ATM VBS Day 1 Lesson Skit: Is Our Creator

Younger Group

The Beginning of TIme BIble Skit Actors: Harry the Camel Puppet, voice of God, , , voice of snake. If you have limited people, The narrator, voice of God and voice of snake can be the same person). If you don’t have other adults for actors, assign the parts to children and let them read and act out the story.

Scene: Sign that reads: “Garden of Eden”. The room is decorated with fake or real trees, plants and flowers. Set up a water fountain if you can borrow one. are seated behind the white sheet in silhouette. They should gesture with their arms when they talk. See Bible Scene Decorations for more details.

Props for the Skit: * Harry the Camel Puppet * Fake snake • Apples or some other large “forbidden” fruit • Sound effects such as waterfall, tropical rain forest, etc. • Adam and Eve should dress in snug apparel like leggings, body suits, etc.


Harry Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. My name is Harry the Camel, and I will be your host during your travels in the time machine. If everyone will be very quiet, I will tell you a very cool story about the beginning of time. There are some cool motions to go with it, so follow along.

In the beginning God created the , (children reach for the sky) that’s way up there, (tilt head up) and the earth, that’s under our feet (stomp feet). A great, empty darkness covered everything. (cover eyes)

And God said, “Let there be light,” (uncover eyes) and there was light.

I wonder how He did that? Wouldn’t it be cool to just say it and it is? Like I could say, let there be a hot fudge sundae in my hand, and there it would be. Oh, well. I guess God is the only one who could do that. I wonder if he makes himself hot fudge sundaes? Oh, I should get back to the story.

God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning of the first day.

And God said, “Let there be “sky” above the waters (reach for sky). And that was the second day.

© ATM VBS Day 1 Lesson Skit: God Is Our Creator

And God said, “Let there be seas, and land. Let the land produce plants and trees.” (Pretend to be a tree. If you have waterfall sound effects, start them). And it was good. And this was the end of the third day.

And God said, “Let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night. (Turn on back light). And God made a bright golden sun to light the sky and warm the earth, and a glowing moon and stars to fill the night sky. God saw that it was good. And this was the fourth day.

And God said, “Let the water be filled with living creatures, that would be fish and whales and crabs, (Put palms together and wiggle in front of you like a fish). and let birds fly above the earth and across the sky.” (Pretend to be a bird). And this was the fifth day.

And God said, “Let living creatures fill the land.” And God made every type of animal like cows that moo (moo), dogs that bark (bark), cats that meow (meow) and CAMELS, just like me. Does anyone know what sound a camel makes? Here goes. Nurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Can you do it with me this time? And camels that nur (Nurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr). Wow, I feel like I’m back home in the camel herd. Can you do it one more time for me? And camels that nur. (Nurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr).

Then God said, “Let us make people to take care of the new world.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the he created them; male and female he created them. They were named Adam and Eve and God gave them His perfect world in which to live and care for. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And this was the sixth day.

Now everything was complete, and on the seventh day God rested. (Pretend to sleep). After all of that, I would be tired too, wouldn’t you?

Now God created a special garden in Eden where Adam and Eve were to live and in the center of the garden stood a special tree. Let’s listen and maybe we can hear what is going on.

Adam: Look, Eve. That animal runs like the wind. Look how beautiful it is with it’s tail flowing behind and its mane rippling in the sun. I think I will call it a horse.

Eve: Horse, that’s a wonderful name, Adam. What about this? It is soft and delicate and smells wonderful.

Adam: Hmmm. How about flower?

Eve: Flower. That would be perfect. God will be so pleased with all the names you have chosen for his beautiful creations. We can tell Him when He comes to visit later.

Adam: I think I hear him now.

© ATM VBS Day 1 Lesson Skit: God Is Our Creator

God: Adam? Eve? Where are you?

Adam: (Waves arm). We’re over here, Lord, naming the animals as you asked.

Eve: (Points) That’s a horse, drinking from the lake over there. And this, in my hair, is a flower.

God: Those are wonderful names you have chosen. You have done well. And do you have plenty to eat and drink?

Adam: Of course. We have everything around us that you have provided.

God: You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree that gives knowledge of good and evil, if you eat from it you will die.

Adam: The tree in the middle of the garden that has the large red fruit?

God: That is the tree.

Adam: That is such a little thing to ask. We promise never to go near it or eat its fruit.

God: That is good. Well, you have had a busy day, and I am sure you are tired. I will visit tomorrow. I love you, Adam. I love you, Eve.

Adam and Eve: We love you, Lord. (God departs).

Adam: Now that God’s visit is over, I will go and fetch some water from the lake for dinner.

Eve: And I will gather some food.

(Adam leaves and the snake appears).

Snake: (In a hissing voice) Did God really say that you must not eat from a certain tree in the garden?

Eve: God said we couldn’t eat fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden, and we must not not touch it, or we will die.

Snake: You will not die. God knows that when you eat from it you will be wise. You will be like God, knowing good and evil.

Eve: It does look good. (Eve reaches up and takes an apple in her hand and takes a bite out of it). And it tastes good too. (Adam returns). Here, Adam, have some.

© ATM VBS Day 1 Lesson Skit: God Is Our Creator

(Adam also eats the fruit. Then God returns).

God: Adam? Eve?

Adam: Hurry, we must hide, before God sees what we have done. (Adam and Eve hide out of site of the screen).

God: Adam? Where are you?

Adam: We’re hiding.

God: Why are you hiding?

Adam: We’re afraid.

God: Did you disobey and eat the fruit you were not allowed to eat?

Adam: Eve ate it first and then she gave me some.

Eve: The snake said it would be all right, but he tricked me.

God: You disobeyed me. You have broken your promise to me and sinned for all of man. You must leave the Garden of Eden and never return. You will not eat from the tree of life and live forever. Because of your sin, you must one day die. (Back light goes out).

Harry: And Adam and Eve sadly left the beautiful Garden of Eden, to go out into the world alone. From that day forward, whenever they saw God they felt ashamed and afraid. Because they had disobeyed, their special relationship with God had forever changed.
