july 2020 Number 243

Sports spectacular Newsletter Norburians keeping active!

Stuthi from Year 1 has been out and about keeping active! My sporting hero by Aida Year 3 My sporting hero is Nadia Comaneci Aya from Year 3 has been practising her skateboarding! (Romanian Gymnast), because she was the first gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10.0 at the . In 1976, at the age of 14, she got this award. At the same games (1976 Summer Olympics in ) she received 6 more perfect 10s for events en route to winning 3 Gold Medals. Some of the our Norburians participating in the Virtual London Youth Games challenge. Weeks 1-3!

My sporting hero by Jacob Year 5 My sporting hero by Rutu Year 5 “My sporting superhero is Nile Wilson because “My sporting hero is not well known because it is my he has achieved so much. He has achieved an dad. Not only is my dad amazing at any sport he takes up, Olympic Bronze Medal and all his Common- but he is the reason I started sports. When I was 2, I hat- wealth Medals. Another reason he is my inspira- ed going out and competing and doing anything involv- tion is because he perseveres ,for example he ing me being sporty in front a crowd. So, my dad took me out every day, set up a course for me and let me do broke his foot on an apparatus but he continued my thing. I slowly started enjoying moving and have be- to train. He had a neck surgery but he is still come sportier since. My sporting hero encouraged me looking to compete and was always there for me. in the next Olympics Without him, I would not and represent England only be inactive, but I’d also once more. So one day I be shy because my dad want to be like Nile and showed me how not to win an ” be timid and it is ok to not be ok. Thanks to my sport- ing hero, for opening my eyes to sports.”