jean Wandah Collar Harriet Ellen Houliston Helen Louise Appel Ann Walker Colter Barbara Elnora Jenks Betty-Jane Austin Dorothy Connell Elizabeth Jane Johnson Marion Virginia Banks Lela June Coonrod Fauvette Ethelyn Johnston Dolores Anita Bardelli Alice Louise Lang Cooper Ruth Ann Jubb Barbara Jean Barrell Katherine Louise Covel Rita Ann Kasper Frances Louise Bates Virginia Maxine Crosby Josephine Kelly Mary Ann Bauer Jean Clair Curtis Wilma Julia Keturi Margaret Rhuana Becker Jean Harden Curtis Lois LaVerne Killham * *Jean Marie Bedford Betty Jane Dagwell Margaret Grace King Josephine Louise Besancon Dorothy Mae Davey Marjorie Mary Kline Mary Frances Bliss Cleo Jean Davidson Lillian Marian Kulsea Mary Esther Boer Martha Marie Deters Doris Rose Larner Mary Grace Borland *Betty Elaine Faist *Rosemary Lee Maxine Evelyn Boudeman Margaret Darrah Freeland Margaret Arlene Lessiter Jane Stevenson Bowen Wilma Mary Fritz *Virginia Catherine Light Jeanne May Bradley Alice Virginia Gallagher Elizabeth Mansfield Loudon Elizabeth Scovel Brown Helen Jane Giffen Genevra Eleanor Lubahn Gladys Elizabeth Brown Leona Catherine Gordon Jean Ellen MacDonald Belva Jane Bruce *Marjorie Goudzwaard Mary Ward McCormick Mary Allen Burkholder Barbara Catherine Gribler *Elsie Holmes McKibbin Lucille Mildred Callison Leila Maude Gunnison Arlene Ellen McLellan Annanell Campbell Mildred Clark Harris Phyllis M.