7088 the London Gazette, 8 November, 1932

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7088 the London Gazette, 8 November, 1932 7088 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 8 NOVEMBER, 1932. The undermentioned Pilot Officers are pro- AUXILIARY AIR FORCE. moted to the .rank of Flying Officer: — 10th Oct. 1932. GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH. Samuel Mark MOSELEY. No. 602 (City of Glasgow) (Bomber) Squadron. 13th Oct. 1932. —Pilot Officer James Hozier HODGE is pro- John Weir BURGESS. moted to the rank of Flying Officer. 30th Terence Gunion LOVELL-GREGG. Sept. 1932. Jack Blanchard SIMS. Hamish McCulloch WHITE. Flight Lieutenant Leonard Edward More- land GILLMAN is restored to full pay from India Office, S.W.I, half pay. 28th Oct. 1932. November 5th, 1932. Flight Lieutenant James William BELL, D.S.M., is placed on the half-pay list, The KING has been pleased to appoint Scale A. 4th Nov. 1932. Mahim Chandra Ghosh, Esquire, Indian Civil Squadron Leader Reginald Frederick Service, to be one of the Judges of the High Stuart LESLIE, D.S.C., D.F.O., A.F.C., is Court of Judicature at Calcutta, in the place transfer-red to the half-pay list, Scale B, of Mr. Justice John Fuller Graham, Indian from the half-pay list, Scale A. 26th Oct. Civil Service, who has retired. 1932. Lt.-Cdr. Matthew Sausse SLATTERY, R.N., Flight Lieutenant, R.A.F., ceases to be attached to the R.A.F. on return to Naval duty. 1st Nov. 1932. LONDON TRAFFIC ACT, 1924. Squadron Leader Seymour Stewart BENSON, A.F.O., ceases to be seconded to the Notice is hereby given that on the 31st Imperial Japanese Navy. 2nd Nov. 1932. day of October, 1932, the Minister of Transport made the London Traffic (Restricted Streets) Pilot Officer on probation Donaid Garth (No. 2) Regulations, 1932, under Section 7 (2) Ross is transferred to the Reserve, Class A. of the London Traffic Act, 1924, limiting the 4th Nov. 1932. number of omnibuses which may ply for hire along the streets named in the Schedule to STORES BRANCH. the London Traffic (Restricted Streets) Order, The undermentioned are placed on the re- 1932. tired list: — 3rd Nov. 1932. Flight Lieutenant Frank James Bickley POWELL, M.B.E. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT. 4th Nov. 1932. Squadron Leader John WALKER. IN THE MATTER OF THE LONDON TRAFFIC ACT, 1924. MKDIGAL , BRANCH. Flying Officer Edward Kenneth PRITCHARD, Notice is hereby given under the Rules Pub- M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., relinquishes his com- lication Act, 1893, that it is proposed by the mission on completion of service. 20th Oct. Minister of Transport after the expiration of 1932. at least forty days from this date, in pur- suance of the powers conferred upon him by Section 7 of the aforesaid London Traffic Act to make Regulations amending the London ROYAL AIR FORCE RESERVE. Traffic (Restricted Streets) Regulations. RESERVE OP AIR FORCE OFFICERS. And notice is hereby, further given that on GENERAL; DUTIES BRANCH. account of urgency the Minister of Transport has under Section 2 of the Rules Publication Charles Findlay FYFE is granted a com- Act, 1893, made the London Traffic (Restricted mission in Class A as a Flying Officer on Streets) Amendment (Route No. 160) Pro- probation. 25th Oct. 1932. visional Regulations, 1932, to come into opera- Erik Blyth NELSON is granted a commis- tion forthwith- as Provisional Regulations to sion in Class AA (i) as a Pilot Officer on continue in force until Regulations have been puobation. 17th. Oct. 1932. made in accordance with the provisions of Flying Officer Arithony George LESTER is Section 1 of that Act. transferred from Class A. to Class C. 6th These Regulations provide for the 'Operation Nov. 1932. of certain additional omnibus journeys on Flying Officer (Hon. Flight Lieutenant) route' No. 160 (Old" Ford and London Bridge). Leonard. Arthur PARKER relinquishes his . Copies of the Provisional Regulations which commission on completion of service and is constitute the draft of the proposed Regula- permitted to retain the rank of Flight tions can be obtained forthwith, from the Lieutenant. 24th Oct. 1932. Ministry of Transport, 7, Whitehall 'Gardens, S.W.I, and subsequently as, soon ars they are MEDICAL .BRANCH. printed directly from H.M. Stationery Office, ••Slight Lieutenant Richard- Fairfax Tukino at the,following addresses:—Adastral House, GRAGBy,M.'D;,.is transferred from,Class D (ii) Kingsway, London, W.C.2; 120, George Street, to Class D (i). '23rd. .Sept. 1932. Edinburgh 2; York Street, Manchester 3 1, St..
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