English Readers A Pocket Full of Rye

Part 1 (Chapters 1–8) 4 Comprehension Complete this summary of the story with the words in the 1 Vocabulary box. CompleteStudent the phrases Activities using the words in the box. weedkiller poison taxine poisonous berries hold stand living spell dare forge off yew trees arsenic 1 under someone’s _____ Rex Fortescue dies after he swallows some (1) ______. 2 make a ______The doctor at the hospital thinks it is an interesting 3 _____ a cheque case, because he says people usually use (2) ______. He 4 ‘How _____ you!’ discovers that Rex has been poisoned by (3) ______, 5 _____ up to which comes from (4) ______. There had been a recent 6 break _____ case of children using (5) ______from this tree to make 7 _____ a grudge pretend tea. Jennifer Fortescue asks if the killer used (6) ______, which is another (7) ______substance. 2 Vocabulary Look at the word families in the boxes below. Add the words 5 Grammar in the box to the correct word family. Some boxes can have Complete the extracts using the correct narrative tense. more than one word. Past simple: anxious forge comfortingly kettle nonsense fearless I _____ (take) a secretarial course and then a job as a shorthand typist. I _____ (decide) I _____ (be) in the Adjectives: wrong business, and _____ (start) on my present career. glamorous, outrageous, ______, ______Past perfect: Neele questioned her and discovered that she _____ Abstract nouns: (be) in a private house first and after that _____ (work) bitterness, loyalty, ______in various cafés. She _____ (come) to Yewtree Lodge in September. She _____ (be) there two months. Nouns: saucer, cereal, ______6 Grammar Adverbs: Match the phrases to make descriptions. recklessly, deliberately, ______1 He was always a he was looking forward to something exciting. Verbs: 2 He never seemed to me b had been drinking. hesitate, shrug, ______3 I thought he c very secretive. 4 It seemed like d openly about them. 3 Comprehension 5 Recently he’d been e really ill. Are the sentences true or false? Correct any which you think talking are false. 1 Rex Fortescue drinks the same tea as everyone else at work. 2 Both doctors think he has been poisoned. 3 Rex Fortescue didn’t say anything before he died. 4 Inspector Neele thinks the name of the house is significant. 5 Rex and Adele have three children together. 6 Mary Dove is very upset to hear about Rex Fortescue’s death. 7 Rex and Percival had a big argument at work once. 8 Mary Dove tells Neele exactly what Rex had to eat and drink.

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Part 2 (Chapters 9–13) 3 Grammar Match the phrasal verbs to the correct meaning. 1 Vocabulary 1 tear up – He tore up Adele’s a to travel to a place, CompleteStudent the puzzle. Activities What is the mystery word shown in the letter angrily. often from another grey squares? country 1 2 bring up – I was brought up b to be raised from a 2 on nursery rhymes. child

3 3 pick up – Mary picked up the c to leave a place tray and took it in. 4 4 look up – She looked up into d to look happier 5 the dark, handsome face. 6 5 go out – She’s gone out e to rip something 7 without permission. into smaller pieces

8 6 light up – Lance’s attractive f to lift something, face lit up with laughter. e.g. from the floor 9 7 come over – I came over to g to lift your head so 10 England three months ago. you are looking at something higher 1 a plant which is like a very small tree than you 2 something that helps you find the answer to a puzzle or 8 go on – What goes on behind h to happen, often in mystery it, I wouldn’t like to say. secret 3 to kill someone by squeezing their throat so tightly that they are unable to breathe 4 Grammar 4 to show that what you believe is definitely true Choose the correct modifiers to complete the sentences 5 not real from the story. 6 feeling uncertain about something 1 She never looks ______clean. (always / completely) 7 small, delicate, or pretty 2 Men didn’t take ______notice of her. (much / very) 8 words which sound the same; a short poem 3 She was ______stupid too. (also / rather) 9 being married but having a relationship with another 4 The explanation had been ______easy. (to / too) person 5 That seems ______unlikely. (some / most) 10 being able to think and behave normally, not being 6 She felt comfortable with this ______unhappy- mentally ill looking girl. (rather / more) 7 It was the clothes peg that made me so ______2 Vocabulary angry. (very / much) Solve the anagrams. Then write the words in the correct 8 It was ______a cruel thing to do! (so / such) sentences. 5 Comprehension csonse pslgmie ndyiaec sciouru sepawno Match these sentences to the person who might say them. ______etcusps trifonpot yrtapn 1 I have to make sure the police a Mrs Crump ______don’t find those letters! 2 Gladys needs to come back here b Mary Dove 1 I think I caught a ______of somebody through the window. and help me in the kitchen. 2 He left a large ______in the mud outside. 3 I didn’t know Percival’s brother c Miss 3 Let’s have something to eat – would you like tea and was so attractive. Ramsbottom ______? 4 I’m delighted to see my brother d Inspector 4 I am very ______to know your secret! again. Neele 5 The main ______has escaped! 5 I’m sure Gladys knows more than e Vivian Dubois 6 Look in the ______for more tea. we realize. 7 ______is a very dangerous poison. 6 I found some useful information f Elaine 8 Countries developed new ______after the Second World War. in Gladys’s room. Fortescue © HarperCollins Publishers 2012. This page is photocopiable. 2 English Readers A Pocket Full of Rye

Part 3 (Chapters 14–21) 4 Grammar Complete the summary with the words in the box. 1 Vocabulary ReadStudent the clues and Activities complete the words. may might have have to maybe ought must 1 someone who has and controls a lot of money and uses it to Inspector Neele thinks that Vivian (1) ______gone make more money: c ______through the garden to the side door. Then (2) ______2 to say that something is not true: d _ _ _ he waited until tea was over before going to find Adele. 3 betting money on the result of a game, a race or He decided he (3) ______speak to Jennifer. competition: g ______‘I’m afraid we (4) ______ask more questions,’ he said. 4 in a dangerous way: r ______Jennifer told him that Adele had made a new will, 5 the situation where a person or company cannot pay their and that she said everybody (5) ______to have a debts: b ______will. Next, Neele speaks to Lance and Pat about the 6 doing a particular task without being forced to do it: blackbirds. Lance tells him about the Blackbird Mine, v ______and says that Aunt Effie (6) ______be able to help 7 an extremely sad event or situation: t ______him. 8 to tell someone that you believe they did something wrong or dishonest: a _ _ _ _ _ 5 Comprehension Answer the questions. 2 Vocabulary 1 Who did Mr Fortescue go to the Blackbird Mines with? Complete the sentences with the words in the box...... trust fund depressed objection knitting action 2 What happened when Mrs MacKenzie came to Yewtree anti-social stocks solicitor Lodge? 1 He doesn’t get on with other people, he’s quite ______...... 2 You should ask a ______for advice if you are making a 3 What does Gerald say he did on the night of Adele’s will. murder? 3 She’s been unhappy for a long time, I think she’s ______...... 4 My aunt is ______lots of clothes for the new baby. 4 How did Pat’s first two husbands die? 5 Ella works in the City selling ______and shares...... 6 He says he’s a vegetarian, but he has no ______to eating 5 Does Miss Ramsbottom trust Lance and Percival? fish! ...... 7 Annabelle is very lucky, she has a ______to live on. 6 What does Percival hope Lance is going to do? 8 Many soldiers were killed in ______in the war...... 7 What does Mrs MacKenzie say about her family when 3 Grammar Neele visits her? Write the questions in the correct order. Be careful – some of ...... them use question tags. 8 Who does Jennifer think the murderer is? 1 anybody / did / you / see / Mr Wright / this / on / ...... walk / ? 2 you / meet / did / where / nephew / my / ? 3 wasn’t / horse-racing / a / was / he / man / he / ? 4 money / then / happens / that / to / what / ? 5 promise / what / make / you / did / them / ? 6 relations / any / come / see / her / to / do / of / her / ? 7 know / who / you / don’t / is / you / it / ? 8 a / unhappiness / you’ve / lot / had / you / haven’t / of / ?

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Part 4 (Chapters 22–27) 3 Why did Lance choose to kill Gladys? ...... 1 Vocabulary 4 Why is the Blackbird Mine now worth a lot of money? ReadStudent the clues and Activities complete the crossword puzzle......

1 5 What does Jennifer give to Mary Dove? ...... 2 6 What coincidence does Neele discuss with Mary Dove? 3 4 ...... 7 Why is Gladys’s letter late in reaching ?

5 6 ...... 8 What final piece of evidence does Gladys give to Miss Marple? ......

4 Comprehension In this section, Lance and Percival discuss the family 7 business. Draw the following table and examples on the 8 board, and ask students to complete it with their opposing points of view: Across 5 a person who helps to commit a crime Percival Lance 7 a feeling of great satisfaction when you get something you Does he want to work Yes – he has want in the business? worked in it 8 to kill a person as a punishment for a crime, using a rope for many years How does he think the They should Down business should be run? take more risks 1 proof that you were somewhere else when a crime was with money committed How does he feel about 2 someone who is blamed for something that is not their fault his brother? 3 a metal that is used to produce nuclear energy and weapons What does he think 4 your own opinion about something which you cannot about his father? prove but think is true 6 someone who works with finance and investments 5 Grammar Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs 2 Comprehension in the box. Put these events in the correct time sequence. a __ Rex dies in hospital. hear make fail murder see not live meet be tell b __ Lance poisons Adele’s tea. 1 All these items _____ a strange kind of pattern in the c __ Gladys gets a job at Yewtree Lodge. back of his mind. d __ Albert rings Gladys to say he will visit her. 2 ‘She took one tray in with the tea on it, then she ____ e __ Gladys meets Albert on holiday. or ____ something.’ f __ Albert (Lance) strangles Gladys in the garden. 3 ‘But she _____ longer than a month after her husband’s g __ Gladys puts taxine in Rex’s marmalade. death.’ h __ Mary Dove sees someone in the garden. 4 Miss Marple never _____ to surprise him! 5 ‘Are you saying that Gladys deliberately _____ Rex 3 Comprehension Fortescue?’ Answer the questions. 6 ‘She ____ him last summer at a holiday camp.’ 1 What does Gladys think she is giving Mr Fortescue? 7 ‘I don’t know what story he ____ her to explain the rye.’ ...... 8 ‘There _____ unexplained calls that day.’ 2 Why does Lance want more money? ...... © HarperCollins Publishers 2012. This page is photocopiable. 4 English Readers A Pocket Full of Rye

Part 1 (Chapters 1–8) 3 strangle 2 Vocabulary 4 confirm 1 anti-social 1 Vocabulary 5 fake 2 solicitor 6 doubtful 1 spell 3 depressed Answer Key (Student Activities) 7 dainty 2 living 4 knitting 8 rhyme 3 forge 5 stocks 9 adultery 4 dare 6 objection 10 sane 5 stand 7 trust fund Mystery word: blackbirds 6 off 8 action 7 hold 2 Vocabulary 3 Grammar 2 Vocabulary 1 glimpse 1 Did anybody see you on this walk, 2 footprint adjectives: anxious, fearless Mr Wright? 3 scones abstract nouns: nonsense 2 Where did you meet my nephew? 4 curious nouns: kettle 3 He was a horse-racing man, wasn’t he? 5 suspect adverbs: comfortingly 4 Then what happens to that money? 6 pantry verbs: forge 5 What did you make them promise? 7 cyanide 6 Do any of her relations come to see her? 8 weapons 7 You know who it is, don’t you? 3 Comprehension 8 You’ve had a lot of unhappiness, haven’t you? 1 False. He drinks special tea from a separate pot. 3 Grammar 1 e 2 True 4 Grammar 2 b 3 False. He said something had been put in his 1 might have 3 f tea. 2 maybe 4 g 4 True 3 must 5 c 5 False. Rex has three children from a previous 4 have to 6 d marriage. 5 ought 7 a 6 False. She is very calm. 6 may 8 h 7 True 8 True 5 Comprehension 4 Grammar 1 He went with Mr MacKenzie. 4 Comprehension 1 completely 2 She said she wanted revenge for her 2 much 1 poison husband’s death. She said she would bring 3 rather 2 weedkiller her children up to get revenge. 4 too 3 taxine 3 He went for a walk by himself. 5 most 4 yew trees 4 Her first husband was killed in the war and 6 rather 5 berries her second shot himself. 7 very 6 arsenic 5 No, she doesn’t. 8 such 7 poisonous 6 He hopes he will leave the country and go somewhere exciting. 7 She says her son is dead and she has no 5 Grammar 5 Comprehension 1 e contact with her daughter because she didn’t 1 took 2 a do as she was told. 2 decided 3 b 8 She thinks it is Mr Crump. 3 was 4 f 4 started 5 c 5 had been 6 d 6 had worked Part 4 (Chapters 22–27) 7 had come 8 had been 1 Vocabulary Part 3 (Chapters 14–21) 6 Grammar Across 5 accomplice 1 c 1 Vocabulary 7 triumph 2 e 1 capitalist 8 hang 3 b 2 deny 4 a 3 gambling Down 5 d 4 reckless 1 5 bankruptcy 2 scapegoat 6 voluntary 3 uranium Part 2 (Chapters 9–13) 7 tragedy 4 theory 8 accuse 6 city man 1 Vocabulary 1 bush 2 clue © HarperCollins Publishers 2012. This page is photocopiable. 5 English Readers A Pocket Full of Rye

2 Comprehension 1 e 2 c 3 g 4 a 5 d 6 h 7 f 8 b

3 Comprehension 1 She thinks she is giving him a truth drug. 2 So he can have a good life with Pat, who he loves. 3 To make the murders fit the nursery rhyme and to make it look like the MacKenzies did it. 4 Because uranium has been discovered there. 5 £500, which she gets from selling a necklace. 6 The fact that burglaries happen in houses where she has worked, and that the burglars know where the valuables are kept. 7 It went to the wrong house. 8 A photo of Albert: Lance

4 Comprehension

Percival Lance Does he want Yes – he has No – but to work in worked in he says he the business? it for many wants to years be involved to annoy Percival How does Cautiously They should he think the and without take more business spending a risks with should be lot of money money run? How does he He doesn’t He doesn’t feel about like him like him his brother? What does He had been He he think behaving in shouldn’t be about his a crazy way bullied by father? Percival

5 Grammar 1 made 2 saw/heard 3 didn’t live 4 failed 5 murdered 6 met 7 told 8 were

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