DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR INTERNAL POLICIES POLICY DEPARTMENT D: BUDGETARY AFFAIRS Deterrence of fraud with EU funds through investigative journalism in EU-27 STUDY Abstract: The study depicts the state of investigative journalism in the 27 EU member states, with a focus on Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Spain, UK and a special focus on the interaction between European institutions and investigative journalists. It illustrates conditions promoting or impeding good investigative journalism in general, and in particular for reporting on fraud with EU funds and revenues. It recommends: a swift implementation of workable freedom of information laws across the EU, comprehensiveness of data provided by EU bodies and member states on their spending, targeted training for journalists, promotion of investigative centres and more cooperation between journalists and officials at EU and national levels, this in view of advanced transparency and helping citizens to understand the added value of EU spending. 17/10/2012 PE 490.663 EN This document was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control. It designated Bart STAES, MEP, to follow the study. AUTHORS Principal author for Fonds Pascal Decroos: Margo Smit, director Vereniging van Onderzoeksjournalisten co-authors: Brigitte Alfter, Mar Cabra, Annamarie Cumiskey, Ides Debruyne, Marcos García Rey, Rafael Njotea, Albrecht Ude Rozenweg 4-B B-1731 Zellik Belgium RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATOR Helmut Werner Policy Department D: Budgetary Affairs European Parliament B-1047 Brussels E-mail:
[email protected] LINGUISTIC VERSIONS Original: EN Translation executive summaries: DE, FR ABOUT THE EDITOR To contact the Policy Department or to subscribe to its newsletter please write to:
[email protected] Manuscript completed in August 2012.