Flemish Policies on Early School Leaving: a Field Description & Policy Analysis
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 320223. RESL.eu Working Paper Series Working Paper 2 Flemish Policies on Early School Leaving: A Field Description & Policy Analysis Final Version, [2013-10-31] Responsible Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies institution: University of Antwerp Authors: Ward Nouwen Noel Clycq Marjolein Braspenningx Christiane Timmerman Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3 A. – Identification and analysis of educational and social policies related to reducing ESL in Flanders ..................................................................................................................................... 4 1. Changing social, economic and/or cultural contexts and their impacts on the Flemish educational system starting from the Lisbon Strategy (2000) ...................................................... 4 a) Changes in the Flemish education and training system ................................................. 4 b) Changes in Flemish social and employment policies ..................................................... 6 2. Drivers and objectives influencing ESL related transformations in the Flemish education and training system .................................................................................................................... 8 Recent discussions
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