April 30, 2008 The Gannon Knight • Jumps 13 PSYCH: Students seek further knowledge Continued from page 1 "I knew that was the approach planned to attend the lecmre because he wanted to expand his knowledge of Adler and his theories. born psychologist. Adler, the founder of individual psy¬ that I wanted to use when working "The job I want to do is help others, and I eventuaUy chology, studied personaUties and beUeved that the abiU¬ with kids and families, but even want to go into pubUc health which should help me ty to work with others for a common good was attributed restore social equaUty," he said. to sound mental health. more, I wanted to formalize my life The lecture is free; McCurdy invited everyone inter¬ McCurdy said he has been fascinated by Adler and his around it." ested to attend and get exposure to different Adlerian principles for quite some time. topics. "Once I took a course on Adlerian supervision," he . - Dr. Kenneth McCurdy "It is a reaUy good opportunity to give our students a said. "I knew that was the approach that I wanted to use associate professor variety of venues to get information about Adler and when working with kids and famiUes, but even more, I community counseling program mental health," he said. wanted to formaUze my Ufe around it." McCurdy said he wiU address the stages and processes gy interesting to study. of counseling from an Adlerian prospective. "His theories are pretty versatile and hoUstic, aU while TED HOAG , ijoajf)
[email protected] MeUssa Schmidt, a graduate assistant in the communi¬ piecing them together," she said.